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SEVENTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 93722 112 0 124 ISIDOR A ch m 6 106 By Isidor Auricsville P M Walker j 20235 Pimlico Im70ylt45fast 14 101 3 2 31 43 C Turner 7 Amalfl Spearhead Carlton G l 20211 Pimlico 78 l26fast 4 7 61 7 J McCahey 8 Klebttrnc Kewessa BCunurdprJ 20190 Pimlico 34 l14hvy 9 4 43 43J E Ambrose 8 Pom Bleu Br Ciinarder Horrori 20009 HdeGce 61 f l03fast 20 105 9 8 G G10 J McTagt 9 TPoint Miramichi Sluniljorll 19970 Bowie 78 l27fast 3 4 43 321 E Ambrose G Joe Deilwld Celto B Cunardor 19896 Bowie 34 l17slow 3 4 41 4 E Ambrose 7 Celto JimEasey Br Cunardcr WS38 Bowie 78 l27fast 5 3 42 1 E Ambrose 5 BCunarder HarShaw J Basey 18508 HdeGce 51 t l07fast 85 108 5 5 CoyG 52 3 = 1 R Shilling 7 TIseeit Prairie Coy 18463 HdeGce 34113 fast 5 1054 1054ALHENA G G 6 1 J McCahey C Housemaid Coquette w Lady LadyBy ALHENA b g 3 97 By Star Shoot Belle of Glendale J F Adams 10234 Pimlico 31 lfl4Vsfast 1110 103 9 2 21 3 = 1 C Turner 9 Richwood M Swcxid LTraven 20222 Pimlico 58 l01fast 2110 101 7 2 l k 11 c Turner 10 SWJohnsou Rmarliie Deviltry 20067 HdeGce 34 l13fast 41 97 7 5 4l 531 J McCaheyll Fair Helen Minstrel Fly Home 20011 HdeGce 34 l13fast 65 98 G G1XW14 4 44 4i W Ural G Fair Helen Elwah Jcrse Jr 1XW14 HdcGce 51 f l07Vfefast 1110102 3 2 2 24 W Ural 5 MnrJnrleA RcHccfn Nephlliyw 18462 HdeGcc 51 f l07fast 85 99 3 3 35 2 J McCahey 4 Uroomnower Gaelic Gliiiniiii 18444 HdeGcc 51 f l074fegood 3 107 3 2 2 21 J McCahoy 8 DrLarrick Reflection Tie Pin PinBy HUANDYWINE ch h i 108 By Stalwart Miss Canale J Wilkinson 20213 Pimlico 34 114 fast 215 iw 8 5 a siS VV Ural 8 Coy Monty Fox Jim Basev 20187 Pimlico 34 l16mud 2710 115 5 5iin 2 23 I R Shilling S Jim Basey DrCharcot Sleiith iin 38 HdeGce 34 l13fast 165 99 6 4 3s 1 W Ural 8 Al Bloeh Jon Finn L London 20000 Bowie 51 f lOSfast 165 110 6 2 l k Il W Ural 7 MarCasca ElMahdi Palm Leaf 19989 Bowie 51 f l08Vfefast 5 100 8 4 2nk 22 AV Ural S Vlley Thesieres Colors 19968 Bowie 34 l14fast 7 109 7 5 5s 21 AV Ural 8 Yodeling Martin Casca Dakota 19913 Bowie 51 I 108 fast 7 10910 9 5J 5 W Ural 10 Viley Richwood Al Bloch BlochBy BURWOOD b c 3 109 By Transvaal Miss McLaughlin A Turncy 20191 Pimlico 34 l16hvy 223 10S 2 3 4U 44 T Rice 7 Hiker Auians Kazan 17909 Churchl 34 I14good3110 108 7 8 n 41 J Smyth 14 Gold Girl Bs Brother BlllyJoe 17501 Douglas 51 f l07 ast 61 112 1 1 1 I3 J Smyth 11 Foxy Griff Christie Lonslleacli 17430 Douglas 61 f l07good 121 103 5 G S1 8T J Smyth 12 Martinos Tvpe Talebearer 15586 Windsor 51 f 109 fast fi 99 4 2 21 21 J Smyth 8 Ken Blackthorn Tie Pin PinG 15151 FortErie 5S 1 00 = 5ifast 95 98 6 G 6l G i J Smyth 8 Zin Del Blackthorn Gerthelina 15359 FortErie 51 f 1 07 fast 41 93 2 2 3 344 J Smyth G Aunt Josie Ilccnan Ken 15114 Hamton 58 l0l fcfast 12 100 6 5 53 41 j J Smyth 7 Aunt Josle Tarzan Casaba 15012 Conght 58 l02Hjfast 185 101 5 5 42 54i J Smyth G Casaba ZIn Del Proctor 14791 Dorval 58 l02ftfast 135 106 2 3 24 2i J Smyth 12 MCpbell RRMlllcr Celebrity CelebrityBy GOLDEN PLUME ch c 3 94 By Golden Maxim Plumeria C J Quinn 20236 Pimlico 34 114 fast 215 iol S 1 I3 Il M Buxton 10 Herniis7r Tsieres DHLSger 20220 Pimlico 34 l14fast 425 t5 G 1 U 43 L McAtee 11 CAshmde VStrosn Yorkville 20191 Pimlico 34 l16hvy 54 107 G G14C6G 1 li 5 = 3 M Buxton 9 Celebrity Norus Nellie C 14C6G PipRk Ab4Jf 5Gfast 20 108 16 Fell II AVolfe 1C P Henry T by Jury Lampoon 14332 Belmont 41 f st 54 fast 20 107 6 S 9l 11UT Glass 11 Encore Trial by Jury Sea Shell ShellBy FORT MONROE cb c 4 109 10917S44 McKinneyC By McGco Radiance D 7 McKinney 17S44 Hillcrest 61 t 124 fast 3 14 G C 6 ji c Acton 7 Urandywine Wavering M Lou 17758 Hillcrest Ab5S l00fast 1i 113 5 2 2J 2s R Acton G General Brandywine Curious 17704 Hillcrest G f l24fast 3 110 2 1 1 1 R Actun S PDniHs LoKcaldr MMnard 11613 Hillcrest Ab58 l00fast 2 110 1 1 1s I2 R Acton 0 Ynca Bis Lumax Carissima 17416 Wdhine 34 l14hvy 29 106 3 1 21 7 i C VanDun 11 Gordon Grazcle Dicks Pet 17311 Dufferin AbGS l00fast 6 115 3 2 2s 2k A Walsh General Ynca Curious 17280 Dorval 51 I lOSAfast 12 103 4 3 31 31 R Acton G Grazelle Aneon Miss Jean 17198 Dufferln Ab58 l01fast 6 5 41 5s T McCugh 0 ParcelPost Misslrimlty Barettc BarettcBy NELLIE C ch f 3 By Peep oDay Hattie Walker H Ruffier 20220 Pimlico 34 l14fast 65 92 4 8 71 9lJJ P Ryan 11 CAshmeade VGtrome Ykvillo 20194 Pimlico 34 l16hvy 70 103 2 4 44 3 = J T Nolan 0 Celebrity Norus Jack Hanover 20002 Bowie 31 l15ysfast 100 100 8 5 9 95 T FpatrklO Anavrl Bob R Joe Knight 19991 Bowio 51 f lC9fast 40 10311 10 9 10 R HartonlS Celebrity R Moses JBHarrell 19911 Bowie 51 f l10Migood 25 103 3 4 41 G33 J McTagtlO VIdet LSpirituelle PageWhlte