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Churchill Downs Entries and Past Performances for Thursday May 13 13WEATHER WEATHER CLOUDY TEACK FAST Racing starts at 2lo p m Clucaj XRuns well in miid Superior mud runuer M uiaidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 12128 111 2 103 103Ind Ind Horse Wt Uec AWtHan AWtHan202117s 202117s Cash on Delivery 113 112 0 107725 20242 OHagau 103112 4110X720 20195 Sureget 109 112 S 110X720 20237 Edith W 92 111 4 108X715 108X715KW543 KW543 Ratina 105 114 4 108X715 108X7151502S3 1502S3 Deposit 07112 4110X713 1 19975 71 Twilight 105113 3 91X710 20110 Amazon 10 113 3 0 X710 202373 Acis 100 113 4 105 710 20001 Langhoriie 0 113 3 101X703 20195 Hard Ball 112 113 4 113X705 20252 Bean Spiller M 1051114 3 30 20251 Betterton 105 115 S 98X000 18290 Malabar 109 113 3 102 000 18291 Justice Goehel M105 114 4 10SOSO 10SOSOSecond Second Race 4 12 Furlongs 2ycarolds Maidens Colts and Geldings GeldingsSpecial Special Weights WeightsTrack Track record S143S 32 2 103 20238 Cane Run 112 725 20238 Inttdel II 109 5G 109X720 109X7202022S 109X7202022S 2022S Rochester 103 50 112 710 7102023SI 2023SI Glenera 1120JO 1120JOHarry Harry Gardner b g by Dick Welles Fluid 1D9 f Lingtal br c by Fowlingpiece Teetotal 112 tJ Livingston entry Third Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds Selling Track record 98380 14 4 x xT07S T07S Typo 10S72 10S72D251 D251 Rlarkthirn 100X720 100X720I013V I013V 100X72002Vi Nobleman 100X720 02Vi Stalwart Helen 105X7 15 18347 = Christie 10SX715 20255 Mabel Montgomery 105x710 20255 Martinos 105X705 20253 Alston 111 705 705181IX 181IX Commaurctta 100X090 20230 Misty Moru 100 000 Horse Wt Rec AWtHan Raincoat 103 l50a 104X690 104X690r r Hecnan 103 148 105090 105090i i Allen Cain M 102 030 030Fourth Fourth Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds HandicapTrack 3yearolds aud upward Handicap Track record 08380 144 5 105 Leo Skolny 101 144 4 10CX733 Kilkenny Boy 5 108x730 108x730RIngling 97X725I RIngling 97147 5 97X725 I Star Shcotor 5 97 725 r 725r Water Witch M J 89X720 89X720Fifth Fifth Race 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Fillies Selling Track record 81438 52 2 103 Iack Beauty M 102 725 Investnint 100 55 115x720 Mary 115x720Mary II 10S 55 10 IX 715 fj 715fj tescr 105X7 H HPrepaid Prepaid 105 710 710Sixth Sixth Race 1 Kile and 70 Yards 4yearolds and upward Sellin SellinTrack Track record iGOO 142 3 97 Irish Gentleman 111 144 7 113x75 Thoughtreader 113x75Thoughtreader 4 lllX7r 0 Howdy Howdy 109144 8107x715 Altamaha 93 l4Cs 7 110X715 Robinetta 101 144 4 9iX710 Bonne 9iX710Bonne Chance 102 144 0105X710 Bank 0105X710Bank BUI IK 144 4 101710 101710Transit Transit 102144 4 10X71l 112144 4 101 70 70Vrcllil Vrcllil ln 14 105X705 Wryjc 105X705Wryjc 112141 5110x705 ilr 80144 5110X705 Orange M 4 4Seventh Seventh Race 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling Track record JS3S 144K 5 105 20237 PRINCE EUGENE 112 145 5 112X725 20272 Jessie Louise 107 14 4 110X715 145420195s 20257 White Wool 104 1454 7 112X715 20195s Aimee Leslie 3 98X710 20272 Stick Pin 100 147 V 7 105XC10 2024 Serena tn 1 14TV 4 105X710 20243 L II Adair 10S 145 r 112X710 20239 Mabel Uulweber 3 113X705 19937 Freda Johnson 4 110X705 20257 Fort Sum lei 110 14S 5 112X710 20175 Pretty Dale 20272 1M2d272 Prospect M 9S 1M 2d272 Big Dipper 112 147 20140 Bulgarian OS 1 4U