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, , i i , I j I j ; I , i i , I | , , , ; i • AFTERMATH 0E THE FORT ERIE MEETING. Close ohaervers of every ntiLiie of the reeeat tneet-ilii: at Port Brie noted a greater alien. lane than the track his ev.r enjoyed in its history. Despite the cold and i.iinv weather, the attendance was fully eipial to thai of any other year, and on Saturday, Ihe ..ii., perfeet racing day. the crowd wa greater than ever before passed through the turnstiles at the Canadian track. The latrodnction of the pari-matnel system of bet tiag was something of an experiment, a costly oae If tin- pitblie failed I" approve. Imf the success scored at other tracks wa- repealed here. All week ■ courier representative watched closely the operation of the machines and listened f..r praise or com-i plaint. The growing favor could be discerned each day, as the people became familiar with the "nor. men." There was no confusion, small chance tor mi-takes and general satisfaction with the results. The best argument in favor of the machine., from the standpoint of the lulling man. was that not a -.inule winner was at ndds-on thai is no w inner paid less than even money. No such record as this could te expected of a seven day n ting with Ihe old style of book ma king in vogue. There was soaae protests against the mtrodaetiaa of Ihe machines. Many were made personally to the writer, hat it was a fact that those wh.. made sack protests were men connected with i kmaklng under the old style who wet,, thrown .mi of employment by I lie use of the machines. That they should piote-1 was to be epee|e.|. but nolle eiillhl aihatlcC a sensible or effective argument against the fairness of this form of betting. The fact that it has the official approval and endorsement of ihe Kentucky -tit,- officials and is regarded as the natratioa K lain.- there and in Canada constituted an argument the protestors against the machines could not get around. Ii was proved plainly that tin- machines line eo to slay. The cry against Ihe five |»r cent, "i.ikeoff taken by the track management hid little effect on ihe general public. The winners wen- content to pay Ihe percentage and the losers didnt care. An Interesting fact was that three of ihe four -takes run at the meeting wire won by ROBS and daughters of Waterboy. Waterbtossora won ihe Canadian Derby, Waterbass captured the Fourth of July Slakes and Water l.ady won the Fort Ihie Stake-. P.utl.ilo Courier.