Second Race [2nd Windsor, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-14

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SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. G-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. 10511 -1:06%— 2- 198. USEEIT, b. m, 8 111 Ev Bonnie Joe— Effie M. A. W. Hoots. - : I. i-a. . ll:12%fast 19s 10611 1 1 r- 2* W J OBn X Torv Maid Mi-P.-.-lare Transit -_•• ! ,!*"ii;L ;;!!; J*8! f1 ! 2211: K LapalBeKDn.ll. Iraperator. Korfhage ■■■ ""s as J-41:12 fast 6 102 2 l 4 A 5* M Garner 11 Il.andSaddle. M.Cassidy D.Crmen - lJouglas :: ll.i2 fast s ... 102 1 l i rj z-- || Oarner 6 Cbartier Sosius Miss Tls.rne - "» Churchill 61 f l«%sIow 36-6 114 ! ;; 4 4. 6*1 L Gentry 14 Hawthorn, Chartier. Busy Mi th : jLexgton 3 1 Pi -..last 4 IM 1 1 | ■ 4*| I. Gentry 11 C.Tower, T.Norman Psamtlon j007o Lexgton 3 4 1:13 fast 21 MBJ 1 lip is L Gentry 10 Chartier. Con.Tower Id Delllng 20849 Lexgtoa t f 1 ;"9 hvy 14 119 2 13 4 4 - i. Gentry 4 Hawthorn. Royal IP. B. Barbee COLLF, ch. f. 4 111 Bv Marta Santa— Verarious W. Gerst 1. 1 4-1 ■: f.-.-t 18-5 199 1 4 2 3] 111 1- Rohimrn S C. Orrae. D.Dougherty F. Pellimr itonla 11:13 fast 4a 102 I 14 8 6«J P Robinsn S Droll Imperator Cseeit ••...a,,,,,,.! j-4 J:M%hvy J3-6108 1 3 :; » r,»*lF RobinsnIC MdyPanefalta. R.Tea. Fellowmaa tonia 3-4 1:14 fast 14-6 106 2 5 4 4" 4 r RobinanlS BeR Boy. Rio Braxos. Malheur ouglaa : 11:12-. fast P im ., 44 !■ ::■ p Robinsn 9 Maznik. High Private Gahrlo Houglas :: 1 Pi2-vfast 11 M I :. 5 4 ::• P Robinson 1.1 Casey Jones Edith W -is l£URi?5, ii !:!; "l"J Vs51";,,!! 4 fi •"•" •"- RoblusonlO Chilton King, Snreget, Ratlna ■ , ■""!", •; ,:%7-"ud B V1,11 10 n s* »W RoNbiiiM Abum, C.onDellvery, 2f|f5 .hui-L-lHll 3-11:14 fast M 1J 7 a 6 4 4"i P Kobiusull CouKeliverv. OMI.uau. RovT.i MISS GAYLE. b. f. 4 111 Bv The Commoner— Alpaca C. A. Crew. "1331 Ham ton 3-4 1:15 slop 3 110 2 2 2 ::.. :,■. W Ural 3 Kate K.. Inflection, M. Johnson 212*2 Hainton 51 l:07*tast fi Mi 5 I 4 4 4*ft 1 Acton s Slipper Day, Deposit, Viley 21261 llamton 3-1 l:i::*if;iKt 7 ion 7 11-- lafc T Par- gtonlz Brandy wine, KateK.. 2L206 llamton 51 t L"fi.-,last 5 99 S Z Z V Z" .1 A. -ion n Viler, Pay Streak, New Haven 190963 Blue lion. 3-1 1:15 %inud :.« 102 M 10 s 71 5*J A Collins 10 Brandywlne, DicksPet, AlOurl 80709 Dorval 51 f l:GS%fast 7-5 W 4 3 4 7 fi- L McAtee 11 Martre, Bum Jay, Ortyx 20645 Dorval 6i f l:« 7%fast 3 M8 I 1 1 2- 6* P Coleman 12 Sleuth. Inquieta, Laura 20424 Wdbine S-4 l:13%tast 19 M6 1 E I U* 14**|W Obert I.. Brandywlne, Egmout, Ida Claire 17636 Douglas 3-4 1:13 fast 31 MM 11 10 11 11 11" K Dean* i2 Droll. Coy. Louise Paul LANGHORNE. br. c. 3 108 Bv Oddfellow— Nuns Cloth S. M. Henderson. 21587 PortlSriu 53 f l:09%slow 14-6 91 I :: 2 ::.. :: . .1 Acton Ii Venetla, Vengbee, Lady London L1526 FortKrie 51 l:09%slow 13-6 IOC 1 4 4." Z» J Kederhi K White Crown, GoklCap. I lieta 21435 Fort Erie 5i 1 :12-.,hvy 12-5 10916 2 3 V in W Andress S Reflection, Inqnieta, dors 21208 Latonia 3 1 l:l2%fast 5 IOC 7 E fi 4- 2*1 F Keogh 12 Royal Tea, Grosvenor. Sbadracb 21106 Latonia 3-4 1 :13/-fast 25 107 ■ j j jt ■ j Keogh 10 Cbarmeuse, Sureget. Day Day 21036 Latonia 3 -l 1 :lfi/ niu.l 23 -1* 108 5 E 5 4 4*1 A Uott u Zall. Malabar, Cbitra 20967 Latonia 3-4 l:M%hvy 23-5 M3 4 2 I 6ft s"..A Mott ] Fr nan, Sureget, Rattan 20049 Latonia 3-4 1:14 mud 13 loi t; 4 S fi fi". Mott 0 Dr.Larrick. Carrieormo. Chartiet 20667 Douslaa 3-4 1 : ic lj,r»iuil 5 MI 5 4 41. ;,.:;i: Pool " 7 Hex, Carrie Orme. Amaaon 204S2 Dowlas S-4 l:16%mad lS-fct 112 2 ill1 Z» J BstweU 10 lfex, Penuyroek, Rloude MATER, b. f. 4 106 By Fatherless— Niola Deline and Keys. 21549 Denver 5-8 1 tuPf.nnid lo :i7 i 1 5 7 7- o Gentry 1 Loftus, Seneca, Bex Beach 21285 Denver 3 1 l:13%ast 23-20 MS I 114 4«J 11 Clark 0 Hay, Uohlfinn. Loan Shark 21246 Denver 3-4 1:13 fast 22 109 1 112* 4", 11 Clark H Osaplc, Goldfinn. Cuoeter 19740 Juarez 51 f 1*6 fast 3 98 5 6 2 2; 5*1 P Louder 7 Osaple, JosefinaZarate. Lackrose I97«I0 Juarez 61 f l:06%fast 30 93 8 fi fi 7*» 4*1 P Louder 8 Iniperator, Seneca Balgcc 19447 Juarez 5 8 1KB slow 1 Mi 1 2 2 ::-.. ::• A M« tt C MaiiKsiueae. Velie ITorty. A. Curt 19380 Juarez 3-4 1 20 95 1 1 3 ".s 5«"4P Louder C K. Worth, P. RfibertR. MinK rinso IS702 Juarez 51 f 1:12 slop 11-6 192 2 I 1 1« 1« J Callahan 7 Judge Sale, Sir Dyke. Bird Man 18667 Juarez El t l:05%fast 13-6 102 2 112? 3;i.l Callahan 8 Baljree, Osaple, Charmeaae 18614 Juarez :, 1 i:"fi Cast 41 107 2 2 1 2- 31 J Callahan ft Charmense, orli. Sulon 18326 Pimlico 3-4 l:13**f*st 21 MO ] 2 2 2- ]-■ .1 Callahan 7 Hapenny, Ilnrakan, Lamra 18140 Iaurel BJ t 1*7 fast IM 101 i 4 4 !■ I StewardU Hnrakan, .To - Finn, Parlor Boy 18110 Laurel 3-4 l:13%fast 61-20 112 fi 1 I U B*| S Davis 12 Hill Stream, L. Grant B.Around 19J62 Laurel 1-4 l:lJ%«;ood Tld M0 2 2 4 4 5" .1 MeCaheyll Kewessa, .litn Basey, J. J. Lllhs LTJRIA. b. m, 5 106 By Sempronius — Illustrious J. J. Ryan. 21310 Hainton 3-4 1:14 fast 2.1 nun in Pulled ap.F Teahan 12 Betterton, Commensia, Rlchw 1 -1260 Hainton 3-4 l:14%fast 15 110 fi 2 1 3" M" P Teahan 12 Bendel, Lady London. MissWatere ai76» Dorval 51 t i :o.M.-iast 10 107 S E 2 2". .",.. A cia-,-r 11 Martre, Blue Jay, Ortyx U Dorval 01 1 1*8 fast 0 U0 1 3 7!" !i4 .1 Groth 12 I.. London. M.Chancer. RWconll. 1940S N.Orlna 3 I l:13%sood 8 M9 2 11 6*6* R ;,M,se 155 Birka. Lady London. Dicks Pel 19332 N.Orrna 3-4 1 :13,.-,fast 10 H17 I I 2 7 B*« B Fool 8 Broomaedge, J. Louise Cannock 1 27» N.Orlns 3-4 1:14 fast S 109 E 4 4 7 7" M M thews 10 Mar. Caaca. .1. Louise Slick Fin 19237 N.Orlna 6| f l*6%fast 8 107 8 8 fi 5a 51U2F Ambrose » Gabrio. Oahtnd, Martin Casi-a CLIFF EDGE, b. h, 9 111 By Clittord— Aranza II. R. E. Watkins. ■1332 llamton 3-4 l:14%slop 1" MB 8 7 S 6* J** A Neylon 1M Astrologer, Patience, Van I.u 21200 llamton 3-4 l:14%fast 20 nn 5 3 fi S- fi:i :: A Neylon 12 Bendel LadyLondon. MlssWaters 17«i3s I Hue Don. 1 l:l"..,!ast 6 ■. 1U3 4 2 2 2 41 6*« R Shilling It Spring Maid. Astrologer, Apriaa W. •■ : 1 :iui ■lion. 7 s 1:2:1 hvy 4 106 2 E 4 f» 5$ 2 J Collins. s R.Rrigade, J.H.Hoaghton, Arran 1«5 k Windsor 1 1-16 151%hvy 2 103 7 4 11 2" 3*1 J Smyth 8 BulaWelsh. ixweDay. Rusty Coat 16359 Windsor 1 l:42%slow 2 99 4 4 4 fi •;- 4*1 J Smyth B Feather Duster. Jos t Red, AskMa 1.,;:.- Fort Erie lmTOyl :43%fast U-M 188 5 11 1 V Ii .1 Smyth B Confido, Blue Mouse. Love Day RESSIE LATIMER, eh. f. 4 101 By Lord Esterling— My Bessie E. W. Moore. •0576 Wdbine 3-4 1:14 fasl II 10110 4 1;- 6* W Obert 13 T.Busybody, DicksPet, Bwlne ■,.i:;" Wdbine 3 11:13 faat 123 113 3 4 fi 5* 4". v Obert U Fan ZarcU, B il. Shyness JS349 Latonia lm70y 1 :44%fast 13 10211 5 6 S 4 4", K Pool 12 Bermudian, first Degree. Birka lx:;ii Latonia iniToy 1 :44%fast 23 104 12 U 7 S 7 6fj W Obert 12 Indolence, Robert K. Ban. Jim l8-«46 i.atonia lm70y Lllr.tast 81-10 112 E fi ■ » IJ IJ W Obert B Indolence. First Degree, L Bean 18212 Iatonia lm70y l:45%fa:st 19-10 105 s 7 7, 5 ii F W Obert 10 Billows, High Class. Brickley 18132 Latonia lm70y l:44%taat K 1*3 M 12 : 6 B ■:■, V Obeli 13 Mockery. RobC Kay, Fhirin MAXIM BELLE, hr. f, 3 103 By Gold. Maxim— Belie of Oakley rThorncliffe Stb.L •1293 Hamton 3 1 l:14%fast M l", 4 2 ! ;:■ 7", A Claver 11 Cardigan, Crystal. Celebrity • 1 .; 1 Hainton 3-4 1:14 fast 10 1M 1 I 4 9* 12" A claver 12 Commensia. Wodan. Schemer 20S21 Uluellon. 51 f l:07%taal rid 104 11 11 9 7» 10«*1A Claver 11 Zin Del, Kewessa. Squceler •Mir.iS Wdbine 3 I l:13*ifnsl 28 l»3 2 1 1 1] l a Claver 13 Sir L. Joe. Schemer. Jefferson 2U485 Wdbbae 2-4 l:14%slow 8 160 s S 7 ! 9«« A Claver 11 Anxiety, Apriaa, Buffo DOUBLE BASS. b. fr, 4 103 Rv Uncle— Double Six Brcokdale Stable!. •■1570 FortErie 511:1.* hv - 131 103 7 4 3 4*1 5"1M Gallon 7 Peggy 1... Sonnv Bov, Toddling •1 iv. FortErie 3-4 l:20*4hvy 36 107 8 7 8 8 g"|J MetcaK Laura. Gordon. Patience IfHffi Hamton 51 l:06%ast 15 Fd 11 a 10 10* IDIM Fallon Ii Vlley. Miss Gayle, Fay Strenk ,, Wdbine 3-4 l:13%ast rid 112 1 7 G 8" 9" P Qoldstni:* Maxim Belle, SlrL.Joe, Schemer "o4S5 Wdbine 3-4 l:14%slow 31 » 107 2 2 2 2* ,. Schugrll Anxiety. Aprisa, Buffo [4434 Wdbine X-4 l:15%ast 12 108 7 fi 4 4: 7*1 J UanoverKt Lotus, Cohonrg Belle. F. Wussy 14394 Wdbine J-4 l:15*kmud 31 M4 1 4 3 34 3" r Teahan 11 Amphlon, Rtehwood. Roy I.AVANA, b. f, 4 106 By Dick Welles— Mary Lavana E. Glassco. 116 Hamton 1 l:40%fasl 1 102 fi 9 11 12 12 12 «JJ Actou 11 Aprisa. S«-uemer. ■ .. wdbine 3 1 1:14 ta t rid 103 13 12 12 12 11 "JH HamnerFI T.BusylanIy, DicksPet, Bwice 2ittMS Wdbine 2-4 l:14%slow 120 106 M 7 10 M* 10** p -,«,,„.,• ], Anxiety, Aprisa. Buffo AFRICA BEAU. blk. p. 3 100 Bv Boanerges — Africa W. L. Lewis. 1119 Latonia 3-4 l:14%fa t 23 110 1 !■ 8 10 9*1 C Ganz 12 Xoldeman. fasalw. Flos. Crockett iiS7o Iatonia 3-4 l:17%hvy 31 107 10 M m 6* B»J A Molt IO Kneelet, Waterproof, Alkanel X3» ChurchiU 61 t l*614as1 209 17113 13 13 13 12" A Mott 14 B.andStars, K. Goose, Buntresi Also eligible to start iii Order named .should any of above li" scratched: MABEL MONTGOMERY, b. f. 8 98 By Ossary— Anglcta W. R. Mizell. 1181 Latonia 3-4 l:13%fast 28 103 8 9 9 7- 7*1 D Stirling 10 Oakland, Chilla, Birka I n ; ■. Latonia lm70y l:44%aat 131 93 3 5 2 4 5» ii; i M Garner 7 Martinos. Day Day B Flower ,,::i Douglat 3-4 l:12%fa«t ,;:, 100 3 fi 7 B B«| A Motl 10 Droll. Gabrio, Longfellow •1196 Douglas lm70yl:49 mud 17* 100 E 4 7 I 6* S" J Maber 7 St. Cbarlcote, Manioc Type 11 Churchill 11-161:49 mud 20 ME 4 I 2 I 6" 4"U Maber 8 Tetan, Raincoat. St. Cbarlcote u- 86 Churchill 1 1-16 l:46«£ast 88 10.7 12 12 12 11 11 U**U Maher 1.1 Stal. Helen. Christie M. Mori 2055 Churchill 3-4 l:13%ast 77 108110 11 10 8« 7,: T VcTagtl2 Billy Joe. zxetbev, Mei 20165 LexaTton 1 l:41Hhvy 210 :tv s r, r E 8" ".f Maher R Gr. Hughes, St. Heart, i.intlml MAMA JOHNSON, ch. m, 5 101 By Cesarion— Over Clinton Stable. 1555 FortETh 3-4 1:21 hvy fi 108 6 1 V 1 *C VanDun I C.onDellvy. KateK.. L.London 1334 Hamton 3 1 1:15 slop 21. .. M6 1 1 1 l! 2- .1 Actor I KateK., Reflection. Miss Waters 21157 Conffht .V, f l:oti: I,,,,,,, ]lk, ■, x , ji 4,t ], m,.a ,.,, 7 1 Hal. La. PtlfT—a. j" » -P»— 20987 Conghl 51 l:10*islow 5 96 4 1 2 4: 4r R MyDottlO Venetia, A. N. Akin, Deposit 20923 BlueBoi. 3 1 Lllr.tast 51 Hhi E 4 4 f, 4*1 M M%D*ottl3 Briar Jath. Dicks Pet Sleuth BlueBm. 5i f l:o7-,iiist 220 106 !• 9 10 10* »«1M MltDottll Zin Del, Kewessa, Sqneeler W613 Dorval 3-4 1 :14--,fast 5 106 2 2 2 It 6* B Ambrose 13 Egmont, lrisli Heart, Mazurka •.e.,20 W.lbine 3-1 Fiafast ;j MJJ l a Zh T*| A S :llu«r J4J Vorkville, L. London, -fprfc Lad MEELICKA. ch. f. 3 93 Bv Meelick— Glassweed W. P. FineV 21557 FortErie 3 I l:22%hvy 17 96 2 S f fi • 3 | L McAtee 8 T. Busybody, D. Pet, K. Worth 21394 Hamton 3-4 l:li;%mud fi 107 7 7 7 7s 4" B Havia-s S Valas. Ieggy I... Miss Waters 21293 Hamton 2 4 1 :l 1/ 20 107 3 3 3 4- 4*| K Haynes 11 Cardigan, Crystal. Celebrity 21117 Coneht J-4 l:15%good 20 103 4 I I 3* 3*1 H Haynea 12 Stelbita, JosefinaZarate, Bntcrpe 21010 Con ght 3-4 l:17V4»low 15 Im C fi 8 I4 S"1E llayues lo Gordon, King Radford. J. Zarate 20923 lllueDon. 2-1 LlH.last fid OS 8 11 12 12 121-, K Havnes 13 Briar Jath, Dicks Pet Sleuth 20458 Wdbine 3-1 l:14%ast fid 1"2 10 s 11 12" 13** B Haynes 14 Patience, Pay Streak, Bwrwuod 20067 H.deGce 3 4 l:13«ifaat 23 MS 5 5 9 Ul 11" K Haynes 11 Fair Helen. Minstrel, Fly Home 20039 H.deGce 51 f l:07Hfast 30 mi 1 7 lo tj fi- E Haynes 14 New Haven, Sil.Moon, YorkviUe tyjjl Howie 5i f l:0S4ifast 12 H 7 6 5 t 8* 7*| E Haynes 13 Celebrity, K. Moses. J.B.HarreU KOPJE, br. f, 3 98 Bv Kroonstad— Gironde II. T. J. Elward. 21571 FortKrie ;,. f 1 :1.V- ,li vv 15 M 2 2 2 2. V .1 Slerretl 7 liiquleta. I.ula Welsh. Clyata 21488 FortErie 3-4 1:22 hvy 34-5 102 Z E 1 fi1 fi, -I Smyth » Jim I... Toddling. Celebrity 21392 Hamton 3-4 l:16%mud fi M 3 5 5 4] 4". ,1 Starrett h Lib. 1MB, AdaAnne. L. Lightning g 19107 Havana 51 l:18%slowll-10 M9 6 4 2- !■ C Jones 1; The Lark. Idkda. Haherdash 19093 Havana 3 I l:27,-,hw 7 MM ; 2 2*1 4*i C .lories 11 lone. Mockler. Margaret Meise 18981 Havana 3-4 1:31 hvv 4 M 1 3 4" 4»* F HopkinslO Centaurl, Mockler, Cooster I8S10 Charlen 3-4 1:17 slow E M I 7 fi 4". 3" F Hopkins » J. 11. Barr. Priwer, Cannock 18798 Charlen 6-8 l:03%tnud 2 M2 3 1 3 2- 2«* F Robinsnll Riv.King. Harteuuin, P. White 18744 Charlen 3-11:15 good 6 M fi 4 4 B* 4" J Smyth 11 Pierrot, Minstrel, Bamboo 187M Charlen 6i 1:M hvy 3 107 1 3 2 lut f j Smyth 10 Sanno. GoMcrestGlrl, FasterBoy JOSEFINA ZARATE, ch. f. 3 93 Bv Abe Frank— Minyon H. S. VeWBsan. 21260 llamton 2 1 1 :1 1-.fa.-a Ii M I 1 1 1- B»| L McAtee IS Bendel. Lady L Ion, M. Waters 21117 Conght 3-1 l:la%good 21 K 1 1 1 1*12" A Collins 12 Stellata, Meellcka. Fut. ri«- 21010 Con ght 3-4 l:17%slow 21 M S I 2 2:l 3*1 A Collins lo Cordon. KingRadford, BeauPere 20923 Dluellon. 2 1 1 :l Ir.last fid 93 r, 3 l 1- fi-,: A Collins 13 Briar Jath, Dicks Pet Sleuth 20642 Dorval 3-4 l:14%ast 31 102 4 12 2*1 3*1 P Cooper 1! Reflection, Schnapps. Jefferson IS885 Juarez 5 l:06%ast 4 88 7 fi 4 2"* 41 B Marco 7 Klva, La Cazadora, Delaney I9S62 Juarez 5-8 l:0O%fast 2 . 110 5 1 1 H 2" J Howard ".» Kittle May, IeL. lie. nan 19815 Juarez 5 . l:07%fast 2J lo3 3 5 E Ej 5"L Mott 7 B.AJones. M.OBrien, LgborM MISS WATERS, b. f. 4 106 Bv Lord Esterling— Lucreco E. J. Pons. 21523 FortErie 511:11 slow 73-10 106 5 6 i "»* PI J MetcaK H Peggy 1... Toddling. Luther 21394 Hamton 3 4 l:16%mud 7 112 4 5 E 41 3" J Connors ,s Valas. Peggy I... Meclicka 21334 Hamton 3-4 1:15 slop 8 lto fi t; 1 6* A* .1 MetcaK 8 KateK., Reflection, MamaJohnsn 21269 Hamton 3-1 1:1 1 .-.last 20 Iimi ll S 9 fi1 3* T Pargtonl2 Bemlel. L.Londou, J.H.Houghton 21O07 Conght 3-4 l:17%slow 11-5 104 » « 7 7- 8" J Connors S Miss Chaucer. Mrs. Mc. Leialoba 20S62 F.lueBon. :: I 1 : i i:; fast fid 102 fi 5 I E] 5*1 F Murphy 11 The Busybmly. Vlley. Corn Br a 12321 Latonia 6] f l:!2,hvy fi3 112 11 11 ll M* M*« Gross IL Isa.TaBe, B.Sister, Brack.Belle ZALI, ch. g, 4 113 Bv Zal— Wasti A. L. Taylor. 21427 Latonia 2 I l:15%mud 33.7 ill :; 2 E 5» 7".F Murphy 7 Amazon, Transit. Sosius 21402 Latonia 3 I l:14%hvy 10] i 7 S r, i 4* M Carner Ii Lit. Father. 1VcIlermis. It.Goose 21211 Latonia 3 1 I : 12--.-. fast 13 111 3 4 2 1 l» M Garner S Amazon. Besigu, Broom Flower 21035 L.uonia 3 I l:16%mud 17-10 11" 3 3 ] Zj l» F lh binsn ii Malalwr. Chitra. Laugnonie 20967 Latonia 3-4 l:M*ibvy I 108 7 fi 7 7 7R:I F BobhwnlO Freeman. Sureget. Batina 19716 Havana ."■ f 1 :23-..hvy 8-5 M 1 1 1*| l| F Robinsn 6 B.Cunarder, Manasseh, .les-o Jr. 19647 Havana 51 Lufic-fast 5 M3 2 1 iu 3] F Robinsn 8 Wan. Pitser. Br.Path, A.N. Akin 19531 Havana 51 l:08%ast 13 5 107 1 3 3* l«* F Robinsn « Snip, Craaster. Faithful - 19433 Havana 3 1 1 :22-V.hvy 21 M8 1 1 1« 1- F Robinsn 7 Some Kid. Indifferent. T.C.illay NELLIE BOOTS, ch. f. 3 103 By Doctor Boots— Great Annie G. Allen. I*irat start.

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