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DATES SET FOR ENGLISH RACING. A meeting of the Jockey Chili was held at Del bv ileus... London, on Monday, when the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed, sad the proposal to add to Roles 17. 183 and 1M a- •• ■ ah -eel ion. a clause -iin-_ the stewards ol the Jockey Club powers t. modify or suspend any rules or regulations in cases ,,f emergency or expediency, wa pa sand. Tin- following arc the dales of the Newmarkel meetings arranged up to the present: July 13 Second July Meeting 3 days. July -1 second Extra Meeting 3 days. August 10- third Extra Meeting C. day*. August 31— Fourth Extra Meeting 3 days. September 14— Fifth Extra Meeting 3 days. September 2S — tTrsI October Meeting it days. October 1J Second October Meeting I days. ii toner 28 — Houghton Meeting 1 days.