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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. official dispatches [roni Vera Cruz to Galreston contain details of tbe battle between Carransa and Zapata loins at Mexico City Saturdaj and reveal the fact that sac than ire thtmssad men were slain before tbe capital was taken, .i-ccording to tin- advices 4.200 of lie nien lost were followers of Zapata. The lighting began in earnest early Saturday morning, when the two armies clashed between Guadalupe and Rio Consolado. lb-re for hour-, the forces fought baad to baad. When it was si-en hat del. at was inevitable Zapata began .i retreat toward Coeraaraca, where the archives of liis government had been moved weeks ag . Gnaxales dispatched a large force to pursue the defeated army. In the afternoon several mile* south of the city the battle was renewed. Here the lighting was fierce. Zapatas men were literally ■sowed dowa, it being said that mac than three thousand were killed in one hours Bghting. Ma i liine gans and caralrj attacks wrooghl the baroc. The loss d many lives as the result of unprecedented floods in the province* ol Kwangtung and Kwangsi, China, was announced .it Washin ton yesterday in a dispatch t- the slate department l roin Consul General Cheshire at Canton. Mi- Mabel Boardniau, chairman ol the Red Cross Belief Committee conferred with Secretarv Lansing of the state department ami biter directed that : I on i„ cabled to Canton to aid tbe II 1 sufferers. At the same time it was announced thai tbe Bed r -s. In *d |uarters there would be glad to transmit nay contributions that miLt be made by the American public. A London dispatch of yesterday says: "Although the magnitude of the new British war loan, tbe greatest la history, is fairly staggering, tbe loan is record breaking in other respects tban mere she. or farreachiag effect is tbe fact thai the loan ushers in ■ government interest rate of 4% per eni . such as the British government has never dreamed before of allowing on its obligations. A record feat are is that this is the irst "denso-eratic" loan, which means that for the lirst time the government is not dealing through bankers as middlemen and underwriters, bat baa appealed to tin people." A dispateii from Lemno la Vtben to tins 1 nsa don chronicle says: "The heavies! Bghting which has taken place In the GaUipoll peninsula since the allied forces landed there was that which began late Taesday, July 6, and lasted well into Wednesday. It resulted iii a swills forward of the south-eta line of the allied armies for about live furlongs ami in the Infliction of staggering losses on tbe enemy. Those who were in the battle place the Tarei German casualties at 7.i«" killed and between ll.imo and lo.OOO wounded. Many prisoners were taken, too." A Copenhagen dispatch via London yesterdaj sas: "The Deutsche Tages Zeitung, a copy of which has been received hen-, charges the Roa-iii.miau government with shotting its eyes to the transport of munitions o Serbia, while refusing to allow Germany and Austria to send anything to Turkey. The article threaten* that unless this ittl-tade speedily is changed Ronmaala will lose the opportunity of maintaining friendly relations with Germaaj . Yesterdays baseball results National League: Mea York 1. Chicago •": Pittsburgh ::. Boston 1. firsi game; Boston T. Pittsburgh G, second Lame: Philadelphia 8, St. Louis 0: Cincinnati 5, Brooklyn I. American Leagu : Chicago 7. Philadelphia "-. Detroit :.. New York 2: Boston 7. Clevel Washington ::. St. Louis 2. Federal League: Brooklyn 6, Baltimore 5; Kansas CItj 1. Pittsburgh, 0. A fire in the forward handling room, within ten feet of 9,000 i nds of p wd-r on the battleship New Jersey, in dry dock at the Charlestown navy yard, was extinguished by quick w irk ol seventy li i of tbe crew yc -1- rdai . It is lielievi d that I lie tin was caused by a short circuiting of electric wires. The wires were cul and the room was tl lad. After upwards of a fortaightS work the r,M hu-reaay win h a re opeued when the minister of muni dons David Lloyd George, gave labor the opportunity voluntarily to enroll as munition* l p :.; ! -. closed yesterdaj with a total registration of SHI.OOO men. Registration hereafter will be carried out through the labor i xebanges. Under the nen las admitting foreign-built res -e|s to American registry, UP ship with tonnage of 527.071. were tranferred to the inited Mites Ma:; during tbe lisial year ended lune :». or this number, ninety oine I I rlv were In tbe British merchant marine, thirty in the German and -i iii the Belgian. Austrian aviators dropped bombs near the famous pals ! the Dog h Si mfa in the loan u ail laid on Venice since the beginning ■•! the Austn. Italian war. other missiles fell in the grand canal and near historic buildings. Three women and children wee slightly injured w hen bombs wrecked two dwellings. American stocks and bonds having I par value • of uioie than 0,000,000 were returned to t his I c try on the steamships Baltic and St. Paul. which arrived from lan ..p.- on Saturday. The New York, which is on tli way over, is said to be bringing approximately 0,000,000 |n cerUQcatea, ,