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MORE HONORS FOR THE AGNES FAMILY. mi waaaerona occasion* in years gone hy turf . hr.nii U is w hen reviewing th - results of the classic event* wen- compelled to record a remarkable sisti-iiiy in tin- limn hi the winners as com i-an-d wiih their performances as i w .. year olds. and in quite exalted terms they referred to thla iuiportanl subject when Nell Gew and Letuberg ,.nl iii.iti. 1 for tin- Ki-lijisi- Stakes. During the last tour years, bowerer, these critics have found themselves In quite an uncomfortable position when trying t. find a collateral line between the two nnd three year .i.l form, for, with perhaps the only exception of I.oiivois and Keiiuvmore Which, how ever both railed in the Derby, all the best twe-rear-old colts of 1910, 1911. 1912 and 1913— Cellini St. Nat. Seaioith. 1ieiri. Absurd, Oharmian, l.oinond. White Star. Bock Flint. Boseworthy, Slio-gun. By Ue »rge, Stomoway and The Tetrarch. either collapsed in the chief trials of their career, or viii- prematurely put bors ihioinbat. Yet the upheaval of form during the las! tour years was not nearly so Iwd as it appears to be this season, knowing now. as most of us do, that the best two-year-old* ot last year have been accounted for in ■i faahion which admits f no nope far their .sue-cans in the remaining classics. There Is no denying thai in the Guinea* the rws heat bred colt* accounted for the remainder, and iMisonaii 1 am .h-iiul I to see another member ..r the »gne* family coming so steadily to the lore. Only a few weeka n;.. I had occasion ro ■ hat. with ■ prominent iiemii sportsman at. out the Irreparable damage done to Frevjch breediaat by th* stopiwge .-f racing and by the prohibition of send Ing race borse* over the Channel. This my friend ■ hietlv regretted liecause. to repeat his own words "We would hare shown our British friends in Sardauapatr :i race borae the like of which ha* not been seen for many a year." «»f course, h.-readily admitted that hi* compatriots wen- chiefly indebted to ICtaglish breeders for this brilliant horse, in which the peerless Agnes Mood has fully as ei ted Itself again. The last horse of the Agnes lainih wlii.h ..inied .-ft the Two Thousand Guineas ima Vedas, and ii was a sister ..f his. Gemma, which presented Baron Maurice de Rothschild with Sardanapale. Ami in.w Pommern. Volta, Brown ItonaM, etc., a.l.l fresh lam.-ls to the wonderful I,. -. id of the family. The Agnes line got its start only some sin ream ago, when there wen- at least a ■core of Irani lies of the No. 1 family already Irmly ea tabllsbed, above all the two main branches of I lien Home through Paradigm and Rouge Rose The various lines of the No, 1 wen- represented hv Beasendale. Gamhrae and Miletus in the Two Thousand Guineas, and by Vaucluae whose dam. Valve, is a half-alater to Cicero. Sentiment fa daughter of the One Thousand Guinea* winner. 1 lain. Mooiitlo.-t la daughter f Flairs sister. l.esbiai. and Iambic, in the One Thousand Rainess. in fact, the Parana line was anmerically itronger represented In the Outness than any other family, hut certainly ii..t in |K.iut of quality, for three out .d four members of this family wen- utterl uutclsaaed. And as f..,- Vauclnses dam. Valve, ,1 should lie noted that all Valves earlier by Black Sand -. Velocity 2. Bantry ■".. ami John o Gaunt " wen- hut commoners: Hark Bon-aid, 9, now has proved himself the right .u-t t mate, and this, in my view, mainly because in-does ii-t aire chestnuts and thus returned t-. Valve this eminently valuable characteristic of that wonderful mare. Illuminata. Ii is surety n noteworthy Hdut that, like Hark BonaM, Bayardo and Mar ilonald tin Frame, have inherit.-. I from Bay Boa aid the Ineanahility to sin- chestnuts. The Spontaneous rise of the Agnes line was dearly determined by the aowerfnl sire element of r.irdeal.her. oItiuenr. Macaroni, Siieculuni. Bend Or and Hamilton, which made full amends for the rather feeble Bupport rendered in earlier generations by such inferior ancestors as Clarion, Hon .luan. Ptnuto ami Bhsae, which names do not appear in the records of any valnabie race. A feature in loninierus pedigree is the inbreeding to Distant .Shore, the uaiMldam of yllene and the lam of St. liilaire. sire of Merry Allies, on the to|i of this comes a rather close Inbreeding to Hampton, the maternal grandsire of both l.dy-melua and Merry Agnes. The center combination Quiver, St. Simon is analogous to that which determined the great individuality of La Fleclie. Thus, to analyize 1oniinerns pedigree, there is the almost infallible Hamptoa-St. Simon cross supported by female blond Which was of obvious efficiency in the make of CyHene, I.u Fleche and all the illustrious members of the Aaraea family. If someone were t.i compile statistics baaed ii|».n individual proclivities of broodmares, with complete disregard of their descent in tail female lineage. Concussion would nature amongst the most successful, lien- again we have an laataarr which tends to arove thai a mare not bred aaj fashion able lines, and not raced, may be noma a much better breeder than a successful racing mare with a gilt-edged pedigree. Concussion bred Birenla Kempton Hark Jubilee, Dane of York Stakes, I lainiiiirkop Criterion Stakes. Great Yorkshire Handicap, Ceaarewitch, and Fairly Hones dam. I-hallah. to Gallinule, and the BeHpae Stakes winner, Ilangibby. to Callinules son. Wildl-i.v lor. These successes are. of course. Chiefly due to the consistent inbreeding to Sister to Kyshworth. the graaddam of Chacussion and Gallinule. Siienia in turn became the dam of Seylla which ran eight times without lacuna at two and three years, and bred thai good horse Junior to Symington: of the Jockey Club Stakes winner. Siberia. hy St. Simon: of the line Thousand Guinea* win ner. Klectra. l.v Rager; of Cellini National Breed ers Produce Stakes, by Gyllene; of Criicrioii Stakes, by St. Frusuuin; and of Toarna incut, by Spearmint. in the third removes of Reverberations pedigree appear the four "outsiders." The Baron Ll. Bed Deer Si. Rcooomy an, and Little Ked KoM-r ::7 an Impossible sort of l reeding according to Biuae Lowes did urn. Vet Beverheration has sired such an excellent brood mare as Concussion, "li.uilangor" in London Sport iii!. Fife.