Hamilton Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-28


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. = ] HAMILTON FORM CHART. 2 — — 2 HAMILTON. ONT., TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1915. Third day. HaaUltOB Jockey Club. Second Summer Meet- 2 nig of 7 days. 1 38 I I - oii.i Weather clear. 2 _____ _ _ , . — — " 2 Presiding steward, lrancis Nelson. Presiding tedge, F. W. Gerhardy. Starter. A. P.. Hade. Racing B 2 Secretary. A. R. Loudon. 2 Racing starts at 2:1.. p. in. Chicago time 1:45 p. ■.. W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Fig-ares in parenthes" i following the distance of each race indicate Index nuniber, track record, age ot horse and weignl carried. indicates apprentice allowance. i ■ ■ ; t QQO FIRST RACK 5-8 Mile. _•* Sa % - -lOO. Pmse s:.K . 2-year-olds. Canadian- 1 I 2i lOQO I led. Allowances. Net valtf to v. MUX r 75; -cend. -".: third. 0. I Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi % % Sir Fin Jockeys Owncra ° 11 0 1 S - 21702 i ;.I l7V wiol ! 1 ::■■ :: V I-A laver .1 K and -agram 3 4 fll-2 oat it I 21702ARMINK «* 118 I 2 2«1 2* -; - P GoWstnH C hags .J -,.,", 7 21621 KATHLEEN II. w 10312 3 I 1- 1" ■■ F Cooper J Hendricks 30 58 1- . 21484 iirci. AS FLAME wa 108 I 5 l« H P* f -I Acton M KeRoy 8 I ■ 0-5 1-3 ; lllos. THE KliYMKKv. 101 3 I 3 5 ■ E L JicAtee A B Ogihrto 13 Ef 4" N - Time 23S, 48,-l:01:J.-,. Track fast. J Winner It c, bv Calatim Court Maid II. trained by B. I. I.itt ielield i ._____! Went -I at 2:43 At post 1 minute. Start g 1 and slow. Wen driving; second and tliird the ,.. f:im GALA DA_ was outrun to the stretch turn, where he came through on the inside and. wearing r- ■ ; ARMINK down. go up to win in the final strides. ARMINE ran well, but tired alter i»«p"«l"lt " «EC- ; LAS FLAME. KATHLEEN II. finished last and looks lik of the improving sort. IIM KAS ll.AMI. r I was speedy and set ■ last earlj pace, but iuit. ivorweights Kathleen II.. 2j pounds. — QO/I SKOM RACK 3-4 Mile. 00373 1:11 C 113. Parae 00. 3-year-otrts and aparard. d I 2~~-| _00__ Allowaaeea. Maiden Jockeys. Net value |o winner S:;7..: second, Si..-.: thir.l. $.-. . _ ] Index Horses AWtPPSt V* % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 11 C P S _ 2F782 S IIKMKR w 3 102 S J 2- i Ii 1 B Cajllea N Macfarlane 7 E I E 8-S I 5 1 1 1 j 21699-S 1M TINKIK 3 106 s - ■» 3*3* - -1 Alt C M II. mine 3 3 2J 4-6 2-5 21571 NORTHN LIGHT wn 3 103 3 7 5 l 4" 31 C Komas W P Reed 31 M SO 88 W 2 21740 WHITE CROWN wn 3 107 7 1 S" 8» •- fl If Troop J Livingston 8 . 9 8 «-» i21699siR K. JoK ana 3 107 1 • 1J 1.2-5lH DonalnGW Scott t 1 8-o 7-M If 21261 iilack KINK wa 5 114 is IS V V Webber W I_ Croaby $ $ $ » - 216T 1 V w 4 101 E ::". ""I. 7= 7 J Pull, y B Ghuaaso *• v» 5a 28 10 21744 .ol. i:M.KI.K wB 3 107 S 1 7» V i * 3 atohet B J Creigl.ton M M SO 2$ M . fime. U%, 4835, l:lt%. Track fast. Winner P.. g. by McGee latrigoe drained by A. L. Anstha Weal t.. post at 3:11 At i osi 2 minutes, start good and slow. Won easily; second and third dnv v : Ing SCHEMER won- SIR I. JOE down while rounding the tar tarn and. taking an easy lead m the last si | im-rtft- area away and won "in a canter. SCRUTINEER hegaa slowly, but race. w. ■ and. _lly ootstayed d | ad but tli.- leader. NORTHERN LIGHT was hard ridden to ontstay Willi K CROWN. SIR K. JOK E | showed the mosl earlv speed, but qall alter hading lor the irst half. Scratched 21317 Lea InralMes. 105. Qverweiglitv Northern Light. 1 pound. ____ — _, gy gr iiiilMi KA i: 3-4 Mile. 00373 UU a 11::. i Paraa 00. 1 year ..Ids and upward. lOOO Selling. Net value to winner 0450; M-cmd. : Ihird. .$:. . — Index Bocae. _WtPP» i K % Str Fin Jockeys Owners II C P S — 21783 I IWIsTv sn r. l r. ;. I 1 Is l« 1- F Cooper WKOIiv.r 1 -. 1 -■_ _ j out - Vanlhin.l A Glbaoaj 1 s ,, .; ., 21704 VKVCHEE WB B 10$ i S 1" L ■■■ - "..I-MXrVIn i AsVA wb4 90 1 1 % i • g K IpailleF own M M » 4 J-6 21783*NCI K IIMMIK WB I 108 8 1 V -- 1- W Cral C B Delines N 8 - 1 21679 MdP.FR TV HALL w 6 01 i 6 6 :. B« | 5 If Garner C A Crew 12 -•■ 25 S 2 n057-REAI MNT RKLKKwn 1 sx 7 _ 8 P f 6J L McAi eR l.1. - " f. :! It 1 SWGERwb i: 901 - s 7 7- 7 7 J Sterretl Miss L Graj W SB «■ l. .. -ISfi.-DP 21394 INI N w f. 8R 3 7 5-8 B 8 R McDotU O Lovell M ft GO 13 f Time 23,. 47%, 1:12%. Track fast. . Winner B is. bv MeCee Sanfart drained b W. L. Oliveri. .____, Went to nosl st 3:33 At post I urinates. Stan good and slow. Won cautering; sc -ond and third id dririas KEWESSA drew awai Into a long lead in the Orsl eighth and was under a stout pull at the finis. ih. i. YEN«;HEE ran ■ g race and finished gamely. MARTIN CASCA was a forward contender all th- way. • IMI.K .IIMMIK -Lowed s 1. but tired badly in the hOB_estret_. The winner was eadeKd lor M.ouii: i": ■b bid. ___,, 21783 Marjarie A.. MM; „ 121700 „ Supreme, ,r,-Kcratched 107. Orerweights lir. R. K. Swareiiger. 1 . iioiin.ls: Inlnn. 2. — -a O OP rOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 00375 1:11— «— 115. Fourth Running Nursery Plate. |qQO ,600 Added. 2 v ar ..Ids. Allowances. Net Milie to winner SI. .-.id: second. 50; i": third. .70. Index Horses AWtPPSt U V. % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S ! " 1 B Tyree 7-5 7-f 1 l 1 — 2i74SiKi; NEPTUNE w 11- 1 :. -: :; :: l*l Coopar V 2-P GoWsCnL S Thompaon 3 I ! W- C1620 ■ . ; 1 w 112 J 1 1*|1 $"2-1-3 Weber Ward 8-5 8-5 8-6 1-3- FKeogh 21778 21778 l"1 il. K w 115 3 2 - Tim., 23%. 47%. 1:11%. Track fast. Winner Br e bv Sea King Tools trained by B. B. Larriek. Weal to postal I ••. Al poet 1 minute. Start good and fast. Won easily: second and third driving. ng mm MPit r vncil ground when entering the homestretch and. tmi-hiug last and gamely, was going ing awsy at the end RKclNA showed superb* early -peed and ti, d hut outgaaied IMDGK in the final drive. v.- i.,ii„,i; Biove. swiftlj after eatertog the baaaestreteh, where be came araamai the leader, but tired in in lli. last -IM .It h Scr;il.-hed— 2177S Til kit. 10-7. — -. — — — — —————==================- -a OOrT FIFTH RACK 1 1-16 Miles. S.-.44.-. 1:4.7--, 1 104. Purse *C M. :; year olds and up-J up OO I ward Selling. Ne! value lo winner 30. X HB*V . lpO-.tlii.rd_. $.r_ . IZhs 1! AWtPPSt, i. Str Fin Jocheya Ow n- r I "__"_ ,,_, S , I 21744 * I IFF STREAM W» 6 105 8 1 7s 3 V -" 1| R McDottN MacfarLoie f f 4 8-5 4-S t - K LapailleJ Lowenatein ! 3 3 1 i • _W441«BIRK ivi: I mi 6 :; 1 VV „7«4J II IJOIGHTON sll» 1 ■■ re |t I- V I Keoah Q W Scott I M M 1 - 21744-i I Nil w ii 1 mi ! 5 Ill* -" P • 1- MeAi.e Mrs . I Arthur 4 I I 2 1 f imtlt k HEORGE W 6 107 » 1 «i ",4» M f 6» W Ural c .: Marln.an 4 f f 2| 5 7 21784*1. LIFF L1A.K wu f ||| U I «| 0- H ¥ Coopa R M W«t«_M 0 ! « « 3-j Hi 2 2 2 2 2 - •• .1. * b , , " J " J • $ * ; , J J i , 21784 RINWAY wit 1 l 7 5 12 :" H $ T- 7- .1 A. ton II G I.e.lw.ll M M 10 15 al720 PLIANT w c. 104 3 II II W ] •-■ i - v. .1 Connors K.I Pons 15 30 3$ M S 21813*111 DAS BROTHER w I 101 11 8 ;- 1- 7". s,; Si .1 Morys A Brent If I" -" s I 21745tcoici»li: i. wit r. loo 1 Li toi. ip n« ii pi. ii Btearna P J hfOea M to K 7 21724M AKK DEVIL m: 3 ol If 1 V 8 | V I 11" at Garner J B Reapeaa M I". 15 81671*FRONTIER w 4 1ol 7 t 12 12 12 12 12 A Collins J r strode It If IJ Time. 24%, 48%. 1:14%, 1:40%. 1:47%. Track fast. Winner Br. a, by Clifford Maiesl drained bv A. L. Aastla. Weal to post at 1:32. Al pool I niinute. Siart good and fa I. Won driving: m id and third the saaae. Cl.ll I STREAM began slowly, but saved ground on all the turn- and. Bhishing la-l. ontganied f.lRKA al the end. I.IRKAS rider lost bi~ whip at the eighth |x st and the Oily dwelt, but came agafal. II. IIOI i.llTON fine h.d last and close up. DARE DEVIL was in a jam oa IM Oral turn and ki ked j- sideways. PATIENCE .piit alter setiin-- the pice to the Ias1 turn. lie winner was catered for 110; no ■■ bid. " Overweights Pliant. 1 pound. Q O Q SIXTH RACK 5 1-2 Furlongs. 0! 7s: 1:03% 6 107.1 Purse 00. 3-year-olda ami 2-| lOOO upward. Selling. Net value to w inner $:;7." : second. 5; third, .hB70. Index: Horses AWtPPSt V* % -y, Sir Fin Jockeys Owner. 0 II C P S 21724 WATER KII.V w 1 100 b 7 r i; :■ ll A Sclmgrc, A Alexandra 1 I I 3-2 7-10 21740MOSF.KINA V. A RATE :; 90 t 2 ::".:; t— 21 A Collins II s Newman I 5 3] 8-5 4-5 21744-MISS WATERS W t M0 7 i 7— « _ f and 3» .1 Connors I .1 Tons 3t 20 I •". . a 21486 MAKVKI.Ol S wit :; 103 il I V 1] :iJ 1 c Miller Mrs A K Hayton 7829521 206891 aimi i: LESLIE wb 3 OS 8 8 :.u u- 4*1 5— R afcDottG McSweeney 38 25 2f I t 21572-SCll.ri,S w :; 00 12 I 1«" lo- S* P M earner V !• Reed W B 17 C :: _ 21392LAHV L1UHTNINC w 0 1o; 3 1 i 7- 7; T"1- C VanDunH G Bedwell il s s ; 21621 MATER wit 1 104 l l" " H V 8» II Stearns C E Delines 8 K» 8 3 8-5 21640 r.i;ooKci;i:ss w :; 101 :» :; v 2— 5 V J Acton C A Fnrr 15 2fl IS I 3 20685 RAY R. MILLER w •". 100 111 11* 11* »110» L Gentry B 1. Fitzgerald f 8 8 I I 21392 I.ITTLKST RKRKL wit 4 1 lo : .7 s: s IV U* F Adams V R Hearst 3f 8f M 3f lo 21203*CIPRLES FRANCISwb 3 OS 5 12 12 12 12 12 K LapaiUeW Feuchter N s 1- I Time. 23% 47%. 1:07%. Track fast. Winner Ch. I. by Watercress Almadie trained hj K. W. Foster. Went lo pest at .7;il. Al pest 7 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third -Liv Ing. WATER LILY began slowly and was forced to work her way n| the outside, then came wide on Hi.- stretch turn and finished with a rush to win going away. JOSKIINA ZARATE tired after ssakiaj: a threatening effort at the eighth post. MISS WATERS gained steadily from a slow beginning and finished fast MARVELOUS tired after racing into the lead oa the last turn. F.Rooki ItKSS quit after setting the earlv pace. AIMEE LESLIE ran well. The winner was enl -red tat 00; no bid. Scratched -21334 Hareraaek, 90; °1.".:2 Van Ru. 109; 21721 K. M. Watsoa, ill. Overweights— Littlest Ribel. 1 |miiiiii|. 4"h 1 QOO SEVENTH RACK 1 Mile on Turf. Ci7M2 1:38% I — 100. Pane »0 :; year olds. _l00/ Selling. Nel value to winner 50; second, 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt „ % % Str Kin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P S S17*ENCORE nai 98 - 1 lJ 1 "■ 1 V P Lowder Mrs J Arthur 2 3 I . 217C0 VALAS W 105 « :• 7 5 ] ."•- I1 2* A CLiv.r R B Stelle I . 7 2| f-5 21704*CARRIK ORME wa 103 - 1 H I1 2— -" 3a II Stearns B I OConnell $.8842 21522 SUBJECT wit 100 5 8 $ 3" 4- V 4»1 R McD*ottW II Ftej Sf 2fl IS I 21724 MAR. MtlNTGOMERYwB .H IM J3 6— «_ 5* 5» at Garner W R Minell W W I 3 8-3 21740 MEELICKA WB • ; 1 I 2— - :." tl f I. htcAtee W P Fl_e f 8 I 2 1 21559 !! A CI.AIRK ar MS I 7 f B3 kJ 7- 7" A SchngrS Ross z 13-513-51 1-3 21232 DORCRIS w 105 M C 8— 9* :is : ■ s C VanDunH Oota M 2f 2f s I 21705 1 WII.ICIIT w OS :; .", 5 7- 7 8| H J Acton B K.vy _ 21 2D 8 I 20888s MAIDEN BRADLT WB 90 9 ti 1 » lo lo lo lo T Hayes M LeRoy If 8fl ff 28 Pi Time. 21, 48%. 1:14, 1:40. Track fast. Winner R. g. by Plaudit Expressing trained by J. Arthur. Went to peat at -7::;7. At post 1 ininuie. Start good and last. Won handily; second and third din-in. RNCORK raced into a .puck lead and. cutting across lo the rail, saved ground on all turns, but had to b. ridden out at the end to amintain his position, VALAS, shuffled back at the start, gained steadily and was slowly .-.lining on the leader ai the finish. CARRIE OHMK ran well, but tired right at the end. SIP. JlCT ran well. IDA CLAIRE ai»peared unabl. to extend h.-rseir and erMenlly does not rua well na I be grass coarse MEELICKA showed -peed for Ihree-qaarters. The winner was entered t.a 00; an bid. Scratched 21.103 Lady Spirituellc. OS; _I7M Rssan, 103; _|s:;7 Hare Devil. 05; 21083 Africa Bean, 100. Overweights MaL.l Montgomery. 1 pound: Maiden Bradley, L

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915072801/drf1915072801_2_4
Local Identifier: drf1915072801_2_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800