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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. With strong defensive position* aiding them the Russians appear to have halted the German-Austrian advance on Warsaw. possibly only torn porarily. Fighting of the most destructive ami ferocious character is in progress over a long front and a PeteigrsO dispatch of yesterday says: "In the direction of Tnkuni toward Bulo midway between Tnkuni ami Riga I the enemys offensive, which bewail Saturday, was repulsed with the as sistance of ships guns evidently on vessels m the Hull ol Riga |. X • rlli of the Niemeii the enemy an proaehed the Pomewias-Keydaay front. On the t" Kovuo from the southwest there has been -| mie- lighting. On the .arew front Hie enemv continue* unsuccessfully to attack our positions on the Ptssa river near the village of Sinvalki. South el Began, alter a stubborn encounter with the Her mans who bad crossed tin- Narew, we threw them back in the regian near the m-uith of the Ota as far as the village of that name. Southeast ot Iliitusk north of Warsaw! the enemys attacks wen repulsed. Small engagements were began with the advanced defenses of Novoirenrgieosk. On the left bank of the Vistula enemy attacks on l amm. nls advanced w,.rk were repulsed with success. Between tin- Vistula and the Vieprs the artillery duel continues. Between the Vieprs and I In- Bag the battle continues with urreai in tensity. iin the tweiify-tifth the enemy attacked ah. n;: his whole front with the exception of the immediate vicinity of tie Vlapta. North of Ornhechow tin- enemy delivered • an energetic attack with strong forces, hut our troops re|.ulsed almost all the aasatults and successfully cunlei attacked. There has been an rhaag* en this front except in a lew villages, which pass from hand I . hand. There has been no lighlinu: on the Bag, the Hot* Lipa or the Hn-isti-r. In the BUck s.-a mi Sunday our torpedo boata, oaeratlaa. in the coal region, destroyed forty sailing ships laden with coal. They also destroyed a new coal shaft and a suspension bridge." Eight divers started to •walk" the bed of the river between Clark and I.aSalb- streets yesterday afternoon, seeking for the bodies of any of the F.isi lands victims which may be resting on the bottom of the stream. The work will continue into the night, ami it is expected that a nuinhoi of corpses will he found. Tugs and scows have formed a blockade of the river at l.aSalle street, anil air machines tor the divers have keen placed on them. The men will endeavor to rover every foot ot the stream so that tin-re will In- no possibility of anybodies lieinj; mi-sod. A strung undercurrent in the Chicago river his swept several hundred bodies away from the death chamber of the steamer Bast-land, leaving net more than forty corpses m tin-hull, ii wa- asserted by a diver who has explored the vessel throughout. Tile bodies of many iniss-log victims an- now floating in the river or drain age canal between Chicago and Lockport, he be-lleves. "Not more than forty and possibly as few as twenty bodies will he found in the hull of the Bastland when it is raised." declared William Demean, a diver who has worked recovering bodies since Saturday. "When I got into the bottom parts of the ship, where hundreds of bodies were sap posed to he locked. 1 was surprised to see none e cept a few so kicked in that it would he almost impossible to get to them beneath water. There i- a sM,.u;r liver current rushing through the hull -•r the Bastland. Out of the openlnga maay bodies uml uibtedly have l-oi n rallied and may be found between here and Lockport. The bodies remain lag in the boat are behind iron doors and in com partments, where it is difficult to reach them under water." Tin- Geneva, Bwltaertand, Tribune prints tin- following regarding operations in tin- Italian war theater: "Iin. Anatriana flghj with utter contempt for i death, and the loss, s on both sides are frightful, . hut those of the Austrian* appear heavier, the Italian - artillery mowing them down in masses. On I the Carso plateau the Italians ale advancing in the • direction of Gorhria. On Mont.- Nero the Italians » ion.- carried several portions of tin- enemy** i",sl lions. At Podgora the Italians repulsed all Austrian - attacks, notwithstanding the extreme violence ■ wiih which they were delivered. Apparently determined to demoralize the British tish supplv an much ii- possible, two German submarines have appeared suddenly among vessels of the . ashing fleet off the north coast of Scotland, and l shell lire have sunk nine trawlers. In each , case, in spite of a vigorous shell lire from the tier man uader-water boats, tin- crew* of the trawler* j escaped without injury, although the men of . vessel drifted iii their open boats for forty-live . hours before being picked up. Another crew eras I adrift forty boars. All the men wen- landed safely yesterday. Iiespile the rceiit agitation bv a certain s,.. Hon of the British pn ss that cotton be declared contraband, tin- government has not changed its decision on this point. This is Indicated bj a shite meat made in the house of commons vesienlav hy Ford Bobert Cecil, parliamentary undersecretary for ,- foreign affairs, who -aid that Great Britain did not i want to ileal unfair!* with nciiliaj.s. whatever Cor many might do. "So far as cotton reachlmr b-riTmnf" r* is concerned." Lard Bobert said, "it w ill make a l i difference whether it is declared contraband or not." A Berlin dispatch of Monday says: "The iii! aerial chancellor. Hr. Von ltelhinanu Hullweg, conferred with the emneror today at general headquar ters. The American note was discussion. Same Officials an- inclined to believe the American note closes tip. diplomatic discussions most thoroughly. Other* think a reply of some soil wilt be made by Germany and that Hi.- igntalhsj of indemnification fop tlie American lives lost, will per nana he MSJCested for reference to arbitration." Gen. Antonio Conton- has been killoil in battle on the Isonzo front. He is the tirst officer of that rank leal bj Italy. lie won a general** commission by the heroism he displayed during the operations in Tripoli. General Canton- had charge of actions Which resulted in the occupation of Ala and other Village* mar Hovereto. in Treutino. Armed only with a riding whip, he directed Ids men from the moat exposed positions, declaring in- would be ashamed to run less risk than his soldiers. A tendon dispatch of yeaterday says: The casualties in the British army and navy have reached a total of 339,995, according to a printed statement issued by Premier Aaquith. The total naval casualties up to .Inly ID were 9.108 and the military casualties to .Inlv is were 321.889. The naval losses were divided as follows: Officer* killed. 499; wounded, s": missing. 29; men killed, 7,439: wounded, 7*7: missing, i!74." Inquiries have been made by a representative of the French government among Pittsburgh manufacturer* regarding the poaaRtlllty of placing an order for sufficient mica to make 4.000.000 lenses for glasses lo In- worn by French soldiers lighting in the trenches in Kurope. They assert that mica form* a protection to the eye from gas and acid bombs, as if will not shatter when track and is not susceptible to beat. Says a foadou dispatch of yesterday: "After being shadowed by a siilimarine. which it is believed was subsequently sunk bj a British ship, tin- -ham ship Baltic arrived safely at Liverpool this morning from New York. When the passengers reached London this aftern i tiny were all full of the siiluiiariiie story. Only .-lc. however, Arthur Ilas kithl. ot New York, asserted that he actually saw it." Flu- Geraaaa government lias been Informed by .lames w. Gerard, American ambassador at Berlin, that Herman ollieers in France ale now being treated in accordance with tin- provisions of The Hague conventions. Consequently lifty French officers, who Wei-,- being treated as military prisoners in retail* Hon. have been restored to their former condition. Yesterday** baseball results — National League: Host. ,n 1. Brooklyn 3; Pittsburgh s. New York 1: Cincinnati 4. Philadelphia :t. American League: Huston ::. Chicago 1: Philadelphia ii. St Louis 4: Washington 1. Cleveland 0; Detroit 7. New York .;. Federal League: Buffalo ::. Chicago 2: Brooklyn 7, Kansas citv 5: Pittsburgh -• Baltimore I The Norwegian bark Harbin- was attacked and set on tire Sunday by a German submarine. Iin envy, which has landed at Amsterdam, was given live minute* to get into the boats. The raptaia savin- saw three Other Ixiats on fire mar the Spot while the Harbue was attacked.