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I REVIVAL OF RACING IN NEW JERSEY. Ruuison. X. .1.. August 36. — The Runison Hunt and steeplechase Association lias been incorporated in this state, ami will bold fall ami spring meetings ai the Bumson Country Club. The tir-t meeting v. ill i c held Saturday, October 2. when the hesi fiat and steeplechase racing in New Jersey since the day- ■•! tbo old Monmouth Park racing will be -ecu. The incorporators are: Howard S. Borden and Bertram II. Borden, sop. of the late M. C. 1 . Borden: Warren w. Barbour, G. Jason Waters. y. Strotber .Imies and Charles 1 . Halsey. all of New York, who have country estates in tills section. Arrangements have been made with English e !■• lay out .me of [he aaOSl advanced -|.-ei b chase courses iu the country ami the building of a half-ntile track around the old practice polo rield n ih- Bums n Country Club property with parking places for . i" automobiles. All events will he held under the sanction of tin- hunts committee of the National Steeplechase ami Hunt Association. Entries ror the races of October 2 will dose Monday, September 20. The li-: of race- ; dlows: First race— The Monmouth Plate, for all ages: about three-quarter- r»n the turf: purse. 250. Second race — The Seabright Steeplechase Handicap, for three-yea i • id- aui! over; aliout l.vo miles over a brush course; purse. S.V10. Third race— The Shrewsbury Plate; high-weight handicap, for three-year-oMa and over: about one mile on the turf: purse. S2." 0. Fourth rai t The Bnsneon Cup, for hunters: about two mileii and a halt over a brush cour«e: for hunters duly •■gi-t.-re"il *y 4lu- "inl." tl*"" "**° the National Steeplechase and Hunt ~A*sot*Iatton i i anadan Hun: Association purse, *:;m . and plate io winning owner and rider. Fifth a.e The Snore Plate, tor three-year-olds and over; about om mile and a i:al! ell the turf; ■arse, 06, and plate to winning owner and rider. gentlemen riders. Sixth fact — The Holnidel Plate, for ponies; about three-eighths; for iiouios not exceeding 15 hands; purse, SHIP, and plate to rider of winner.