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SAN FRANCISCOS RENEWAL OF RACING. Grand Attendance Welcomes the Return of the Thoroughbreds with Enthusiasm. It i- unit* evident thai San Francises admirers oi nc!ng had a dechledlj good time at tin- Presidio track last Saturday. Front .ill accounts the attendance was greater than en any day when San Praa Cisco racing waa antrameled by restrictions of any sort. The] bad :i capital standard of measurement |o go by. The huge grandstand has a seating capacity f 38,000 and one bud only to note that, hesidra the throngs on the lawn- Iu front, it wa-more than hall Blled to reach the conservative cou-i*lm *~ thai 20.000 ,.,• more spectators wire present, As to tin spirit of Hie assemblage and some fea-tures. one San Francisoj newspaper said: ••Twenty thousand throats cheered to the echo When the nine sprinters came out in tin- color- for the rir-t race and throughout the afternoon showed the enthusiasm that cannot be matched by any oiler amusement. "Unfortunately, n,-- day was somewhat dark an.; threatening, bin nothing could chill the ardor of the immense throng. When the favored horses came galloping down in .rout, or when then waa a nose ami m se finish, wihi applause was forthcoming. The elners am1 handelapplug and waving of hanu-k-rehiefs was lie way the crowd said: •• •Youre here again and were delighted to greet you. "The big you included horse-, jockeys, trainers, officials and everyom who has anything to do with keeping the sport going. Every country in the world supports racing, and the people of California took advanng« ol the opportunity lo register themselves in favor of it- booming hereabouts. "For the til -t day on an untried course, the sporl waa far beyond expectations. In some of tin- con lesta th*r were I le thrilling kind of finishes ao popular with the race-goer, and in otbera an out-ataadiag perfoi uer breezed home bj himself. It was just ibe variety that nearly every days card may be expected !■• furnish at tin- m etiag that opened so auspici a -l . •The Exposition Handicap at a mile, the feature of the afternoon, proved to be the most thrilling. While the vast assemblage u.i- shouting jts getier-oii- praise ii Br lim i, the winner, and Johnny I Biiliman. the pilot, horsemen were analysing the gallop. «- is their way, aid trying to determine whether th l«est b rse really had won. About half thought Byrlimal wouhl nave won even ii the race had been run a bit differently, wi.ile the other half thought Bash from Frisco Hoags stable waa the best. i» iim-l !.•• said that Bash me: with a lot .•! Intt rferenee and that the question ai so pretnacy was not de»*isively settled. •■A picturesque pande of ?h # ughbreda from lire. Anita Baldwius ranch was held lust after the running ol the third nee. Headed by Bey i.i Santa Anita, winner of the Aaaerieaa Derby in is:i| a doaeu mares and yearlings were led by i . grandstand by groomt neatly attired in vini-. _ ts be man in" along majestically, with his beau- I titd head lifted high, the old hor-e was given t t si after round of applause." with w. B. Jenning aa presiding jitdse. and Dick Dwyer doing the timing, other- of the oM-thners who renewed CIJ liintance incluued John Lowe. Harrv llasou. -lack tikin. Roy Carruthera, William Itaml.ill. Ilenrj Im-hu..1 Tie llain-.v lake lloltniaa. iloorge *iiiignekl lamer Orant, Percj w, Tre«t. riarnet jcilm ••!! ami many ..thers. who were iiniillar liunre- in the daya 1 the Baj Dl Ingbmide. Tanfisran and Oakland tneka. He six race* •! ihc iijy Cell to Master Frank- 1 1 1 1 tin. Thistle Belle. Hose Marian. Brynlimah, . W. lodges. Fn-inian and 1heodorita. There was no betting quoted In the paper-.