Saratoga Favorites Fail: Lady Rotha Wins the Amsterdam Selling Stakes in Bitterly Contested Finish, Daily Racing Form, 1915-08-27


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] . I I I L , . r • i f • I 1 f " , j r ;. - i | - 7 I ,, 1 I s s t li - Z B | r * * * f 9 P d» a L _ L _ r ♦ f 4 ♦ f m w ♦ f d f • h «► L ♦ L 4 L 4 * t ♦ S f 4 f ♦ f ♦ h ♦ k A L L .* £ ; i • w SARATOGA FAVORITES FAIL LADY R0THA WINS THE AMSTERDAM SELLING STAKES IN BITTERLY CONTESTED FINISH. Conning Tower Takes the Highweight Handicap ajrd Old Salt the Steeplechase — Garner Pilots Two Winners — Owners and Horses Departing. Saratoga. N. V.. August ML— The Amsterdam Selling Stakes, at a mile, resulted in a stirring contest today between Lady Botha, Yankee Notions, Pomette Kleu and Hairy Shuw. the four starters. When Lady Botha, after following the others to the stretch, closet up rapidly along the inner rail and mot up in time to catch the judges eve it was a surprise t the spectators. Yankee Notions made the pace to the far turn, where he was joined by Pomette Bleu and the two came wide when turning for home. Lady Rot ha. steadily improving her position, saved much ground. Meanwhile. Yankee Notions and pomette Bleu were lighting it out to the tiuish, but right at the end Lady Rotha. under a masterful ride by Oarner. who had taken everv possible advantage, got up in time to score. It waa a sensationally run race. Hail they kept clout r to tin- inner rail on the stretch turn either Yankee Notions or Pomette Bleu would have won. The deceptive angle caused many to believe that Lady Botha had not won and there was a demonstration when her number was hoisted. Below is given the li.-f of •winners of the Amsterdam Stakes from the year of its first running in I.MH. to and including todays running: Tear. Winer. A.Wt Jockey. Val. Time. 1801 First Whip I 111 P.ullman .. .Sl.TOu 1:-K1* 1802 ClonmeU :J !1 Shea 2,135 11J 1803 Virgin Boll ...-: 86 II. L.-too 1:42 1801 He Resske 5 104 HUdebrand. 2,785 1:42 1805 Canteen 4 Ml W. Knapp. . 2,220 1:38% 180C Right Royal... 4 1«5 Sewell 1,845 1:42 1807 Unpple !Mj Ooldstein .. 1,885 1 ::.!• 1808 Purslane 1 nr, Musgrave .. 42.. 1:41% 1!M« Nimbus I lose. Oram!... 80S 1 :Hs 1010 Mary Davis ...4 .*; Bstep 1,550 1 :38 1813 Ella Bryson ....10... I. McTagt. 805 1:3s* 1814 Urover Hugbes.0 no F. Keogh... BOS 1:38 1915 I ad Botha ..•". loo M. Gamer .. 885 1:42 Distance 1 mile and 70 yards in 1901. No racing iu 1011 and 1012. It was a bad day for the public choice1?, which went d.wn to defeat regularly, stariu- when Conning Tower, conceding weight to ins opposition took the opener, a high weight handicap over Grumpy and I.e., Skelny. Sw i-h. well -backed in the steeplechase, made, a bad landing and went down in the second turn of tin field, and did Salt thereafter had no contention to keep him from rnaalni. home by himself. Hidden Star easily scored over Favour, the receding favorite of the third, and High Horse at 10 lo 1 took the lift u over Tnlee. The riding of j .ckey .Mack darner was: a real feature of the afternoon. He piloted two of his mounts to victory iu a manner which shows thnt he will be a factor among the riders, even though his apprentice allowance has expired. Shipment- of horses away from here hn- MSB- men. id. The stable- of .1. o*. Talbott and a division of tin- Quincy Stable in charge of FJward Phe.iiu. departed for Belmont Park tonight. Jockey Bur- lmgame accompanied the latter stable, .1. W. Schorr will ship hi- -table to Kentucky to morrow. He intends retiring Luke afcLuke to tin stud for tin- season of lob;, when be will again be taken up and trained with a view to racing as wan done with Ogden. Manager Edward Rurke of the Havre de Grace track was ■ visitor today and reports that the list of applicants for stabling and the stake eu-tries for the fall meeting far exceed any yet mad-at the popular Maryland course. .locke, W. I. OBrien has left for Snn Francisco ami le|i i is ha- received an offer to ride at that meeting, which he is considering. Reports received here -late that the meeting is progressing well. Tin horses of C. W. Gasser, Larry Carey. John L. Paul and B. L. kripp will be shipped to* Havre de Gnce next week. W. T. Anderson has ordered a car for Montreal and intends shipping there next week for the Blue Bonnets ami Dorval Park m letisuja, Albert Guggenheim, a well known sportsman who ha- been here for the past two week-, left for New York last night He is contemplating the purchase of some horse- in the fall. John Sanford has secured tirst call on the promising apprentice rider L. Mink. Jockey I,. Derpude ha- received an offer to ride in Canada and will depart for Montreal a the conclusion of this meeting. White Hackle, the recent acqahdtioe of the Sho shorn- Stable, wrenched an ankle thi- morning while working which will keep him out of the Futurity, for which he wa- being pointed. Trainer Law ler of the Juincy Stable announced today that he will retire Trojan, last years Futurity winner, until next year. The uncertain condition of the track here ha- kept him from giving the horse m.cessarv work. In the future the horses owned by H. H. Hewitt will be trained by A. J. Cohlsborough. Saratoga work-outs, with the track good, this morning were: Adroit Five in 1 — eighths : -0 --. . Ancon — Half mile in ol ■"-, . Bevetry James — Half mile ia 55. Borax — Half mile in 55. Belgian Trou| er — Five-eighths in l:Ut3. Borgo — Mile in 1:40. Blue Thistle -Mile in 1:50--.. Cliff Field Three eighth- in 39. i bancs -Half mUe m 52%. Churchill — Three-.iuarteis iu l:ls.. Cock ••• the Walk— Three-eighths in 38%. Disturber — Three-eighths in 42. Dinah Do— -Thne-unarten in 1:19. Daddys Choice — Three eighths iu :47. Fddie Belling— Three-eighths in 98 . Flla l.ry-oii Three-quartera in 1:29. Fair Weather— Half mUe in 55. Roodwood — Flve-eigbtha in I :oo. Hedge— Mile in 1:50. Hermis Jr. — Half mile in 52. Helping Han 1 -Three-eighths in 38%. I.ydia A.— Five-eighths in 3:07. Lindentbal— Three-eighths iu ■■■ .. Lone — Three-quarters in 1:18%. Ifary Warren — Half mile in 54% Mis- MeGiggte- -Three-eightha in 38%. Moonstone Five eighths in 1:05%. Meadoworth Three eighth- in 37. Malabar — Five-eighths in 1:05. orotund Three-eightha in ot",. Perth Uock -Hiree eight lis in 11%. Plaintiff live-eighths iu 1 :OV. Pulliix Three-eighths ha 38. Peter stalwart — Tbree-quarten iu 1:17",. BeUanc — Half mile in ~!" Remembrance — Flve-elgbths in 1:06:;,. Bay o Light— Mile in 1:47%. Beybouru — Three-quarters in l:W%. sr. Isidor- -Half mile Lu 51- . i ii Point Five-eighths in l :o:.. Typograpb -Five-eighths lu i:0fi Touchdown Three-eightha in 38%. tinkle Bell Three-eightha In 38* . Tippet arj — Half mile in 52. Wanda Pltser ■ Serea-eightiw in 1:22%.

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Local Identifier: drf1915082701_1_11
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