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f | 1 . : | • i- - i r ■ | I I BLUE BONNETS FORM CHART. MONTREAL. dUE.. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1915. Bine Bonnets. Sixth elay. Montreal Jockey Club. Autumn Mietiiig of 7 -lav-. Weather cloudy first race, wet thereafter. Presiding Steward. Joseph A. Murphy. Presiding Judge. Francis Nelson. Starter, A. B. Dade. Re ill. Secretary. W. Northi-y. Racing -tarts at 2:13 p. ni. Chicago time 1:15 p. m.i. *Indicates apprentice- allowance. 0 0 7 00 "KST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 88184 1 :"5.-. 4 114. i 3888 Added. 2 year ..Ids. _J _J | Q j Maidens. Sellhm. X.-t value- to winner 2 : second. : third. jtjO. Indei Horses AWtlTSt i V_. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Ecpiiv. Oelels Strt 22673*SHRAINi:i. vli2 8 8 P.. 1 ". 1- 1 .. R McDottC "W Campbell 843-100 22673HROOM CORN .. w 188 8 E 3k 84 2". 2- Q LoBBBS -I Arthur 490-ltlo 20690 LETIETTI WB 107 I 1 _.. 2* 3= 35 F. Ambroses Louis 1700-130 22547*FILLY DELPHI A w 100 10 8 I- :.■ C Be A Nerger W 1. Oliver 3100-100 22673 I.ADY OP LYNN wi: lo5 3 ! B 4. 5- S] E Haynes K .1 Kelley t900-100 21960 EDITH OLGA w 113 5 1 iv 7 « ti"i .1 William-. I II Shreve MOO inn 22673 CA8C0 w 112 11 M 8* . - 7s T- A Collins V F rnoglBIl 22673*.l Mi: W. w 188 I I B| Sj 8] B| V Cooper C B Campbell 79Ci 100 22673 i;MS1 BLAIR w K»7 7 12 It* B1 b" 3 I A s.-bugr A I. Austin too | a . _____ _ Couliuned ou BBCSM page, i : , I 1 | ■ ■ 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 I BLUE BONNETS FORM CHART. Con tinned from irsl page. I 22M7-M.-I ii i M am 110 12 11 LOJ i" ■ 9 I0 I Rice A Turney 1 101 22673Ll; III II w ins | 7 , ; i l ■•■] I -• 1 1 - • .1 McClenryG B l.iiui.k t 22673ci:oi;i;i: MORGAN SB 160 1 • 13 12 12 12 K WettthyS Newman tMutael ti.lil. Time, 23*5. 49, 1:02V5. 1:09. Track slow. mutuels iai.l. Shrapnel, 4. no straight, S0.40 pbtce, .60 show: Iirooin Corn. ..70 place. SI.Mf show: l.ctletti. 811.10 show. Iapiivahut bc-king odd- Shrapnel. 845 to loo straight, :;70 to 100 place. 1so to HKi show: Bra Corn. 235 t.. loo place. 145 to loo show; Letfettl, 453 i. iiki show. Winner B. g. by urn ol Reach -Ferrol trained by A. K. Bresler. eni to post at 2:24. At post 2 minutes, start good and -low. Won easily; second and third drii Ing. SHKALNLI. went to the front with ■ rush and easily won all the way. I.KitiiM CORN ran u.-ll and easilj disposed of LKTFETT1 In the h ■stretch. The latter, probably sbart. tired near H i JLM 1 ILLY DELPHIA ran well. CVLSV BLAIR and CAS ii began slowly. The winner was entered foi r« Semleheil— 20401 Trout I Iv. 1Xl: 223!i:: Hr. Sullivan. Ins. M O • T 17 f SKCOXIl LACK 3-4 Mile. i227 m--1:l2- 5 113.1 siv o Added. ~ TmTr~~~7nTH w *J I I y ward. Canadian foald. Handicap. Net value to winner 10: sweoad, M " ; third. 5. Index Horses AWtlISt.t i.. Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Ki|iiiv. Odds Slrt 22700 si. ULLi; HAY w 4 134 5 3 p l". l- 1 1 P Goldatn J S Hendrie .v. |... 22721 CORN i.ROOM w-4 106 1 1 _"._■ i» f a Collrna W F Preagrmve lTJO-lM 22400 HERRMANA w 4 105 2 2 » :. V ; A Schugr Invereck Stable 683 Im 22696 MARION IIAIKTV wt: 4 104 4 I ". pa |i 1* K Cooper E Glassco 756 b»i 17369SIR LAI NCI. LOT 4 102 I S S .J 5 3 J CallahanJ E3 Seagram 895-100 Time. 23»A. 48. 1:14. Track slow. mutuels paid. Slipper Bay, . :;.io straight, .00 place, .40 show: Corn Broom, 23.50 place, .10 how; Herrmann. .80 show. lapiivaleut 1 king odds Slipper Hay. 33 to loo straight. 50 to Kifi place. 2o to KHI show; Coin L.r 175 to loo place, 55 to Kill show : ll.ri inana. 4o to 10O show. Winner -Br. f. by Marttmar ltlue Grouse trained by B. Whyt.-i. Went to post at 2:32. At post :; iiiinul.s Stan g 1 and slow. Won ciimIv: second and Ihird driving. SLIPPER HAY went to the front in the first sixteenth and was under restraint through the last half COItN ItltdOM ran well and made several futile efforts to get to in.- leader. HERRMANA showed peci ho I tired badly. fc £ rj rj ~t THIRD BACK 1 3-4 Miles. 170a0 3»%— 4 120. Sixth Running Derby Cup. *_i atS • I -L S7MI Added. :: year olds BBd ii|.war.I. Handicap. Net vain.- to wlnnei |40Q and Cold Cup; seeotid. 30: third. 5. |ide Horses AWtllSl it ._. -TlslrLin J.keys Owners Eiuiv. TTTds Mi t 22698 RANCHER w :i 107 J . V S- 1- I- !■ .1 CallahanG M Hendrie 173 m7 22721 LK. PHILSTHBPE W 6 103 3 3 :: :; :: :" ?• T Cummga Wheal Mtj Stable «2674;HL.Ai:TS ol OAK « 5 112 1 1 I* i : :: :: t Rice II Qiddine Time. 24, 50%, 1:17%. 1:44. 2:10. 2:37%. 3:04%. Track sloppy. paid. Rancher, s."..3i» straight; no place mutuels sold. L.piival. nt booking ...ids Kaneher. 175 to loo straight. Winner B. c bj Galreston suc-t Lavender itiained by .1. Walters. Went to p. st at :;:2::. At post 2 minutes. Start g.«.i and slow. Won cantering: second ami third driving. RANCHER, after under restraint for the tirst mile, raced int., «a easy had in the last half and was eantciing at tin end. PRINCE LI I II.STHliULI". wore the tiling HEARTS OF • Is. down in i he last quarter. The latter set the pace, but was made too mack us,, of early ami failed to stay, the route. 61 6 h rjrrrt llMnTII RACK About 2 Miles. |77H24 :!:54 •.-.--3 — 145. i Steeplechase. ;oo Added. dS mM 4 4 Mmi .: year -his and upward. Selling Handicap. Nit value to winner 8430; second. SI 25: third. 3. Index Horses AWtllSt 5 s II 14 Pin Jockeys Owners Kipiiv. odds Strt 2267511 BON ws 7 134 I 3 ::; I".::1 1] 1] H Crawt.IW Smitli TV-s t22548III.E MICHAEL W 7 147 Z I 5 :" _. 3 and• F WillianisW L Maupin To [00 259* EARLY LIGHT W 5 LIS :, 4 1 4« I" L :: ; I H 1 Bed well S93 HW 22675 MARCH COURT v. t l:;2 I I a* :;- l- 2] 4- B Wolke .; R Tomtdrma 655 100 22675 KALLINi.A w 5 1311 I 1 l1 5 S S G G Garnet! .1 O L.urttsch. 11 1143 |i» 22675 I NION JACK w 7 LIO 1 2 Lolled. .1 Russell Q L Sh-rman 1300 1641 Time. 4:14. Track sloppy. S2 mutuels paid. Cu Bon, 1.10 straight. s5.4o place, 13.10 -how: Idle Michael, 33.10 place *2 ;n show: Early Light. .*:;.2o show. Iaiiiivahnt booking odds— Cu I.on. !i55 to 100 straight. 170 to 100 place. 35 to 100 show Idle Mieh-lel 33 to IO* 30 I i loo show: Early Light. 00 to 160 show. Winner Ch. g. by Cuiiar.l l.onibel trained by L. larrari. W.ut to post at :;:32. At post ! niinutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and Ihird the same. CD BON fenced well and. alter being a forward contend, r from the start, moved up gamelj when going to the last jump and outgaineil IDLE MICHAEL in the final drive. The latter was milch i-~r in forcing and setting the pace ami tired near the linish. EARLY LIGHT went wide when going to the last jimp and was wearing the leaders down at the end. MARCH MKT ipiit in the la-t sixteenth. UNION JACK ran oat at the second jump. The winner was entered for 0000; no bid. Overweights — Kali Inla. 1 pounds. 47 7Q 111 Til RACK 3-4 Mile. i227imi 1:12 5—103., .«i;;.o Add. .1. All Ages! Handicap* and | | Q Net value Io winner 41; second. S123: third. »75. linle llofses AWtllSl .. 4 Strlill Jockeys Owners la|iiiv. Odds Strt 22700 WATEB LADY WB 4 102 7 i r,-1 V I] 1"*- R kteDottJ Arthur l;:;o pm 22657-LAN ZARETA WB 5 125 G 2 tj 3] V 2 T Rice H 8 -Newman n I00 22700 LNKTIA «i: I Km; I I L 4| B» 3] J alhih.ui L Sheridan 22700 TIIL. Win. MOON am 3 OS ! I I- V- - I A Nerger Keystone Stable 656-MM 22700 sir EDtiAR w :: Kr.» :; 1 2 2" :: :, ; F Cooper II 1 BedweU •" i««i 21591 CKKKTIN;;S w 2 . IS 7 7 i.: B» A Collins F J Coleman 22700 LADY BABBARY W 3 103 7 *;• 6] 7 7 .1 WilliatnsK P Carman S+M-100 iCoiipled in betting. Time. 23V5, 47%. 1:13%. Track sloppy. mutuels paid .1. Arthur and F. J. Coleman entry, SS.66 straight. .10 |ilace $:: 111 riatW" Pan Zareta. .00 place. $::.4 show: Venetia. .60 show. L.piivalent hooking nlds J. Arthur and T. J. Coleman entry. MU to 100 straight. 105 to KM place. 33 to km! show ; Lan Zareta, 200 t.. i imi place, 70 to 100 show; Venetia, 23 to loo show. Winner — B. t hv Wuterboy — Dnchesa of Towers trained by J. Arthur. Went to |iast at 4:::::. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. WATER LADY was off slowly, but worked her way up on the outside and. gradually improving her position, tinishe.l gamely and outstayed LAN ZABBTA. The latter was a forward I ailcmlcr all the waj and ran a good raee. in going not supposed to be favorable to her. VENI I t V began slowly and finished fast. SIK EDGAR was crowded back in the last titty yards. THE WllmW MOON set a fast pace to the last sixteenth and tired. Scratched— 1 22700 YKeweaaa. 100. £ fc rj rj / SIXTH HACK 1 Mile. 00141 —1 :::7%— 3-107. | .*5HI Added. .Lyear-ohls and upward. £ J M 4: Selling. Xel value to winner :: : second, .floo: third. .$.Ml. "index Horses AWtllSt 4 % ■-, Sir Kill J.K-keys Owners Kquiv. Odd- Sir I 22198 CAl.I.OL WB 4 10S S :; |5 I". 1» 1- 1- .1 allalianMarrone Stable 22622 MvlNMLNDY wn 5 104 I I 21 ••■ S» 2 "- A Collins c, B Cochran 22525*SIi:m. ALPHA WB S Km 1 2 I1 7- 7- l: Is B Craves A C Pratt r.HMiliKi 22552*TIIK USHER w 4 105 :; S 71 U- and| I 4,; R Mel lottThornclilfe Stable 216-KM 22748*1.. OKIRKCALDY w n I 103 2 1 3 ! s4 »;". 6* F Cooper S Louis iMUO-lun 22624 L.LAI Ml BELLE WB I IK I 7 l»| 3 -!"- ... I -; T Uice R B Stelh- 2KM-100 22551 FASTOSO w 13 11". I I Bak 5 i"k 7 7* B Ambrose A I Worley I 0 100 22d98*Z1IAC w 1 105 7 :t g* 8* ! s S" Q l.omas L V. C.arth :Oi |no 22701 KIM w :i K»l 8 .". ::- - 2» a a 10 llavns W T Martin UNI 100 Time. 24%. 48%. 1:15%. 1:42%. Track muddy. mutuels paid. Gallop, straight, .30 place, .60 -how: Klnmamly, .70 place. .60 nana . Sigma Alpha, show. Equivalent booking odds— Callop. 383 to 100 straight. 105 to 100 place. ISO to loo show: Kinmumly, 135 to KM place, sji to KMi show; Sigma Alpha. K20 to Kmi -how. Winner B. .-. by Martinet Common Sue itraimd by W. T. Anderson. Wctil to post at 5:11. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third dri- g. CAl.I.OL. favored by the going, went to the front soon aftM the start and cantered through the last ■piarter KINMLNHY came again alter saving ground when entering the homestretch and finished fast SIGMA ALPHA finished well and outgamed THE USHER. LAIRD OKIRKCALDY dropped back in the lu-t quarter and closed a big gap. The winner was entered for iMi: no bid. Scratched 22720 Muli.-ka. 102: 22701 Mis- Water- 100; 22C.5! Subject. 00; 22725 Clifl" K.lge IDS-21061 Raj ..Light. 108; 22308 Talerarrier, ILL 22701 Capitaa L.ravo. kmi. Overw.-.ghl- L.eauiuont Belle, 2 pounds. 4 4 rj rj pr SKYKNTII BACK- 1 1-8 Miles. I IC.57 1 :52 :; -lot. 1 Ml Added. :: pear "Ids and t £ t I O upward. Selling. Net value to winner y;v : second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses A Wt PlSl U ij "-.t Str Lin Jockeys Owners K.piiv. odds Strt 22677»l!ALKltN w 4 105 I r, V li 11 l"k II F Cooper Ii G Bedwell 295-100 22677 *sTAU OF LOVE W :. 104 1 3 31 S»l 2* V 2" A Collins L W Garth 60 WO 22659 VOLADAY JR. WB 6 116 7 I _■ _- ",. - 3 i J allahan.I Ireen 520-100 22701 1. SPIR1 TI KLI.K w •! 104 I 2 4» 3" 4- ::". 4- B AtnbroseS Louis 72ft pm 22726 FIRST STAR W • 113 1 7 7 7 li 6" •• T Rtee T Kggers ,Lu loo 22G59*S1I1:LIIKK1iKSS* wn 4 103 •". 4 c- % 7 C» c R McDottA J Karr 3SOO-100 22677 LAITY REGAN w 4 lit I I » 4 S] 7 7 1 Me "thy F Harlan 1600-100 Time. 25%, 50%. 1:17, 1:43. 1:57. Track muddy. mntnels paid. Balfron, s7.!io straight, .70 place. .80 show: star of Love, s.Lsii place. .80 show: . .la. lav Jr.. .30 show. T:.iuivalent booking odds Balfron, 2K to 160 straight, 85 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show: Star of Lave till to KM place. In io loo show: Voladay Jr.. 65 to KM -how. Winmi Ch. g. by Ornament Marj street trained by II. G. Bedwell. Went to pest at 5:45. At post 2 minutes. Start good :ind slow. Won ea-ilv. second ami third lri Ing. BALFRON outran the others to the tir-t nun and cantered in front for the rematadci •• the wa STAR ol LOVE tired after moving up menacingly when entering the homestretch. VOLADAY .IK raced closer up than usual in the early running and out gat I LADY SIM K III L.I.LK L.r third place. The latter was always a prominent contender. The wi r was entered tor mi; ii,, bid. ■