First Race [1st Blue Bonnets, Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-09

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WEATHER WEATHER WET. WET. TRACK TRACK HEAVY. HEAVY. FIRST RACE — 3-4 Mile. All Ages. Canadian-foaled. Selling. i227 - i 112 .". 105. Index Courss Dist TlmeTckOdds Wt St % Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish CORN BROOM, ch. g. 4 106 By Cesarion — Birch Broom W. F. Presgrave. "7.. BlueBoii 3 4 1:14 slow 1-1 lo*; 1 2 2 2* * A Collins ." slip. Day. Herrmann. M. Gaiety I I Hue I ton 1 l 8 1:55 fast 1-44 MB 1 6 »■ 6 .",- 4*1 A Collins S Bpintter, II. Dame. P.Pbllstborpe r«; BlueBon 1 1 :41%fast 17-10 107 3 2 2 2 1- 21 A Collins 11 Iroissart. IuritanLass. Offertory IU, | ,,n i i:4u%fast 14 i hMi 3 :; 4 I 2 * 24 A Collins 7 Irish Heart. Gartlev. P.Rbuperd 198 Saratoga 3 4 119 hvv 20 111 5 7 10 10s 102« G Burns L. K. Delllag, SanVega. Bev. James "". «8 Saratoga 3-4 l:16%hvy 20 107 10 5 4 92 1029 A Collins 10 Aunt Josie. Gallop. Freeman lit Windsor 1 l44*fislop 111 108 5 4 4 4 7 7-7 A Collins 7 II. Dame. L. Curzon. D.Rosaleen 21465 Fort Erie 1 l:58Httvy 21 108 5 4 3 5 5* 627 A Collins 6 II. Dame. Gar. Sun. ILBassettll. •T"4 Hamton 3-4 l:13%fast 8 111 8 7 7 41 61S A Collins 12 SlinperDny. Tartarean. L. Curzon 21153 Conght 11:41 good 6-5 106 2 3 3 2 l"k l»k A Collins S L. Spendthrift. O.Mabelle. MonaG. 21026 Conght 7-8 l:29Ssgood 3 114 1 2 2 1 ll 2J G Burns ." Sea Lord. Red Fire. Herrmana ALECTO b. f, 2 88 By Inferno — Irish Witch J. E. Seagram. 17 Windsor 5-8 lrflSftfasl 27-10 M2 fi 4 7 7,- .,* .1 Smyth 7 Good Shot. MissFay KatbleenH. j Windsor 7. S 1 :07iVr,mud 8 96 5 3 2 2s 21 R McDott G Copper King. Miss Fav. Foxlet 1426 FortErie 7,8 1:07 hvy 9 97 4 5 3 31 3* R McDott I Bet las Flame. Cop. King. M.Fav 20849 BlueBon. 4J f 56Hfast 6J 103 5 5 5 5« 42| J Smyth 0 CdShot. Banshore, HeclasFlame MONA G., ch. f, 3 99 By Apologize — Virginial W. Walker. •Mso Con-ht 3-4 l:17%hvy 4 pio :: 2 1 Is I2 S Brown 1. I..Sp:irk. Sntres-Moi, Oadriniid.-i "•431 Windsor 7-8 l:27%tast 10 99 3 2 2 2 B 4*J R MiDott Ifl M.Caiety. P.Pstborpe, Splatter 2344 Windsor 7-8 l:33%hvy 51 97 2 2 3 fi 8° " S Brown 9 T. Rhanerd, M. Gaiety. I*. Sauce *»300 Windsor 3-4 l:16%hvy 28 89 1 3 2 2s 23 S Brown !» R.Fire. PrlnceRbnperd, Car. Sun 1 .itlrie 3-4 l:16%hvy 16 97 2 4 I 42 6" S Brown i l Red Fire. Gartlev. MarionCaiety ?719 Windsor 7-8 l:29Vfegood 74 8S 2 2 2 2 II 31 S Brown 10 Linsin. Rustling, Red Fire rr.6S FortFrie 1 l:53*4hvy 33-5 86 3 1 2 5 620 6]»1L McAtee 7 GarishSun, Gartley, OldReliahle 21463 FortErie 1 l:58Vfehvy 37 85 2 1 1 2 2" 4J E Forehd 0 II. Dame. Car. Sun. ILBassettll ■"l1V! Conght 1 1:43 good 20 92 S 2 1 3 !M 1 D Brown 8 C. Broom. L.Sdthrift. O.Mabelle 21086 Conght 3-4 l:16%fast 12 91 2 1 1 3j 51 D Brown 9 Meissen. Gartley. L. Spendthrift MEISSEN b. f, 4 HI Bv Inferno — Royal China C. J. Kean. •-,].■ Cou -lit 1 l:47,Vfegood 21 Ml 7 7 4 4 4 41 R Men ott M Red Post, Imitan Lass. Exmer 1086 Conght 3-4 l:16%fast S M2 7 6 3 21 11 J Clancy !» Gartley, L. Spendthrift, I. Heart "0958 BlueBon 3-4 1 :16%mud 50 103 3 6 4 4* 4ix. .T Dodd S Herrmana. Slip.Day. L.Sdthrift ,l |:hi. I...n 1 1:41 fast 8 108 3 6 5 5 5 518 E Tnplin S Linsin. Sea Lord. Gartlev "ets7 dbine 3 4 l:17l/4slow 41 107 1 6 2 l"k In T Rice S Caper See, Irishlleart. OoM.Jag 16714 Conght 3-4 l:18%slow 20 9S 4 3 3 3i 34i R NeanderlO M. Gaiety. Mausolus. O. Reliable lt;4:t2 Windsor 1 1 :46%mud 2* 98 2 5 4 4 4" 4" J Smyth fi Beehive, MarionCaietv. MossFot 16221 FortErie 1 l:48%mud 13-5 91 2 2 2 2 2s 2* J Smyth ."« Kxmer. Ondramida. Rockspring 1MM Woodbine E S 1:04 fast 2-5 110 1 11 Ink 1" W W Tlor 4 OurMabelle. Boozer. T. Flanlgan OUR MABELLE, b. f, 4 109 By Armeath II.— Pandora L. T. Vorce. 2546 Conght l l:451fcgood 12 hi4 2 4 6 6 6" ..• f Cooper 1«. Red Post, Puritan Lass, baser |so i ..ngbt 3-4 l:172-.hvv € ]ol 8 7 7 7 718 F OooneT 11 MonaC.. I.nstSpaik. Suivez-Moi •1396 Hamton 1 1-16 l:53*4mud 12 90 3 3 4 4 45 415 T Pargton fi Slumheni . Aprisa. Bubjeet "lii" Hamton 1 1-16 l:49%fast 8 103 9 10 9 6 :"l 4*1 F Cooper 11 Moss Fox, M.ofFrome. CarishSun 21153 Conght 1 1:43 good 40 103 7 5 5 5 42 32 F Cooper S C. Broom. I. Spendthrift. MonaG. "o-is- Conght 3-4 l:lSV,slow 30 103J 3 6 8 8 11" F Cooper 11 Kxmer. Otero. Last Sp:irk 20820 BlueBon. 7-8 1 :29*4fast 210 103 5 12 12 12 12 12HF Cooper 1." L. Spendthrift. C.Broom. R.Fost PURITAN LASS, b. m. 5 98 By Ypsilanti II. — Puritania P. Gorman. ■•;••»■ 1 l:41--,fast 62 M4 7, 8 8 6 3. 3* A Claver l1 Psaiasart. Com Broom. Offertory i;ri Coneht l i:.".o%hw 15 97, s 6 fi 7 8 B*« A Nerger S i:mer. Marlon Gaiety. Gartley ":"1t; Coii"ht 1 l:45*jfcgOOd 26 92 9 5 3 3 2 V A Nerger 10 Red Tost. Kxmer. Meissen r:|so Conght 3-4 1:17-,hvv 8 111 2 9 9 82 S" A Scliugrll Mona G.. LastSoark. Suivez-Mni .."s Con "ht 3-4 l:lS%slow 15 106 13 10 11 11 10 - W Obert 11 Kxmer. Otero. Last Spark •Vvu BlueBon. 7-8 l:29%fast fid 107 15 13 13 13 13 13 rl.I Metcalf 15 L. Spendthrift, .Broom. R.Tost 20486 Wdbine 3-4 l:16%slow 73 112 2 2 3 42 53 F Cooper B Herrmana. CarishSun, SirArthur GARTLEY, ch. c. 3 110 By Martimas — Losiola G. Cornell. L - :•»; BlueBon 1 l:41%fast 16 102 17 7 7 6 T"3 .1 Morys 11 Iroissart. Corn Br P. Lass •.;■.:: Blu. iton. 1 l:40*ifast 2S-5 ion 2 2 2 2 V 3*1 .1 Morys 7 Irish Heart. .Broom. P.Rbuperd ■"■",, l» Conght 1 1 56%hvy 7 94.. 1 4 6 6 32 25 J Morys 8 Kxmer. Marion Gaiety, Amphion ..n ght " 4 1 :16Vfeslow 10 96 4 3 i 4l S1 K Haynes 7 Splutter. Irish Heart. M. Gaiety l Windsor "-4 l:l.%raud 24-5 94 3 3 3 3* 35J P Lewder 4 Slip.Day. Alanine. FairMntague r";«i0 Windsor 3-4 l:16**hvy 19-5 107 3 4 5 nj 5»| J Metcalf 9 Red Fire. MonaC.. PceRhuperd "lVo FortErie 1 l:43-slow 2* 99 2 5 6 5 31 4ri T Hayes !» CarishSun. P.Rbuperd. RedPost -.rtKrie 3-4 l:16%hvv 13-5 107 1 5 4 31 23 A Sehugr 10 RedFire. Mar.Caiety. Fep.S:iu.e • :;~"r, Hamton 3-4 l:15%slop S 98 2 2 2 5s 43 T Hnyes 7 TLDame. Tartarean. F. Montague 2171J Windsor 7-8 l:294good53-10 97 5 4 5 6 6s 62J K LapaillelO Linsin. Rustling. Mona G. MARY MASTERS ch. f. 3 99 By Masterman — Marys Aunt S. Nesbitt. ■480 Coneht 3-4 l:17%hvy 20 ian io r, 4 6k |««»J Arton 11 MonaG.. Last8park, Balres-Mnl i In. Bon 3-4 l:16%mud M2 97, 4 7 7 72 7I9JR McDott s Herrmann. Blip. Day. L.Sdhrift 20861 BlueBon. 3-4 1:15%fast fid 102 G 4 4 4 5*1 M McDdttll Gartley, I.ingar. Raven.ourt MAUSOLUS. b. g, 5 103 By Stanhope II. — Meadowley H. H. Robertt. 853 BlueBon. 1 l:40«4i£ast 21 165 7 7.", i 1. 7,"".w lial 7 Irish Heart, CornBrnom. Gartley ■•".ti; ought 1 l:45%gOOd 30 130 7, 6 7 7 72 7 - i-I Sianott 10 Red Post, Puritan Lass, gjuattl • 3fl0 Windsor 3-4 1:16%hvv 44 LI 8 8 8 82» S16 J Sinnoti ! Red Fire. MonaG., PceRhuperd 21818 Hamton 1 1:43 fast 40 US 10 9 9 9 9« 9H.I Siunott 10 Rustling. Marion Gaiety. S.itolta 21153 ConEht 11:43 good 10 117J 4 7 7 7 61* 713*.T Sinnott S C.Broom. L.Sdlhrifr. O.Mabelle :mis. Conght 3-4 l:18%slow 8 122 11 11 9 10 9UJ Sinnott 14 Kxmer. Otero. Last Spark "■0820 BlueBon " 7-8 1 :29«4fast 31 123 13 10 11 14 10s 11"JJ Sinnott L" L. Spendthrift. C.Broom. R.PosI 1i;7io Conght 3-4 l:18%slow 8 705 7 6 6 42 2nk w Ohert 10 MarionGaty. Meisn. OldRelible MY JOE br. c, 3 99 By Sinbad II. — Estelle M. J. Bernard. ■,■„, itlueBon. 1 fUl 101111 9 9 B 5] VI B llanes ll Frotssart, Corn Broom. Pur. Last ::41 Hill !• st •. f 1 :_2*ifast 27. 107 fi 5 4 6| ."." W Doyle S Coreopsis. Inquieta. Thos. Hare _0.N . in Dufferin [Mill l.ll 6 .J 1 f 1:27 i._, .-...|. slop -.■■ 7,0 103 ,..._■ 8 S V V S w S W 82» . C --«...m Lahell .. S Martre. ......... Ormead. .....■.,1, ........ Parle* *,..., Boy

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