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EXPECTS NO TROUBLE AT JUAREZ. New York, September B. Aii innovation in connect ,on with the October meeting at Laurel this autumn in the nature of a daily special train from this city to the track and return will In- introduced to race goers, if the plans of Manager Matt Winn d.. not go awry. Mr. Winn has been negotiating tor the establishment of tin- daily train -ervice de luxe for wmmb day- and has about completed arrangements. Ii is proposed to bare the train leave t!ii city at .» a. m. daily for Laurel, running direct to the track and returning after the race-, being due here at 1» p. B. This -ervice i- one that will be appreciate! bj local tint enthusiasts whose bnsi-nesa prevents their attending the Maryland meet rag as regular-. The sitiialinn in Mexico i- not w irrring Mr. Winn in the least. "*l think the present trouble win bare been settled by the time our race1 meeting at Juarez is scheduled to start. .;!„ n December i." he sanl yesterday afternoon tit Helmont Iark. "At an; rate, we are going right ahead with our plan- and will have everything in readiness to -lart the ball rolling at the appointed time. We lave never had any difficulty in dealing with tin- Mexican authorities, and I am -tire we -lull not hive any in the pre sen! Instance."