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SCHORR AND KEENE IN BIG BREEDING DEAL. Lexington, Ky., September B.- loha W. Schorr of Memphis, til.u closed a deal with I. . Keene, oh ner of hi- land Farm, wberebj they are to be equal partners for live years in a stud of thorough bred horses from which it is expected to produce i number of good runners for the needs of these two devotees ,n racing. Luke Mcl.uke. the four-year-old son "I 1 Itimtts and Midge, winner of the Ken tacky Handicap. Belmont stakes and Carlton Stakes, is to head the stnd which is to embrace s me twenty-live mares. Luke McLake was put in at $: .Ki and tin marc- represent a value of approximately 5,000 more, making tin- deal stand Hie two men about si;5.Hio. Anions the mares put in by Mr. Keene. to whom Mr Schorr paid a snug sum in cash, arc Boat, Half a Sovereign. Mildred S.-lmlt-. Phoebe U., •-nes Virginia. Parana, Ib-iir de Marie. Twilight Queen and WiuneerasHt. Mr Schorl- put in Wood lane. Coldcrest Rlrl, Lady Vandi-rgritf. Ldda and Mis Georgia. The horses are all to be kept at Keeulaiid Farm and Ihe stud .v ill be known as the Keeiilaud Stud. The foals frun the mares next siiiing are to represent the first of the firms produce, and it i- likely thai a number of them will carry Hie Schorr colors w lien they become of racing age. It is congMerd one of the most notable deals made in this section ill a long time. Concerning the value of Luke M. Luke. Mr. Schorr todav staled Unit be- had refused an offer of S.IHK from loiHl K. Madden for the horse, which the late Major I*. -- Daingerfleld selected as the greatest id James 11. keene- yearlings of lull.