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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. J. II.. St. Louis. Mo. Do not know. Write to W. H. Baker. Douglas Park track. Louisville. K.v. c. J.. Lexington, Ky. EUa Bryaoa has raced ate seanoaa and won races as follows: 1910, seven; Mil, seven: 1912, eleven: 1813, eight: 1014. eight: 1915, four — total forty tve. . W.. Chicago. Three-quarters in 1:12. if run out to a mil"- at tile same rate ot speed, would make a mile of 1:38. If a horse could do at Lexingl n ii might do a little better at Donates Park, but not mock. As a matter .f fact the Lexington track record for a mile is faster than that of Douglas Park.