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FIRST RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Handicap. S188— 1:48% ■ 3 MS. Index Coums DlBt TlmeTckOdds Wt St % V4 % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order or Finish ETRUSCAN, ch. g, 3 112 By Burgomaster— Fiesole Greentree Stable. 2:H. 2 H.d. Geo 8-4 l:12%fast 3 no 2 112= 2- T MeTagt 10 Caqewtte, ID Dry i FIHtergold 22819 Belmont S-4 l:lS%fast 4 US 1 l l 1= DVT MeTagt K Short Grass, Hanson. R. Maiden 21708 Belmont 8-4 st 1:11 fast 2 106 2 1 1 1 |1 J McTasrt 7 Haaorla. He Will. Bberwoad U887 Bebnoot 3-4 l:13%fast 2 MS 3 111- Dl J MCTagrt 8 Cy Merrick, Fenuiouse, H. Junior HANSON, eh. g, 3 103 By Oddfellow— Jane Eyre S. L. Parsons. 23203 H.deOce 3-4 l:12%fast S5 lis 4 1 1 1*2" .1 Lofte* 8 He Will. Pnlloz. Borgo 28086 H.deGce 3-4 l:12%taat 10 MS 3 1 2 3 :. .1 MeCabey 6 Coejaette, FIHtergold. R.Rradley 22819 Belmont 3-4 t:134fcfas1 3 4 120 2 2 2 2 8* J Leftaaj 8 ITIiiibh. BbortGraas, R Maiden 22730 Belmont 3-4 st l :lo%fast 5 123 2 2 5 4* V J Lottos C Hinonieoii, Ftergeld, H.Prynne 2217". Saratoga 7-8 l:M%mud 11-5 109 111 1 ll 4J G Ryrne 8 TheGrader, HarrySliaw. Grumpy 22420 Saratoga 3-4 l:13%fast 18-5 130 3 1 1 l1 l1 J Loflus Ift I.eoSkolny. I.nke, Superintendent CARBIDE, br. c, 3 92 By Celt— Lady Goda J. S. Tyres. - H.deGee 2 1 1 : 12*-fast 25 86 I E T, 7L 9«§F Hopkins H Coquette, Ktrusean Hes.Pryaoe 22345 Windsor 3 I Dllf.hvy 21 5 102 1 2 3 8* 8*1 V Cooper ! Rack Raw Hedge, Plate Glass 22080 FortBrie 1 l-.WtgoodlO-lO 112 2 2 3 3 8 ■■ V Cooper ." Raneher. Schemer T.i : llamton 5i f 1 :07 hvv 11-5 105 2 1 1 1- l3 F Cooper ." T.W.Moon. R.IDnsley E.Hward 21S77 llamton 3-4 l:14%slop G 100 2 5 4 3J 3- J Metcalf B D.Larrick. K. Howard. T.W.Mooa SIR JOHN JOHNSON, b. h, 10 100 By Isidor— La Tosca II. Beverwyck Stable. 22576 Saratoga 13 I :.:"! r,fast 20 127 2 2 4 4 4 4 G Ryrne l Boaster, Virile, Star Gaxe 22470 Saratoga 1 8-M l :•".:• fast M hm; Left at the post D Connelly x Roamer, Borrow, Stromboll 22420 Saratoga S-4 1 : I3 K, 130 7 S f. S1 9*1 G Ruins 1ft Hanson. Deo Skolnv Duke 22282 Saratoga 3 4 1:17 slow 30 130 4 2 2 4 II "JJ Doltus 11 Supendent. D.Railmrv Grumpy 14630 Saratoga 2 4 1:13 fast 7 132 S 3 2 21 21 A Schugrll Boekborn, Sprite, Uncle Jimiule 1...01 Saratoga 1 3 1G 2:03J£hyy 5 115 G 7 8 S 8» S-HK Karriek lo Star Gaze, Lahore. San Vesje JOE BLAIK, ch. c. 4 100 By Bonnie Joe— Miss Biair G. S. Martin. 19781 Juarez 5 s 5S%fast 1 113 1 3 2 8*1 4»J K shilling 5 Imperator, Grapeshot. Rdmnstor 19318 Juarez G 8 .",7bfast C 5 llo 1 11 V 2- 3 Acton 2 Pan Zareia lsl24 Jnarea 6-8 5S*sfast !-5 112 2 1 1 l5 Is J Acton 5 Florce Roherts. Otliello. Fathom USES Juarez SI f 1:05 fast 6 102 3 1 1 l3 V J Acton S Gro. Hughes. IJipsyl.oye. Petaeea BRAVE CUNARDER. br. c. 4 95 By Cunard— Grail H. G. Bedwell. BlueRon. 1 1:41 slow 21 -5 1u4 7 r, fi fi S3 9" F Cooper .i A. N. Akin. Bedtend, Tactics I Windsor 1 1:10 rast 415 110 fi 7 fi 7 7- f V Ct r S Mr fjnrtt* V. Ki-- ■ ■-. ,,]„ 2M97 llamton 1 l:41%slow 4 112 4 1 2 2 El 7"U. Tnplin 8 Schemer, Water Lady Recoil 21439 FortBrie lm70yl :54*-,hvy 33-10 110 2 4 4 G 5 E*» K Taplin :. Reoinmi. ui.rwoou • r„ .- # 21202 Hamton 1 DIG l:4G%fast 3J 112 1 2 2 2 22 2" E Taplin 7 R h.,k,..,. P.B"Cei * H Md..n«ld 20961 DlueBon. 1 l:42y5mud 21-5 10G 4 5 4 4 41 G18 ■ Taplin G Water Lady, Squeeler, Anxl-ty " THE MASQUERADER, b. c. 3 95 By Ogden — Masquerade R. Parr. 23167 H.deGee 3 1 1 i::4.-.good 30 no 5 S fi » W" i. MeAtee id Isiroae, Nanataoa Gino 23027 H.deGee SI t l:.7r.tast 6 114 1 C 7 G1 G"1E Ami. rose 7 Nurse King. Vlto Proteetor S0009 H.deGee Sf f l:»."i%fast 5 Kifi 3 5 9 9 J--JK Ambrose !i T.Ioint, Miramiehi, Sliimborll I4S03 Saratoga 3-4 1 :16%hvy 15 122 4 2 4 75 lO" J Butvyellll Regret. Andrew M., Pebbles