General News Notes of the Day, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-07


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. All South Chicago has prepared to do honor to Sheldon l-accy. the seveiit-.-n-year-ohl boy who gave .;| his lif«- lo save his companions, and also to peter Uoncllochi. who di.-d with young Lacy after he i. ad tried L save the hoy hero. It is pmiiahle a double funeral will In- held, and hundreds of fellow workers planned to follow the lnxlies to the graves. Meantime police and i-oroucr joined hands in an effort to establish responsibility for the blow-ins off ■ ■ u valve attached to a waste pa* pipe in the plant of the Illinois Steel tompanv viiich resulted in tae oath at two and liearl.- killed !:.ur oth.-rs. Lac.-y. VloaeikK-hi and a wore or note other nun w.r.- all n the washer r«oni when the valve l.lew out. ll1.--tantly. and with pr.-at pn sen.-.- of mind. Lac-.. catted forward, at the same time sic ni tint; to his ,.iii|«lli His to escap.. Thai they niij;llt .-M-ap.-. he straCKied to replace I hi- valve, and linally sank iini-oHseioUs to the floor. Moncilochi. who at the itvst warning had dropped to the floor, attempted to drat: I lie boy to safety, hut lie. t.M.. was overcome. I our other- were mad-- iincnn-cious In-fore tn.-y cachwl the "Ien air and were treated at the c-uu lospilal. Later 1«o of tbeui w -re well ii-invs cuoack to he take thir homes. All four, the . I ..tors Mil. 1 rohahlv w-.uld recover. V dispatch from London of yesterday says: "The premier, Kleath.-rios V.-nizelos, hatid.i! his i ; nark r.-iiniatioii » KIhs toustaattot? last evening, says i Ute dispatch from Athens. The kinir summoned VI V.-niielos y • -st erday afternoon and informed him i hat In- could "ii"t Kiiuport the | oIiey which had permitted the landing of entente troops at Saloniki. - the situation i- ou.liii.d by the polith-al commen i itors tr.nigl I Kim; ou-taiiline has ahsoluicly re-t.-eted the diplomacy of his premier, whose party wis returned t-- power last spring on a platform v Inch openlv advocated a moral if not an active -uiiporl of the onion;.- powers. rurihcrinore. the I w. lie v of th. premier which has brought forth the I ini- s disavowal was luised on the platform which resulted in his resumption of oflk-e. It woald ap-l M r from ,1| scanty new- so far at hand that King I onstantinc. always a -yiiii.athi/.-r with the CtraWB • -iiise has ilcici tiiined to stake everything on the -uintort of that cause and to prevent Greece from liigning itself with the allies even at tin- risk of ..ship his throne." _ . Report from various sources place the allied I Tie landed at Saloniki at ir,0.«H!0 men. The army-is s-iid to he generously equip|ted with heavy artil-l.-rv «nd enuipiueiit for a Ions and arduous camaaJfa in the field. Pispatches from Xish say that the -ulraiM-e -uard of this lore, i- enacted in Serhia iodav France notiltod r.rcc-e on the arrival of the lust" detachment of Kreneh at Saloniki that lev were suing t" help Serbia. Premier emzelo-iviihl protesting against the passage of for ci-n iroop* through Oreek territory on the ground thai it violated Greek neutrality. The allied i:«v-."n.mcnt made preparations and gave the necessary orders lor the landing of the troops several days a -o Previously lh«-v had entered imo negotiations ultli the Greek government, which, lieim: still n.-u tn.l made ionnal protest as it was obliged to,],,. t the same time the trench officers were given every freedom to prepare for the landing. nernslorlT. tin- German ambassador, on Count von Ti.e-dHV formally disavowed tie- act of the snbmar ine commander in sinking I lie Arabic and offered a i.toii.v indemnity for the two Ameriean live- IT.-ideiit Wilson the offer as a saiisfa. lorv settlement of the dispute with .« riuanv on this ,,articular I»l -ise of the submarine controversy He believe* that Germany will respect the rights of Americans 1 i the submarine war zone. The presi-.l-ii now will endeavor to procure a satisfactory seil-iueut of the Lusitani.i case, involving tae ls- i lir. American lives. 4f V dispatch of yesterday from Rome said: It is on "ood atlthoritv her,, that Kmperor Iran/ lanV of Anstri* is dangerou-ly ill and that the Aus-rian crown prince has Uen called to letma. In Idtion to the heir to the throne it is said that iiron Van Burian. the Aa*4rta-«fna«nrftaa Cnvebn Mnteter and Count Tisxa. the Hunsanan premier. l". hare kern -«Hed to the capital. The news, it • -tated ha« l-eu kept secret up to tin* time Car •r of th« i Influence it might have ui»oa the luler ■■irmal situation. rtnurantin Theodor Dnmhn. Austro-Hnngarian am--s.dor reenlled bv his government at the request the Onilfl States for nttenipting la interfere • Mi local affair*, left this country Tuesday on board the Nieitw Amsterdam of the Holland American Ine, accompanied by Mrs. Dumba. a vaiet and a maid. He announced that he regretted greatly leaving the Fnited States, where, he said, he had made many warm friends. John Kinling of the Irish Cuards. only son of Rndyard Kipling, is reported in the latest Brittaa ca-ualtv " Hal as missing and believed to have keen killed. V .ling Kipling was eighteen years old. On account at his delicate health his parents were reluctant to allow him to enter the army, but the boy insisted he akaaM assume his share of the war and his father eventually yielded. New.- has beeu received at Berlin that Captain Count Fritz ran Koenigsiuini-k has been killed on the eastern front and that his brother. Count Walter, died Sunday as the result of injuries suffered when h» and* a kni landing in an aeroplane in whi,h he was taking a trial flight during a fog. The brothers were Cermanys meet noted gentlemen riders. Secret an- Daniels approved yesterday recommendations for increases in the rate of pay of forty classes of navy employes engaged in the manufacture of ordnance and ordnance material at the Washington navy vard. effective October ft. The action will increase Ike annual pay roll, approximately :;i:. mk a year. Mtiaa mUttnrj authorities have recognized the importance of machine guns, which have been such a striking feature of Cermali warfare, by the formation of a special machine gun coi-p- with the kings sanction. Announcement of the step is made In the Otli.ial Qaaatfcg, lu celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of his arrival in ihi- countrv. Jacob II. Sdiff has given uo.«HHi to Barnard college, a constituent part of folumlca univcrsitv. for the erection of a building to be known Bfl Students hall. A dispaich from Borne says that the Germans have l.-nt Bulgaria !..1tX . X 0 for the families of resorvi-t- to MBV the disaffection among the troop-. Bulgarian revenue cutters have pursued and fired mi ;r,,-k -ailing ships in the Aegean, according to u-ws dispatches fr.nn Athens.

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Local Identifier: drf1915100701_1_3
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