Churchill Downs Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-07


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____ CHURCHILL DOWNS FORM CHART. LOUISVILLE. KT.. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 6. 1915.— Churchill Duwus. Seventh day. New Louisville Jockey t int.. Antuuiii Meeting of S days. Weather clear. Stewards. Charles K. Price. K. C. Hop|er and John T. Ireland. IT- siding Judge, W. H. Shelley. Mailer. Harry Morrisscy. Racing Secretary. Walter 11. Pearee. Racing starts at 2:17 p. in. Chicago time 2:15 p. m.l. W ndieates whip, S spurs. J", blinkers. Fig-ires in parentheses following the distance of eaea race indicate index number, track record. age of hon-e and weight Indicates apprentice allowance. 40fT-| FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. TTttt till 1 188_| 8888 Added. 5-yenr-olds and upward. O jt I JL Selling. Net value to winner 00; second. 50; tiiird. . .ndKltorscs AWtPPSt U .= "i. Str Fin Jockc. s Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23362 i;r«»svKNR an 5 1 »7 I" •■ ■"•• : " U 1*1 R Cnnse .1 M Hcnrv Sr 425-100 23401»C.VRR1E ORME ws :; KM 11 1 21 24 * 2and H St-nrns ■ .1 OConnell I0S-M8 29957 AN.v.v KKLTEB w :: KB IT 4» Z :; 8s .1 Acton T F F.rannon faOO-Mt 23357 tAKLANli « S lo7 ." - 1«| P 4= 4» K Murphv W O Yanke 47-100 23448 "HI.. V KT1IORN wu 3 !i7 S 4 7J W V- :.. K LftpatilleM A tolton 8M0 1M 22998 RILrVEB RILL w .*. 1 «» 1- « "• 4h 8| P M Gam. r A L FerRuson M5-M8 29449 MISS KIELlti:R w :: IBS •• B si 71 7l 7h B Marco F D W* if | 29401 VtlKK ! Al» wi: c. 11" I U l"a "51 S1T B» A Mott 1* M tivill IMHtlt 29405*1 .ANK R1LI. « -it 4 K.*." 3 "» i" H3 !t* it= li |Tl— J T M Irvin 9SS-M8 3300 it aim: ii wi: 4 1M 4 I «- lo- w ton c VaaDaaC B Baajera :i7uo-ioi 23984 rilMjRT m :: MM ■ I II* IF 11! li F Robinx*nW E Williams MK-M8 23320 .11 sr Ki;i m • Ml 7 1- 1- 1. 12 12 ■ lool Mill.r .V Morelan.l t iMutuel Beat. Time. 23Ji. 47VS. 1:13".;. Track fast. Si! mutiitls paid. Qcaaacwr, BMUM strarlit. S-".,:,» place. j:4.4 t show: Carrie Orme. .1t idace, ■s4.7«i show: Anna Kruter. Iiel.l. Sl.tio show. E piivalent l«K kintf naaVi rrraTmrr 42."i to MB straight. 1SO to KMl place. 13ft lo lrtrt show: Carrie Orme. :u".r. to ltn» place, i::r lo M» show: Anna Krnter. Held. 14."i to U» show. Winner — R. s. by Voter R.-li:raia trained by .1 . M. Henry. Sr.». Wen; |i. p ist ai 2:20. At post : liiiiint.s. Statt HaaB and slow. V"ii easily: second and third driving. iRdSVENOlL after nrtag lairiv daaa up from the start, dr.-w away fast in the streteh. • ARUIE IMKME was speedv and held on well in the final drive. ANNA KK11ER raced well and fin ished elose ui . OAKLANH set a fast paee. but tired in the streteh drive. SILVER RILL showed but tired after eomiii.: wide mi the last turn. The winner was entered f..r BOM; no bid. Overweights -Rank Kill. ::i pounds. 0QA70 SECONH RACK— 3-4 Mile. 1212s 1:11 2— lo.V i SCim Added. 2-year-olds. Maidens. OtE I 1 Colts and MBtjBJB. Allowane.s. et value to winner S4tC: second. Sll.".: third. BBB. Index Horses AWtPlStH i % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23402 111 FFAKKR w H»7 1 -1 :H- !• !■ 1. flentrv W V isco M9-MI 22296 JACK ITlMIWD a B UB :: ! 1: 1- II -• W W Tlorl .1 Milh-tt MS-MS 23358 JASPER w 1"7 r. 1 4 m :;h ::» ■ pool Q J Lone MBS-M8 23358 TRt | RATE a 1"4 J :: :. W il 4- F RobnsnW Gerst IM Ml 23358 MAMItKIl m lli 4 .". 5 i 5 I M C.arner .1 B Hawkins 2ME-M8 Ti:ue. 23%. 47%, 1:14%. Track fast. •*2 mntnels paid, lluffaker. ?7.2 t straight. s.7 place. jro.«; show: .lack ODowd, 2. !0 place, S2.C0 ■ ar; iMpar. Bt* show. Equivalent IxMtkin "lds— 1 1 u Taker. 2«tt to HKi straight. :" to lfHl place. :;o to 1K show; Jack ODowd. :.•• to kni piae. . ::o to Kb show: Jasper, .s" to R« nhow. Winner— It. c. by Hick WHka Oataial trained by W. F. Cis:Mi. Waal to ]hisi ai 2:44. At post 1 minute. Start BBad and slow. V"ti drivinjr: aeeaMB atid third the s n:e. lltFlAKKR raced in ch.sest pursuii from the start and. under a hard drive, ot up to win in the B -; stride-. JACK iilKHVH showed the most -peed and set a ~rcat pace, but tir.-d badly in the stretch. .1 ASIKR ran w . 11 au.l a«lalajlB CIRCILATE far third plaie. The latter dn.|il"l ba -k in the fir-t ajaattec QQ/I 7Q TIHRIt RAi i: -3-4 Mile. « 1212s— 1:11— 2— RC. i Loui.-vil!e Old Inn Handicap. Pur-,-Ott 4 O 8700. All Ai. s. Net vain.- to winner S.Vxi: see,.nd. SUHI; third. 50. !:tdex Horses AWtPPStU ]~ "4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str" t 23359 LIKE w i: .. 117j 2 Z i1 ll l« 1*1 E Pool .1 N Camden g M8 • B8W8 R iSCOK «;o«»S!: « •". KW :. l 3l|3*i2t 2*1 U loose W H Baker 955-MI 23110 t;«»VELL at 7 KXll 1 4 4 4 :i» :;• A Mott J T Weaver MS-MI 23359ED IIOWABD w i; .I Ris 4 o !• -1 4 4 M Oamer J Livingston 4rj-l"0 Time. 23%, 47%. 1:12%. Track fast. *2 mutuels paid. Luke. $...Vi straight, S2.HI place; R.,.s o«.-. s::.20 place; no show niutiicls sold. Equivalent booking odds— Luke. 7.". to "» m» straiL-iit. -hi to MB pho-c: Baaeae loose. «M to MB pla«v. Winner- eh. -. ly Peter Quince — Amy J. trained by P. Wimmeri. Went to ]K st at .i:ll. A pest 1 minute. Start irood and s|..w. Won easily: se ond and third driving. LIKE, showi-ip: the speed. » urlaBi 4 into the lead and. luakiitL the paee fast, held ROSCOE OOOUE -ale through the streteh. ROSCOE OOOSR -aved much KTonml mi the Huns and was forced to shorten his stride somewhat when LIKE crossetl in front. OOWKI.L was always rlaae up and finished iramcly. El HOWARD retired after running well for three-eighths and linisled larae. Overweights — Gowcl!, 11 iHituids. _ O O /• T /f 1 Ol RTH RACE— 1 Mile. 98433— 1 :S7%-:: 9! . i Purse «X . .•.-year-olds and up-Jt 4 t ward. Allowances. Net value lo winner : ." ■ : se -ond. BIBB; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt% % % Str Fiu Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23345-EH CRIMP wr. :: MB • I - - 1i l" I1 ■ lool J W Schorr lOu-JOO -1460 RRO.NZEWTNO «!: 4 KM; :: 1 fiu 41 ."« !• -"i It Gousc A 1 Humphrey Jr BBS4M iBSSBS con verse at :; 105 l I P m S i"1 ::j F BaMaafaW Gerst S4S-MI 259 FIRST DBGBEE • 4 M3 - 41 .".- ." 4 41 J Acton W L Iewis 4MB IM 23183 HR. SAM1EL wsi; 4 MB 7 4 t ::« 4l :".J .V A Mott B L Baker 1MI MB 3362 11ARH liAl.l. ws 4 los 4 7 M 7 il ti *,= H Shilling .1 X Mounce 29S4M 2VtW;ni;Ml I.V a 3 ld2 7, 7. 7 tii 7 7 7 I* V.inUun.l A Thomson UB5-M8 Time. 24. 48. 1:12%, 1:38%. Track fast. f.2 intitttels paid- ,: 1 Crump. ?LU« straiulit. $;;.:;o place. ?2.5o show : Rronaewlnjr, .90 place, .70 siiow Converse. .ilt sh"W. Equivalent bookinc «Klds — Eil Crump. 100 to loo straight. 15 t KM place. 25 to 100 show; Rronrewins. 245 to loo place. s." to Kni show: Converse. 4.". to 100 show. Winner— h. c, bv Peep oHay — Evaline trained by J. 1. S.horrl. Went to |»«.st at :::::s. At pest 1 minute. Start co d and slow. Won eased up: second and third driviii" ED CRIMP was saved l«-hind CONVERSE to the last turn, then took til*- lead and v/.ii eased up to a canter. RRoNZEWINO finished fast ami resolutely. CONVERSE set a fast pace, but tired tiller pakai three -quarters. HR. SAMlEL had no mishaps. ORMIT.C was never prominent. FIRST HEOREE tir.-d. Ovcr-.veiihts - Rrouzewii,-. |«Und. r. Ck O A f7 K. HITB RACE- -5 1-2 Furlonfrs. 1BM7 — 1:04%— 4t— SB. Added. 2 year-olds. j£. 4 O Fillh-. Sellin-. Net value to winner 20: second, 4s: third. 2. Index Iloiscs AWtPIStU Vfe % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23271--IMPRESSIVE a Ml J I "I - II l11 K Lapaillu Williams Rros SB-MI 2347 RLVCK REACTV W MB 11 I :.h S*l Sj -1 B Pool G J Long fUM-MO 22023 I1ROWN VELVET w lot; - :: l* M 2«t :;u a Mott .1 H Nichols IBB Ml 22979 FIT o«:*V w 108 ht i 4i 4- 1 CJ C VanHunH Oo*a MB4M 2S3S3*tr ppoih wn HU I • " ":i «;1 •■ J Mat j a clay Btaa 8?426il WORTHINCTON wu 10S 7 U 1«| B s1 8» .1 Acton W J Weber Ml IM 234t? 1RV II w 100 6 4 I*ll«17» 7» F Murphv J N Huffman sHO-lOu xaaU«THUrri K GBEEX w 112 1 .". «» «i r.n s» H ConnellvD X Prewitt UM IM MlfiSH VAKDEBOBIFT w 107J12 J 7"» H: W. M .1 Hanover 1 W Schorr UM M8 ??u7*n Kill s pet a ioi in ii i:= is* BftNa H Ktearaa A B Mats t IbISPMT SON a* MB :. 1 » U» M» M» 11* F WiUins .1 M Foley MO-MI y22lS lRORET O. w MS "I- 8*|U* Xt1 U1 B Goose Milam and Levy f TmsiRiKI WCHITV a 107 I 7 H H M 13 L Gentrv T C McDowell MS-MI "lutuel H-hl. Ii»e. 23% 48%. 1:01%. 1:07%. Track fast. j;" mutuels paid. Impressive. S7.10 straight. . 4.:o plaee, S4.10 show: Black Beauty, field, .Sti.30 i l-ice SXM show: Brown Velvet. .::o show. r.iuivalenl bo. kin-_- Klds— Impressive. 255 to 10o straight. 115 to 100 place. 105 to 10O show: l-lnck" Reaulv field. 215 to loo plaee. !♦» to loo shov.: Brown Velvet. 2ir» to KHt show. wniM-r--Ch f. bv Hilarious— Hester W. trained by R. I.. wttUaaaa. Went to post at 4 mi:;. At post 3 minutes. Stan r.m..1 ami slow. Won driving: second and i it.-1 the s-uno IMPRESSIVE was lueky in having a clear c.iurse for the last three-eighths and. o.i Vtiie- cameiv oiitstaved BLACK REAITV. The latter was rorced wide and suffered from inter-r,,,.- hut finished re.-oluteh. RROWN VELVET raced el„-e up throughout. ELLOOV ran a good . .. TRMPOIH had a rough race. MABV II. quit after s-tling a fast p.-ue. RI.ANCIIITA was t .H-keil l-i«-k in the first hie -eighth-. The winner was entered for .OO: vo bid. sviitehed t2.:-;47iTaka. 113: 224SS Miss Atkin. KM: 2:::;s:; Hemini. MB. Overweights— Lady Vandergrif:. 1J |x»unds; Blanchita. 1. • ■ ■ — Cf% A 7 d. WCKXB RACE— 3-4 Mile. 1212— 1 :11— 2— lu5. i $ 500 Added, .".-year olds and upward. fy 4 O Selling. Net value to winner ft5: second. 33; third, 2. Index Horses AWtPPSti % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 9%tai- vl70 w ■ 10d 4 | 11 1*1 B 1" B loose W H Baker 4W-1O0 M4S4V*TORV M%II w 3 HU 7 4 S* M 1" V K LapailleS M Hen.lrrson -l"-"" ■«:mirIR "it 4 MB I 3 3 8* 33 9* L O-ntrv W F Knehelkamp H4.V1W ",,I ,,R,,i I/ w 4 111 . 1 ..* 8* 4 4- C VanDunJ H Woodford 9H* Mand 1KNFT aalMB I I 3» 8* B« 5* B Pool .1 11 Mead l:a,h . AMI i VcKKoSF wu 7 K7 «; I I RJ J] 8* A Mott R F Dickinson 8MB M8 Air i-o II «• • 1" • » sl ;t v 7 ■" KobinsnW O-rat s7s5-iu hints iilT ■■ s BM I ." ! 4i ou s= .1 Hanover.i F Oaffney VStfH ~™lU"vi-T i w s UB ! I « » • I W Meehan.1 W Btttf «* M8 2u257. aaaai rjm a4, 471/j 1:123_ Track fMt ji- mutuels paid. Amazon, 0.20 -traight. BBJM plaee. -h,,W: Tory Maid. BBjBB place. 5=3.20 -how; il""i-rinH- tetiTl-Miking odds -Amazon. 410 to 100 straight. 125 i„ Krt plaee. 55 to 100 show; Tory Maid, s., ,,,in,|,ia,T ISO to lOn -how: Ilocnir. 130 to Hm show. vVinn.r-P.ik f. bv Yankee -BoM Oirl itrain-d by W. II. p.akeri. , ,_. , , v , i io Dost -it 4 32. At -1 minutes. Start g.....l and slow Won driving: second and third the i „ lUAfOX ~ ~ M-t the early nace and. saving ground on all turns, finished fast and won in the last ,7 g.««l rid.- TORY MAIH. probably best, raced int.. the lead, but was forced wide, costing i, V „„«■! T "round IKMXIR was gaining at the finish. DROLL had no mishaps. AI.KANET run well, vi-i-rr w-7s outiiacMl from the start. The winner was entered lor tJOOO: no bid. S «1- BBWWhiteCiown. 07: 20175 Emma J. S.. wz. s. ra t .j •=? _ . "j— mi SEVENTH RACE— 1 3-16 Miles. 7177P -2:i!ii ., — 3— S7. i BS8B Added, ..year olds and *Amandg 4 upward. S-lling. NCI value to winner BBSS sei-ond. 21: third, 4. 1~TT Horses AWtPPSt % % ri Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt -■■ «=* B 4 IOC. • 8 l*| I* a 11 l| .1 ,ton W V I-wis ,SiS dilitiiv i-VIT T»T10" pvNciIITA w s ioi 7 . 1- I* I* :» 2-lCHaat J rm«.s.n.r IBBWM8 v -1-iatVmiKFRY W» 4 100 S 7 7 4U :;t. 31 :;, A Mott p M civill MJ- »" •ntvaandmi 1 sTVB m I W "• I fj ■h 2 « •" K UamOtoJ C Milam «Mg i«B*,ii lilTH W •■ 4 104 4 I - J* 4=- :• Bi J Morys T D Weir fMMM M VU!S Wi»NlKK» 3 1"T • Bg 7 7 7 7 H Stearns J T Loom y l.M-lo. -39621 WLU» Tim.. 24V». 48%, 1:14, 1:41, 2:00%. Track faat. . , ., mmm _. , .y mutuels paid. Expectation, fCSB straight. BBJI pla.-,-., „Uow; Lady Pauchita. 1.20 place. aeUiS! 400 to 0O ,,Taee. 145 to 100 show: Mockery. » to loo ajaw. " -v Kllkorraii— Tapiola itriiueo by AV. L. Lewi-,. . , v Winner-R .!, i« iVo«rat-5-i;i At liosi 4 minutes, start good and s|„w. BTaa dnong: second and BtM the I-VI.PCT TION suffered at the start when crowded |,;,ek. but gained steadily and wore LADY x.-iiM-* Vle.«-i. near the -lid I" «i" dniwing clear. I.ADY PANCII1TA showe.1 the most speed and. tii.g gUl stayed well in the final drive. MOCKERY closed « C—a gap and *»»**Cjj*-e r , a pace, EDI 1 II . rit -i sTUt cainc with a belated rush in the streteh. WORLDS WONDER ran aaaHr. entered for 0-.; no bid. .. The winner was

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Local Identifier: drf1915100701_3_1
Library of Congress Record: