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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF. Barney acknaact is on his way home from an ex-tende-el visit to San Fraiicise-o. November 1 is tlie last day on which foals of 1!1." can be registi-re-d with the Jocke-y Club for the usual fee of . After the above date the fee is Out of a total of 4.4.".0 credie-d to Sol Joel on the English turf this year all but was won by his colt Pommern, showing what one high-class horse can accomplish for his stable. In England the .0eie Sandown Eclipse Stakes of 1918 closed re-cent ly with a total of 200 entries. This is seventy-eight less than was received for 1017 anil twenty-live below tlie total for next year.