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RICH STAKE FOR NEW ORLEANS. New Orleans. La.. October 20. — Tlie first of an attractive series of events for the winter meting which apeaa January 1 was announced by Manager Mur].hv, as follows:" New Orleans Hotel Mens Assiieiatioii Handicap. St.tHNi guaranteed- a handicap for threeye-ar-olds and over, subscribed to by the Cosmopolitan, De-sot... fll— i atali. Moutelone and St. diaries Hotels. F.iitraiM-.. Sir. to accompany the nomination, with *•■:•" additional to start. Guaranteed . M». ..r which $::imi to second, |oM to third and S1«l to fourth. Kntries ten days before the race and Weights five d:ivs before the race, starters to be named tliromh the entry box the day preceding He-race, but only those that pass the scales to be liable for the starting fee. Mm- mile and a six-te.-nth. Olh.r interests have been ask -,| |a provide races and all will close during the meeting so Mint all tin-available material at hand can In used.