Mount Royal Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-21


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, ; j ; MOUNT ROYAL PARK FORM CHART. | MONTREAL. QUE.. Wednesday. October 20, 1315. M.unt Koval Park. Fourth day. Back River Jockey ; Clubs Meeting of 7 days. to books ou.i ; Weather clear. ..... Presiding Judge. M. Nathanson. Starter, A . M. Muri-av. Racing Secretary. M. Nathanson. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time. l:oo.j 23662 First Race— 3-4 Mile. 23251— 1:13%— 5— 100. Purse §300. 3-vear-olds and upward. Selling. Met value to wiuer 25: second, hB 0; third. 5. Did. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. . 23605 Sir Blaise 113 I* W Hinphy 5 5 2 is36C6 Galley Slave 112 2«1 JDeavprt 8 10 4 234571Oxer 115 31 J Pengast 2 2 1 23618 Tankard 112 4 R Watts 2 2 1 23614-Ella Jennings 110 5*. .IDor.iinick 2J 3 1 23601 N. Muchacho 112 63 W Gargan 10 10 4 23601 Initv 107 7l A Pickens 3 4 2 23614 Joe Galtena 112 8s JMcDowell 10 Yo 6 22833 Mother 112 9 C Peak 10 10 4 Show odds -Sir Blaise, evens: Galley Slave. 2; • Oxer. 1-2: Tankard. 1-2: Ella Jennings. 1-2: Nino Muchacho. 2: Inity, evens; Joe Gaitens, ;; Mother, 2. Time. 25%. 50, 1:05. 1:18%. Track heavy. Winner -S. P. Fines br. h, i, by Lissak Tle Pet trained bv L. K. Fine. Went to pest at 2:0.". At post 1o minutes. Start good mill slow. Won easilv: second and third driving. SIR BEAISE. sin. wing great iinpiMVenieul. o,irr:in the ..thers iimler restraint. GALLEY SLAVE ontganied OXER in the tinal strides. OXKB ran well. The winner was entered for 00: no bid. Scratched - 23015Ouien Bake. 107: 23017 Littlest Rebel. H 7: 233.39 Rescue. |i7: 23288 Foster Bov. 107: 23848 old Cotch. 112: 23429 Cesari... 112. Overweights Ella Jennings. 3 pounds. 23663 Second Race— 3-4 Mile. 23251 -1:13% «— 100. Purse 0O. 3-ycar-olds and upwanl. Selling. Net value to winer 25; second, 0: third, 5. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. P!. 23621* Willis 110 1- ■ Wolstm «-5 H-.". 3-5 23458 Rve Straw 115 21 JDeavprt 6 6 2 23681 Col. Fred 107 3- JDominiek 15 15 i 2S814*Gertbelma 103 4i E Cullen 7 8 4 23457 VmI. Randell 107 CJ W Hinphy 3J 4 2 23614 K. of Pvthias 107 ti- C White ti 10 4 23601*Miss King 107 7»1 W Schorn 7 7 3 23614 Ridgeland 115 Si MSimmons 10 10 t 23406*Fuwji 107 91 J Dodil 10 12 5 23222 Dr. Barkley 115 10= R Estep 20 S 4 23602 lurkev Trot 115 11 R Watts 2 4 2 Show odds— Willis. 1-4: Rve Straw, evens: Col. Fred. 3: Gerthelina. 2: Col. Randell. evens: Knight of Pythias. 2: Miss Krug. 3-2: Ridgeland. 2; Fawn, 2; Dr. Barklev. 2: Turkey Tr«t, evens. Time. 24%, 51. 1:05%, 1:19%. Track heavy. Winner--.!. H. McCarrens b. h. 5. by Nasturtium — Fair Gift 1 trained bv H. McCarren. .Tr.i. Went to post at 2::!7. At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. WILLIS wore the b-aders down in the j ! strelch and won going away. RYE STRAW tired ; ■ after setting the pace. COL. FRED finished gamely. ; : RIDGELAND ipiit. The winner was entered for 1 8280; no led. Scratched 22001 Phil Connor. 112: 23253 King Cotton. I07 : 23450 Song of Rocks. 107; 23017 Belle Chilton. 112. Overweights Corlholina, 3 pounds. 23664 Third Race— 5-8 Mile. 123888—1:88 2 188. Purse $.",00. 3-year-obls and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second. 0; third. 5. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PL 23616-Kird Man 113 ll R Estep 1 3 1 23221 Jim Mallady 116 21 L Meripole 4 I 2 23614 The Lark 109 3" A Pickens 3.1 4 2 23602 l.orel MB 41 W Young « 7 I 23617*Muv Buena 111 5- "VV Schorn 10 12 5 23616*I*ort Monroe 111 8] S Wolstm I S 1 23616 Sati 113 7 HSteinrdt 20 20 8 23414 Mrs. Me 113 81 R Watts 2 S-j 4-5 23616 Eye White 113 M TMcCullh 10 15 fi 22867 Delightful 113 10 M Foden 10 20 S Show odds — Bird Man. 1-2; Jim Mallady, evens: The Lark, evens: Borel. 3-2: Muy Buena, 2: Fort Monroe. 1-2: Sati, 4; Mrs. Mc, 2-5; Eye White. 3: Delightful. 4. Time. 25. 51%, 1:05%. TTack heavy. Winner — R. V. Haymakers ch. c, 4, by Marta Santa — Whisk Broom trained by L. Haymaker. Went to pust at 3:01. At post It minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. BIRD MAN finished with a rush and won -jroing awav. JIM MALLADY ontganied THE LARK. The latter tired after making the early pace The winner was entered for 00: no bi.l. Scratched 88818 Odd Cross. MB; 22422 Columbia Ladv. 168; 23017 I/ uis des Cognets. 113; 23001 Miss Fissy, 104: 234a Johnny Wise. 113. 23665 Fourth Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 23252—1:07— 7-119. Purse 00. .".-year -olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. Did. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 88618* Mart re 118 I* W Hinphy 2 2 1 23645 Ther. Bethel 164 2" E Called I 4 3 2 23618 Curious 113 3" C Peak 8 10 4 | ; ; . • j ! ; ■ : ; 1 23614I.ambs Tail 111 4J VI 15 fi 23615-*Velie Forty 188 t* W Schorn 10 12 I 23618 Ortvx 118 « TMcCullh I « I 236,.5Miss Jean 188 7i B Wolstin « I 1 23603 II— III 113 Bl R Watts 3-2 S-5 4 I 23043 Dixie MB 8* A Pickens 10 12 I 23602 Mr. Mack 110 10 J Pengast 20 20 S Show Odds— Martre. 1-2; Theresa Bethel. 23; Curious. 2: Lambs Tail. 3: Velie Forty. 2: Ortvx. evens: Miss Jean, evens: Eunice. 2-5: Dixie, 2-5; Mr. Mack. 4. Time. 24. 49%, 1:04. 1:11%. Track heavy. Winner— R. P. Dodsons eh. m, 0. br Anak — Tremar trained by W. Lewis. Went to post at 3:32. At post 15 minute-:. Staj*J good and slow. Won easily: second and ttiK*jP driving. MARTRE worked her way to the f r nr and won going away. THERESA BETH I. et the earlv pace and tired badly. CURIOUS i.irole up ground. The winner was entered for 00: no bid. BualLhli IMndTiilBnia 113; 23370 »Jno. Mac-Cinns. 113: 23015 Frosty Face. 109; 2."MMI4 Pass In. 113: 23015 King Chilton. 113. 23666 Fifth Race — 3-4 Mile. 23251 -l:l:%— 5 — MS. Purse 8488. 3 year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00: second. 0: third. 0. Did Dorse. Wt.Fin. Jo-key. Op. CI. PL 23618 Parlor I.oy K 7 l3 A Pick-ns 2J| Zf, 1 23604 Tact less 102 - W S.horn I S 2 23603 iSVmpsilla 117 "5.1 l-n gast I I 1 J 23605Fr. Jolms.ui 104 I- S Wolstin 10 !_• [ 23326 The RhktImmIv 117 : - R Watts I I S5 23667 Dmpiesne i ,J 8" TMcCullh s s :: 23615*lt. It. MilleilH- 7 ■ u||, B 7 | ] Show odds— Parlor P.oy. 8-8; TkHtetM, evens; Sempsill.i. 1 I: Freda Johnson. 2.: The I.iKyl.ody. 4-5: Dnqnesne. 3 2: Ray R. Miller. 3 2. Time. 25. 49%, 1:03%. 1:17%. Track heavy. Winner Yarrow Brae Stables eh. z. 7. by Deutscliland Relna de L- s Angeles trained by W. Sh.rti. Went to post at 1:07. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: MCMki and third driving. PARLOR ROY gained a long lead mm the stretch turn and won cantering. TACTLESS showed a burst of si eed in the final eighth. SEMlSII.I.A tired. The winner was entered for 10: no bid. Scratched— 2.3007 Johnny Harris. 102: 2301S-Ener-getic. 105. Overweights— Freda Johnson. 2 [Kiunds. 23667 Sixth Race— 1 1-10 Miles. 232.HS -1:17% -5 — 109. Purse 00. 3 year-olds and upward. Selling. Net valce to winner 25; second. 9; third, 5. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 23620Durin 108 1" W Schorn .". 1 :: 1 10 23432 Font MB 2- R Watts M r, 2 23463* itose Olieil ios 3- S Wolstm 12 1. *i 23620 Cisko 113 ih TMcCullh 12 !5 •; 23606 The Monk 1 9 5"« W Gargan 21 21 S 236CC-Ajax IBM 6- WWHrU 73 23619*Knd :ranee l«! 7* C Mergler I .; -j 23620-*Okolonn bU 8* K Cuibn :i ! 2 23€21:D. of Shelbv 109 ! W Hinphy 12 12 .. 23621Bmont Belle !«: 10i-J Clancy 12 IS 5 23620-Carburetor 100 11* JDominiek s s ;; .23621 Water Lad 110 1-1 J Pengast M M 4 23606 love l;iv 110 13J MSimmons 10 ]• 4 23621 K. McDowell 112 14 HSteinhdt 81 31 I Show ibis Purin. 1-3: Font, evens: Rose Oneil, 2: Cisko. 3: The Monk. 4: Ajax. 3 2: Emliiranee. evens; Okob ■na. evens; Duke of Shelby. 2: I.ean-inont Belle. 2: Carburetor. 3 2: Water Lad. 2: l.ov.-Day. 2: King McDowell. 4. Time. 25%, 50%. 1:06%. 1:19%. 1:47%, 1:55. Track heavy. Winner — E. Freemans ch. g. 4. by Solitaire II. —Handsome Florry trained by C. N. Freeman. Went to post at 4:32. At ixist 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. DIRIN rushed to the front in the stretch and won under strong restraint. FONT ran gamely. ROSE ONEIL finished fast. The winner was entered for f*i: no bid. Scratched -23048 Frontier. 115. Overweights — Ajax. 2 pounds; King McDowell, 3. 23668 Seventh Race— 1 Mile and 20 Yards. 232*7 — 1:41%— 18— M4. Purse 8888. 4-ycar-oMs ami upward. Selling. Net value to winner SBML scond. 0; third. 0. . , I nil. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. — 1. PI. 23617 McClintock 105 In TCummgs 10 1» 1 23618 Felina KR1 2A R 15-«tep 21 and 1 23607-Euterpe 110 3- J Howard 1 4 . 1-3 23607*Montreal 100 4- J Cruise 4 i S-5 23648*Kinmundy 103 5- J Clancy fi s ] 23463 Little Ep MB «i C White 1., If, ; 23648*M:ilik MB 73 S Wolstm 31 2| I 23619*K. Radford 104 I K Culbn I 4 3 2 Show odds -McCIintook. 2: Felina. 1-2: Eatenr. out: Montreal. 4-5: Kiniiiiindy, evens; Little Ep. . 3: Malik. 4: King Railf »rd. 3-5. J Time. 24%. 51, 1:19%. 1:48%. 1:50. Track heavy. ■ Wniier— Wheat City StabW-s b. g. 0. by Ieep oDav Marguerite Doyle trained by C. E. Hansen. Went to post at 4:50. At 1x1st 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. MHLINTOCK slipped through in tin-stretch wh -n FELINA went wide. FELINA ran well and ontganied EUTERPE. The latter was shuttled hack on the first turn. The winner, entered for S20O. was bid up to 05 and bought in.

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Local Identifier: drf1915102101_2_7
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