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I t - . i I ; i i , I , ! , 1 ; ; I , ; , ! j , 1 • , 1 , . J , 1 . ! , J . 0 , ; I j • • a • LAUREL PARK FORM CHART. LAUREL, MD., MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1915.— Tw.-ntj -first day. .Maryland Slate Fair. Fall Meeting of 20 jgra. Weather clear. Presiding Judge, K. C. Smith. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Racing Secretary. Joseph McLennan. Racing starts at 2:30 p. in. Chicago time 1:30 p. m. . •Indicates apprentice allowance. QQff/l Q FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. 17503—1:12—0—114.1 Pnrse 00. 2 year-olds, Selling. £k O I tit O Net value to winner 00: second, 0; third. 0. Index Horses A Wt PP St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23529*HH;H HORSE wb 103 :: S 3 2- 1" W Lilley A Belmont 310-100 BBMfSTBLLAKINA wk 104 7 I lJ Is ]?. 23 A SchugrMizpah Stable 24o-P» 23676. XOLLI ws 108 « « 4J 5l ■ W Ward W C Daly r, Mr -100 S53555-*DR. OREMER wi: 97 4 3 1* 3i o" 4J I Mink W J Anderson 1 c,i -10I 3513»ldM ELWA1UJ w 10S 1 i «* S1 SJ .V" T PargtonE McBride 4T.0-100 23676 HOSE JILIKTTE w 100 Z 1 71 7J. 7 » ! C Turner Kentucky Stable fiKi-njo 23498"KO.sE WATER w 104 It II lPllll* ?*J Iitz J .1 Russell l~».t0-10l 23697! It II JEN LIST w HIS J » iiJ. 4l 4l XJ F Cooper H G Hedwell HSO-lOO 23697- DISTI RREH wr. 115 7. 4 S- 61 6l i - E* Haynes S Louis 1S1O-100 22745*MAR;ERY w 101 11 10 M* Ml 1BJ 101 C Hirst J Arthur |il! -loi 23697 SAL VANITY w HO 1 2 9J !» . 9L 11- R Troxler L H Baxter t 23575-KEITON WB 100 8 12 12 12 11 ll R Anders nP Sheridan 7 tMlBUl field. Time, 23%, 48%, 1:14%. Track fast. mutuels paid. High Horse, .20 straight, .20 place. .40 show; Stellarina, .40 place, .80 show: Nolli, 5.40 show. Equivalent booking odds — High Horse. 310 to 100 straight. 110 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Stellarina, i20 to 100 place. 90 to IBB show; Nolli, 070 to 100 show. Winner — Br. c. by Hastings — Hamesse II. trained by S. C. Hildretht. Went to post at 2:33. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the MUM. HIGH HORSE followed the pacemaker closely until straightened out in the homestretch, then wore tin leader down and got up to win in the final stride. STELLARINA set a fast early pace, but tired in tile last eighth. NOLLI finished fast and outgamed ML ORKMER. The latter ran well to the stretch rnd tired. TOM ELWAHD ran a fairly good race and it will probably improve him. The winner, entered lor BflM, was bid up to ,205 and bought iu. Scratched— 23097 Maitmi. 100; SBB57*Tiajan. 112; 23070-Bob Hedfield. 100. I Iverw eights — Hose Juliette. 1 pound. OQ74 /% SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. 17593— 1 : 12— 0— 114. Purse 00. 3-year-o!ds and upward. Q I rJbrlr Selling. Net value to winner 00: second. 0; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23083-STRIKER wb 5 111 1 J :ih 1- 1+ lJ .1 Butwell H Rites 200-100 23543 PONTEFRACT wb 8 111 11 S .".• * 3i ."n" P W Kelsay A C Niehaus 715-100 23493 OUTLOOK w I 100 9 I 2h 2l 3- 3J M Buxton P Powers *»95-10i 23677*MAHT1N CASCA wb 4 111 1 11 6£ «-J 4 # L Mink F G Brown , 355-100 23492*THDL1NG w « 111 4 6 4l 5 6»k 51 T PargtonJ Smith 1965-100 23355 INEZ wb 3 106 5 4 1» 4»k r.j «h I, HartwHS Veiller f4445-100 3329 HIKER w I 106 14 1 S1 7i 8- 7i J McCaheyR Pending S75-10O 23678*BORAX wb 3 106 10 12 IP »l 7* 8 F Cooper H G Bedwell 1105-100 23205 BRONX QUEEN w 3 106 S 7 7» HP 9nk 9l P Lowder O C Rasch t 23207 SEBAGO w 7 114 1 14 IL* 11» IP 10 R McDottW Cahill t 23556 CHANCE wb 4 109 3 0 9" Sl 103 11s W Obert W C Westmoreland t 22734 BELLA MACK w 4 113 6 9 14 14 13* 12* A SchugrMiss A Matthews S945-10O 23397 DON. MACDONALD wb 0 113 7 13 13J 12= IT- 133 R Troxler F E Brown 4350-100 SET SQCARE w 3 100 1! 10 10" 131 14 14 C Turner Kentucky Stable , tMutnel field. Time. 23%, 48%, 1:14. Track fast. n.utuesl paid. Striker. .00 straight, .30 place, .90 show; Pontefract. .50 place. .10 show; Outlook. S7.30 show. Equivalent booking odds— Striker. 200 to 100 straight, 115 to 100 place, 95 to 100 show; Pontefract, 225 to 100 place, 155 to 100 show: Outlook. 205 to 100 show. Winner — Br. g. by Disguise — Contentious trained by J. Hiddick. Went to post at 3:03. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. STRIKER worked his way up around the leaders and drew away into a good lead on the far turn to win under restraint. PONTEFRACT raced well and outgamed OCTLOOK. The latter was always a forward contender. MARTIN CASCA began slowly and closed a big gap. DONALD MACDONALD pulled up lame. The winner, entered for n0, was bid up to and bought in. Scratched— 23077 Devil Fish, 114. OQ7/1 f THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 18270—1 :05%— 2— 118. 1915.sh00 Added. All Ages. Ja Q I jfc Q Handicap. Net value to winner 45; second, 00: third. 0. "index Horses A Wt PP St hi, *k % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23352QCARTZ w 3 110 12 l1 l3 1* 1* L Mink J Sanford 120-100 23265 ROBT. BRADLEY wb 5 108 11 4 3i» 3h 3= 2l J Smyth W R Mizell tl2Sf»-10O 23577-VKNETIA wb 3 100 1! 7 6 5i 4t 3- P Lowder P Sheridan t 23202 HOI SEMAID w 7 122 14 1 4J 4= 3- 4"k j Butwell H C Hallenbeck 2980-109 22018 ONAT w 3 105 B 9 1" 7 » S11. 5l R HoffmanJ Butler 4275-100 23532 FLITTERGOLD wb 4 117 8 11 ]0» ll1 9= 6t W Ulley A Belmont 1625-100 23532 KEWESSA wb 5 103 5 10 8= 6f 7J 7nf F Cooper W L Oliver 315-100 23578 HI CKHORN w 6 120 2 8 9l 9s 6"k 8i M Buxton R J Mackenzie t 23557 JOE BLAIR wb 4 110 10 5 2h 2J 2"t 91 E Haynes G S Martin 790-100 £2398 BONNIE TESS •» 2 90 1 12 13s 133 123 10nf J McCaheyQuincy Stable ♦ 23588 PESKY w 2 97 3 3 5l 8* 10Jll- T PargtonE McBride 44SO-100 219633S1RPHISING w 4 114 9 6 11 122 11J 12 C Borel R F Carman 404O-10O 22433HANNONADE w 3 102 6 13 12s 10i 13° W T Hayes J J Ryan t 22216 PIXY wb 3 105 4 14 14 14 14 14 R Watson R T Wilson 5C90-100 tMutuel field. Time. 23%, 47%, 59%, 1:06%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Quartz. .40 straight, .50 place, .00 show; Robert Bradlev. field. .90 place, .20 show: Venetia, field. show. Equivalent luKking ixlds— Quartz. 120 to 100 straight. 75 to 100 place. 100 to 100 show ; R ibert Bradley, field. 345 to 100 place 210 to UK slow: Yenetia. field. 210 to 10O show. Winner — Br. c. by Ruckton — Oriska trained by H. Hughes. Went to iKist at 3:.5.». At post 3 minutes. Start gcoil and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. QCARTZ outran the others from the start and showed great speed all the way. ROBERT BRADLEY, running in greatly improved form, was a forward contender from the start, but had to lie ridden out •o outstay YENETIA. The latter made up ground and finislied fast. HOlSEMAID, GNAT and FLITTER-GOLD ran well. Scratched— 230.:9-Fenmouse, 111; 23531 Lorac, OS; 23352!Celto, 104; 23OS0 Sir Edgar. 102; 23334 Pol-IdPia. !K. Overweights — Surprising. 2 pounds. OQ7/lft FOCRTII RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. 17877— 1:49%— 3— 124.1 Fifth Running Anne Arundel O I T:U Stakes. ,000 Added. 3 year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner ,340; second. 00: third. 00. Index Horses A Wt PP St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23558*ROLY wb 3 103 1 1 1- 12 ] . 1- !■ T PargtonD J Leary 65-100 23639 HUE THISTLE wb 6 108 2 2 4l 3 » 2* 2s 2* J Butwell H C Hallenbeck t" 15-10O 2356C*I1EDGE wb G 98 6 5 |k 41 4"f 4"t 3" T Hayes H C Hallenbeck t ,2J641p LAHORE w 7 102 4 3 3l 2»k 3 S 3 Ink W Lilley J L Paul 76 -10O 23560 -CLIFF FIELD w 4 101 5 4 6 51 5l 51 5* R McDottL J Carey 5955-100 236413AMALFI wb 7 100 7 S 8 7" 63 66 *i- J McCaheyR T Wilson 795-100 23680 PAKDNEB w 0 103 8 6 53 «3 74 7s 7s F Cooper H G Bedwell 5190-100 23679-*TATICS wb 0 100 3 7 7l 8 8 8 8 L Mink F J Coleman 4195-100 tCoupled in betting. Time, 23%, 47%, 1:13, 1:38%. 1:51, Track faat. mutuels paid, Roly, .30 straight, .80 piece, .40 show; II. C. Hallenbeck entrv, .70 place, .20 show. Equivalent booking odds — Roly. 05 to 100 straight. 40 to 100 place. 70 to 100 show; II. C. Hallenbeck entry. H to 100 place, 110 to 100 show. Winner — B. c, by Golden Maxim — Lotowanna trained by D. J. Leary. Went to post at 4:03. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv ing. ROLY outran the others to the first turn and. after being rated along in front, drew away in the final strides and won In a canter. BLIE THISTLE was always a forward contender and easilv outstaved the others. HEDGE finished fast. LAHORE tired in the homestretch. A.MALFI pulled up "lame The winner, entered for ,000. was bid up to ,005 and lioiight in. Scratched— 22750-G. M. Miller, 108. Q7/|7 FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 20 Yards. 23533— 1 :42— 3— 114. Purse 00. 3 year-olds Q I T and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00: weond. 0: third. 0. Index Horses A Wt PP St H % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23587 AI.IIENA wb 3 104 3 9 5 2 2- 1 l1. E Haynes J F Adams B75-10O 23681 SI NGLETOE W 3 104 10 f, 511 gta 31 2= 2= T PargtonA A Gregg 5205-100 23701*DICKS PET wb 4 107 14 14 14 12= P 5l S* W Lilley O E Pons 435-100 23611 COL. ASHMEADE wsb 8 105 4 1 H» 1* ]b js 41 A SchugrC C Smithson 415-100 23512-*OROTrND 4 104 1 11 Si" 71 6"k 7X .".3 T Hayes L Blume 5S5-10O 23496 CARLAYEROCK w 3 104 5 8 7h 9J 9J B •• P Lowder T Smith f 27 "5-100 23678 BERMlDIAN w 4 105 9 7 3h 5i pi 41 7J L HartwHS Veiller t 23613*CLIFF EDGE wb 9 110 7 10 A 8 71 9 Suit R McDottR E Watkins .915-100 20S57 PEACOCK wb 4 109 S 13 13"- IU 12- 102 91 C Turner E Itterback t 232472*ST. LAZERIAN wb 3 102 T IT II 1M»*U" lllM" L Mink E K Bryson 4«0-100 232863RICHD LANGDON w 5 112 13 3 63" 4" 4U 61 ll5 C Fbther It Jackson 2«S5-10l 23579 RAY 0" LIGHT wit 4 110 11 2 41 6t 10i 122 12l R Troxler J C. Wagnon 1095-100 23640*AI TEHGLOW wb 5 100 12 4 12J 14 13l 13h 13= F Cooper P M Walker t 23587 MARYLAND GIRL ws 3 102 6 5 101 131 14 14 14 W Ward R I Miller * tMutuel field. Time. 24%, 48%, 1:15%. 1:40%. 1:42%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Alhena, 5.50 straight, .5t place. .30 show : Singletoe. 5.20 place. 2.20 show: Dicks Pet, .30 show. Equivalent booking odds— Alhena. 075 to 100 straight. 325 to 100 place. 165 to 100 show; Singletoe, 1160 to 100 place. 510 to 100 show: Dicks Pet. 115 to ltd show. Winner — B. g, by Star Shoot — Belle of Glendale trained bv J. Riddiek. Went to post at 4:35. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow for all but DICKS PET. Won easily: tecond and third driving. ALHENA followed the early pacemaker in closest pursuit to the stretch turn. then moved up quickly and drew away into an easv lead. SINGLETOE was a forward contender all the way and saved ground on the last turn. DICKS PET was as good as left and closed a big gap. COL* ASHMEADE tired after setting the pace to the stretch. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scl a t died— 23723 Tow ton Field, 108. Overweights — Ray oLight. 2 pounds: Maryland Girl. 2. QQ7y|Q SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 17555— l:433f— 3— 117. Purse 00. 3 year-olds and Ol TtO upward. Selling. Net value to winner fO: second. 0: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt% % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23591KING BOX w 5 107 8 8 7U S «i 4» ln R McDottP J Miles 495-100 23546 STALWRT HELEN w 3 107 11 6 l« 92 h IU 2U W Ward L Weiss 12335-100 23726 RlRWOOD wb 3 110 4 5 5h 5h 41 3h" 3n* T Rice A Turney t360o-100 23613M ARTWORTII 7 107 3 2 4n* 7J 8 8 4 L Mink E Wayland 835-100 23591 ALL SMILES wp. 3 110 10 9 iqi pp 911 9* ..»■ W Lilley P Musgrave :s5 100 — — — Continued 5 553 PBflhJ LAUREL PARK FORM CHART. Continued from first page. 23681 ABLTON O. m S 110 0 4 J1 in ]b n ■ t DargtonJ B Ownbey MTi Ml 23514-JAWBONE W • 107 7 7 « 6» 3-7. ."."k 7"» C Turner J O Talbott Ix.VPr 23681*1.1 THEB w 5 105 » 11 8l 8" 5"£ t - Sl F Cooper H Q Bedwell M45-M* 3661 SOLON m 3 102 i I || ■ 7s 75 9- Ii Hargtnlt A White 23420-HABBV LAUDER tvs 5 112 6 10 ll" 11 los yp p,i . SchugrJ F Sweeney 4U5-1W 23547 DETELCS w 0 115 1 1 ■ h U 11 11 J Butwell L A Seregni M00-M t.Mittuel Held. Time. 24%. 48%, 1:15%, 1:41%, 1:47%. Track fast. mutueis paid. King Box, .*11.!Xl straight S7 :J0 place .00 show; Stalwart Helen, 1. lo place. :;24.H show; BurwiH.d. field. 3.20 show. Equivalent booking odds — King Lox. 495 to MS straight. 205 in 100 place. ISO U» 100 s.iow: Staiw.-tr! Helen. 2970 to 100 place. 1100 to 100 show: Bnrwiiod. liehl. MM to D* show. Winner— B. g, by Box Eric Belle trained bv D. J Miles. Went to post at 5:04. At Hist 5 minutes Start good and slow. Won driving: srco;nl ami third tin-same. KINC BOX. off slowly, improved bis |x,-it!on gradually and oiitgamed STALWABT HELEN in the tinal strides. Tiie latter moved up with a rush from a slow beginning, but tired in the stretch drive. BCBWO0D was always a forward contender ALL SMILES met with interference in the streleh. DAD T WORTH finished fast. JAWBONE piit. The winner was entered for 1915.sh0O: no bid. Scratched— 123012 Vodolos. 113: 23340-Caiiiellia. 102: 23720 Dav Day. 105.