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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF. There will be racing each Sunday at Juarez ami Havana during the coining winter, but none on Monday. James D. Boss, acting for M A. Towlc of Boston, has purchased the three veur-old stallion Kilwinning from Talbott Brothers. Speculation in the mutiiels at I-aurel is hM to be growing as the meeting progresses and is now said to average some *D;ti.MHi daily. During the past season 170 race meetings were held in the iuctro|Mililaii area of Melbourne. Alls tralia. and the prize money distributed amounted lo over Sl.lOO.MCO. As a result of their trouble arising out of the syndicate ring form of betting, the management of Mount Koyal track has decided to install the pari-mutuols next year. Mr. Andrew .1. Joyner sails on November :!. How long he intends staying in his native country de-ponds on circumstances, though it is quite pos sible that he will lie back in England in Ihe course of a year or two. — London Sporting Life. Hainan T. De Negri. Mexican consul general al San Francisco, denies that his government instructed him to notify promoters of a promised race track and casino al Tin Juana. Lower California, Carranza would not recognize any concession granted them by other factions. W. SUowalter of Caue Bun Stud. Georgetown. Ky.. has consigned to the Kentucky Sales Company live mares for the sale to be held at Tattersalls during the week of Novemlier If. Among the-e mares is Domino Noire by Kingston — Dominoes dam of Dominant, by Domino. Domino Noire is the dam of the good two-year-old Cane Bun, Ethel E., Dartworth, etc.