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TIMELY TURF GOSSIP TROM KENTUCKY. | Cincinnati, »., Ootolier 25. — All the candidates for the Latonia Cup. at Mm miles an I a quarter, have MM given their finil iryoiits for the event. Indications ; ,int to the biggest Mi in the history of this rare. Tliat afternoon also marks the windup of the Kentucky racing season. On that afternoon also, there will lie many visiters, espeei-allv from leading Kentucky ciths. as reduced rates prevail on all railroads reaching the I.atouia track from all points in the state In the last few days Manager ilachmeister has had a call lor many bux reservation* and there is no doubt that, as last vcar. the attendance this fall to see the Lau-nia Cup run will fullv tax the limits of the grounds. Trailer B. Kiplev has the three racers, Trulane, Incle Jimmie and -Water liookod to go to IMM to race. All have been doing well since lliey arrived at Latonia and promise to be useful horses to their owner a! the Juarez track. He only has one other horse. Judge Sale, which will be taken to Juarez for him with the string trained by B. Si. Vestal. who has had the gelding in his stable for Biploy since iaM si ling. Kipley hopes to be able to buy a horse or two during; the closing days of Latonia to ship to Juarez with the horses he already has In his barn at Latonia. T. II. B.vau has decided to retire his lilly. Trick -•wing, to the stud and will leave her in Kentucky when Ihe Latonia meeting eftMM until next spring. ■when she will be mated to one of the popular sues now doing siud service around Lexington. Trick-wing is bv Downpatriek — Truewing, by The Homaii. She comes from a family of such famous performers as Helen Nii-hols. Advance Guard and DM first Futurity winner. PMCMT Knott. Kyan thinks she will make good in the stud. She went wrong early in her training ::nd never stalled in M one rare. She. however, bad a good turn of speed and in con forma tie n is an ideal type for a successful broodmare. Trainer Han Lelian has a band of yearlings now In training at the Churchill Downs trai k al 1/ouis-ville. They are as follows: Chestnut colt bv McGee— Miss Louise, by Esher. Chestnut MM by King Olympian— MdH of De-land, bv Griffon. Chestnut colt bv Hurst Park— Misoal. by Cactus. Bay colt by Deter Quince— Xethersole, by Tournament. Chestnut colt by Transvaal— Meddler. Chestnut lilly by Charles Edward— U. Hannah, by Yankee. Tue Hurst Dark MM belongs M John Churchill, and the .Miss lmis.. colt i owned by trainer Lelian. All t! liier voniigsters are Ihe pro| ert ot the Louisville racing firm of Middle! on A Jones. The Xethersole colt, a g.Mxl-h-.king youngster, is a half MMfecC ti the M k I w-ycar old of 1915. Dulse. The lillv China, owned liy -Mrs. Theo. Abadie. ■will be sliiiipi-I to Juarez to race the coming winter. Fiie is the onl racer now owned by thai lady, who ■was so long interested in the ownership of horses that were :a o,I bv her husband a few years back. Iyin Jones, the Louisville turfman, who was at Latonia this week attending the yearling sales, re jHirts that he has ijuile a number of good race horses at present turned out for different owners at his National Stock Farm near that ctiy. Among the number are Samuel It. Mayer and Sugar King. owned bv W. II. Baker: Grassinere and Joe .Boson -fleld. belonging to Dick Williams, and the good lilly. Julia I... owned b Jeflers.m Livit.gston. The latter was the two-year-old racing queen of Juarez last spring, and her owner expects her to be a keen contender far the Oaks races jn Kentucky next year. It is also more than probable that Mr. Livingston will nominate the daughter of Ilanigau to the Ken-lucky and Latonia Derbys uevt spring. Sugar King will also be a Derby candidate next year. Daker bought this colt from Mr. Walden last spring and concluded to wait on him iintiT he was a three year-old, on account of his enormous size. He is probably the tallest two-year-old now living. He showed S|ieed for his Maryland trainer last spring, but in his racing demonstrated that h" was merely au over:, tow ii. green two- ear-old, and one of the kind that would need age for him to fully develop. Trainer Deter Wiiiimer now has at Churchill Dowie track .ill of the nine yearlings that are owned by th- W odford County turfman. Sen. J. N. Camden. Three of the number are colts and six fillies. Trainer Winimer re|M»rts that if they can lie sold privately lor what is considered their full value Mr. Camden will dispose of his present string of racers :md bis three yearling colts, but will retain all Wa fillies and these will In- trained and raced for him. The list of the nine yearlings now. at the Downs are as follows: Chestnut colt bv Deter Quince -Cartgenna. by St. Carlo. Bay coll by Ben Brush— Lass of Wheat ley, by nattover. Bay colt bv !?en Brush— Hindoo Hose, bv Hindoo. Day lillv l.v Don Brush — Jane Ireland, by Ksher. Bay lilly by Ben Drush -B-witeher. by The Com moil* r. Bay filly by Ren Brush -Sister Juliet, by Ksher. Brown liiH- i r |*eter Quince -Mv Bcautv. the dam of Helios. Bay liliy l.v Ben J.rush -Da!kis . by Orlando. Clieslnut lillv liv Deter Qiiimv Nuns Cloth, by Melton. The I.a« of Wheatlev eolt is as grand a looking ynung-ier as is in all Kentucky and his dam is a half sister to the great Ktheliiert. Senator Camdens reason for curtailing Ms racing operations i his public and private business, which takes up nearly his entire time and pr. vents him from seeing his hordes race. except on rare occasions. He. how ever, has no iut-ntb.n of curiailing his breeding ©Iterations ;,.,,, u.js , x;,i:iins why he retains Mm fillies be now li»« in his racing string. So fir Mo. Cop.latt bv purchasing recently lor his sMhle the racers K i.val interest ami First De prce. n w has f.urieen liorsos in bis string to ship to the Juarez track on the special train which leaves lot,, mxt Saturday. October 30. Goldblatt staler that In- has in mi lid two other horses which he insula to mm before the Juarez special lea v. s. wi : !; ill i tike him a full carload " sixteen lei, I. T Is i- the largest liable he has ror taken to Juarez with lb- exception of year Mm last, when he had all the horses of Jefferson Livingston in charge. Tl mailings that Cllnlntt nuriiiased in the r.-cenl sales here for that turfman he ha- turned over to trainer II. K. Brandt. The onlv MTM that he will have in his string that is owned by Livingston for Juarez racing will be the greal -priiter. Iron Mask, which he trained and raced so successful lv there in the season ol 1912 13 So Ih: Ihe veteran. I-Hianza his won three ra •••• at tho praM Lat ula ioeetin«. vMek IMMW his n«eord this rear To ton NM MJ». IMM son •• Biisuntlcl. ;■.: , piove.i a gtn*l broadxrltinur on Ihe turf In !!•• Mm ••■ .•» In- Ma laid. II- iia- I" date started in D»l races, of wbica km lias won J»Tflty-six, been second thilteeu, aud third twenty- two times and earned 2,084. The record of Ihe mm if Broomstick by years is Hs follows: Vear. sis. 1st. ML ML Won. MM 7 1 o o | -•;,, m* I.". -i :: :: 1.135 Ml -m 8 :: :: 2.053 Ml 17 o •_ :: 2M1 mm :;« H» B 11 A.sli He has won every season he has MM on the turf in good canipany and raced in winning form on every track lie has ever run over. He Man as good as ever and should make a line winter campaign at Juarez for his owner during the season of 191.V16.