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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Carranza troops were the main offenders in firing across the border in the battle at Agua Piieta. according to a report from Maj. Gen. Funs ton received yesterday at the war department. The general says both Calles and Villa did all they . ubl to prevent injury to American lives and property. 1 could not in fairness have opened lire on Villa without treating Calles the same, he added. Gen-Funstons rcjiort. dated Wednesday night, MMCrihai conditions as satisfactory. I consider the immediate danger passed, be writes and describes a con-Ieroiice between himself and Villa at the border, of which Gen. Funston says: His Villas attitude* was quite satisfa.-tory. Gen. Funston reported the whereabouts of Villa and his main force was not definitely known, although it was rumored he was at Cahullona, eighteen u.iles south of Agua Prieta. recuiierating his men for another attack. A lev of his men and some of his baggage trains have reached Naco. Sonora. American patrols als re-IMirte.l a camp of about 4.0OO men MMMMI OsN.rne, Arizona. Funston estimated Villas entire force at about 12,0l0. with thirty-six pieces of held artillery and a large BOMMR of machine guns. Contrary ti usual Mexican custom. General Funston said. Villa had left all the women, children and camp followers of his army at Casas Graudcs. and had with him nothing but fighting men. who displayed excellent spirit. Continuing the report sav : "I he principal faults cere committed by Calles men, and I could not in fairness have oiiened fire on Villa without treating Calks the same. For example, yesterday while Major Hay and other officers were 200 miles north of tile boundary and !• yards from the east flank of Calles trenches, they "wee deliberately fired upon. Also, yesterday a detachment of the Ninth cavalry 1.2O0 yards in front of the wort flank of Calles trenches and at least 20O yards north of the boundary was tired MMH there first by machine guns and then six times bv artillery. Further, this afternoon a customs inspector at the same point was tired upon. Representations have taw made to Calles and M has expressed regret and given nc. ossary assurances." The Paris morning papers unite in the editorial column in a chorus of prate CM Premier Briands declaration in the chamoer of deputies yesterday. Even the royalist ptcsa agrees that he said in clear terms what it was necessary to say. and promised unequivocally a policy of resolute action. The anarchist. Gustavo Herve. calls the speech Mile magnilic.nt discourse af the spokesman of republican France." Tta .Tounul says all parties have again hound themselves together in close union around the government, having MMMMI that M. Briand will act energetU-ally for the def-nse of the country. The premier lets spoken not only like a brave patriot, but with the foresight of a statesman, writes the socialist. M. Roiianet. in Humaii-ite. Alfred Captis. in Figaro, singles oat for praise M. Briands declaration that negligence will lie punished relentlessly and his assertion that the enemies of France must not cunt on her becoming weary nor discouraged. Says a dispatch of yester.ay from Paris: The defeat inflicted Mi tta Bulgarian center by the Serbians MM kBMra yesterday in the otticial statement issued at Berlin is said by the Serbian war office to have occasioned great losses lo the Bulgarians and compelled them to retreat in disorder. The Serbian announcement, dated November 1 and received here today, follows: On the eastern front the enemy attack".! without success our MMMM south of the Morava. In tin- direction of the Nisava. our left wing has had to retire before 11 superior force, while the center of the enemy suffered great losses and is retiring in disorder in the diroct;o:i of Bola Palauka. The enemy made an attack toward the Timok. in the direction of Bolievatz. The landing of French troops at Saloniki continues without incident, according to annouaceineiit made today by the French war office on the operations in the east. While the Serbians are fighting doggedly to keep the way open for their retreat into Montenegro, their Franco-British allies are beginning to mak I their presence felt in Macedonia, where, according to unofficial reports, they have gained a success Ml the Istip front. The Serbian army is retreating steadily toward the central defenses, but its fighting qualities apparently have MM been seriously impaired by the tremendous battering it has received from the invaders. The only success for tlie- Serbians admitted by Berlin is one along the Nishava river, where the Bulgarians have 1 n thrown back toward Palanka by •"supciior forces." but the invaders r.ow are only twelve and a half miles from the teni[ orarv Serbian cinital. and a check along the Nishava is not likely to give the harassed defenders much respite. The London Morning" Posts Budapest corres|x.nd-ent quotes M. Momchilotf. president of the Sobranje Bulgarian parliament . who has been several days with the Bulgarian tt»:ps at the front, as emphasizing how the Serbian people are sharing in the defense of their country. "Our soldiers found in the Serbian trenches a great many women and children and aged men. who arc bomb throwers and quite experienced in hand grenade work." M. MomchilotT said. "The civil population is taking its share in the struggle in ::n even more desperate manner thai the active MMMM. There is not MM Serbian district where the Bulgarian soldiers entered MMMM of Macedonia where civilians, women and children alike did not receive them with bombs and hand grenades, of which a great numlier were found in almost evcry Serbian house. A dispatch from Rotterdam says: German military leaders recently have been giving CMMi alMB-tion to construe! ing a defense line in eastern Belgium. Scheldt forms a greal support for um hue. which indicate/! the MMlaace to which the Germans expect to retreat if a move is forced on them. Many bridge are being thrown over the river, and around Antwerp a huge system of defenses is being constructed on both sides of the river. M. M. Moore, p resident of the Panama Pacific International Expo ition at San Francisco, officially announces that the exposition will definitely close the night of December 4. This announcement is made in order to correct a oMF lej.ort t Uo- etT.-er that the exposition palaces wo lid he .pen to the pub" lie for some weeks after the official closing date. A dispatch to London from The Hague says foreign correspondents in Germany have been required to sign a paper binding themselves 10 MM out nothing offensive to Germany and promising their telegrams will not !••■ edited and that no headlines unfavorable : OcrOMay wft be printed. A German submarine in distress was towed info Tcischelling, a Date* island in tta Xorih sea. by a Datefe lifeboat ye-tcrd.iy m-iming. A Hutch torpedo saw the rocket signals sent up by the submarine and cscort—i it to an anchorage. The undersea is being .lovely guarded. MMH lias uoiiiicl the Per ian government t ■ :t t the Angl -i-Russiau convention providing for the maintenance of Persian integrity and independence will at once lapse if the rum OI 1 rove tin- that Persia has cencliidc.l a special agreement with Germany and Turkey. King George pas ed a MMMtTMt disturbed night, but was better in the morning, bis physicians an-11 uinced yesterday. He was able fa move they iulde.l. with tea coiotovf from the MMM suffel d in his recent accident in France. Four allied iorpe.lo boat desiioyers taaBOONM the sea port of Tcl-.esme. in Asia Minor, forty Miles southwest of namyroa. The Ttafclal tart*, barracks and government buildings were destroyed. Liabilities approximal ing * with aoaatl of JSI.IMMJ. were s, heiluled MMM by the Dm« tt Manclester. who married Hate Zimmerman of Pin-oiimati. Bankruptcy proceedings are pen ling against him. A dispalch to the Kxelcmge Telegraph Company from Copenhagen :iys the German steamer MM was sunk by a Briti-di submarine Tuesday off Karls-kroiia. in Sweden, on the Baltic. German financial authorities ere preparing Mr a new loan of . 500. OOO.i Hi. The pro-pectus will be issued in .lanuary, says a Copenhagen dispatch to the London Mail. Austria will make no MMM peace with Italy, .-:s rumored, nor will Austrian territorial MMMMM be made to the Italians it was stated in a Vienna dispatch. The German announcement of the sinking of the French submarine Turquoise i :ic.c|.ted as authentic by Ihe French marine ministry. The Petrograd correspondent of the Loudon Mail s:iv Kus ia has imp.--.dl a war lax of from 5 to 50 tents on every theater ticket.