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THE NEWMARKET DECEMBER SALES. Hraare. TatatteeB arc aieety getting ready bar December -iiliv ea I a login- iis simiii as pos-ilde. and if tin eertejr rich stewards n.ubl see an advance |.r-Mif of it iImv would -iirely l»- shaken in tln-ir in.: to rue aft«-r He- Houghton week. Two in. .1. iio-eting* would -till do much to stay tin- rat. but .is it i there bids fair to be a nunlar aaatr -lie af banaasase*. limited aaljr by Me— is. TatP-r-.-l!". capacity N gel tin gh a ecrlaiii ii ii in i x-r of lot- in a slam time. Brea the Heav-•lav-- i eletagei contains lata from stsrh actable br..-der- as the Bate of Westminster. Sir Gilbert Crecnnll. Mr. James Knssol. Mr. Frank Bibby. Mi W. M. izabt. Mr. A. I. Basset and Mr. LraeaM 8 Rothschild. The last named gentleman has i ntered no fewer than ten bro idman « in Mon days catalog!:- alone. The inf-renec to Im- drawn from this as Monday is the least popular dav is that sin h bre-dei- as these would not have lata iin-liuled in it ■ op- not the eatab .gin- of the stic- neeaaag dav to be fdh-d hi reatethat with even iM-tter bos. Among ether entries for the Mon, lay is Chcv.-licr Cini.drollis Star of Naples, sister to Sign •rinotta. and lovered by Cylgad. This I ina-e i- onlv eight vears old. and piite as likelv to hre-d wi is as her sster. though the latter did have the Derby to her credit. Cylgad. by abjtra abe is eaaerrak is inv tavorite of all yli«-iies aaaa. The Special Cosumissioner** in Ivond •!! S|ii:rts!ii;m.