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SECOND RACE — 3-1 Mile. 2-year-olds. Allowances. SM 1:13 1 112. SPRINT, b. f, S 113 By Rock Sand— Sprite Mizpah Stable. 23833 Pimlico 3 I I:l3%faa| 20 5 M7 1 I I ::- 5-i .1 McTagrt m Franklin. Tiaiim. Aaila 2M07 Laorcl 11:1* last "S-5 10* 6 7 5 I 5* 3jA Schugr 1 CM. "«-iiiiii-. Spur. Franklin 27731 Laurel ll:43V4slow 42-5 MS ;t » 7 3 5* »! A Soh«*j*rM» King Neptune. Spur. Tea Caddv 23«j37 Iaurel 3-4 l:14%slow 7-4 109 2 2 1= 1* T McTagt 8 IiaiiUlin, Socotiv, L. Back Vale .::.". s l.aurel 3-4 l:17%hvy 13-5 102 5 5 4 2J L* .1 McTagrt V Spur, rrobibitloii. Peskv 2X31 Laurel 3-4 l:14Vsgood 13-5 M9 4 S 4 51 3= T McTagt B Malachite. L.K.Vale. Col. Venule 253u9 H.deGce 5J f l:06%fast 4 MOJ 4 4 4 3- 2 J McTagrt 1 Ormesdale, Startling. Damroseb 2:2:16 11 deGce 31 f 1 lOOSfast 9 M4 7 7 7 7 7"l.I McTagrt 7 K. Neptune. Onaaaffc, Startling 22S55 Belmont ."J f st l:07%fast 4 110 7 7 7 7 l**|T McTagt 7 Libyan Sands. Ind. Chant, Grasp 25732 1!. -Imont S-« st SSfast 8 112 7 7 7 7 7-" T McTagt 7 Iuss in Hoots. Malachite, irasp 21573 Aqueduct 5-S 1 :00*4good 4-5 115 4 2 2 1* 1*1 M Buxton 4 Malachite, KdnaKenna. Excelsior 21493 Aqueduct 6-8 1 :00**good11-10 112 2 1 1 1* 1* M Buxton 4 Sasin, Hands Off, Wayfarer 21349 Aqueduct 5-S 1 :02*£hvy 8 112 2 5 5 31 2" M Buxton Hroni. . Hands Off. Sasin VIRGINIA M.. b. f. 2 110 By Peter ttuince — Amy J. H. G. Bedwell. 238*3 Pimlico 1 4 l:M fast 11 M l 1 ! i" - V Coaper 14 Folronia. Darraa, Daatruxch ::*2» Pimlico 51 i 1 :is last 29-5 110 3 4 3 41- ti3 K Cooper 13 Murpbv. Rauihi. Eddie Henry 25575 Laurel 3 4 l:lS*thvy 3-6 108 I 1 2 2 3* V I Wry S Chivator. Disturber, South. Slar 23495 Laurel 51 f 1:14 hvv 39-20 103 2 12 2= 21 M Buxton I. Shrapnel, Fairwcather, Ildiko 22394 Laurel 51 f 1 :12 hvy 13-20 105 I 111- SJ M Buxton I Shrapnel, S. talwarr, Cantara 23353 H.deGce f.J f 1 :06%fast 40 97 6 5 3 31 2" L Mink ! Whiiusv. Rcgina. King Neptune 23236 H.deGce 5J f 1 :0C?sfast 7 103J 4 3 2 41 0"! M Buxton 7 K. Neptune. Ormesdle, Startling 23055 H.deGce 5-S 1 lOOrjfast 20 107 3 2 3 31 4=£ M Buxton S Slipshod. Malachite. Favour 20202 Fimlico 41 f 56%good23-20 107 4 1 1 lJ I1 M Buxton 6 Casco, Sun Hod, Tribolo -"•HI Fimlico 1-2 49 fastl31-20 107 7 6 4J t? M Buxton 12 Ormesllead. Casco. F. Delpbia SASIN, b. c. 2 116 By The Picket— Queen G. J. OReilly. .:•««• H.d.-i Fee 5 S l:"»l»ifast 15 114 5 4 4 4 1 4--l C Turner 7 Col. Veunie, Adroit. Broopivale SKM Aqueduct I -s MMfaM 8 110 1 13 3* 1" C Turner 5 Broomvale. Slartling. Mustard _;ii«A Belmont 51 1 st 1:05 fast 12 107 3 3 4 3* 4" C Turner r. W. Hackle. Pce of Como, B Shot 2i«.M Aqueduct HI tttfaal 7 115 I I I I 3" B Troxler 5 Startling, Socony, Little Dipper SMK Aqueduct 5-S l:0o fast 4 117 I I I 3s 3" J Butwell 4 Malachite, Hendrie. Elsie Bonero SMM Aqueduct 5 s 1 :0o%good 8 Ml 3 3 3 2s 2* C Turner 4 Sprint, Hands Off, Wayfarer BOSE WATER, ch. f. 2 113 By The Picket— Rosecrest J. J. Russell. 3B3 PfcaHaa 1 1:1 last 23 9s 7 7 S 8 S S" T Pargton .S Cliff Field, Lit. Nearer. Ambrose . 32M liur.l 1 1:43 good 31 liC 3 3 4 3 31 1 1 Mink 7 Sand Mark. Nolli, Qaai Counsel ::742 laurel 3-4 l:14%tast 29 104 11 11 11 ll6 7*3 J Fitz 12 High Horse, Stellarina. Nolll *34M Uiuiel 1 l:53%hvy 13-5 106 6 6 3 2 2r Is It McIVott ■ Nolli. E.Kenna. B.of theKltchen : ;277 Wdbine 1 l:42lf,fast SI 106 6 6 6 6 5* 51 A Sehugr H Candle, Phibition. S.ofFIeasure 23114 Wdbine 3-4 l:13%fast 19 110 8 9 6 6 53 H Watts 12 Greetings, L. Bigger, A.Mancini 23IU1 Itotval 51 f l:07?ifast 3 110 5 6 5 4= 2" V Moore 6 C.Cutelius, S.Slwart, Gmintlie 3M Morval 5-S 1 :00=jfast 10 10.J 7 8 7 51 3* F Moore 8 lolite. Little Bigger, Sbaban 22856 Korval 5-S 1:00. fast 24 109 6 6 5 5s 45» F Moore 7 Tiajan. Karly Sisht, Candle 22795 BlueBon. 3-4 1 :15%slow 23 104 6 6 6 51 5= K Moore S Anita. Candle, Reserve BROOM CORN. b. f. t 113 By Ben Brush— Tenawha J. W. Pangle. l.-xmTi Howie 51 f l:«7%fast 30 lol 1 2 1 11 lnk C Watson lo Tralee. Maifou. Golden List ~Om Fimlico 2-4 1:14 fast 39-5 107 1 4 3 3 3°?. I McTagrt14 Dancer. K.Sckland. M.ofDundee 2 2S Fimlico 3-4 1:14%fast 29 109 3 5 3 5?. 6*1 J Smyth !t Bambi. Fuss in Boots, Alfadir 2:J696 laurel 51 f 1:14 hvy 14-5 112 3 2 1 1* 1« A Schugr « MayMcGee, ElsieBonero. Hanlon 2136 laurel 51 f 1 :10slow 12-5 106 1 5 4 41 f* K McDott 1.5 My Donnie, Coslumer. M.McGee 23574 laurel f| t l:ll%hvy 12J 112 1 5 4 22 21 R McDott 12 Seboulliov. Smoothbore, Donner 23542 Uaurel 51 f 1 :0S«4fast 3 106 5 5 4 51 3J R McDott 14 Kose Juliette, Letfetti. Walloon 22406 laurel 3-4 1:21 hvy 31 104 1 2 2 2l 21 It McDott ! Chivator, B.of the Ken. Vedado 22416 Laurel 51 f 1 :09%good23-10 110 3 3 3 4s 47 F Moore 8 B. Carrie, Moonstone, R.Juliette 22376 Laurel U f l:14V4hvy 27 107 2 3 2 21 2 1 F Moore I B. Trooper. Delaneey, Landslide 23206 Wdbine 51 f l:08%fast 14-5 98 1 1 1 1" 3-1 R McDott ft Casco. Ladv of Lvnn, Trout Fly 23090 Wdbine 51 f 1 :08«ifast 101 112 7 8 8 7 6«3 F Moore 12 Typhoon. Trout Fly, Delia ven 28244 Dorval 6-S l:01%slow 22-5 US 4 5 5 41 351 G Loinas 10 Greenwood. Tvphoon. Alex Get* 22769 BlueBon. 61 f 1:09 slow 49-10 102 5 3 3 2 i 21 G Loinas 12 Shrapnel. Letfetti. Filly Del phia EDITH BAUMANN, ch. f. 2 113 By Prince of Melbourne— Rose Prim G. A. Alexandra. 23s3S Fimlico 5-4 l:14%fast 157 112 S 9 9 9 9:l G Alexdra ! Bainbi. Fuss in Boots. Alfadir 23794 Iaurel 3-1 1:16 good fid 110 8 3 2 21 21 C Fbther 15 Ataka. Dr. Grenier, Welca 23443 Laurel 51 f l:13%mud 11 109 6 5 6 7s ," C Fbther 8 B. Hedfield. Donner, S.Stalwarl 22139 H.deGce 51 f l:llandmud 15 99 Left at the post. L Mink f» Maifou. High Horse. Servia 821 H.deGce 5-8 1:01 fast 40 102 14 14 14 ll1 10"1L Mink 14 Royalist, Recluse. Servia 22732 Belmont 5* f st 1:06 fast 20 109 I eft at the post. C Fbther s Plumose. Edna Kenna. Iteeluse 22048 Saratoga 51 f 1:13 mud 31 104 Left at the post. W Lilley C. Maifou. Casco, Harrv Gardner 21929 Aqueduct 5-8 l:01V4fast 8 107 6 6 6 6 45i C Fbther 0 Dune Site. Recluse. Sal Vanity 21769 Belmont 5-8 st l:00%rast 5 107 6 4 5 4s 1"* C Fbther 7 G. Counsel. Stellarina, Lit. Alta MARGERY, ch. f, 2 110 By King James — Marjoram J. Arthur. 2:;713 I .an r. I 3-4 1:14%fast fid Ml M 10 10 101 M" » Hirst 12 High Horse. Stellarina. Nolli 22745 BlueF.on. 51 f 1 :07%fast 63-10 M2 S 6 7 61 Pj« Lomas 12 Welga. Investment. Copper King 238J7 Hluellon. 51 f lHCfast 33 101 5 | S S1 6"J G Ixuniis 11 Rroomvale, Candle. Tiajan 22133 Fort Erie 5-S 1 :04«fehvy 42-5 J 6 5 5 6 Ill1 0 Hirst S Mayme W.. Inele Will. Bernini 2MM Fort Erie 5-S l:04%hvy 6-5 105 3 5 6 8 6=J C Hirst S Fbibition. S.ofFsure, Damietta 21923 Hamlon 5-8 l:02%hvy 60 105 6 6 6 6 4,s C Hirst fi Taka. Bernice, Anita 2IM6 Ham ton 5-8 l:01%fast 50 102 10 10 10 10 8° C Hirst 10 Candle. Gentlewoman, Lit.Bigger HANDFULL. ch. g, 2 110 By Royal Flush III.— Modreda K. K. Karrick. 23!h»2 Howie 51 f 1 :09«smud 26-5 111 1 1 1 Ill A Schugrll Wizard. Jerrv.Ir.. B.of theKben :: . Fimlico 3-4 1:14 fast fid 104 9 13 12 91 7" L. Mink 14 Folronia. Virginia M.. Dorcas 22466 laurel 3-4 1:21 hvy 57-10 109 S 8 9 9 91S1U Troxler U Chivator, B.Corn, B.of theKhen EBH H.deGce 51 f l:08%fast 3-2 104 4 3 2 2s 2»* W Lilley 13 Sandel, Bobolink, Costumer 2:1003 H.deGce 51 f l:08fast 10 104 6 4 2 2» 2= F Lowder 13 Dancer. Vedado. Rase Juliette * I9 Belmont 41 f st 52%fast 25 97 7 7 6s 6,:1F Lowder ! S. Ballot. Broomvale. Feruiock M4M Belmont 5-8 st l:01fcgood 15 110 4 6 6 61 7" J Loftus 7 Friar Rock. Kilmer. Hands Off 20438 Belmont 4J f st 53,fimud 10 105 8 9 7 715 G Byrne 9 W. Hackle. Damroseb. Mustard BIGTODO, ch. g, 2 110 By Helmet or Cunard — Ella Smith F. E. Brown. 23M* How ie 3-4 1 29 9S 5 5 5 4= 33 .1 I Ryan 5 Daddys Choice. Candle. Tiajan 23NM Fimlico 3 4 1:13%fast 89 lot! M 10 6 71 8T2 M Buxton M Tom Elward. HighHoise, Tralee 23788 Laurel 51 f l:10%hvy 14-5 111 4 11 11 1" .1 Butwell 12 Delaneey. Moonstone. Soothliore 22214 Saratoga 51 f l:ll%hvy 5 104 8 8 6 41 2l M Garner 13 Daddys Choice, Nolli, Sou. Star 22145 Saratoga 51 f l:12%sIow 30 112 5 5 5 51 41 F nerbert 7 Whimsy, South.Star. Mat, Elliott 20432 Douglas 4J f 67%hvy 28 111 9 7 9 9181C Ganz .» John Jr.. Stephen R.. Ingot PLATJDITO, b. g, 2 107 By Plaudit— Olga Nethersole A. L. Aste. 23852 Fimlico 2-4 1:14 fast 41 10t; S 7 7 3*11" M Buxton 14 Folronia. Virginia M.. Dorcas 22 2:7 Laurel 3-4 l:14%slow 253 104 7 8 8 8 81S1M Buxton S Sprint, Franklin. Socony BRUSHWOOD BOY. b. g, 2 107 By Ben Brush— Damo F. C. Brown. 2BM l-tuici 3 4 1:10 good fid MS 15 10 15 15 15"1J Mclntyrel.*. Ataka. E. Baimiann, Dr. Grenier