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g] " g 2 2 g g g g 2: 22 ■ _ 5 -•; -• -: -• 3 = -; " H « % ej 2 H « £ -• = ■ » * * J - ■ , ] G [ , o I , l t , , J 2 , 5 2 , , ■ : - • : • : 1 1 : » : i : 1 : a , 1 ; j s : ; . r ; r ; a r d •1 . b e e n „ ■ • i ,, • • g lt t ia ie ia lr . • e » 0 W W in ? 5h " e It a e in an en :ie ga Her er ga I • SECOND RACE— 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 23944— 1:27—3— 100. SIR BLAISE, br. h. 6 113 Hy Lissak— The Pet S. P. Fine. 22884 Bowie 3-4 l:1645slov 27 H*» 1 6 4 31 4U S Wolstm 12 Scmpsilla, Colors. Deduction •:::n2 Howie 3-4 1:15 fast 39-10 110 6 6 7 8" 1H-JC Turner 14 Gold Cap. Joy. Deduction 23S! 6 Bowie 7-S l:27%fast 26 112 2 2 3 3 5»M112 S Brown 17 Pontcfract. E. Allen, B.I.angdon •-37"S Mt.Bovl lm20yl:49%hvy 2 112 1 1115 2» W Hinphy 8 T.Usher. Montreal. PierreDumas 2MB Mt.Boyal 3-4 l:lS%hvy 5 115 4 1 l3 1» W Hinphy 9 Galley Slave. Oxer, Tankard 236fS Mt.Boyal 3-4 l:14%fast 3-2 111 1 5 82 121 C Peak 12 Fr. Johnson, Cordova, Sen. Jam. s 22963 Dorval 5J f l:06%fast 15 109 9 9 10 12 11" F Colemanl2 RubiconlL, Mon.Fox, M .Johns 11 2lSl5 Dorval 5 . f 1:08 fast 41 113 3 3 5 5» 42 J Smyth 12 Pampinea. Joy. Pin Money 22702 BlueBon. 1 i-8 1:54 fast 41-5 106 5 3 4 5 5"! 710 A Collins M Runway, Beau Pere, Abbotsford 226".S BlueBon. 3-4 l:12%fast 2j 102 7 6 6 6s 4!! J Smyth M Marj. A., King Box. PrivetPetal 22505 Conght lm20vl:46 slow 8 113 5 6 7 I 6l 71-J Smyth 10 The Fsher. Runway. Weyanoke 22435 Windsor 3-4 l:13%fast fid 110 5 5 6 7* U»J J Smyth 12 Bmsedge, Cmauretta. Imperator SURPASSING, b. g, 4 110 By Ultimus— Dancing Water W. R. Sallee. 22M2 Bowie 1 1-M 1 :53rt.hvy 11-5 PW 5 5 8 S li 2 F Bobinsn i Task. Sigma Alpha. D.ofDunbar 23913 Bowie 1 1-4 2:ll%fast 121 b7 4 3 r, 1 l 21 F Bobinsn 8 Bingling. Billie Baker, Yodeles 228*1 Bowie 1 18 1:57 fast 7 111 7 2 2 3 3?. 37 V BobinsnlO G.M.Miller. Patty Began. Durin 228M Iinilico 1 1 16 1:4S fast 14 90 3 o 6 7 1- S4 L McAtee ■• Gallop. J h Finn. Supreme 237.IS Latonia 1 3-16 l:5S ifast 15* 101 2 6 7 6 51 21?; F Robinsnl:; Shyness. Reno, Acis 22HS I_vtonia lm70v l:41%fast 23 107 3 8 7 S 4« 35 F Murphy 11 Jeimv Geddes. Zali, tiuide Post 226B L-ttoaJa 1 1-16 l:50%hvy 101 107 10 9 8 6 58 »» A Mott ItSvrian, L.Mexican. L. Panchita 23599 Latonia lm70y l:47%hvy 19 108 10 9 6 6 4h 1» A Mott 1 C.King. I.Gntleman, W. Wonder 23146 Wdbine 11-16 1:48 good 14 105 4 6 6 6 6» 6CJ A Collins 10 HarryLauder, Aprisa. Cuttyhunk 23043 Dorval 1 l:42%fast 49-3 105 4 2 2 1 1* l"* A Collins S, Abbotsford. N. Boots 22934 Dorval lm70y l:44»4fast 45 104 S 8 8 8 8 Ambrose 8 II. Lauder. D.s Pet. R. Langdon 225C2 Conght 1 1-16 l:51%good 8 110 3 6 8 8 71 771 T Rice 8 Runway, The Rump. Bean Pere 221S6 Consrht 1 1-16 l:52%hvv 12 107 9 7 7 6 2" 3S. ■ AmbroselO Marshon. Bnlfron. Beau Pere 22457 Windsor 1 1-16 l/im-d 10 111 6 5 4 4 4* 5I55K AmbroselO La Mode. Moscowa. Strathearn HEDGE ROSE, ch. g. 8 110 Hy Yankee — The Rose W. C. Gardner1. 22825 Howie 1 1-s 1 .sfast 41 104 6 2 2 3 4- ."; T Pargton 8 Tamerlane. B. Born, 22762 Timium Ab5-S 58 fast 2 114 l" R Troxler g Miss Brush. Ven.Strome. Bnlgar 22731 Timium 6. f 1:20 fast 4-5 112 •* _ Mclulth 8 D. Mack, Ed.Adams. PageWliite 22712 Timium 3-4 1:16 fast 2 120 3" WRWkr 8 Sketts. Delia Mack. Miss Brush 20886 Mboro 7-S 1:29 fast 1 112 l4 R Troxler 7 Inferno Queen. CuBon. Monereif 20859 Mboro 5Jfl:09%fast 2 114 4»1 R Troxler 7 St. Helene. Bulgar. Faithful £0812 Mboro B 1 1:10 good 3 109 2= A Pickens 7 Silver Moon. M.B.Harbor. Booth 20737 Mboro 6* f 1:25 good 3 109 811 Troxler 7 Regular. Peacock. Monereif 20708 Prospect Ab.VS 1 :02 fast 6-5 112 21 R Troxler 8 Mrs. Campbell. Bulgar. P.White 20474 Electric 7-8 l:31%good 2-3 112 4s! A Pickens 7 Hoffman, Madges Sister. Oxer 20414 Electric 7-S 1 :29 „fast 3-2 108 V R Troxler S Deviltrv. PiedPiper. Gold.Castle 19S39 Bowie 3-4 l:14%fast 20 11215 4 6 8= ll10 W Wartonl2 Star Gift. Pharaoh. L. London 18157 Laurel 1 1:39 fast 101 107 6 7 6 7 6i 6-J A Schugr 7 Be. Balfron, Harry Lauder GARL, br. c, 4 108 By Martinet — Memories F. B. Lemaire. 22815 Bowie 7-S l:2s?sfast fid 111 6 11 2 1 84 L Allen 19 Pharaoh. Batwa. Stentor MM Pinrlico 3-4 l:13%fast 11 102 8 7 6 61 5=J W Lilley ! Lohen_rin. Old Bob. Coy 23789 Laurel 3-4 1:15 hvy 20 103 8 7 7 7" - 7" L Allen 8 Sqneeler, Pullux. Drvad 23677 Laurel 61 f l:ll%hvy 89-10 H5 4 7 5 51 5l:,.R Troxler 14 Mar.Casca. EnverBev. LilvOrme 2?G10 Laurel 3-4 1:16 hvy 31-10 110 9 9 7 71 S1- L Allen 12 Fair Helen. Lily Orme. M.Casca 22497 Laurel 51 f 1:14 hvy 27 106 3 1 2 1* 2l L Allen 7 Noureddin. Ambrose, Sarsenet 234S2 Laurel 3-4 l:20-smud 47-5 107 I 3 4 32 WI, Allen 8 Humiliation. EnverBev. JesseJr. 23467 Laurel lm70y l:54%hvy 19 113 3 12 3 10 10" R Troxler 10 R. Meteor, Menlo Park, Surgeon 221G8 H.deGce 3-4 l:1444good 20 112 6 4 5 71 ll»i R Troxler 13 Chesterton. M. Warren, D. Fish 23005 H.deGce 3-4 l:14%fast 15 102 14 14 14 12 12" L Allen 1.3 Naushon. Luther. Thoughtreader 20387 Belmont 3-4 l:14%slop 6 105 2 1 1 1.8.L Allen 5 Perthshire, Chesterton, E. Allen 1S0116 H.deGce 51 f l:08V_slow 7 108 3 2 2 2* 3i W Ural 8 Mercurium. Sil.Moon. Mr.Sniggs LITTLE ENGLAND, b. g. 6 115 By Stanhope II. —Lizzie Elliott G. C. Brenton. 22735 Timium 1 1-16 1 :4S s fast 4-5 122 23 R Troxler 5 G.Russell. Evmotn. U.Hchison 21»kS6 Timium 11:45 slow 1-2 115 I5 W Obert 8 A.Hcrndon. 1. Russell. H.Hison 288B Mboro 1 1-16 1 :52%fast 1 10S 1» W Doyle « C.Howav. C.F.Gnger. H.Hison 2fiS5f. Mboro 7-S 1:29 fast 4 109 Is R Troxler fi Pharaoh. Cockspur Petelus 20311 Pimlico lmlOy 1 :45%fast 33-20 116 5 5 3 3 3: !! T Rice S Stonehengc. CarltonG.. C.Hwav 1249 Pimlico lm40vl:44 fast 7-4 110 16 5 4 48 4:J T Rice S» El Oro. Balfron. Daingerficld 8MB Pimlico lm60yl:49! ;hvy 11 112 3 5 6 4 3J 21 I Rice M C.F.Grairger. DaingTd. L. Day 20146 Pimlico lm70vl:46 fast 4 112 1 2 2 1 ll 2J M Buxton 12 Lazuli. Abbotsford, Balfron 20003 Bowie 1 1:43 fast 5 110 1 3 2 2 4s 31 A Schutcr « Sqneeler. Yodeling. Rust. Brass 19972 Bowie lm20yl:46M-,fast 13-5 113 1 1 1 1 l3 V- J McTagt 8 Weyanoke. Abbotsford. L. Day 19945 Cowie lml tiyl :45%fast 21 112 2 2 2 2 2S 3°i A Nicklaus 7 Bich. Langdon. Baton. Trovato MARTRE. ch. m. 8 110 Ry Anak — Tiemar R. P. Dodson. 22884 Bowie B f l:0S-_mud fid 113 7 6 4 5*1 V- G Byrne MjMBWr, GoMC-B, Moiitv Fox 23706 Mt.Royal 3-1 LlSjhvy 21 112 5 2 41 :.•% Hinphy r. Tactless. Bailor Bov. Energetic 23BB Mt.Boyal 5?» t" l:11%hvy 2 H3 4 4 21 Is W Hinphy 10 Thorc::aBcthcl. Curious. [_**Tail 2361S Mt.Roval 3-4 l;14%f-t 3 114 4 1 11 31. W Hinphy M Parlor Bov. Energetic. Tankard 2SSM Mt.Roval B f I M%C_st 8 115 6 I 3J 5"1 W Hinphy 10 Tactless. Indifferent. Neville 22463 Hillcrest 7-8 1:36 hvy 21 113 3 2 I 2- 2s C Peak 8 Felina. Queed. Jessup Bum 284S Hillcrest C f 1:29 hvy 4 113 I 4 I 2- I2 C Peak S J. s.Burn. Ther.Bethel. I.eialoha 2:;:!6•4 Hillcrest 7-S l:32%fast 2 113 6 2 3 31 331 C Peak 9 Ortyx. Sen. James. Wavering 232.V. Mt.Royal 5-8 1:00%fast 10 114 2 7 73 5" tf Hinphy S General. Orlmar Lad. Indifferent 231S9 Mt.Roval 3-4 1:ll%fast 6-5 112 3 3 2= 2" J Dminick 5 Big Luniax. Sliarp.Knight. Inlan 2MB Mt.Royal 51 f l:0S%fast 3 113 4 6 61 63] I Domick 10 P.. Masterson. Sordello. B.Welsh HYKI. ch. c. 4 108 By Dr. Leggo — Norinne L. F. OLeary. S928 Bowie b_8]r l:47%slow fid 113 8 4 r, 3 2» 4:» S Wolstm l: Lynn. Hiker. Lady Spiriiiidle 228B Bowie 1 1-S 1:57 fast 35 111 7 5 0 4 6?. 6-J T Iargton 8 Orp.rth. Babv Sister. Bean Pere 23907 Bowie 1 1-16 1:52 mud 142 107 12 7 8 7 98 9l"iS Wolstm 12 Valas. B. Meteor. M. Dulwebcr 2:r731 Mt.Rov1 1 1-16 l:50%good 15 112 7 7 2 11 11 S Wolstm 1.5 Endurance. Zodiac. Col. Fred 2370S Mt.Rovl lm20vl :49%hvy 10 116 5 4 5 71 G! Peak S The Fsher. Sir Blaise. Montreal ll.;sS Mt.Rovl 1 1-16 1:57 hvy 8 116 2 2 2 3"" 7". I McCullh S Durin. Barn Dance. Minda 12648 Mt.Eoyl lm20yl:30 mud 4 114 11 8 4 31 9 T McCiiHhll Frontier. Petit Bleu. Kinmimdy 288B Mt.Royal 3-1 l:ll%fast 15 117 10 10 10 SJ ff Gargan lo Parlor Bov. Ener.etic. Martre 2436 Hillcrest Ab5-8 l:03%hvy 5 121 6 6 5» 55 C Peak « Grenville, M. Johnson. Meelicka 23292 Hillcrest 61. f 1:26 fast 4 IB 6 4 4 4- U C Peak 7 Frigid. Montreal. Queed 22:.40 Hillcrest 6* f l_MK_Ut 3 118 3 7 6 71 P] T McCullh 9 RelteccaMoses. Montreal. VanBu 2332:? Hillcrest Abo-S 1:02 slow 7 116 9 6 3l 3« T McCullh 9 M. Jnson, S.of Rocks. Carburetor 2301S Duflferin 61 f l:27y5slow 4 114 ll T McCullh 8 Daylight. G. Lassie. The Frchin 22970 Dufferin 6* f 1:29 slop 3-2 115 45 N Burger 7 Mike Chen, K.Radford, T.Monk 22951 Dufferin 6J f l:27%good 3 110 2s J Dodd I Carburetor. C.McFerran. R.Oneil HUMILIATION, ch. g. 4 118 By Aeronaut— Millie A. R. Newman. 13943 Cowi.- 2-4 T:ll%f--t f1.1101 1 3 10 101 131 P Lowd.r 15 Marliiilascn. Alhena. AVteiLilv 13.S62 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%fast 108 110 7 5 10 10* S"i P Lowder 17 Lohengrin. Aldebaran. Kopje 22B8 Pimlico 3-4 1:13 fast 77 100 13 13 13 11s ll7! P Lowder 1.3 Pullux. W. Pitzer. Sand Marsh 23658 Laurel 3-4 llttKfenr4/ 36-5 106 1 4 4 4s 4-A J Fitz 7 II. Brother. B.Qince, D.ofDnbnr 2KB Laurel 3-4 l:17%hvy 37-5 105 Ran away. L Mink 9 Suintcndent. B.Carder. E.AUeu 23511 Laurel 51 f LOSgood 121 lo:: 11 10 10 101 9° P lewder 12 Forum. Briar Path. Crossbun 234S2 Laurel 3-4 l:2o%mud 8-5 107 1 5 3 21 V I. Mink 8 Enver Bev. Jesse Jr.. Garl 22.:29 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 12 107 4 6 4 4= 9 V Lowder 13 Noureddin, Marj. A., His Nibs 23290 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 40 99 1 7 6 31 2» P Lowder 11 Silica. Scaramouch. M. Casea RICHARD LANGDON. blk. g. 5 110 By Dick Welles— Lass of Langdon J. T. Smith. 23991 Bowie 1 M 1:57 fast 10 103 3 111 51 S" 1G Byrne 8 Orp-rth. Babv Sister, Beau Pere 22914 Howie 7-S l:!7%fast 11-3 113 10 5 6 4 41 33 G Byrne 13 Patience. L. Orme. L. Spirituelle 2BB Bowie 7-S l:27%fast fid 111 1 4 1 Ink 33J G Byrne 17 Pontefract. E.AIlen. Kenworthv 23790 Laurel 1 1-16 l:49%hvy 13 111 6 3 2 2 33 491 E Haynes 14 Wodan. Orperth. Alpha 23747 laurel lm20y l:42%fast 27 112 3 6 4 4 8» 11"1C Fbther 14 Alhena. Singletoe. Dicks Pet 22286 Mt.Royal lm20yl:42%fast 5 106 4 1 3 2 1J, 2*1 A Pickens 1; Talecarrier. Bricklev, Malik 23251 Mt.Royal 1 1-8 l:53%fast 11-5 111 1 1 1 1 11 3s J Howard 8 Pattv Regan. Euterpe. Mvcenae 282M Mt.Boyal lm70yl;45 fast 21 105 2 12 21 ?. J Howard I Mud Sill. Zali, Voladav Jr. 231r.l Mt.Royl lm20yl:43 slow 3 105 1 1 I 31 B A Pickens B Zali. Euterpe Talecarrier 23041 Dorval 3-4 l:12fast 13 102 I 3 5 5 47J E Havnes .". Water Lilv, Pontefract. Zin Del 288B Dorval 11:40 fast 43-20 111 4 2 2 2 22 2t E Ambrose 7 M. Sherwood. Euterpe. J. Deibohi BILLIE HIBES, br. g, 10 110 Bv Fatherless— Aurine J. T. Temple. 3822 Bowie 3-t 1:1 ISfast f 1.1 lo; 11 12 12 S= 5*1 W Ward IS K. Allen. T .Rusvlmdv. S.-mpsilla 239-4 Bowie 51 f l:09%mud fid 113 8 S 7 S 6"i W Ward 14 J.. e Blair. Gold Cap. Mont v Fox 22844 Pimlico 3-4 l:14%fast fid 116 10 10 13 13 1351 C FbUier 13 Kootenav. Crossbun. Ed.Adams 1: M0 Bos. Tree Al» 11:55 fast 2 112 4 5 4l 3* A Stretch 8 ISrazenose, Atahov. Matehtiel.l 22B8 RaaTre* Ab7-S 1:31 fast 13 144 5 2 25 21 A Stretch 11 Spearhead. Brazenose. Hguenot 23769 IV.Marsh 1 1:42 fast M KB I 8 61 53 A Stretch 10 Spearhead, Armament. H_nenot 2:i72o W. Marsh 3-4 l:15%hvy 4 118 1 1.1 f A Stretch ■ Annaiii-nt, Mohonk,».v 28SS Lynwd 61 f 1:26 good I 126 3 1 1= In stretch • Armament. Matehiicld. Alltdo 2MB Itumson Ab3-4 slow 5 119 8 8 8 3-J Stretch 8 Dash. Culvert. Jose ST. LAZERIAN. br. g. 3 106 Bv Machacos— Golden Honey E. X. Bryson. 238B Pimlico lm7oy l:46%fast 37-10 l5 2 4 5 8 8* 8U1.I McTagrtlo DinahDo. M.Dweber. 21841 Pimlico I l:42%fast 73-10 113 5 4 4 2 11 1» T Pargton1! Hiker. Kopje. Menlo Bark 228M Laurel lmlOy 1:43 fast 31-5 103 11 7 4 4 5J 6 S Wolstm 11 Soldier, Camellia Delia Ma k 2:r747 laurel lm20y l:42%fast 2:1-5 102 12 1110 11 ll110°i L Mink 11 Alhena. Singlet.*, Dicks Pet 28247 Wdbine 1 1-16 l:494-5fast 31-5 102 4 3 3 3 33 2l T Haves 7 Supreme. Gallop. Okolona 23175 AVdliine 1 1-16 l:4S*4fast 2 106 1 1 2 -5 41 541 J Callahan K Beau Pere. R.oT.ight, Singletoe 23046 Dorval 1 l:40Vsfast 2 103 4 6 5 3 35 2J R McDott 7 Nor. Li_ht. Sinsletoe. B Luniax 22933 Dorval lm70y l:44%fast 11-10 99 12 2 1 1 1« J Callahan 9 Slirewshurv. Hester, Twilight 22858 Dorval lm70y l:46%fast 17-20 97 4 1 5 8 9 6i A Collins 9 Saturnns. Singletoe. Endurance 22TB BlueBon. 3-4 l:13islow 29 99 7 8 8 61 5»i A Collins 8 S.-mpsilla. Videt. Briar Path 22714 BlueBon. 1 1 B%f_B 18 89 2 1 1 1 11 31 A Collins « Corsican. Redland. Marshon 22701 BlueDon. 7 8 1 :27 fast 19 101 4 3 3 5 51 6° A Collins 13 Pernetual. Ida Claire. .Meelicka HUDAS BROTHER, b. g. 4 110 By Bines — Eucharee A. Brent. 22842 Bowie 2-4 l:14%fast rid MM B 13 12 II HMM Garner i.. MartiaCaara, ABwaa. Wreri.iiv 22888 Bowie 7 8 l:274;fast 26 114 1 3 6 f. 9l M"|A Schugrl7 Pontefract. E.Allen. R.I.aii.d. n 23S77 Pimlico 1 1 16 1 :47=r,fast 11-5 115 5 9 8 8 8 U0- A Schugrll Cliff Edge. Afterglow. CarltonG 2: sr, Pimlico lm4»y l:4M%f_al 21-3 112 13 2 2 V ll A Schugr 10 Dartwortli. Star KM Ta-k 23799 Laurel 11-16 1:49 good 13 109 9 7 8 7 S* SJ C Hirst I* Seorpii. Christopliine. D.s Pet 22858 Laurel 3 4 l:18-5hvy 26 MS | | .•; 11 ]- a Schugr 7 B.Qince. D.otDnbar, Hiliation 23144 W. lb ine 1 1 -18 1 :48%f_M 4S-5 108 4 7 4 1 8* Is" A Schugr 7 F. Star. Picks Per. S. and Cap 23179 Wdbine 1 1-16 1 :4S%fast 51 107 4 4 5 5 4. 4» A flavor 8 S. of Love. Fascinating D s Pet 23012 Dorval 51 i _48%f_M 23-10 110 2 4 4 3= 2s W Kelsay 8 Indifferent. Borel. Ajax MINSTREL, ch. g, 3 106 Bv Yankee— Love Note W. B. Mitchell. EBB Bowie :.l f 1 388%_Md 9 poll 12 12 11* W* R McDottH Joe Blair. Gold Can. Montr For 137.10 Laurel lni2"y 1:49 hvy 01-10 1. 14 13 4 5 I 3" F Cooper 8 Wt.-rt.-wn. L.I.on.ion. ; Counsel 2367S Laurel SI f l:llihvy 23-10 107 5 2 2 31 4". J Callahanl2 BafaX Knvv. Old Bob 23T.76 1,-iur. 1 8-4 l:174jhvy 5:M0 M3 3 2 1 lot 21 J Callahan 7 Brandvwine. L. London. Anvietv 2:510 Laurel 51 f l:0S%good 16 100 in 8 S 7".1«1:!R McDott 11 E. Allen. Slringmass. JimBaseV 22111 l_iuivl 3-4 l:20%hvy 9-5 PS 3 2 2 21 9 L Mink S Devil Fish. Jim Baaty, EvelynC 28228 Wdbine 3-4 1:14 fast 23-G 94 4 4 5 6" 5T1 A Collins IS Kopje. Sempsilla. Jiin L. 288M Dorval 3-4 1:13 fast 7-4 109 1 1 3 4» 3?" B McDott ! Meelicka. Alston, McClintock 22824 foneht 5i f l:12%hvy 21 102 1 12 21 31 B McDottlo Sempsilla. Intpiieta. Kopie 22BB Conght 3-4 1:19 mud 6 102 6 1 1 2l 35 J Acton 11 King Box. Inqnieta. Brandvwine 22304 Conght 3-1 1 :17i,kslow 3 101 7 442 3=1 A Schugrl2 Gold Cap. Lady London. Egmnnt BBj Saratoga 3-4 1:14 slow 18-5 103 3 3 2 31 47 J McTagrt 8 E.Dclling, Sarsenet. D.ofDunbar CLIFF EDGE. b. h. 9 108 TJ» Clifford— Aranza II. R. E. Within*. •:•-• 1116 1:31 fast 10 p.. 1 4 - 7 m :,-•■ T Pargton 8 Valas. Patty R.-gan. apt Parr BM Bowie 1 1-16 l:4924fast 88-8 99 6 1 2 9 6»J T Hayes IBm Menlo Park, Valas 228M Bowie 1 1-16 1 :5oifast 31-10 110 f% 7 8 8 S1 S~ T Hayes 10 Orperth. Peacock. P.-lla Ma. k 23877 Pimlico 1 1-16 1 :47 57-10 97 2 I | 4 2» lVT Hayes 11 Afterglow. CarltonG.. LTnvers i::s.".7 Iinilico 1 ! M l:48%f_M M loo S 5 4 3 ". 41 T Hav.s IS l.ntlier. Gallop. Aflcrvlow ntl Pimlico 1in7ov l:4.;Sfast 33 103 12 M 12 B 13 13-■ W Ward 13 Alli.-ua. Callop. B.n tuince 222M l.auivl 1 1 16 1:4"-. hvy E 114 7 7 7 7 75 7"* T Itice l » Wodan. Orperth. Sigma 4,lplis 23747 Laurel lmlOy 1 :42,fast 19 110 10 9 8 7 »• S" R McDott 11 Alhena. Singletoe. Dicks Pet I 23613 I_iurel 1 1 -16 1 : 51*»hvy 3T. loj 6 8 8 7 61 6" A Collins S Dartworth. Marshon. Balfron 23513 Laurel 1 1-16 l:49%good 17 10? 10 10 10 9 8l 81 A Collin* 10 Star Bird, Orotund, M. Warren MUANTI. br. g, 3 106 By D. of Ormonde— Lady Marion R. T. MeKeever. . ••- I • «««• • -* :3SUbvy rid ntti s 10 il 9 .- IH W Ward II Pa .Streak, II Tide Perthshire e 23671 Laurel 51 1 l:li-.-.hvy fid ]H9 7 0 7 9* W,s C Turaer 14 Mar.Cas.a. LilvOrmo t 236H Laurel 3-4 l:15«ihvy 43 99 7 5 7 7" •- R McDott » Ladv L«.n lon. Salon! Euver Rev i-, 1 mi mm Ah»-8 :.S fast 4 llo 5«| W ! uiikn x ajteeta si Helen.- Castara 2SSS?,um A**~* »:3HWaat 3 2 IU WW Obul s m. Jubilee. XellieC. Carburetor r 24«7 M boro :fj:10 fast 2 106 7°2.R Troxler 7 I.adyBrvn. Babe. Maid of Honor r jv.jMboro .-1 f 1 :09%fast 8 103 7s A Xicklaus 7 St. Heldie, Faithful 2S1,° H f :1 Hsgood 2 100 7" W Doyle 11 Delia Ma. k. Prince Chap. 4Jates s 2*782 M boro I U f 1 :08%gOod 7 94 4 0 Whyink S Iliaraoli. Moutv Fox Tlirill 24S14 Electric AbMl«%4ew4 102 li A Xicklaus s st. Helen.-. Areeac Bactes Bel 20194 Pimlioo 3 4 1:K,?;,hvy 14 107 8 6 5 65 62 J McCahey ! Cclobrily, Bora*. Nellie C INTONE, ch. c. S 109 Bv Chilton— Chantilla J. T. Looney. 23»18 Bowie lui2"y 1:43 fast 12 IH :: 2 2 •. 1P» J Met. alt 14 Hror»il Mai.. Iltolwber S|!„. 22781 La tonia 1 l:41%fast 7 4 112 4 2 2 2 1"" 1- A Mott 12 Tillotson MattJe C, Sant.. 23736 Latoavia lni70y 1 : 45 Vast 15 lln r. 2 2 4 23 P A Mott 11 Dude. Charles Francis Galawav I 23581 Latonia 11-16 1:50 hvy 57 ]08 6 7 6 5 M 6*» V V Tlor !l Change. Transport. Oroen 23..16 .atonia 1 1:42 fast 36 106 7 4 4 6 51 5« W W TMorLI Money Maker. Sant... Lou Blue 23022 Lex gton 3 4 1 :i:;2jfas=t 18 103 3 10 11 ll4 ll17 F Murphy 12 Col le. Oldsmohile. Pcngro 24B74 Churchill 3-4 l:13%good 24 105 3 2 I 4 4*1 II Alex 11 The Xorinan. L./etl.ev, Billv Joe 2.23 i Churchill 51fl:06%fast S3 103 7 9 9 71 7«J H Alex 14 B.andSlars, R 4=o .se. Haatreaa • 18358 Pimlioo 51 f 1:08 fast 31-10 114 5 5 6 81 9" H Alex 12 Mamie K.. Itoxer, Fair Helen IE5 JAurel 3 4 1:12 fast 133 lOtiJ 6 6 7 7 7- H Alex S Pebbles. HighXoon. DoubleEasle l.fiaa Laurel 3-4 l:12%fast Id 90 Left at the post. F Hopkins ll LastOoin. Flittorgold. R.Bradley , MR. MACK, b, c. 4 108 By Bannockburn — Bavelue L. A. CappsL .•.■• MtKoyal .".?. f Lliyivy 20 IM 7 89 1" l»" ; J rVamotM Mat-Ire. Theresa Bethel Curious 2M02 Mt.Royal r. n 1 :olHfast lo in; | :t 12 12" I» Roland 12 IsrhcaMhhte. Tankard CM. Rose ; 22389 Mneuve «.; I lC%aiow :: .-. 117 .: .-, g p i i:.,ian.l 7 .?,.,. Knight, O. Lassie. Potitl.l 11 23643 Mneave 6i f l:2*%slow 1 117 .". 2 1 1 D Roland * BaeaMoran X Mncnaebu B.Boa S«K Maeuve 1 f l:24%faat :: 117 :: I 2 2- 1» ■■!■■ K Bryaaria, MaJorBelt SwedeSam 2::!r; KinsK l. 1 1 It; 1 ::.l fast :J 113 •. 3 :: : Mn.lers 7 Stenlor. llr.S IVTab- Masterjof •jas KlncBd. A1...M i::i fast 3 no E 4 1 2"?. .1 Danhaicfc 7 spoim Raiatta tapt Elltott -:i7 KingK.!. «i f l:24«5fast »; 114 I 7 4 2- I» !• Onyx. Dr.S.I.Tate. Jew. of Asia MISS BARN HARBOR, b. f, 4 105 By Potter— Floss S. J. C. Ellis. 23871 PUallco 3-4 i:i::*5fast 113 10312 I I S l»» F Roi.insni.. Mar. Caaea, Anxieiv m aChaicc ._! H.l.-Gc.- 2-4 1:13 fast 40 lot 2 4 r, V "M. Mink 13 Xoureddin, IFmiliation. Marj.A. 22761 Timium Ab.VS .7 fast 3 116 r,11?. AV R W*ker «i Fnersetie. Knvv. Onar 2-719 Timium «fl:20Jfast 2 ll« 1 T MeCallh S Baeccetic, G.B*aaefl D S.P Tate 21 N42 Aqueduct 11:40 fast 30 104 4 3 4 3 5 «■» 11 Flint S E.Brvson. Ilrtworth, Cinattretla ,, Aqueduct 1 1:43 hvy 20 100 5 6 4 4 610 61S1L Mink s Saratoga, Minstrel. Joe Deihold 21271 Aqueduct 1 l:40%fast 30 100 3 1 1 1 2J 3«J L Mink G Xephthvs. Penalty. Xoureddin 2JM9 Mboro 7-S l:2S%fast 5 100 1J C Whymk »; IVtelus. Thrill. Ossarv Maid 3BB3 Mboro 51 f 1:10 good 3 111 3s J Baner 7 Silver Moon. Iledge Rose, Booth BENI MORA. b. f. 3 106 Bv Brvn Mawr— Mabel D. H. B. BondJ. 2»na I-aur.-l :; 4 1:16 hvy f 1.1 M 12 12 12 12 12" K Wcathy ll Fair Hel. 11. Lilv Orme. M Cas.a 3BB3 Mboro 5J f 1:09 fast 15 102 6S1 F Moore s M.Cpbell. XnocJ.V.Jr. Otrnnto , 2os-"« Mboro 5* f 1 :K*£faat 5 102 6H A Pickens 10 Task. LadvP.rvn MadResSister 2M1 Mboro 51 f 1:1ovsgood 8 Mt 9"iH Holfnianll HellaMa.k, Prince Chap llatea 206V3 Prospect 3-4 1:20 good 6 103 1= E Atwell S C. Randell. J.Hanover. T.Parson 2O670 Prospect A b7. -8 1 :00%fast 15 97 M W Ward 7 Bcsalat Nellie C. M. of Honor 2066IN prospect A1.5-S 1 :01«*fast 7i lort S» V Doyb- it Antrim. Shar. Safest. C. Squaw ■ M Electric A1j5-8 1 :01%slow 8 100 8«1 C Jackson S Louise May. Malay. I.elray KING CAUCUS, ch. g. 3 101 By Celt— Eliza Russell W. Gallagher. 2:-94.". Howie 1 1 16 I :.,1 fast 41 107 2 1 3 6 7J 7" .1 Met. all s Valas. Patty Bejcaa. Capt. Fair • 23m Bowie lm20y 1:45 fast 100 107 8 10 11 12 12 12" C Fbther li Scorpii. JlalielDuhveber. Q.Sabe . 23Bg Pimlico 3-4 l:13»ifast 49 105 I 8 7 T- 633 E Haynes 0 Lohengrin. Old Bob. Cov 23R3 Pimlico 3-4 LHVjfast fid 103 1 3 4 ii 5-i E Haynes 13 Anxictv. Pntasenet. J.H.Hrel! ! 23848 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%fast f Id 100 6 8 9 9- 7" E Haynes II. Benevolent. Tie Tin. T.Mas.idcr : 19S56 Bowie H f 1:09 fast 30 112 5 8 8 75 6:5G Burns S Pied Piper, Babe, Onar 1S471 H.deGce 51 f 1:08 fast 80 108 8 11 11 12 H"iJ Smyth 12 Volant. Shrewsbury. Estimable 1S440 H.deGce 6J f l:0S%good 100 109 3 10 12 12 12" S Davis 12 Xiu.Simplex. Carlone. CI. Haven 16827 G.Rapida 6-S l:02Vcood Ui 118 4" Coatley 4 Mimieo. Lady Butterfly. StarBir.l