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HORSES WHICH WERE VICTORIOUS IN ONE OR MORE STAKE RACES IN 1915 •I. »T. If fine old gelding Borrow had not won the Kentucky Handicap at Douglas Park last May he would not now figure as the premier stake race winning horse of the year. But he did and he is. For another "if" proposition, if Dominant, in the running of the Grand Union Hotel Stakes at Saratoga, had been able to hold his stretch lead but a few feet more he and not Borrow would have been the chief winner of the year. But his 130 pounds to her 104 enabled Puss in Boots to get up and snatch a triumph away from him in the last stride. Hence he is only second. Values are referred to in their cases. In number of stake races which he either won or was placed in, Stromboli was easily first, with that good colt. The Finn, second. The champion of the year, Roamer. and the good western handicap horse. Hodge, were close together in their stake race earnings. Peerless Regret started only twice, but winning the Kentucky Derby gave her a good place in the list, just as his well-earned victory In the Latonla Derby served the good, but unlucky colt, Royal II. Other horses were bound by force of circumstances to achieve their success in stake races of comparatively smaller values, and right well did such as Star Jasmine, Dulse, Prince Hermis. George Smith. Dodge. "Waterblossom and others of merit race to gain such measures of good fortune as fell to thein. The records in stake racing of every horse which captured one or more of such races is here presented: Borrow, b. g, 1, hy Hamburg: — Forget. Stake, Track and Date. Fin. Amt. Kentucky Handicap, Douglas Park. May 29 1 1,700 Brooklyn Handicap, Aqueduct, June 20.. 3 300 Dominion Handicap, Fort Erie, Ang. 4... 1 3.450 Detroit and Windsor Ferry Co. Handicap. Windsor, Aug. 14 1 2.520 Merchants and Citizens Handicap, Saratoga. Aug. 21 2 350 Municipal Handicap, Belmont Park, Sept. 1 1 1.875 Total 0,195 Dominant, br. c, 2, by Delhi— Dominoes. United States Hotel Stakes, Saratoga. Aug. 2 1 % 3,900 Saratoga Special. Saratoga. Ang. 14 1 5.125 Grand Union Hotel Stakes, Saratoga, Aug. 21 2 700 Iloiieful Stakes, Saratoga, Aug. 28 1 9,150 Total 8,875 The Finn, blk. c, 3, by Ogden — Livonia. Withers Stakes. Belmont Park. May 29.. 1 $ 1,425 Belmont Stakes. Belmont Park. June 5.. 1 1,825 Southampton Handicap, Belmont Park, June 15 1 2,325 Stake, Track and Date. Fin. Amt. Hamilton Derby, Hamilton, June 25 1 $ 3,630 Canadian Derby, Fort Erie, July 3 2 500 Huron Handicap, Saratoga, Aug. 24 1 1,050 Belmont Park Autumn Handicap, Belmont Park, Sept. 4 3 150 Ramapo Handicap, Belmont Park, Sept. 7 3 150 Jerome Handicap, Belmont Park, Sept. 11 2 200 Manhattan Handicap, Belmont Park, Sept. 13 1 1,195 Baltimore Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 2 1 2,030 Washington Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 9 2 400 Ellicott City Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 14.. 1 1,455 Dixie Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 21 1 1,550 Total 7,885 Thunderer, ch. c, 2, by Broomstick— Jersey Lightning. Futurity Stakes, Belmont Park, Sept. 4.. 1 6,590 Stromboli, ch. g, 4, by Fair Flay— St. Priscilla. Metropolitan Handicap, Belmont Park, May 20 1 $ 2,325 Toboggan Handicap, Belmont Park, May 31 .2 350 Excelsior Handicap, Jamaica, June 10... 2 350 Continued on third pace. VICTORIOUS HORSES IH STAKE RACES OF 1915. Continued from first page. Stake. Tract and Date. Fin. Amt. Kinds Couuty Handicap. Jamaica, June •• 1 f2,100 ,,-: yiicfiis «muty Handicap, Aqueduct, June ; 2 IP .,-•• l.r.-okda!.- Handicap, Aqueduct. Julv 10.. 2 350 Handicap, Belmont Park, July 15 1 0.1i2r. nxmpi.un Handicap, inrilijn. Aug. 14.. 3 ioo Mcrchai.ts and citizens Handicap, Sara- *- z*. August 21 3 150 k .•■uiiicspul Handicap, Belmont Turk, Sept. *.. •■•-• 3 130 I.clm.nt Park Autuiuu Handicap. Belmont r« -k, Sei.l. 4 1 1,400 Havre df Grace Handicap, Havre de - .ra e. Sept. is 3 100 OH Bay Handicap. Havre de Grace, s,lt. 2.". 1 1.193 National Handicap, laurel. Oct. 30 2 300 Pimlico Kail Serial Handicap No. 1. Piin- lico. Nov. « 1 ltoi3 1 imlico Kail Serial Handicap No. 2, Pimlico. Nov. t* 3 100 Bowie Handicap, Pimlico. Nov. 11 1 1,195 Total 5,753 Roamcr, b. g, 4, by Knight Errant— Rose Tree II. Brooklyn Handicap. Aqueduct. June 2C. . 2 $ 700 Queens County Handicap. Aqueduct, June 2» 1 2.300 P.rookdak- Handicap. Aqueduct. JulylO.. 1 2.025 Saratoga Handicap. Saratoga. Aug. 2 1 2,300 Merchants" and Citizens Handicap. Saratoga. Aug. 21 1 1.423 Saratoga Cup. Saratoga. Aug. 28 1 2.223 Havre de Crace Handicap, Havre de Grace. Sept. IS 1 1.493 National Handicap. Laurel, Oct. 30 1 2,300 Total 4,770 Hodge, ch. g, 4, by Ivan the Terrible— Nannie Hodge. Clark Handicap, Churchill Downs, May IS 1 $ 2.3S0 Kciituckv Handicap. Douglas lark. May 29 2 1,300 Quickstep Handicap, Latonia. June 2 .. 1 2,303 Detroit ic Windsor Ferry Co. Handicap, Windsor, Aug. 14 2 500 Georce Hendrie Memorial Handicap, Windsrr, Aug. 21 1 1,925 Douglas lark Inaugural Handicap, Douglas Iark. Sept. 20 1 2,340 Louisville Cup Handicap, Douglas Iark, Scpi . 2S 1 2,410 St. liccer Handicap, Churchill Downs, Oct. 7 2 500 Total 4,120 Regret, ch. f, 3, b7 Broomstick — Jersey Lightning. Kentucky Derby. Churchill Downs, May 8. 1 1,450 ■ansae Handicap, Saratoga, Aug. 17... 1 1,050 Total 2,300 Royal II., b. c, 3, by Your Majesty — Lady Ethel. Latonia Derby, Laionia. June 12 1 0,123 Canadian Derhy. Kort Krie. July 3 3 200 Frontier Handicap, Windsor, July 14 4 150 Total 0, 175 Star Jasmine, br. m, 6, by Ogden — Star Cat. Inaugural Handicap. Latonia. June S 3 $ 200 Merchants Selling Stakes, Latonia, June m 1 2,240 Quickstep Handicap. Latonia. June 26... 3 2 K Saratoga Handicap. Saratoga, Aug. 2.... 3 200 Deleware Handicap. Saratoga, Aug. 9.... 1 1,050 Clianiplain Handicap, Saratoga, Aug. 14.. 1 1.925 I a tenia Autumn Inaugural Handicap, Latonia. Oct. I 3 150 Latonia Cup Handicap, Latonia, Oct. 27.. 1 2,955 Total $ 8,920 Bulse, ch. c, 2, by Disguise — Ncthersole. Spring Trial Stakes, Douglas lark, June I 1 $ 3,470 Harold Stakes, Latonia. June 23 1 2,730 Sauford Memorial Stakes, Saratoga. Aug. 7 1 2,675 Total $ 8,875 Prince Hermis, ch. h, 5. by Hermis — Crimea. Kentucky Handicap, Douglas Dark, May l«» 3 $ 600 Inaugural Handicap, Latonia, Juno 8 ... 1 2.020 hiil.pcndoncc Handicap, Latonia, July 5. 1 3,430 Falls City Handicap, Churchill Downs, Sept. 29 1 2,000 Total $ 8,710 Geoige Smith, blk. c. 2, by Out of Reach — Consuelo II. Aberdeen Stakes, Havre de Grace, April 20 1 ,110 Juvenile Stakes. Toronto, May 24 1 1,390 Victoria Stakes. Toronto. May 29 1 2,223 Spring F.roworv Stakes. Hamilton. June 28 1 1,710 Aunapoli* Slakes. Laurel, Oct. 4 1 2.0C0 Total $ 8,495 Douge. b. c, 2, by Jim Gaffney — Flora Willoughby. Khan Stakes. Kort Krie, July 8 2 $ 200 Kdenwold Stake-. Windsor. July 17 1 1.470 Willi Plate. Hamilton, July 27 3 150 Iroquois Hotel Handicap, Kort Erie, Aug. 7 1 1.S25 Laurel Handicap. Laurel. Oct. 1 2 200 Odnkn Handcap. Laurel. Oct. 12 2 200 Irince George Handicap. Laurel. Oct. 10. 1 1.S15 Maryland Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 28 1 2,520 Total $ 8,380 Kingly, b. h, £, by Stanhope n. — Alcyone IL Chester Selling Stakes. Havre de Grace, April 22 3 $ 100 Toronto Cup, Toronto. May 29 1 4,215 King George Handicap. Dorval. June 5... L 1.715 Windsor Hotel Cup Handicap. Montreal. June 12 1 1,303 Chateau Laurier Hotel Handicap, Con- nauglit lark, June 23 2 200 Total ." $ 7,595 Tactics, b. g, 6, by Hastings — Merry Token. New Year Handicap. Charleston. Jan. 1. 1 $ 1,020 Minto Soiling Stakes. Toronto, May 22... 1 1,420 King Edward Hotel Gold Cup Handicap, i. .101110. .Mav M 1 1.270 Windsor Hotel Cup Handicap, Montreal. June 12 3 130 Chafaii Laurier Hotel Handicap, Connaught Park. June 23 3 100 National Handicap. Hamilton. July i 2 300 Fourth of July Handicap. Kort Krie, Julv 5 2 200 Hamilton Cup Handicap, Hamilton, July :;i 1 1,905 Dominion Handicap. Kort Krie, Atg. 4.. 3 375 Cham; lain Selling Stakes, Montreal, Sept. 9 3 100 Toronto .atumn Cup Handicap, Toronto, Sept. is 3 150 Dixie Handicap. Laurel. Oct. 21 2 250 Bowie Handicap, 1imiico, Nov. 11 2 300 Ttal $ 7,540 Slumber II. . b. g, 4, by Hamburg — Forget. Harford Handicap. Havre de Grace, April H 3 $ 150 Bciair Handicap Havre de Grace, April ■j„ 1 1.120 Philadelphia Handicap, Havre de Grace, April 24 1 Ug To: out . Cup. Toronto. Mav 29 - Vou Krontier Handicap. Windsor. July 14.. 1 3.430 Havre de One* Handicap, Havre do One*. Sept. IS 2 230 Old Bay Handicap, Havre de Grace, M-pt. 25 2 200 Total 5 7.405 Waterblossom. b. f, 3, by Waterboy — Basseting. shUnd Oaks. Lexington. April 20 1 ,108 Keutnrry Oaks. Churchill Downs, Mar 21 1 2.5:;o CiimHan Deny. Kort Krie, July :: 1 2.02 Alabama Stakes, Saratoga. Aug. 12 1 1,100 Total • 7.47S King Neptune, br. g. 2, by Sea King — Toots. MxTdoeu Stakes, Havrede Crace, April " ..i 2 $ 200 CUItaacta Memorial Cup. Pimlico. May s. :; nx Pimlico Ni.rserv Stakes, Pimlico, May 15. 2 20o Juvenile Stakes. Dorval. May 31 1 ].i;.;5 otta«a Electric Railway Stakes, Con 11. light P irk. June 21 I 100 Sprint Brewery Stakes. Hamilton. June Uh .w.hf Makes. Winder - -TnlvlT 2 :i5o ii .iv Plat--. [Umilton, July 23 1 l,.ijn IfMOois Hotel Handicap. Kort Krie. Aug. 7 3 J00 Eastern Shore Handicap. Havre de Grace, Sept. 21 • • ? 200 Annapolis Stakes. Laurel. Oct. 4 . 8 2i!0 Potomac Handicap. Laurel, Oct. 23 1 2,4 »0 Total $ 7,295 Tartar, b. g, 5, by Ogden — Yankee Sister. Stake. Track and Date. Fin. Amt. Long Beach Handicap. Jamaica., June 19. 1 $ 2,225 Brooklyn Handicap. Aqueduct. June 26. . . 1 3,850 Old Bav Handicap, Havre de Grace, Sept. 25 3 100 •$ 7.075 Total • • Bromo, b. c. 2, by Broomstick — Leayonara. Great American Stakes. Aqueduct, July 3. 2 $ 400 Crab Hag Handicap. Saratoga. Aug. IS.. 1 2.S00 Kuturiiv Stakes. P.elmont Park. Sept. 4. 2 3.160 Homo Bred Produce Stakes, Belmont Iark, Sept. 11 2 J500 Total 5 fi.SOC Rancher, b. c, 3, by Galveston — Sweet Lavender. Hamilton Derbv. Hamilton. June 20 2 $ 500 Krontier Handicap. Windsor. July 14 3 330 Canadian Sportsman Handicap, Kort Erie, Aug. 11 1 1,050 Detroit ft Windsor Kerry Co. Handicap, Windsor, Aug. 14 3 300 Derby Cup Handicap, .Montreal, Sept. 8.. 1 495 Toronto Autumn Cup Handicap, Toronto, Sept. IS 1 1,790 Ontario Jockey Club Cup Handicap, Toronto, Aug. 25 1 1.G90 Total $ 6,775 Tartarean, b. c, 3, by Stanhope II. — Tarleton. Kings Plate, Toronto, May 22 1 ,310 Breeders Stakes, Toronto. May 25 2 330 William Hendrie Memorial Handicap, Toronto. May 29 3 150 Dominion Plate Handicap, Hamilton, June 30 1 1,170 Total $ 5.9S0 Blackie Baw, blk. c, 2, by Transvaal — Mary Bay. Idle Hour Stakes, Lexington, April 29 .. 3 $ 119 Cincinnati Trophy, Latonia, July 3 1 5,740 Total $ 5,859 Waterbass, br. c, 4, by Waterboy — Basseting. Philadelphia Handicap, Havre de Grace, April 24 2 $ 250 Susquehanna Handicap, Havre de Grace, ; April ::o 1 1,115 Queen Hotel Cup Handicap, Toronto, May 24 1 C35 National Handicap, Hamilton, July 1 1 1,915 Fourth, of July Handicap, Kort Erie, July 5 1 1,615 Dominion Handicap, Kort Erie, Aug. 4... 4 130 Canadian Sportsman Handicap, Kort Erie, Aug. 11 3 100 Total $ 5,780 Achievement, ch. c, 2, by Hastings — Achieve. Treiuont Stakes. Aqueduct. July 10 2 $ 400 Wakeiield Handicap, Aqueduct, July 20. . 1 1,925 Albany Handicap. Saiatoga, Aug. 23 1 1,050 Adirondack Handicap, Saratoga, Aug. 23 2 3*0 Futurity Stakes, Belmont Park, Sept. 4. 3 1,583 Nursery Handicap, Belmont Park, Sept. 14 2 250 Total $ 5,55S Gillies, ch. c, 2, by Ogden — Golden Drop. Home Bred Produce Stakes, Belmont Park, Sept. 11 1 $ 5,975 Gainer, ch. g, 4, by Martinet — Druid. Empire City Handicap, Belmont Park, July 24 1 $ 2,775 Clianiplain Handicap, Saratoga, Aug. 14. 2 350 Baltimore Handicap. Laurel, Oct. 2 3 200 Washington Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 9 1 1,930 Pixie Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 21 3 150 Total $ 5.405 Weldsliip, ch. g, 6, by Seahorse II. — Moon-daisy. Crickmore Memorial Steeplechase Handicap. Pimlico. May 15 2 $ 200 Street Railway Steeplechase Handicap, Toronto May 29 1 1.160 Prince of Wales Steeplechase Handicap, Montreal, June 12 2 250 North American Steeplechase Handicap, Saratoga. Aug. 7 1 1,150 Saratoga Steeplechase Handicap, Saratoga, Aug. 21 1 1,425 Beverwyck Steeplechase Handicap, Saratoga, Aug. 28 1 1,150 Total $ 5,335 Ormesdale, ch. c. 2, by Ormondale — Madchen. Juvenile Stakes, Belmont Park, May 22. . 2 $ 400 Keene Memorial Stakes, Belmont Park, June I 1 2,325 Great American Stakes, Aqueduct, July 3 1 2,325 Total $ 5,050 Fountain Fay, ch. h, 5. by McGee — White Flume. Queen Hotel Cup Handicap, Toronto, May 24 2 $, 125 Counaught Cup Handicap, Toronto, May 27 2 500 Connaught Cup Handicap, Montreal, June 10 2 300 Chateau Laurier Hotel Handicap, Con-naught Park. June 23 1 740 National Handicap. Hamilton, Julv 1 3 200 D. and C. Selling Stakes. Windsor. July 21 1 1,500 Hamilton Ctip Handicap, Hamilton, July 31 3 200 Earl Grey Cup Handicap, Montreal. Sept. 4 1 945 Ontario Jockey Club Cup Handicap, Toronto, Siit. 25 3 150 Total $ 4,720 Ting-a-Ling, ch. c, 2, by Star Shoot — Lady Vincent. Pimlico Nursery Stakes. Pimlico, May 15 1 $ 1.210 Piping Rock Grab Bag Handicap, Piping Bock, June 5 1 3.500 Total $ 4,710 Fair Montague, b. c, 3, by Stanhope II. — Meadowley. Kings Plate. Toronto, May 22 2 $ 700 Breeders Stakes, Toronto, May 25 1 1,790 William Hendrie Memorial Handicap, Toronto. May 29 2 350 Hamilton Derby. Hamilton. June 25 4 100 Dominion Plate Handicap, Hamilton, June 30 3 150 Durham Cim. Toronto. Sept. 22 1 1,225 Dominion Handicap, Toronto, Sept. 25... 2 300 Total $ 4.615 Lady Rotha, b. f, 3, by Golden Maxim or Fayette — Sandy Bar. Kentucky Oaks, Churchill Downs, May 21 I $ 300 Ladies Handicap, Belmont Park, June 5. 2 350 Knion Selling Stakes, Aqueduct, July 1.. 2 200 Bockaway Selling Stakes, Aqueduct, Julv 7 1 200 Travers Selling Stakes. Saratoga, Aug. 7. 1 2,150 Alabama Stakes, Saratoga, Aug. 12 2 2 X Saranae Handicap. Saratoga. Aug. 17... 3 150 Mohawk Selling Stakes. Saratoga. Aug. 19 2 200 Amsterdam Selling Stakes. Saratoga, Aug. 26 1 S65 Total $ 4,615 Vifir. b. g, 3, by Dr. Leggo— Guerara. Harbor Hill Cup Steeplechase, Piping Reck. Oct. 9 1 $ 3,400 Klkridge Steeplechase. Pimlico, Nov. 11. 1 1,135 Total $ 4,535 Big Smoke, b. c, 2, by Duke of Ormonde — Gold Lace. Cincinnati Trophy, Latonia. July 3 3 $ 300 Grand Knion Hotel Slakes, Saratoga, Aug. 21 3 300 Hopeful Stakes. Saratoga. Aug. 2S 2 1,000 Port Thomas Handicap, Latonia, Oct. 10. 1 2.915 Total $ 4,513 Kinney, b. c, 2, by Dick Welles — Lady Strath-more. Idle Hour Stakes. Lexington. April 29 2 $ 238 Breeders Futurity, Lexington, May 5 ... 1 4,259 Total $ 4,497 Puss in Boots, b. f, 2, by Peter Pan — Star Cat. Saratoga Special. Saratoga. Aug. 14 2 Grand Knion Hotel Stakes, Saratoga, Aug. 21 1 ,100 Walden Stakes, Pimlico, Nov. 6 2 300 Total $ 4,400 Pleione, b. f, 2, by Sain — Spindrift. Lassie Slakes. Havre de Grace. April 21 . 3 $ 100 IVivvville Selling Slakes. Havre de Grace, April 20 2 200 Bouquet Selling Stakes. P.elmont lark. Mav 27 1 675 K.lshioii Stakes, Belmont Park. Julie 2 . . 1 2,02." Aatatfa Mute Stakes. Aqueduct, July 12 1 1.100 Total $ 4,400 Addie M., ch. f, 4, by Star Shoot— Breakwater. Ladies Handicap, Belmont Park, June 5. . 2 $ 1,430 Excelsior Handicap, Jamaica, Jose 10 ... 1 1,923 ; Stake, Track and Date. Fin. Amt. Empire City Handicap, Belmont Park, July 24 2 $ 500 Washington Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 9 ... 3 200 Prince George Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 16. 2 250 Total $ 4,325 , Montresor, ch. g, 5, by Monfort— Madchen. Hollis Selling Stakes, Belmont Park, May 22 1 $ 675 Harlem Selling Stakes, Belmont Park, June 2 1 675 Bockaway Selling Stakes, Aqueduct, July 7 3 300 Myrtle Selling Stakes. Aqueduct. July 13. 1 675 , Catskill Selling Stakes. Saratoga. Aug. 5. 2 200 Delaware Handicap. Saratoga. Aug 9... 2 250 Manhattan Handicap. Belmont Park, Sept. 13 3 100 Prince George Handicap. Laurel, Oct. 16. 3 150 Canvas Back Selling Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 19 1 1,405 Total .$ 4,230 Coquette, ch. f, 3, by Celt— Adriana. Poumonok Handicap, Jamaica. June 12... 1 $ 1,475 Mt. Vernon Handicap, Aqueduct, July 31. 2 250 Mount Royal Handicap, Havre de Grace, Sept. 16 1 1,145 Fox Hill Handicap, Havre de Grace, Sept. 20 1 1,005 Carrollton, Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 5 3 100 Total $ 4,035 Lady Curzon, b. f, 3. by Plaudit — The Belle of Mayfair. Maple Leaf Stakes, Toronto, May 27 1 $ 1,040 Dominion Plate Handicap, Hamilton, June 30 2 250 Stanley Produce Stakes, Toronto, Sept. 18 I 500 Durham Cup. Toronto, Sept. 22 2 300 Dominion Handicap, Toronto, Sept. 25.... 1 1,295 Total $ 3.9S5 Trial by Jury, ch. c, 3, by Fair Play — Princess Chic. Knickerbocker Handicap, Belmont Park, July 20 2 $ 350 Saranae Handicap. Saratoga, Aug. 17 2 250 Huron Handicap, Saratoga, Aug. 24 .... 2 250 Belmont Iark Autumn Handicap, Belmont Park, Sept. 4 2 350 Ilamapo Handicap. Belmont Park, Sept. 7 1 1,400 Jerome Handicap. Belmont Park, Sept. 11 1 1.100 Ellicott City Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 14.. 3 150 Total $ 3.850 Friar Rock, ch. c, 2, by Rock Sand — Fairy Gold. Whirl Stakes, Belmont Park, July 17 1 $ 1,925 Saratoga Special, Saratoga. Aug. 14.... 3 ... Adirondack Handicap. Saratoga, Aug. 25. 1 1.925 Total $ 3,850 Water Lady, b. f, 4, by Waterboy— Duchess of Towers. Jacques Cartier Selling Stakes, Montreal, June 15 1 $ 1,515 Fort Erie Selling Stakes, Fort Erie, July 10 1 1,825 D. and C. Selling Stakes. Windsor. July 21 3 150 Brantford Selling Handicap, Hamilton, July 29 2 200 Total $ 3,690 Swish, b. g, 7, by McGee— Frou Frou. Crickmore Memorial Steeplechase Handicap, Pimlico. May 15 1 $ 735 North Shore Plate Steeplechase Handicap. Pipine- Rock. June 2 1 630 Shillelah Selling Steeplechase, Saratoga, Aug. 2 2 200 Broadnollow Steeplechase Handicap, Belmont Park, Sept. 1 2 200 Corinthian Steeplechase Handicap, Belmont Park. Sept. 14 1 1,170 Great Halted Hunts Steeplechase Handicap. Belmont Park Terminal, Sept. 18. 1 730 Total * 3.665 Jacoba, blk. f, 2, by Jack Atkin — Agnes Virginia. Breeders Futurity, Lexington. May 5 ... 2 $ 1,217 Spina way Stakes, Saratoga, Aug. 4 1 2,425 Total $ 3,642 Kintore, br. g, 4, by Bryn Mawr — Bobbinet. Grand National Steeplechase Handicap, Belmont lark. May 31 2 $ 250 Whitnev Memorial Steeplechase Handicap, Piping Rock, June 5 1 3,350 Total $ 3,600 Commonada, ch. c, 3, by The Commoner — Nevada. Wixxlstoek Plate, Toronto, May 24 1 $ 2,430 Toronto Cup. Toronto, May 29 3 300 Windsor Hotel Cup Handicap, Montreal, June 12 2 300 Hamilton Derby. Hamilton, June 25.... 3 200 Canadian Sportsman Handicap, Fort Erie, Aug. 11 2 200 Earl Grey Cup, Montreal, Sept. 4 3 125 Total $ 3,555 Exton, b. g, 5, by Fatherless — Eliza Russell. Hendrie Steeplechase Handicap, Toronto, M?pt. 25 1 $ 1.190 Oak Ridge Steeplechase Handicap, Piping Rock, Oct. 9 3 100 Brook Champion Steeplechase Handicap, Piping Rock. Oct. 12 1 1.100 Dixie Steeplechase Handicap, Warrenton, Nov. 20 1 1,060 Total $ 3,450 Norse King, b. c, 3, by Fair Play — Nineveh. Wilmington Stakes, Havre de Grace, April 19 1 $ 1,120 Brooklyn Derby, Aqueduct, July 3 1 2,275 Total $ 3,395 Cherry Malotte, b. m, 6, by Orlando — Dottie. Grand National Steeplechase Handicap, Belmout Park. May 31 3 $ 150 Whitney Memorial Steeplechase Handicap, Piping Rock, June 5 3 300 Chamblet Memorial Steeplechase Stases, Brookline. June 17 1 1,450 Country Club Grand Annual Steeplechase Handicap, Brookline, June 19 1 650 Saratoga Steeplechase Handicap, Saratoga, Aug. 21 2 350 Broadliollow Steeplechase Handicap, Bel- ment Park. Sept. 1 3 100 Corinthlau Steeplechase Handicap, Belmont Iark, Sept. 14 3 100 Oak Ridge Steeplechase Handicap, Piping Rock, Oct. 9 2 200 Piping Bock Subscription Steenlechase Handicap, Piping Rock, Oct. 12 2 Total $ 3,300 Shannon River, blk. g, 7, by Black Dick — Tentore. International Steeplechase Handicap, Belmont Park, May 25 2 $ 200 Kastview Steeplechase Handicap, Belmont lark. July 21 2 , 200 Floral Park Selling Steeplechase Handicap, Belmont Park. July 24 1 665 Midsummer Steeplechase Handicap, Aoue- duet , July 28 1 945 Broadliollow Steeplechase Handicap, Belmont Park, Sept. 1 1 1.255 Piping Rock Subscription Steeplechase Handicap, Piping Rock, Oct. 12 3 Total $ 3.265 Cclandria, ch. f, 2, by Celt — Adriana. Lassie Stakes, Havre de Crace, April 21. 2 $ 200 Clover Stakes, Aqueduct, July 5 . .. 1 1,525 Demoiselle Stakes, Belmont lark, July 22 1 1,515 Total $ 3,240 Sam Jackson, b. g, 7, by Garry Herrmann — Ravello II. Suburban Handicap, Belmont Park, Julv 14 .2 $ 700 Empire City Handicap, Belmont Park, July 24 a 230 Mt. Vernon Handicap. Aqueduct, July 31. 1 1,875 Municipal Handicap, Belmont Park, Sept. 1 2 350 Total .$"s7l75 Phosphor, b. c, 3, by Peep oDay — Myrtelus. Carter Handicap. Aqueduct. July 5 1 $ 1,925 Kleetwing Handicap. Belmont Park, July 17 1 1.250 Total .V 3,175 Pesky, br. f, 2, by Broomstick — Perverse. Germantown Selling Stakes. Havre de Grace. April 23 1 « fi" Juvenile Slakes, Dorval Park. May ::i . . 2 200 Ottawa Klectric Railway Slakes," Kon. naught Park, June 21 2 200 Niagara Stakes. Fert Erie. July g.».J, 1 1,940 Knsterii Shore Handicap. Havre de Grace Sept. 21 ; 3 100 Total .73,115 , High Moon, ch. c, 3, by Voter — Noonday. Stake, Track and Date Fin. Amt. Tolwggan Handicap, Belmont Park, May 31 1 ,450 Columbus Handicap Laurel, Oct. 12 ... 1 1,460 Georgetown Higuweight Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 26 ,2 200 Total $ 3,110 Mission, br. m, by Rock Sand—Misgivings. New York Steeplechase. Belmont Park, May 20 1 $ 1,195 International Steeplechase Handicap, Belmont Park, May 25 3 100 Grand National Steeplechase Handicap, Belmont Park. May 31 1 1.7S5 Total $ 3,080 Roly, b. c, 3, by Golden Maxim — Lotowanna. Myrtle Selling Stakes, Aqueduct, July 13. 2 $ 200 Tarrytown Stakes, Belmont Park, July 15 1 075 Mohawk Stakes, Saratoga, Aug. 19 1 803 Anne Arundel Stakes, Laurel, Oct. 25.... 1 1,340 Total $ 3,080 Paddy Whack, b. c, 2, by Celt— Network. Youthful Stakes, Jamaica, June 16 1 $ 1,475 Hudson Stakes, Aqueduct, June 26 1 1.525 Total $ 3,000 Splutter, ch. g, 3, by Martimas — Splash. Stanley Produce Stakes, Toronto, Sept. 18 1 $ 2.S40 Dominion Handicap, Toronto. Sept. 25.... 3 150 Total $ 2.990 Brynlimah, ch. g, 5, by Bryn Mawr — Notlimah. Exposition Handicap, San Francisco, Aug. 21 1 $ 830 Presidents Cup Handicap, San FraBclsco, Sept. 4 1 883 Golden Gate Handicap, San Francisco, Sept. 9 1 1,005 San Francisco Handicap, San Francisco, Sept. 18 2 200 Total $ 2,980 Checks, ch. g, 2, by Marathon— Monarda, Valuation Selling Stakes, Latonia, June 30 1 ,533 Golden Rod Selling Stakes, Churchill Downs, Oct. 2 2 250 Fort Thomas Handicap, Latonia, Oct. 16. 3 150 Total $ 2,935 Saratoga, br. c, 3, by Ogden— Unslightly. Tarrytown Selling Stakes, Belmont Park, July 15 2 $ 200 Knickerliocker Handicap, Belmont Park, July 20 ; 1 1,923 Saratoga Handicap, Saratoga, Ang. 2_.. 2 400 Travers Stakes, Saratoga, Aug. 7 ....... 2 350 Total .$ 2,875 Blood Test, b. f, 2, by Helmet— Stumpy. Clipsetta Stakes, Latonia, June 16 1 $ 2.845 Yankee Notions, ch. p 5, by Yankee — Fairio Queen. Toboggan Handicap, Belmont Park May 31 3 $ 150 Garden City Selling Stakes, Jamaica, June 16 1 675 Rockawcy Selling Stakes, Aqueduct, July 7 1 675 Catskill Selling Stakes, Saratoga Aug. 5 1 675 Amsterdam Selling Stakes, Saratoga, Aug. 26 2 200 Nassau Selling Stakes, Belmont Park, Sept. 9 2 200 Princeton Selling Stakes, Havre de Grace, Sept. 28 2 200 Total .$ 2.775 Bonny Laddie, b. g, 4, by Borante — Maid of toe Order. Piping Rock Subscription Steeplechase Handicap, Piping Rock, Oct. 12 1 $ 2,750 Fernrock, ch. c, 2, by Rock Sand — Ferment. Bouquet Selling Stakes, Belmont Park, May 27 3 $ 100 Greenfield SeUiug Stakes, Jamaica June 14 2 200 Suffolk Selling Stakes, Jamaica, June 24 1 675 Canarsie Selling Stakes, Aqueduct, June 30 1 675 Troy Selling Stakes. Saratoga, Aug. 10. . 2 200 Trenton Selling Stakes. Havre de Grace, Sept. 27 1 673 Blue Point Selling Stakes, Laurel, Oct. 11 2 200 Total 4 2,723 Bradleys Choice, ch. g, 4, by Canard — Sweet Alice. Clark Handicap. Churchill Downs. May 15 3 $ 200 Memorial Handicap, Douglas Park, May 31 1 2.490 Total $ 2.690 Bryndown, br. m, 5, by Bryn Mawr — Thistledown. Woodbine Steeplechase, Toronto, May 25. 2 $ 350 Street Railway Steeplechase Handicap, Toronto, May 29 2 350 Prince of Wales Steeplechase Handicap, Montreal. June 12 1 1.020 Hendrie Memorial Steeplechase Handicap. Montreal, Sept. 4 1 935 Total $ 2.653 Whimsy, br. g, 2, by Burgomaster — Whimsical. Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Sept. 8 3 $ 160 Nursery Handicap, Belmont Park, Sept. 14 1 1,065 Erdenheim Handicap, Belmont Park, Sept. 30 1 1,420 Total $ 2,633 Little Sister, br. f, 2, by Plaudit— Centre Shot. Debutante Stakes, Churchill Downs, May 10 1 ,590 Privet Petal, b. c, 4, by Armeath II. — Pagoda. Queen Hotel Cup Handicap, Toronto, May 24 3 $ 73 Connaught Cup Handicap, Toronto, May 27 1 2,490 Total $ 2,563 Tea Caddy, ch. c, 2, by Rock Sand — Teas Over Tremont Stakes. Aqueduct, July 10 1 $ 2,325 Potomac Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 23 3 200 Total $ 2,525 Armine, ch. f, 2, by Bassetlaw — My Honey. Coronation Stakes. Toronto, May 26 1 $ 2,145 Windsor Double Event, Windsor, July 19. 2 300 Total $ 2,445 Grover Hughes, ch. g, 7, by Handsel Stamen. Ano Nuevo Handicap, Juarez, Jan. 1 .... 1 $ 1,050 Brewers Selling Stakes, Lexington, May 4 1 1,217 Cherokee Selling Stakes, Churchill Downs, Oct. 4 3 150 Total $ 2,417 Indolence, b. g, 4, by McGee — Princess Orna. Camden Handicap, Lexington, May 1 .... 1 $ 1.699 Frontier Handicap, Windsor, July 14 .... 2 700 Total $ 2,399 Ed Crump, ch. c, 3, by Peep oDay — Evaline. Latonia Autumn Inaugural Handicap, Latonia, Oct. 9 1 ,383 He Will. b. g. 3, by Heno— Naughty Lady. Arrow Selling Stakes, Belmont Park, July 19 3 $ 100 Port Deposit Selling Stakes, Havre de Grace. Sept. 23 1 675 Princeton Selling Stakes, Havre de Grace. Sept. 28 1 673 Pimlico Fall Serial Handicap No. 3, Pimlico. Nov. 12 1 923 Tot a 1 .$ 2,373 Ellison, br. c, 2, by Ossary — Orsiaa. Bash ford Manor Stakes. Churchill Downs, May 12 1 $ 2.350 Harry Shaw. b. c, 4. by Sain — Hand Bell. Newton Selling Stakes, Jamaica. June 21. 2 $ 200 Myrtle Selling Stakes, Aqueduct. July 13. S 100 Melmse Selling Stakes. Aqueduct. July 29 2 200 Nassau Selling Slakes, Belmont Park, Sept. 9 1 C75 Cecil Selling Stakes, Havre de Grace, Sept 15 3 100 Pimlico Fall Serial Handicap No. 1, Pim- Lico. Not. 6 3 100 Pimlico Fall Serial Handicap. No. 2, Pimlico, Nov 9 1 953 Total .,J28 Lena Jtisha, ch. c, 2. by Kins James— Gatien Belle. Stake, Track and l»ate. Fin. Aint. Juvenile Stakes, Belmont Park. May 22.. 1 $ 2,325 Schemer, b. g, 3, by McGee— Intrigue. Duke of Connaught Cup Handicap, Con- naugbt Park, June 16 3 $ 100 1». and C, Selling Stakes, Windsor. July 21 2 300 Priuoe Kdward Selling Stakes, llauiiiton, July 24 2 250 Brantford Selling Handicap. Hamilton, July 29 1 UN Autumn Selling Stakes. Latonia. Oct. 23. 2 350 Total $ 2.200 Regina. b. f, 2, by Broomstick — Queen of Hearts. Lassie Stakes. Havre de Grace, April 21.. 1 $ 1,005 ireentleld Selling Stakes, Jamaica, June 14 1 075 Spring Brewery Stakes. Hamilton. June 2S I 150 Nursery Plate. Hamilton. July 27 2 250 EruVubelm Handicap, Havre de Grace, Sept. 30 3 100 Total $ 2.240 Goldcrest Boy, br. g, 3, by Plaudit— Polly Prim. Frank Felir Selling Stakes, Clmrehill I owns. May 19 1 $ 1.970 Cherokee Selling Stakes, "nun-hill Downs. Oct. 4 2 250 Total $ 2,220 Bonnie Tess, ch. f, 2, by Star Shoot — Last Cherry. Ilosedale Stakes, Jamaica, June 22 1 $ 1.475 Kentucky Selling Stakes. Saratoga, Aug. 1« 1 675 Total $ 2.150 Golden List. ch. f, 2, by Golden Maxim — Listless. Germantown Selling Stakes. Havre de Grace. April 23 2 $ 200 Perryville Selling Stakes, Havre de Man. April 29 1 075 Claluuigh Memorial Cup, Pimlioo, May S. 1 930 Niagara Stakes, Fort Erie. July R 3 100 iTKxiuois Hotel Handicap, Fort Erie, Aug. 7 2 200 Total $ 2,105 Loftus, ch. g, 4, by Dick Welles — Edna Shannon. Opening Handicap. Denver. June 17 .... 1 $ 715 l»enver City Handicap. Denver. July 3.. 1 !70 Independence Handicap. Denver, July 5. . 1 715 Total $ 2,100 Bhine Kaiden, b, f, 3, by Watercress — Gold. Preakness Handicap. Pimlico, May 17 1 $ 1.275 Gleu Cove Plate, Piping Rock, June 5 1 780 Total $ 2,055 Celesta, h. m, 5, by Sempronius — Bezia. Reno Handicap, Reno, Aug. 7 1 $ 070 Overland Handicap, Reno, Aug. 14 1 070 Han Francisco Handicap, San Francises s pt. is i m Total $ 2,015 Slipshod, b. g, 2, by Burgomaster — Slippers. Treinont Stakes. Aqueduct, July 10 3 $ 200 Eastern Shore Handicap, Havre de Grace, Sept. 21 1 1.395 Annapolis Stakes, I-anrel, Oct. 4 2 400 Total $ 1,995 Candle, ch. g, 2, by Charles Edward — Torchlight. Grey Stakes, Toronto, Sept. 25 1 $ 1,270 Michaelmas Handicap, Toronto, Sept. 21. 1 720 Total $ 1,990 Bayberry Candle, ch. f , 4, by Cunard — Tower of Candles. Speculation Selling Stakes, Douglas Park, May 22 1 $ 1,990 Hanovia. ch. f, 3, by Fair Play — Miss Hanover. Arrow Selling Stakes, Belmont Park, July 1» 2 $ 200 Autumn Selling Stakes, Latonia, Oct. 23. 1 1,750 Total $ 1,950 Ten Point, b. h, 5, by Jack Point — Gold Ten. Harford Handicap, Havre de Grace, April 15 1 ,720 Fleetwing Handicap, Belmont Park, July 17 2 200 Total $ L920 Bunes, br. c, 3, by Voorhees — Chime. Preakness Handicap. Pimlico. May 17... 3 $ 200 Southampton Handicap, Jamaica, June 15 3 150 Roval Blue Handicap, Havre de Grace, Sept. 22 1 1.500 Total $ MM Stolen Ante, br. c, 3, by Dorante — Stolen Moments. Chihuahua Selling Stakes, Juarez. Jan. 31 3 $ 100 Colorado Derby, Denver, June 26 1 1,345 Nevada Derby. Reno, July ol 2 400 Total $ 1,845 Raincoat, blk. g, 3, by Pink Coat — Black Sleeves. St. Leeer Handicap, Churchill Downs, Oct. 7 1 ,810 Blankenburg, b. g, 5, by Knight Errant — Magna Chaxta. International Steeplechase Handicap, Belmont Park, May 25 1 $ 1,305 Whitney Memorial Steeplechase Handicap, Piping Rock, June 5 2 500 Total $ 1.S05 Tom Elward, br. c, 2, by McGee — Trisauce. Juvenile Stakes. Toronto. May 24 2 $ 200 Kindergarten Selling Stakes, Montreal, June S 1 1.555 Total $ 1,755 Prince of Como, b. c, 2, by Disguise — Claudia. Youthful Stakes. Jamaica. June 17 2 $ 300 Wakefield Handicap. Aqueduct. July 20. . 2 350 Flash Stakes, Saratoga, Aug. ll 1 1,050 Total $ 1.700 Gipsey George, b. g, 2, by Dick Welles — Animosity. Juvenile Stakes, Churchill Downs, May 17 1 $ 1,700 Harmonicon, ch, h, 5, by Disguise — Harpsichord. Paumonok Handicap. Jamaica, June 12. . . 2 $ 350 Oueens County Handicap. Aqueduct, June 2!» 3 150 Autumn Highwcight Handicap, Belutout Park, Sept. 6 1 1.195 Total $ 1.C95 Bed Post, b. g, 3, by Bed Fox II. — Billposter. Kings Plate, Montreal, Sept. 2 1 $ 1.095 Resign, ch. c. 3, by Transvaal — Resignation. Trince Edward Selling Stakes, Hamilton, July 24 1 $ 1.6S0 Startling, b. c, 2, by Marta Santa — Country Fraud. Trov Selling Stafcr-s. Saratoga. Aug. 10.. 3 % 100 Blue Point Selling Stakes, Laurel, Oct. 11 1 1,550 Total $ 1.650 Bepublican, b. g, C, by Stalwart — Miss Canale. Susquehanna Handicap, Havre de Grace, April 3o I $ 100 Howard Selling Stakes, Lauerl, Oct. 7... 1 1,510 Total $ 1.610 Rochester, b. c, 2, by Sempronius — Embellish. Beechmont SeUing Stakes, Douglas Park, Sept. 25 1 | 1.010 Skibbereen, br. g, 5, by Hawkswick — Trojana. Midsummer Steeplechase Handicap Aqueduct, July 28 2 $ 200 Oak Ridge Steeplechase Handicap, Piping Rock. Oct. 9 1 • 1.300 Brook Champion Steeplechase Handicap, Piping Rock. Oct. 12 3 100 Total $ 1.G00 Sweet Colleen, b. f, 2, by Havoc — Irish Lass II. Windsor Doutde Event, Windsor, July 19 1 $ 1.5S7 Colonel Vennie. b. c, 2, by Picton — Shy Missie. Albany Handicap. Saratoga. Aug. 23 .... 3 $ 150 Walden Stakes, Pimlico, Nov. 0 1 1,415 Totsl $ 1,505 Star Shooter, ch. g, 3, by Star Shoot — Olga Nether-sole. Colorado Derby. Denver. June 26 3 $ 2 H Nevada Derby, Reno, July 31 1 1,345 Total % 1.W5 Milestone, b. g. 2, by Star Shoot — Auvergne. Stake, Track and Date. Fin. Aint. Hoctielaga Handicap. Montreal, Sept. 6.. 2 $ 250 Golden Wti Selling Stakes, Churchill Dow ns, Oct. I 1 1 .260 Total .$ 1.510 Sir Edgar, ch. c, 3, by Cunard — Stumpy. Georgetown Highwoight Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 26 1 $ 1,495 Cosmic, ch. c, 2, by Countless — Mjosen. Idle Hur Stakes. Lexington. April 29... 1 $ 1,140 Fort Thomas Handicap, Latonia, Oct. 16. 2 3Txi Total $ 1,490 Single Stick, b, g, 4, by Singleton — St. Agnes. Crickmore Memorial Steeplechase Handicap. Pimlico. May U 3 $ 100 Coopertowu Plate Steeplechase. Piping Rock. June 2 1 and75 Chamblet Memorial Steeplechase Stakes, Brookline, July 17 2 300 Midsummer Steeplechase Handicap, Aqueduct, July 2S 3 100 Brook Cup Steeplechase Handicap. Belmont Park, Sept. 6 3 100 Total $ 1,475 Back Bay, b. g, 7, by Bubicon — Genna. Prince of Wales Handicap, Toronto, May 2s I $ 75 Laurel Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 1 1 1,395 Total $ 1,470 Slipper Bay, br. f, 4, by Maxtimas — Blue Grouse. Canadian Handicap, Windsor, Aug. 19... 1 $ 1,435 Duke of Duluth, b. g, 9, by Royal Flush III.— D. A. B. Brook Cup Steeplechase Handicap, Belmont Park, Sept. 6 1 $ 1,355 Hanson, ch. g, 3, by Oddfellow — Jane Eyre. Seneca Selling Stakes. Saratoga. Aug. 3. 1 $ 075 Delaware Handicap, Saratoga Aug. 9... 3 150 Fox Hill Handicap, Havre de Grace, I Sept. 20 3 100 Port Deposit Selling Stakes, Havre de Grace, Sept. 23 2 200 Columbus Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 12.... I 100 Georgetown llighweight Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 26 3 100 Total $ 1,325 Amphion, b. g, 4, by Inferno— Court Maid II. William Hendrie Memorial Handicap, Toronto, May 29 1 $ 1,305 Mission Bell, b. f, 2, by Peep oDay — Run of Luck. Hinata Stakes. Lexington, April 27 1 $ 1,287 Success, br. c, 2, by Waterboy — Enterprise. Greenfield Selling Stakes. Jamaica, June 14 3 $ 100 Cauarsie Selling Stakes, Aqueduct, June : ,o 2 200 Frivolty Selling Stakes. Belmont Park. b July 14 2 200 Troy Selling Stakes, Saratoga, Aug. 10.. 1 075 Mineola Selling Stakes. Belmont Park, Sept. 2 3 100 Total $ 1.275 John Graham, br. g, 8, by Fake or Modred — Leenja. Independence Handicap, Denver. July 5.. 3 $ 150 Ex| osition Handicap, San Francisco, Aug. , 21 J 3 100 Stewards tup Selling Stakes, San Francisco. Aug. 2S 1 675 President Cup Handicap, San Francisco, Sept. 4 3 100 Golden Gate Handicap, San Francisco, Sept. 9 2 250 Total $ 1,275 Chester Krum, ch. g, 8, by Sir Hercules — Ravolette. Woodbine Steeplechase. Toronto, May 25 1 $ 1,155 Country Club Grand Annual Steeplechase Handicap, Brookline, June 19 3 100 Total $ 1,255 Kcotenay, ch. g, 7. by Ben Strome — My Beauty. Dos Republicas Handicap, Juarez, March 1 1 ,050 Reno Handicap. Reno, Aug. 7 3 100 Stewards Cup Selling Stakes, San Francisco, Aug. 28 3 100 Total $ 1.250 Black Broom, ch. g, 4, by Broomstick — Black Venus. Connaught Cup, Montreal, June 10 1 $ 1.225 Chicle, b. c, 2, by Spearmint— Lady Hamburg II, Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Sept. 8 1 ,005 Nursery Handicap, Belmcnt Park, Sept. 14 3 150 Total $ 1,215 Carbide, br. c, 3, by Celt — Lady Goda. Carrollton Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 5 1 $ 1,205 Compliment, ch. g, 7, by Ort Wells — Adeek. Eastview Steopleechase Handicap, Belmont Park, July 21 1 $ 9S5 North American Steeplechase Handicap, Saratoga, Aug. 7 2 200 Total $ 1,185 Squeeler, br. g, 4, by John F. — Loreta Phillips. Penu Sell in«- Stakes, Havre de Grace, April 17 1 $ 675 Jacques Carticr Selling Stakes, Montreal, June 15 2 300 Fifton Plate Selling Handicap Conuaught Park. June M 3 100 Fourth of July Handicap, Fort Erie, July 5 3 100 Total $ 1,175 Cock o the Walk, ch. h, 5, by Peep oDay — Ellangowan. Chesterbrook Handicap, Havre de Grace, Sept. 29 1 $ 1,150 Sleeth, b. g. 6, by Deutschland — Merida. Cherokee Selling Stakes, Churchill Downs. Oct. 4 1 $ 1,110 Pan Zareta, ch. m, 5, by Abe Frank— Caddie Griffith. Dos Republicas Handicap, Juarez, March 7 2 $ 250 Prince of Wales Handicap, Toronto, May 28 1 570 Falls City Handicap, Churchill Downs, September 29 3 250 Total $ 1,070 Blue Thistle, b. g, 6, by Blue— Wild Thistle. Garden. City Selling Stakes, Jamaica, June 10 3 $ 100 Melrose Selling Stakes, Aqueduct. July 29 I 100 Cecil Selling Stakes, Havre de Grace. Sept. 15 1 675 Anne Arundel Selling Stakes, Laurel, Oct. 29 2 200 Total $ 1,075 Rediand, b. g, 3, by Plaudit— Buby Light. Champlain Selling Stakes. Montreal, Sept. 9 2 $ 200 Seagram Cup Handicap, Toronto, Sept. 23 1 805 Total $ 1,065 Ghetto Girl, b. f, 3, by Ben Brush— Debacle. Cbapultepec Handicap, Juarez, Feb. 28 . . 1 $ 1,050 Prohibition, ch. c, 2, by Voter — Goody Good. Hochelaga Handicap, Montreal, Sept. 6.. 1 $ 1,045 A N. Akin, b. g, 3, by Algol — Tremar. Champlain Selling Stakes, Montreal, Sept. 9 1 $ 1,000 Rose Marian, ch. f, 2, by General Roberts — Rose Cherry. Juvenile Stakes. Denver. June 19 2 $ 200 Juvenile Stakes. Rene.. July 24 1 070 Juvenile Handicap. San Francisco, Sept. 11 2 100 Total $ 970 Kewessa, b. g, 5, by McGee — Sanfara. " Chester Selling Stakes, Havre de Grace. April 22 1 $ 675 Pbildelphia -Handicap, Havre do Grace. April 24 3 100 Prince of Wales Handicap, Tornnto, Mav 28 *. 2 125 Total ...$ 950 Pons Asinorum, ch. g, 6, by Locohatchee— La France. Pimlico Subscription Steeplechase Handicap, Pimlico, Nov. 6 1 $ 000 Etruscan, ch. g, 3, by Burgomaster — Fiesole. Stake, Track and Date. Fin. Amt. Arrow Selling Stakes, Belmont Park, July 19 ■ I «7o Mount Roval Handicap, Havre lc Grace, Sept. 10 2 200 Total $ 875 Garter, ch, g. 5, by Golden Garter — Fair Empress, llelter Skelter Selling Steeplechase, Toronto, May 26 1 $ C25 Hendrie Memorial Steeplechase Handicap, Montreal, Sept. 4 2 250 Total $ 875 Hands Off, b. c, 2, by Plaudit— Meddling Mary. Frivolity Selling Stakes, Belmont Park, July 14 1 $ 675 Mineola Selling Stakes, Belmont Park, Sept. 2 .... 2 200 Total $ 875 Scarlet Oaks, b. f, 4, by Dick Welles— Glena. Opening Handicap, Reno, July 17 1 $ 670 Geraldiue Handicap, San Francisco, Sept. 6 2 200 Total $ 870 El Bart, ch. g, 7, by Fatherless— Network. Shillalah Selling Steeplechase, Saratoga, Aug. 2 1 $ 665 Beverwvck Steeplechase Handicap, Saratoga, Aug. 28 2 200 Total $ 805 Colonel Marchmont. b. g, 7, by Marchmont II.— Nina F. El Paso Selling Stakes, Juarez, Feb. 14.. 1 $ S05 Otheilo, blk. c, 4, by Lithos — Flash of Night. Rio Grande Selling Stakes, Juarez, Jan. 17 1 $ S05 Lukemae, b. g, 3, by Luke Ward — Jessie Mae. Chihuahua Selling Stakes, Juarez, Jan. 31 1 $ 865 Aunt Sal, ch. f, 2, by Salvation — Antioch. Senoritas Stakes, Juarez. Feb. 12 2 $ 125 Mexican Selling Stakes, Juarez, Feb. 21.. 1 725 Total 5 850 Knight of Merci, b. g, 6, by Kni-ht of the Thistle-Penitence II, National Hunt Cup Steeplechase, Brookline, June 19 1 $ 040 Shillelah Selling Steeplechase, Saratoga, Aug. 2 3 100 North American Steeplechase Handicap, Saratoga, Aug. 7 I 100 Total $ S40 Blume, ch. f, 2, by Broomstick — Blue Girl. Ottawa Electric Railway Stakes, Con-naught lark. June 21 1 $ 740 Kentucky Selling Stakes, Saratoga, Aug. 16 3 100 Total $ 840 Schulenberg, b. g, 2, by Luke Ward — Madge Hatten. Supremo Stakes, Juarez, March 14 1 $ 810 King Hamburg, b. c, 3, by Waterboy — Hamburg Belle. Duke of Connaught Cup Handicap, Con-naught Park, June M 1 $ 795 Billy Frew, b, c, 2, by Oiseau — Mome d" Amour. Stake, Track and Date. Fin. Amt. Provincial Nursery Stakes, Montreal, Sept. 7 1 $ 775 Videt, b. g, 3, by The Picket — La Grccque. Sifton Plato Selling Handicap, Connaught lark, June 19 1 $ 770 Washoe Belle, br. f, 2, by Sweep — Grace Commoner. Juvenile Stakes, Denver, June 19 1 $ 670 Juvenile Handicap, San Francisco, Sept. U 3 50 Total • $ 720 Cynosure, b. g, 6, by Star Shoot — Mercurial. A Woodbine Autumn Steeplechase Handicap, Toronto, Sept. 21 1 $ COO Pimlico Subscription Steeplechase Handicap, Pimlico, Nov. 0 I Total mt $ 600 Amain, ch, g, 7, by The Scribe— Tarantella. Newark Selling Stakes, Havre de Grace, April 27 1 $ 675 Hidden Star, blk, f, by Burgomaster— Black Venus Mineola Selling Stakes. Belmont Park, Sept. 2 1 $ 075 Orange Blossom, b. m, 5, by Joe Carey — Princesca. Geraldine Handicap, San Francisco, Sept. « 1 $ 675 Helen Barbee, ch. m, 7, by Peep oDay — Lady Bramble. Melrose Selling Stakes, Aqueduct, July 29 1 $ 675 Doublet, b. g, 3, by Disguise — Fairy Slipper. Amateur Cup, Belmont Park, May 29.... 1 $ 675 Wanda Pitzer, b. m, 5, by Peep oDay — My Gem. Newton Selling Stakes, Jamaica. June 21 1 $ 675 Watertown, br. g, 3, by Orsini — Devotion. Union Selling Stakes, Aqueduct, July 1.. 1 $ 675 Tiajan, b. c, 2, by Solitaire II. — Oratossa. Yucatan Stakes, Juarez, Feb. 7 1 $ 530 Supremo Stakes, Juarez, March 14 2 125 Total $ 655 Herculoid, b. g, 13, by Saville — Harpist. Harvester Steeplechase, Piping Rock, June 5 1 $ 650 Cloud, br. g, 7, by Albert — Scotch Lassie. Pining Rock National Plate Handicap, Piping Back, June 5 1 $ 615 Julia L., ch. f, 2, by Harrigan — Princess Tulane. Senoritas Stakes, Juarez, Feb. 12 1 $ 015 Ambrose, br. g, 5, by Disguise — Ambrosine. Suffolk Plate, Piping Rock, June 5 1 $ 560 Ed Cudihee, b. g, 2, by Golf Ball— Purse Hose. Juvenile Stakes, Reno. July 24 2 $ 200 Juvenile Handicap, San Francisco, Sept. 11 1 340 Total $ 540 Lampblack, br. g, 7, by Lamplighter — Bluette. Piping Rock Steeplechase Handicap, Piping Rock, Oct. 9 1 $ 350