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CAPT PRESGRAVES KENTUCKY PURCHASES. Lexington. Ky.. December •".: Off*. W. F. Pre«-grave loft lieie Sa tarda y night tor bis luime at Salisbury, lid., after psnehasiagC eight thoroughbred marcs and three weanlings, srhlefa are to be shipped to Salisbury .Motid.-:y. The mart* are Ella Ray. Stake**. Fancy Die--. Ba Clitr. Usury. Eucharee. Elizabeth B. and Giffi rds. The weanlings are a bay colt bv Donatio ■ - Ferrol tdam of Fountain Bluet, purchased from E. L. Davis of Mid.-. ay. and a colt and a fillv by Bryn Mawr. which he bought from UoL J. c/Durrett of Woodford County.