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HAMILTONS BIG NEW MUTUEL PLANT. Haiiiilbii. Out.. December s. — The annual meet ing .f the Hamilton Ji.ekev Club was held M"iiday. The annual re|H rl showed that the club had distributed in swan o.s:: i during its two meetings, notwithstanding that the revenue was much tielow other year-. The adaption of the pari-inutuel system, which is to go into force next season, necessitated a n«-w building for the installation .if the machines. This structure is now in course of erection, and. when completed, will |M 304 feet long. Tlie machine-, of wl.icli then- will Im* twenty -line, will N* of the m. -t modern type ami are li.uiud to meet w ith public applo :i I. Three l:eu -tabic* arc also being built to meet the demand- of the hoi.-,. men. TIm following officers were elected: President. J. J. Scott. K.C.; fir-t vice-president. George S. Kerr. K.C.: second vice president. H. J. Mclutyre: directors. F. C. Bruce. Major Gordon J. Henderson. J. F. Shea and R. It. Simpson: secretary -treasurer, A. U. Loudou, C. S. Scott, auditor.