All Serene Now at New Orleans: Governor Hall Satisfied with Explanations of Policy of the Coming Meeting, Daily Racing Form, 1915-12-17


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ALL SERENE NOW AT NEW ORLEANS Governor Hall Satisfied with Explanations of Policy y of the Coming Meeting. New Orleans. La.. December 16. — The threatened d misunderstanding between Governor Hall aud the a Business Mens Kacing Association, which for a time e yesterday had a squally asiH-ct. seemed today to o have cva|M rated anil complete accord apparently prevails between the staies chief executive and the e racing management. Governor Hall is not opjiosed d to racing. He is likewise awatfe that individual !l I letting is permissible under the Louisiana laws, | but he wants assurances that the law will lie observed ,1 and that the race uii-oiing shall not be used j by designing politicians for political purposes. The Business Mens Racing Association has met t the demand of the governor with an out aud out * assurance of complete compliance. On Wednesday V be was furnished with a list of employes and today •v be was supplied with a complete outline of the • plans and will lie asked to criticize and make suggestions :- witli reference to them. With the governor willing to l.e "shown" and d the association anxious to do the right thing, the • jMissibility of further difficulties is regarded as • remote. Judge Murphy was placed in complete charge of if tin- conduct of the meeting at a meeting of the e board of directors of the association Wednesday y night, and took occasion to reiterate his statements s made Wednesday morning, that there has not been II and will 1m- no appointments made of employee at j* the rail track that are dictated by any one. and. in addition, declared that throughout tlie meeting ! he will welcome suggestions from the governor of J tlie state, the mayor and the district attorney that lt may lead to the race meeting being conducted according -" to the laws • tlie stat". in every respect. "I have liecu placed in entire charge of the meeting." said Judge Murphy, "and under these conditions l I want t- see the meeting conducted along the same or even lietter lines than during the one |~ of 1914-15. In onler to attain tlie results de-tired. a I will lie glad to have Governor Hall. Mayor ir Behrman. or any of the other officials in authority y in the city or state, suggest any action or change ga in the |wjlicv of the association, necessary or advisable ]- t . bring efeaaa greater accord lietwoen the le conduct of the meeting and the statutes. Further r than this. Iioing in absolute authority at the Fair ir Grounds. 1 am In a imsitfion to state that I will lie reasonable responsible for the carrying out of if mcli suggestions to the letter, or else I will step n out and thev can get someone who will. ••New Orleans will have one of the greatest win ? t -r race meetings ever held in this country. More and better horses are here than have lieeii brought together of late vears in tlie winter time. It is the desire of the Busiie-ss Mens Racing Association " that the meeting run its course and be brought to a ton elusion without a single occurrence that would [d inar the historv of the winters snort. It will be „. my constant care that nothing of this kind does The yearlings of H. O. Comstock arrived at the ie track this morning from California. There was a big delegation of easterners who " come todav by steamer. They included jockey Tommy McTaggart. «"o will ride free lance during l- tlie meeting. Friends of L. H. Adair and Mrs. J. R. W ain-W »- right here were pleasantly surprised by the an a- iionucenient. which came from Houston. Texas. J today that thev had Im- -ii married and would ai live tomorrow ti spend their honeymoon in the ._ Cl.-illll ritv. They will make their home in n Lui-ville and Mr. Adair will probably return to the ranks of racing owners on a pretentious scale.

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Local Identifier: drf1915121701_1_3
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