Third Race [3rd Juarez, Daily Racing Form, 1915-12-17

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THIRD RACE — 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling, 13721—1:30—3—102. MOONLIGHT, b. g, 6 104 By Beacon Light — Princess Orna C. F. Brant. 21096 Juarez 1 l-* l:.".3%afst 41 97 1 2 3 3 421 3*1 H Stearns 6 K.Kringle, I . Graham, Mud Sill 24*74 Juarez 1 1-S l:57%good 2 103 6 2 2 2 2-.1. 4 J Morys 7 Fairly, B. Posev, C. McFerran ! MM Juarez 11:40 last 10 109 7 6 4* 3 1* l4 C Driscoll 11 The Monk, B. Buck, L. Innocence 4- t Juarez 1 l:42%fast 15 107 5 8 6 6 5-J 4 » E Cullen !» Marj. D., Skinny B., P. Stalwart t 23606 Mt.Uayl lm70yl:46 fast 15 105 3 7 10 91 6*1 J Dodd 13 The Lsher, I urin, Endurance •:: U Wdbine 1 1 16 l:4S%fast 116 98 I 6 6 9 9 S14 J Morys .; King Box, Orperth. Kate K. 23142 Wdbine ]m20y l:43%good 71 100 5 5 7 8 61 6i J Cruise 8 Alston, Stir Up, Change 22949 Dufferin 1 1-16 Df/Tgood 21 100 l1 F Jenkins 8 Ka venal. Briny Deep, Scrimmage -S70 Dufferin 6?. f 1 :25%fast 6 104 3* F Jenkins 8 Ntberner, C. McFerran, T.Monk "1972 Dufferin 6ifl:25 fast 7 113 8 8 8 8 7*1 L Meripole 8 Wavering. Eye White, Dixie 21C56 KingEd. 1 1-16 l:61»4fast 8-6 93 4 9 6 6*J J Dodd 9 AndrewODay. GallantBoy. Ajax DUNDREARY, b. g, 3 95 By Sempronius — Ameeras W. A. McKinney. iWJWM 1 l:40%fast 3 ]oo 13 4 3 3* 35J J Morys 10 Scallywag, »xer, Pro Kealis •:u:*0 Juarez 1 l:40%fast 3 98 3 4 3 3 3» 341 J Morys I Eastman, First Star. Furlong 4 i r. Juarez 1 l:46%slow 3 loo 3 3 2 1 11 34 J Morys S D.Mntgoraery, Penalty, B.Oneil ■4 M4 Juarez 1 l:42%fast 1 93 2 3 3 2 Is l2 J Morys !» Francis, D. Montgomery, Penalty I 24032 Juarez 3-4 1 :13%fast 20 97 6 8 7 6* 5*3 T Henry • Miss Fielder, OldBob, B.Johnson 2:r6 latonia lm70v 1:47 mud 36 99 6 4 3 4 52 6»»1T Henry 11 St.Crlcote, W.Crown. Cauretta ! 231 a I -xgton 1 1-16 l:47M,fast 99 95 7 8 8 9 9 91S F Williamsll Malabar, Tsportation, J. Goebel i 22841 1-xgt on ll:397ifast 76 lo7 5 5 7 8 81 7,s F Murphy 10 McAdoo, F.A.Weigle. Coauretta u 2-386 Windsor 1 1 :42%fast 24-5 97 7 2 4 8 9 9"1F Murphy 9 Birka, J.H.Houghton, H.Lauder r MM Windsor 1 1-16 l:51?shvy rid 96 f 2 2 3 3* 4» J Morys S Redland, Balfron, Aprisa 2".92 KortErie 1 1-16 l:46%fast 111 105 2 2 3 8 71 7» P Murphy 10 Guide Post, Fly Home, Mockery 2-Wi FortErie 1 1-16 1 :50«*hvy 17-10 108 12 4 4 4l 3* F Murphy 5 Raincoat, Kneelct, Star of Love 21949 Hamton 1 l:40*4slow 9 100 6 6 5 6 4l 451 V Murphy 8 Bushy Head. Martian. Car.Orme e LADY INNOCENCE, b. f. 4 104 By Salvation — Mi Reina W. F. Gloss. 21071 Juarez 1 1-8 l:57 igood 4 103 7 5 4 4 5° 5 H Stearns 7 Fairly, B. Posey, C. McFerran ••4o60 Juarez 1 1:42 last 6 103 5 7 6 5 42 ll H Stearns 9 L.Young. Transparent, B.sBuck « 24031 Juarez 11:40 fast 6 109 8 7 7 8 65 41U H Stearns 11 Moonlight, T.Monk, L.Inuocence e MM Juarez 1 l:42%fast 12 112 8 4 5 4 42 6121A Pickens ii Marj. 1.. Skinny B., P. Stalwart 1 23470 Laurel lm70y 1:54 hvy 110 107 6 6 7 7 7 7" W Lilley 7 Dartworth, Luther. Kris Kringle e "3 -87 Mt. Royal lm20yl:41%fast 10 108 8 8 7 81 111S A Pickens 11 Fastoso. Trovato, Voladay Jr. 2V25 Mt.Royl 1 1-16 1:49 fast 6 112 6 6 2 l1 2n A Pickens 7 Kinniundy, N. Muchacho. E. Boy y 23103 Mt.Royl 1 1-16 l:48%fast 15 109 4 6 5 61 7« R Estep 7 VoladayJr., Zodiac, L.oKcaldv t 23066 Mt.Royl 1 1-16 l:49%fast 10 106 4 3 10 10 71 W Doyle 10 Weyanoke. P.Regan, L.V.Zandt t 2-639 Mneuve 61 f l:23andfast 2 112 6 6 5l 32i D Boland 9 Dom Moran, E.Boy. N.Muchacho o 22587 Mneuve 61 f 1:26 slow 4 112 6 4 4 4»1 W Doyle 7 Civil Lass, Malik. Hazel C. SHARPER KNIGHT, b. g. 5 104 By The Sharper— Zella Knight I. Striker. 4111 Juarez 7-8 1:27 fast 12 104 10 10 10 10 10 91510 Driscoll 11 Frokendale, L. Young, Chris. Eve 24ti95 Juarez 7-8 1:28 fast 10 103 8 8 8 8 6nk 75J C Driscoll ! Kid Nelson, Upright, Ortyx 24O60 Juarez 1 1:42 fast 5 107 9 9 9 9 810 812 C Driscoll !» L.Iocence, L.Young. Tnsparent t 24036 Juarez 1 l:40y5fast 6 104 7 7 6 6 5« 5,01C Driscoll 7 C. McFerran, FirstStar, J.Nolan n 24006 Juarez 7-8 l:28%fast 8 107 11 11 11 7 321 l" C Driscoll 11 J.Nolan. John Louis, Petit Bleu u MM Juarez 1 l:41»sfast 7 111 10 9 8 7 9 9=i J McCabe 10 Harwood, Mollie Cad, Eastman 23733 Mt.Royl lm70yl:5O slow 5 107 11 9 8 M 2° W Doyle 11 J. Harris, K. McDowell, Ed.Mott t MM Mt. Royal 3-4 1 :17%mud 8 106 11 10 91 8" E Cullen 11 Mercurium, Mazurka. Autumn 2»M Mt.Rovl lm70yl:46 fast 10 110 9 15 15 131 1412JD McOthy 15 The Usher, Durin. Endurance 23328 H illcrest 61 t 1:26 fast 2 lh9 8 9 6 71 7=1T McCullblC Ashokan. Scrimmage. Mamlta MM Mt.Rovl 1 1-16 1:4S fast 8-5 110 10 10 6 8l 410 J DeavprtlO Shepherdess, Ajax, Endurance •■::• -7 Mt.Roval 3 4 1:14 fast 21 112 9 7 6* 21 J Deavpt 10 Spohn, Miuda, Nila 231M Mt.Roval 3-4 1:14%fast 5 112 5 5 41 3U J Deavpt 5 Big Lnmax, Ml III Inlan 23099 Mt.Roval 5 8 1:01%fast 10 108 7 8 S 42 T MeCnlFh 9 Lenavaal, Black Chief. Dromi 22606 Mneuve 61 f 1:25 fast 6-6 IS Y 5 4 57J A Mthews 8 D.Moran. N.Mchacho. J.L.Dsey LADY YOUNG, ch. m. 6 100 By Henry Young— Masker T. Hatfield. 1111 Juarez 7-8 1:27 fast 4 lo5 9 4 3 3 3= 2;1 B Cullen 11 Frokendale, Christ. Eve, Tparent 24093 Juarez 7 8 l:26Vtfaat ■ M 7 7 6 7 7 7*1E Cullen 7 Mereutm, Ghlsiuhile, Swttlale S 24063 Juarez ll:47%slow 6-5 vfl 4 3 3 2 621 Slc W Brazel Fairly, Petit Bleu, Gerds 241*60 Juarez 11:42 fast 6-5 103 4 2 2 1 Is 21 W Brazel 9 L.Inoeeuce, Tnsparent, B.Buck k 2407.3 Juar-z 7-S l:26%fast 1 109 6 3 2 2 221 21 W J OBn 8 Old Coin, B. Johnson, Christ. Eve M42 Juarez 7-8 l:26%fast 2 109 2 5 4 3 22 2* W J OBn G Edith W., But.Ball, H.Walbank 24O09 Juarez 7-S l:27M;fast 5 109 2 2 4 3 52 6° W J OBn 7 Furlong. M. Emily. C.McFerran J 2:;234 .SanFran. 1 l:4 j*4fast — 103 5 2 2 1 1* l2 W Brazel « Cx»nflagration, Brando, Cecil 22190 San I Van. 1 1:41 fast — 106 6 3 4 2 22 31 W Brazel 7 Brando, Zoroaster, Christ. Eve 2I133 SanFran. 1 1:41 fast — 106 3 2 2 1 121 I1 W Brazel 7 Christ. Eve. Neb. Lass, Stelclifl r • -996 SanFran. 1 1:41 fast — 106 4 3 2 2 2« 2*» W Brazel 8 Nebraska Lass, Fairly, Superl MM SanFran. 1 1:41 fast — 108 4 5 5 2 2* ll W Brazel 9 Frazzle, Christmas Eve, Quick 2 122 SanFran. 3-4 l:13%fast — 115 5 4 4 3U 3C1 R Feeney 7 Tight Boy, Frazzle. Quick •742 SanFran. 7-8 1:28%fast — 113 4 2 1 1 1 22 R Carter 8 Eleetrowan, S. Gold, T.Chapman n MM SanFran. 3-t 1 :15%fast — 113 5 2 3 21 U R Carter 8 Cus. House, Sweetbait. B. Lynch D 22183 Reno 1 l:41%fart 9 112 2 2 3 2 2* 11 R Carter 6 Eastman. Fairly. Wise Mason JOHN WALTERS, b. g, 3 91 By Dorante — Montgomery Cooper W. F. Knebel- , *" kamp. MM Juar.z 5?. f 1 :07%fast 100 104 12 13 13 13 133" T Hunt 13 Delanev, OWsmobile, Brighouse ■1037 Juarez 3-4 1:14 fast 15 112 4 6 5 42 4SJ .1 Acton S Cossack, BonniesBuek, Andyll. , •1«;.,7 KingEd. 3-4 l:17-:f,fast 6 104 7 G 6 GIA Pickens 10 Rescue. Bulger. Endurance • if,!-. D.-1 mier 7-Sl:30%fast 12 Kt7 6 6 7 718 W Mnders 7 Ravenal, A.Herndon, Single Toe „ "1426 Delmier 7-8 1:30 fast 40 102 7 8 7 7« C Whymkll Yanker, Old Gotch, Energetic MB Del* mier 6i f 1:25 fast 20 102 6 7 6 5* C While 10 Blming Posey. Massenet. PhilT. r " GANO. ch. c t 99 By Dick Welles — May Lavona H. W. Hoac. •1 lH Juar.z 3 4 1:13 fast 40 lo.i | 8 8 8 S *?.C Cross I .Mack Ii. Eubanks, Dryad, Colle le ItMI lain 51 I 17%CbM 40 112 8 11 12 11 ll21 C Gross IS Delaney, Oldsmobile, Brighonse 8 2 v. » SanFran. 1 1-16 l:47*itast — 04 2 5 4 5 5* 6" C Gross 7 Neb. Lass, Ceos. HenrvWalbank |K 2 SM SanFran. 1 l:41%fast — 103 2 5 6 5 32J 321 C Gross 8 Brando, H.Walbank, T.Chapman 1 2-766 SanFran. 1 1 :41 fast — 105 3 3 3 3 5° 5J C Gross 7 El Pato. Brando, Ora McGee 22644 SanFran. 1 1 :4 JM;fast — 105 3 3 3 2 2s 33 V, Gross S Rey. Brando, Ora McGee 22581 SanFran. 7-8 1:29 fast — 112 3 3 2 2 221 2*1 C Gross 5 Lady M. M.. Ora McGee, Coos "24 »7 Reno 1 l:40%fast 4-j 103 4 4 4 4 32 2* C Gross 5 Rey. Christmas Eve, Canapa 22339 Reno 7-8 1 :27*tfast . 73-10 104 2 4 5 4 21 2 * C Gross • W.C.West, L.Paul, R.Sannonll. • •••-174 Reno 1 1-S 1 :54%fast 29 5 117 4 13 3 3* 3* C Gross I Star Shooter, Stolen Ante, Alda "•• por, K.-no 11:41 fast 23-10 M 13 3 2 P* 121 ; Gross I! Tom Chapman, L.Young. Delmas Js tDBBm 7Sl:28%fast 3-2 107 3 4 5 4 Ill3 C iross 7 Dick Benson. S. Gold, Neb. Lass 2I9C9 Reno 7-S l:27Vifast 21-5 110 6 4 4 3 2*1 2»k c Gross « Tom Chapman, Rhodes, Row-as . 21854 Reno 7 8 1 :27%fast 69-10 K7 3 2 3 3 32 44J C Gross 7 L. Young. W.C.West, Neb.Lass ,.K 21M » Reno M l:27%fast 16 6 110 3 3 4 5 5=1 5-rl C Gross 7 Gimli. Zamloch. Miss Edilh

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Local Identifier: drf1915121701_5_1
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