Fourth Race [4th Havana, Daily Racing Form, 1915-12-22

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FOURTH RACE— 5-8 MBe. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 24123— 1.NK I 1ML| WATER LILY. ch. f. 4 118 By Watercress — Almadie G. A. Alexandra. 1116 Havana 6-8 1 :0»%fast ?S 112 5 5 2 l1?. I2 S Wolstm S Encore. P.riar Path. Skiles Knob I, r4 :20 Bowie 61 f 1:20— .fast 42-5 110 4 2 1 1?. 4J J McTagrt S Pontefract, BctwnCs, T.asSteel 1 2C969 Bowie 3-4 l:13%fast 41 107 1 1 1 1"* 1° J McTagrt S Pntefract. Gleaming. Aldebaran ii "3 43 Bowie 3-4 l:14%fast 12 107 2 4 2 2l 31 S Wolstm 15 MrtinCasca, Alhena. Pontefract t r"i.44 Iaurel 51 f 1:07 fast 28 112 8 7 8 4* 4*1 J Callahan 9 Squeeler, Scaramouch, Forum "348 Laurel 3-4 LOmud 23 126 8 7 8 8 7t4l.G AlexrJr 8 Humiliation, EnverBey, JesseJr. •. r,3 t44 Dorval 3-4 1:12 %fast 27-20 107 3 4 2 21 l1! J Callahan r. Pontefract. Z in Del. R.Langdon n 22731 BlueBon 3-4 l:12M;fa8t 6-5 107 8 5 4 4* 4s! W Ural 9 TheBusybody. ZinDel. Sempsilla a r"":.69 Conght 3-4 l:14%fast 9-5 111 4 4 4 4s 2* R McDott 8 Marj. A., U.Jimmie, T.Busybody y "2S50 on ght 5?. f l:0S%good 8-5 115 6 2 1 11 2" E Haynes 8 Commensia, P.Petal, Brandywine i 22410 Windsor 2-4 1:13 fast 3 108 3 2 1 22 1" W Ural 9 A. N. Akin, Useeit, Pontefract t IMPERATOR, ch. r. 4 109 By Peter Quince — Sparkle J. B. Cloher. -1123 Havana 6-8 LoOijfast 1 116 1 2 2 2s l3 J Hatt 7 Sonny Boy, Chitra, Moncreif "••974 Lex et on 3-4 1-13%fast 3-2 104 3 2 3 2f. 5*0 J Kederis 10 Grecian. Lackrose, Uncle Hart 22906 Lexgton 3-4 1 :13%fast 13-20 101 2 4 3 3i 43J K Lapaillell MissFielder, Colle, Lady J. Grey v "•435 Windsor 3-4 l:13M fast 7-5 111 10 9 8 41 3=i A Claver 12 Bmsedge, Cniauretta, M. Casca a 2224S Windsor 51 f l:06»ifast 3-2 104 6 4 3 21 22 A Claver 10 Marjorie A.. Useeit, Pontefract t 21817 Hamton 3-4 lliy-fast 3 109 2 3 2 31 66 W W Tlor 9 Yorkville, PrivetPctal, B.Around ,1 21665 Windsor 3-4 l:lC%mud 71-10 109 6 6 6 7* 8" W W Tlor S C.onD livery, Yghee, Kdereros a WANDA PITZER. b. m. B 113 By Peep oDay— My Gem J. S. Ownbey. "3V76 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast 13-20 112 5 3 - 22 l1 M Buxton 5 Briar Iath. Joe Blair, Videt 2.".S56 Pimlico 3-4 1:11 fast 3 105 12 9 6 42 2nk M Mthewsl5 Pollux, Sand Marsh, Nauslion 23544 Laurel 51 f 1:07 fast 27-20 1«9 5 4 4 51 54J L Mink 9 Squeeler, Scaramouch, Forum 2;;:rr2 Laurel 3-4 1:19 slop 16 107 5 6 6 6 5101A Collins C Pollux. Isirose. Briar Iath 2 751 Belmont 7-8 l:25%fast 6 MS 5 5 4 3 41 4s M M thews 9 Blue Thistle, T.asSteel, Pullnx x "2."..".5 Saratoga 1 l:41~iast 9-5 106 1 2 1 2 2» 221 L Allen 6 Lahore, Napier, Don.Macdonald j 224C7 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 fast 2 109 2 2 1 1* l2 M Buxton 9 Fenmouse, Helen Barbee, Ilaria a 2] i9 Aqueduct 1 l:39%fast 3 108 1 3 3 2 3» 45 M Mtnews 7 Lazuli. Lahore, Lady Panchita "1CS7 Belmont 3-4 l:13%fast 7 117 1 6 4 41 62| M Mthews 8 Etruscan, Cy Merrick. Fenmonse e 21235 Aqueduct 3-4 1:14 fast 41 110 3 4 4 2a 1" M Mthewa 7 Etruscan. He Will. Helen Barbee p ENCORE, b. g. 8 101 By Plaudit — Expressing J. Arthur. •4115 Havana 5-S 1 :0t fast 1-2 M 2 111" 1- I Iargtoe. 5 Skiles Knob, Sonr.yP.oy, Q.Apple y ••4110 Havana 5-8 l:O0%fast 0-5 1 JC 3 1 1 2" 2- T Par gton S Water Lily, Briar Path, S.Kuob " ••Hr *» Bowie 61 f l:20%fast 61 107 1 12 7= 04i T Pargton S Pontefract. BetwnUs, T.asSteel 1 ".;»:;,", Bowie 3-4 l:15«/islow 21-5 110 2 11 ll ln T Pargton i Between Us, Prairie, Vignola aSM Bowie 3-4 1:13%fast 63-20 105 1 1 1 I1 ln T Par gtonll Prairie, Pontefract. Gloaming 23894 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%fast "1 90 2 11 l1 l2 L McAtee ! M.s Choice, L.London, Camellia a 238SC Pimlico 3-4 1:13 fast fid 92 2 3 12 13J 13121L McAtee 15 Pullux. W. Pitzer, Sand Marsh r"051 FortErie 6* f l:09%hvy 5 101 3 1 1 l3 11 P Lowder fl KnightsDiffer, Laura, M.Johnson s 21944 Hamton 3-4 1 :15%slow 8 101 1 2 2 31 4«J L McAtee 9 Yorkville, Zin Del. Laura 119 Hamton 1 1:40 fast 3 95 2 1 1 1 l1 I1 P Lowder 10 Valas, Carrie Orme, Subject ■•1784 Hamton 1 1-16 1:46 fast 6 94 2 1 1 2 32 4s T Hayes 12 Fenrock. Dicks Pet, Dundreary , 216-6 Windsor 1 l:40%fast 4 97 3 1 1 2 21! 4* L McAtee 10 Cannonade. Dundreary. W.sLast j 21.190 FortErie 3-4 l:16%slow 31 91 3 2 2 41 711 A Collins 8 Water Lady, Vogue, Bendel 21310 Hamton 3-4 1:14 fast 6 100 3 4 3 61 811 J Acton 12 Betterton, Commensln, Richwood fl 2107 Hamton 1 1:40 fast 3 88 3 2 2 2 2nk 21 L McAtee S Squeeler, Burwood, Baby Sister . 20821 BlueBon. 61 f 1 :07%fast 13 102 7 6 7 81 7» F Cooper 11 Zin Del. Kewessa, Squeeler 20525 Wdbine 3-4 1:13 fast fid 89 5 1 1 1* ln A Collins 10 The Spirit, Glint. Ada Anne BRIAR PATH, b. m. B 107 By Marta Santa — Sweet Alice H. G. Bedwelll- 241K Havana B-8 l: « %fast 21 111 6 4 3 3» 331 E Taplin S Water Lily. Encore, Skiles Knob , u rsiC Bowie 3-4 l:13%£aat 7 110 2 2 3 3s 7s F Cooper 11 Encore, Prairie. Pontefract r,::" 7 Bowie 3-4 1:13 fast 11 110 5 3 3 5° 48i J Smyth 1 Squeeler. Aldebaran, Prairie 2387C Pimlico 2 1 1 :14 fast 61 106 1 2 3 3* 21 F Cooi er 5 Wnnda Pitzer. Joe Blair. Videt t 2385C Iimlico 3-4 1:13 fast 30 106 1 2 4 7l 73J F Cooper 15 Pullux, W. Pitzer. Sand Marsh 23511 Laurel 51 f l:0S%good 11-5 102 2 2 2 2"k 21 F Coojier 12 Forum, Crossbun, Enver Bey 23372 Laurel 3-4 1:19 slop 38 103 1 2 3 3l 351 F Cooper Pullux. Isirose, Naushon * "S1 H deGce 3-4 l:13%fast 15 107 1 3 2 51 32i F Cooper 12 Sand Marsh, T.asSteel, Sarsenet t " BlueBon. 3-4 l:13*jjslow 19 106 1 3 5 3n 331 F Cooper 8 Sempsilla, Videt, Crossbun r,r,409 Windsor 6» f 1:07 fast 29-5 1*6 11 10 11 11 llns Wolstm 1 1 Zin Pel, Rubicon II.. Dignity "43S FortErie 51 f l:12%hvy 14 111 2 4 3 4nk 4»1 E Taplin fl Zin Del, The Spirit. King Worth 5 21292 Hamton 61 f l:07%fast 4 106 3 7 7 71 71S1E Taplin S Slipper Day. Deposit. Viley SKILES KNOB, ch. g. 3 100 By Hurst Park — Felicity Murrat W. Feuchtcr. 24145 Havana 5-8 1*1 fast E M .1 I 2 2:; 2: J IeniVe IBM«, Sonny Boy. OneeilApple te 4110 Havana f,-S 1 : V fast 10 ]o9 7 3 4 43 471 J Pearee S Water Lily, Encore. Briar Path , r,l "68 I-atonia 3-4 1 :l2°5fast 32 97 3 119 9,:11K Lapaille !» Cliarnieuse, H.OD.iy, Ros.Goose ~U »~, Latonia 3-4 1 :13 fast 38 10S 2 117 74J P Keosh 8 Droll, Iinperator. tseeit "■"fiS Iatonia 3-4 1:14 good 39-5 108 2 2 3 31 9;3 D Stirling 10 R. Joose, W. Witch. Imperator n ■871 Latonia 3-4 l:lifast 26 109 2 2 3 42 67J L Gentry i B. and Stars. Converse, Cn.Bryn n 0776 Douglas 3-4 1:12 fast 40 106 4 2 6 71 11"!L Gentry 11 R.andSaiidie. M.Cassidy, D.Crnien ,n ".1713 Douglas 3-4 1 :12 i;fast IS 112 2 11 2» 5UL Gentry 7 B. and Stars. M.Fielder. Converse m 20330 hurchill 61 f lJfast 24-6 109 3 12 9 13= J Buiwell 14 H.andStars. R. Goose. Huntress .s MONTREAL b. f. 4 99 By Albula or Hinsdale — Quebec B. Stansberry . •11 3 Havana 5 * 1 :00ifast 12 V* 2 4 4 51 0-7V Meehan 7 Imperator. Sonny Boy. Chitra •"•,907 Bowie lni ""v 1 :4." 81 108 0 6 0 7 9= ! -.! Pitz 10 I». of Kunitar. Earlymorn. Itatwa ■ r:7 i Mt Boyl lni2!vl:4!%bvy 4 ]oS 3 2 2 2l Sl E Cullen 8 The Islier, Sir Ulaise. P. Dumas •- "iOOS Ml Povl lni20vl:5 hvv 5 loo 0 4 3 21 4-1 .1 Cruise 8 Mellinioek, Ielina. Euterne "•iofi" Mt Rovl 1 1-16*1 :4SVsfa8t 7 106 9 7 5 •- 7V E Cullen 8 WnphenaV.— . Euterpe. Zodiac 2! B2 Hillereat 1 l-lr i-lshvv 5 H" 1 1113 1" K Cvllen 7 Mycenae. Mike ..hen. Font ~"-i r Hillcrest 61 f 1 :20 fast 4 115 4 3 3 21 31 1 Jenkins 7 Hykl Frigi.l. Queed ""M Hillcrest 61 f l:20Sj,fast 5 110 7 5 5 31 21 R Cullen ft Rebecca Moses. Hyki. Van Bn ■■• "r y/n povl 1 1-16 1:49- fast 8 105 1 4 4 4:1 5 E Cullen R C. McFeiran. Endurance. Ci«ko • "ley Mt Roval 3-4 1:14 fast 10 112 3 7 C1 57 It Lowe 10 Inquieta, Belle Tcrre, Spohn

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