Juarez Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday, December 22, Daily Racing Form, 1915-12-22


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Juarez Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday, December 22. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. o o The figures under the heading "Rec." in the I I entries below show the best time of each horse | I at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter j I where it finished. In caies where record was j I made on other than a fast or good track, abbre- I I viations show track conditions. «, . o Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 3:TO. Xlluns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. Ml maidens. •Apprentice allowance. Fiist Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. :: -year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: I3GS7— 1 :0.1%— ft— 150. Ind. H«.ise. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. 24133 T.-nlilU. 104 1:07% I MS..M liwr *:. v. Kisk i- na; i:o7--. :: 88X889 2::o7:t F:i..i-iie Article ..101 1:11% S W..W 21114* King Chilton MB 1:88% I MTXW 21133 Waxoiuall no 1:10 4 ios. .«■ .-, 24i::;* Gegxety MB 1:M :; HxM MUt* "1. Randell MM« I 88X383 21147 Cool HW 1:11% 18 188X888 2411*» Marshal Tilgliman.il.". 1 : S 6 10NX*iftO 24133 Nol.le Craiid 11.". 1:07% 8 112X000 24«il I-idv Pender MS 1:88% t lttXM L 4o7.;* Preaperoa Baby .. 1*8 1*8* :i OS. .ftso 240CO* Hapsi.urg II. 114 1:08% 3 181XMM 2:Si:n* Jolly Tar 1111:88% 5 107XOM * Taiier Tip. ldk. h. In- Wax Taper — Kate MM I io.°. Tordillo is likely to improve over his last race. Second Race — 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: IT738 1..MJ% 1 Wt.| 24110 Wild Bear « 100X72.". 241.V:* TilMson ft7 1:41% t 100 v 720 24151= Ben Lew MS 1 :•".»% 4 102.. 720 241.".:: Ronnies Hack 1 K 1 ::»»:f. 4 112x71.". 1!»S7:;* Sen.rita Pana ■• l:.Sl~ .". 07.. 710 24114* l-cuolo ." !KX705 24H7 John I.onis Ill IMS% 10 102x70.". 24114 Acumen 100 1 :::s S 108X705 241M IMvataaa 110 1:41 ". 11SX788 24127* Skinny B MS 1:43 -■; I 0.!X«00 2411.::* Swede Saul M8 1:30!.-. 11 07 ;;«» 2410.:* Kl.i.k Mate 103 1:38% 11 07X0!H» 24 i.v:* Tke Monk ios i ::;s-v, s 07 x «khi 24111* Pro K.alis 114 18* 8 M8X888 24i::i Argent 02 l:4":ir.s 3 lOoXOSW Wild P.ears general form is clearly liest. Third Race— 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track Meant: H888 — 1:88% 8 ltf. In.*, Bane. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 241011* Mack B. Enhanks. .104 1:1114 0 110X725 24101 * Colle M 1:12% 4 10.". X 720 24132* Metro|M.litan 117 1:12% B 1418x720 241.;.-.-* Tactless 107 1:13% .". 188x713 241.".".* Strathearn MB 1:14% 4 188X718 24181 Vino 112 1:13% .". ior.x7n.". 24110* Auntie Curl 188 1:13% 4 100x700 24005* Willis 1 OS 1 : 1 :s "■- r, MB X 000 Mack B. Enhanks has been showing improved form. Fourth Race — 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling Handicap. Track record: 13412— 1 :2:;=?-.— .". — 110. 241.-.4 KOOTENAY 187 1:24% 7 110X730 24i:: ; Bt*ek8eU M4 1:25 " o«x72i 24138* Carlteae 82 1:28% 8 108x720 24138* star of Lave 88 l:::o:-. 3 M2X720 24130 Bonanza OS 1 :25% 8 10s©71." Kootenay has lieen racing well in lietter company. Fifth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 18887— -1:83%— 8— 150.1 241 103* Bird Man Mt 148% 4 103X72.". 241105 Choctaw 110 1:00% 5 112x720 241.;.", Connaught 107 1:OC% 5 108X71S 241.:.".3 Little Jake 112 1:0S 5 112X71.". 24057* Miss Brush 107 1:07 5 107X71O 10007 Bully 102 1:08 Q IOS x 710 1C.S01 Vestel Bights 102 1:05% 5 IOS X 710 24131 Dr. Mack II. M. 4 112. .710 24131 Custom House 110 1:O7-, 4 113X718 22878** Virgiedot 104 1:07:v-. 3 88.. 783 2322S Ida Pinack 88 1:00"-. 3 107. .705 24110* Hazel C MS 148% 6 187x703 24131 Mailer 118 147% 3 108x703 2310S Carondolct Ill 1:07% S 112X705 23105* McAlan 110 1:07% 8M7X0M Bird Man appears to lie rounding to form. Sixth Race — 1 1-8 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 03050— 1:51%— 5— 115. Min* Nannie McDee 05 1:52% 0 110x725 24153- Coldy 104 1:52% 5 1070720 24151* Petit Bleu 3 MX 713 24111 Transparent IOS 1:54 7 104X715 24188* Blooming Posev .. ill 1:55% 3 0OX710 24151* Peter Stalwart M 3 88.. 710 24151s Sharper Knight ... 5 105.. 710 24107 Hoyle 0 104X705 First two closely matched on form.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915122201/drf1915122201_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1915122201_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800