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GUNBEARER AND HIS BROTHER. New York. January 20. — Gunliearer, the big five-year-oM son of Fowling-piece and Weybridgo, is attracting a lot of favorable attention. His long and trough ocean voyage does not seem to have had any ill effect upon him. and he is now filling out and thickening up in a manner which is surprising. He came here too late for entry in the stakes which appear best suited to his capabilities, but he will probably be a starter for the Toronto Cup and other races in Canada, and then return to New York tor — . -i j j t- of the late stakes of the metropolitan circuit. Canon Bridge, the bay four year old colt, an own brother to Gunbearer. also shows material improvement since landing in this country and he should cut uo unimportant figure in the racing of 1910. ne has b.eii growing and thickening since he came over, and sltboogb he never will be either as large or as Isapcc salve look hag as his big brother, he is big enough and good looking enough to make a thoroughly useful ami successful race horet. He. loo. will he seen in the spring meetings of the Canadian circuit.