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, * + TIME RECORDS OF AMERICAN RACE TRACKS FOR DISTANCES AT WHICH RACES ARE FREQUENTLY RUN + — — — . 4. The following table shows the relative speed of all American Iracks at various distances from a half mile up to a mile and a quarter sad affords a reliable index to what a good horse might be expected to do over any of them, "good day and track." 1-2 5-8 3-4 7-8 1 1 1-1C 1 1-8 1 1-4 Track. Mile. Mile. Mile. Mile. Mile. Miles. Miles. Miles. Anaconda :47«f, 1 iOO"- 1:13% 1:27S 1:40 1 :4S 1:54% Aqueduct :4t% :59 1:12 1:24-, 1:38% 1:44% 1:50% 2:05% Aseet Path :48 ■.- »% l:12i 1:25-. lt.W/. 1:45% 1:52 2:00 Belmont Dark :4ti% :58 1:11% 1:22" 1:36% 1:44% 1:51 2:00 Ienning :4!J% 1:M»% 1:13% 1:25% 1:40% 1:47% 1:54% 2:11 Klue lionnets :4S :50V. 1:12 1:24% 1:37% *1:57 1:52 2:04% Bowie :40 1:01% 1:13 1:27% 1:41% 1:48 1:57 2:10% Itiighton Beach :48Vi :58% 1:11% 1:25% 1:37% 1:44% 1:50% 2:02% P."tte :46% :58% 1:12 1:27 1 ::«% 1:40 1:52% 2:07 Charleston :47% 1:01 1:12% 1:27 1:40% 1:47% 1:.~.4 2:08% Churchill Downs :47 :5t 1:11 1:25% 1:37% 1:44--, 1:51% 2:03% City Par* New Orleans... :47% :5!»Vi 1:12% 1 :- 1:38% 1:*«% 1:52% 2:04% Coeur dAlene :47% 1:00 l:i: 1:25% 1:38% 1:40 1:53 2:00% Columbia 1:00 1:12% 1:27 1:40% 1:40% 1:52% C nnaught Path 1:01% 1:13% 1:20% 1:41 1:4S 1:53% 2:0.8 Cumberland 1ark :4S 1 :00% 1:13-. 1:20 1:40 I:47i 1:54 2:0S Delinar Path :4Sbj 1:01c 1:13% 1:27 1:40C " 1:47 1:54 2HW Dorval :48% l:oo 1:11 1 :40 1:40% 1:54 2:08 Iouglas lark :58% 1:10% 1:28% 1:37% 1:43% 1:51 2:02% Kim Kidge lark :47% :3»% 1:1*% 1:20A 1:30% 1:45% 1:52 1 2:00% Empire City :4!% 1 :0O 1:11 1:38% 1:44% 1:51 2:04 Kaaex Park :50Vt 1:01 1:1.:, 1:27% 1:40 1:4.U 1:54 2:11 fair Crounds New Orleans. :47% :5:»% 1:12 1:24% 1:37% 1:44% 1:51% 2: M!% Fort Erie :4! 1 :OOi5 1:11% 1:356 1:37% 1:43% 1:50% 2:0:!% Uraveeeed :4.su2 :5w% 1:13% 12s 1:38% 1:45% 1:51% 2:03% Hamilton :48 :5!% 1:11 1:24% 1 :.«% 1:45% 1:50% 2:04 Ilarlem :47.-, :5l»% 1:13 1:2.5% 1:37% 1:45 1:51% 2:04 Havre de C.race :47% :5! 1:11% 1:45% j:51% Hrwthorae :48 :Sa M 1:13* 1:25;, 1 :3S% 1:45 1:52 2:05% Highland lark A*% 1 : o% 1:12a, 1:26% I:.!.!.. l:40i 1:53 2:07" Ingleside :4S 1:00 1:13% 1:38% 1:3*H 1:4»% 1 :52/2 2:00 Jacksonville :48% :59 1:11% 1:25% 1:38% 1:45% 1:53 2:04% Jamaica 1 :00 l:lt% 115% 1:52 2:00 Jamestown :47% 1:01 1:12 1:20 1 ::5D% 1:40 1:53% 2:08% Jiarez :40% :57% 1:00% 1:23% 1:30% 1:45 1:51% "2:0fi Ketiilworth lark :40and 1 :MVr 1:12 1:20% 1:.38 1:45% 1:52% 2:00% Kialoch lark :48% l: in4 U12 1:2»% 1:41 1:47 1:53 2:08% Lageoa :47% :5!% 1:11% 1 :20% 1 :38% 1 :40% 1 :53 2:07% Lakeside :48j 1:00 1:13% 1:20% 1:40% 1:40% 1:52% 2A*vi I.tonia :48% :50 1:11 1:25% 1:37% 1:43% 1:50% 2:05% Laurel :.V.t% 1:12 1:20% 1:37% 1:43% 1:49% 2:05% Lexington :47% 1: K% 1:12 1:20 1:37% 1:45 1:51% 2:03% Mexico City :4S% 1:00% 1:15% 1:28% 1:41% 1:48% Mineral Springs 1:00% 1:13% 1:27 1:3!»% 1:47% 1:54 itinera lark :47 :5S»% 1:12% 1 -5% 1:38% 1:45% 1:51% 2: 4% Uontgomery lark :4!» 1 :01 , 1:14 1:27% 1:40% 1:47% 1:54% 2:08% Morris lark :40 :S8% 1:12% 1:20 1 :.58% 1:45% 1:51% 2:05% Mount Roval 1:00 1:13 % 1:41 1:47% Narragansett Park :49 1:00% 1:14% 1:28% 1:30% 1:40 1:53% 2:00 Newport :4s 1:00%. 1:12% 1:20% 1:30% 1:45/. 1:53% 2:07 Oakland :47 :58 1:11% 1:24% 1:38% 1:44% 1:50% 2:03% Oaklawn lark :48 1:00% 1:12% l:2ii-, 1:30% 1:48% 1:52% 2:08 Overland lark :4l% :59% 1:12 1:20% 1 :3il 1:40% 1:51% 2:07 Oriental Park :50% 1:11% 1:39% l:4i 1:53 2:00% I nnlico :48% 1:00% 1:12 1:20 1:39 1:40 1:51 2:00% Fipiug Rock :50 1 :00% 1:13% .... 1:42% 1:51% 1:54% 2:08 Reno :47% 1:00 1:13 1:27 1:38% 1:47% 1:54% Rockingham Park 1 : K 1:14 l:20i 1:38% .... 1:53 2:06% Santa Anita Park :40V.-. :59% 1:11 1:23% 1:37% 1:44% 1:50 2:03% Saratoga :47% 1 :0t 1:11 1:24% 1:37% 1:45% 1:51% 2:04 Seattle Meadows :4«% :58% 1:11% 1:25 1:37% 1:44% 1:50% 2:04% Sheepshead Bay :4S M% 1:12 1:24% 1:37% 1:45% 1:51 2:02% St. Ixmis Fair Grounds i ... :49 1:00.2 1:13 1:20 1:39% 1:46c. 1 :52% 205 Syracuse r 0"t 1:10% 1:25% 1:36% 1:42% 1:54 2:02 Tampa 1:03% 1:16% 1:30% 1:45% 1:53% 2:00% 2:15 Tinforan :47% 1 :0o 1:12% 1:25% 1:39 1:46% IJU% 2:04% Inion Park :49% 1:01 1:13% 1:27% 1:41% 1:47% 1:55 2:07% Washington Park :47 :•".!% 1:11% 1:27% 1:37% 1:44% 1:51% 2:04i~ Wlndaor :4H% 1:00 1:11% 1:25-.- 1:37% 1:44% 1:51% 2:05-- Woodbine Park :48% 1:66 1:11% 1 :2!% 1:39 1:40% 1:52 2:04- Worth :47% :59% 1:11% 1:25% 1:38 1:44% 1:52% 2:03% *Heavy track.