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ENGLISH JUMPING MEETINGS PROSPER. While by M means on such an etxensive scale as in times of pea v. the English National ,unt meetings have so far been well palroni/ed rod as successful as was to have been reasonably t-peetcd. All the meetings set for January weft! disposed of with an abundance of horses to meet all requirements and the February fixtures will no doubt fare as well. A good program for March has been arranged, a London dispatch of Tuesday saying: "Followers of horse racing over the sticks have received further encouragement by the National Hunt stewards announcing the dates of the stccpl-chasing meetings for March, which include ten davs racing, as follows: Lingfleld Iark. March :: anil 4: Windsor. March 10 and 11: Colwall Park. March 14 and 15: Gatwick. March 24 and 25. and Hawthorn Hill. March 31 and April 1. This is the largest number of monthly dates arranged for this year. January having had nine, while eigiit are scheduled for this mouth. "Public interest will be mainly centered on the Gatwick meeting, for on March 24 the blue ribboai of steeplechasing — the Grand National — will Is- do cided. It will l e run over nearly the same distance as the famous race at Aintree. and it may be tak"n for granted that the National horse- are afforded scope for the display of their ability a-jumpers. The handicap will be made, as u-ual. by Mr. Topbam. who has had no equal in bringing horses together at Aintree for a number of years."