Juarez Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1916-02-25


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JUAREZ FORM CHART. JUAREZ, MEX.. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24. 1916. — Serent] -ninth day. Jock, y Club Juarez. Winter Meeting id 100 or more .lays. i7 books on. Weather clear. Presiding Steward, H. F. Brerrogeli Presiding Judge, w. II. Shelley. Starter. Mats Caaaldy. Racing Secretary, E. Jasper. Racing starts at 2:;io p. m. Chicago time ;.::! p. in. i. Indicates apprentice allowance. £ f*T "I rj rj FIRST RACK— 3 1-2 Furlongs. 24801 38 5 118. Purse $:;oo. 2-yeur-olds. jijfj All Mahlens. Allowances. Net Value to winner 25: second. 0; third, 5. ltidev Horses AWtlPSt t _• % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C L J 25100 ; I NOTE WHO ." 4 1*1 1 E Martin B A Jones tand-5 8-513-102-5 1-6 24888 THIRST WHO « 5 q f» M Luxton F Wallhauser I 12 12 3 6-6 25072 "MACNKTINA w 110 S 7 S 1 3* A Pickens G Preece +3441 1-2 25072- K1TTIK CHBATH*M w 115 10 S 4- 4»t E McEwenO G Parke 7-6 6-6 8-6 1-2 1-6 25072 JEAN W 162 11 11 5 6*1 .1 Morvs J F Clifford S 10 10 3 2 2 25072 SALLY loots Md 7 ; 6*16* ct Preece G Preece t3 14 1 1-2 25072 SATISFIED w 110 1 1 7 7- D HotalingD W Christian 15 20 20 7 3 25072 LYTLE w 107 ■. 3 ~C si CuvanhW McLcnioro 10 15 15C 2 24908 BOOTH EELS wn 115 9 10 ! !t- H Shilling . I Shilling G S S 3 1 24017 LICK AGAIN w 115 4 9 10 10] Q Garner R A Jones fS-5 S-51 3-102-5 1-5 25072 johnny Mc w us 2 2 11 n .1 McCnbe l D Web 20 20 20 7 :; t tCoupled in betting; no separate place or show betting. Time. 23l/5. 40-»5. Track fast. Winner — Ch. f. by Harrigan — Top Note trained by R. A. Jones. Went to post at 2:32. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. GOOD NOTE went to the front with a rush and won all the way. but was tiring at the end THIRST, away forwardly, ran a geed race and Inbmed fast. MAGNETINA was always in close pursuit. KITTIK CHEATHAM was crowded back right after the start. Scratched— My First. IIS. Overweights — Lytic. 5 pounds. "I rj O SECOND RACE -5 1-2 Furlongs. KJ0S7— 1 : :!--. — i— 150. i Purse $:;Ooi I.-vear-oldsT 2pf t J A | O Selling. Net vain ■ to winner 25: second. o; third. 5. "index Horses AWtlPSt H C :t4 Str Lin Jockeys Owners O g C P s 25121 WATER WARRLERw n Us f. 4 13 V- 1- L K Martin M Rieser 3 3 I 5 3 5 1-3 24980 SMILING MAGGIE w los t 1 |i m 2* 2* A Pickens C Morris | :; ] i i- 25888*ZOLZO wn MS 2 8 7*1 3*1 3 t* T Buckles J Harris io lfi is t; :s 25655 ANITA R. wn 61 5 7 10 ll i; -. |i| k Craves M Quiiilan 84 49 lo 12 i; 25148 QUIZ W ltd 11 11 11 Sh tt ;.ii m Bnxton F Wallhauser S 10 lo 3 S ", 25148*EITGENE SEES w Ha M 12 lo M P T Haves V Be Beans I I 7 :; i 25877*818 MAL.LORY W ; 6 11 "•. I -. I". 7«* J Morys PhigersdcMunan 6 7 7 8 1 25089*IUL1K AN w 66 I 2 i- » :,- gi] - RJcbey l A Stevens to i- p. j 25877 *SL,IPPERY ELM w 67 12 I 6| :t 9 ! v. O Gentry R i Brown 40 40 in r | 25 148 ROSE GARDEN w 63 1 :. 3* 6 7 P.1. C Mergier J II McCarren 4u iikmiki -ii m 25888 = WHIHPERO HOPE w 108 13 W !i 12 11 IP 1 HotalngR W Christian s s s :; s -, 25150* TOASTMASTKR W MS B G t;»k 7-M2 12" H Shilling H W Hong 244 c 5 7-10 OVERKNIGHT w as 7 12 13 13 13 13 J Mason M Moody 20 30 30 1 1 i; Time. 23=s, 47«;, 1:07V5. Traok fast. Winner R. f. by Waterboy Soliloquy trained by M. Reiser. Went to post at 3:60. At post :; minutes. Start u.hhI ami slow. Won easilv: second and third driving. WATER WARBLER took the bad quickly and practically raatered in" front all the way SMILING MAGGIE was always in closest pursuit and finished fsst. Zol./.O closed a gap early and e.ish held the remainder safe. The winner was entered for 6860; no bid. Scratched 25135 Belle Reach, 188. Overweights -Anita R.. 4 pound--: Sis Mallory. 3: Slippery Elm. 2. 2f*T "6 fTQ THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. .121 coo-. 0 115 1 Purse 8388l 4 year-olds and up" * A I »7 waul. Sellin g . Net value to winner 2.".: second. 850; third. 5 . Index Horses t AWtlPSt 14 j -v; Sir Fin Jockeys Owners o H C P S 251 51 CARRIE ORME wsn 4 WH 0 1 I* r- |i c w Rlehey L J OCauneU ". t 4 1 1—3~ 24838*ZIM wn 7 102 I I 8* •■ fi •■ Shilling T S Parker I ". I 5 7 181 1 onl 21100 -STKATHKALN w .". io7 2 5 41 4".:: 6* E Smith J I. Beckham M 12 12 I 1 25110 EARLY RISER w I 107 5 I 3* 3. 4* 4* G Corey L E Baird 30 34 66 I 3 25018 GORD. itlSSEI.L wn « 111 1 2 C 4 »; 6* R McCow nlerLiisoiiMlant E I I 1 28128** JAKE ARGENT w 7 107 1 I 5* t« 6*16 E Cnllen T llatSeld 65 1 . 1-* out Time. 68*4, 47%. 1:18%. Track fast. Winner— Ch. f. by Monsieur de l.onni -Minn trained by K. J. oVonnori. Went to post at 3:2S. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. CARR1K OUMK wuh uff well and Utld sway tUrotikucut, but was rlddtu out at the end, 2IiI tried to get through nel to the Tiiil :it the paddock. Mil 13* opening WOa I"" BBBaJl and he was forced to pull up sharply. His rider claimed ■ li.ul. but it a- not allowed. STRATHKARN Bntaned well ami outstayed EARLY RISER. JAKE A BURNT ran ■ bad race. The winner was entered lor 00: no bid. t»erciglits /iiii. 1 ]" iiinl : Kaily Riser, 2: Gordon Ht.sscll. 1. ________ j p- -■ LJ/ FOURTH RACK 7-8 Mile. 1341*— 1388% B -110. POM .$."00. :: .year olds and _i50_-.0w upward. Handicap. Net value to winner 2:.: ■ec—i. $"0: tliird. ..".. lades Horaea AWtlist 4 j " tr l-iit Jockeys owners u H C l s" *5-08 LACKROSE wb S lit 4 3 lh ] .. 1.. Ii li A Pickens R I Dickinson s-5 2 2 ::: 1-:. •» l : MONEY MAKER W 4 US .". 2 E» 0 6» H * C Hunt W I Knobelkauip2 11-611-63-6 1-6 »831S:RAPIDS VIM 1 1 f lJ q 2-l :: M Buxton .1 Fmensetter 4 41 :. 1 2--.. 25122 BONANZA w H 7 lln 6 6 I 6* 0 4 4* H Shilling M Quinn -_ :: :; 1 1-5 23108 KING BOX w 6 WO 3 4 4- I" J" 6» 6a* T Hayes I J Miles 8 10 10 2 1 •".■07.» FLORIN W 5 N 2 5 3h ** 4, 0 6 J Morys K McCoy la lo lo 4 2 Time. 241/5, 48. 1:13. 1:26. Track fast. Winner — 1!. g. by l.ackford — Sararos,. trained by R. P. Dickinson. Went to post at 3:55. At post :; minutes. Stan good and slow. Wen easily; second and third driving LACKROSE sprinted into the lead at the start and held his advantage with ease throughout. MONEY MAKER W«a taken lack and saved, then came last on the outside in the hnsl quarter and out-Mined RAPIDS in the last strides, RAPIDS raced iu closest pursuit of the winner to the stretch and finished gamely. KING BOX ran a good half and quit. BONANZA linished close up. ver eights — Rapids. _ pounds; Florin. 4. , fch P_ 1 Ol IU HI RACK— 7-8 Mile. 13412— 1_B%— ft-lM. Furs." WOO. 4-year-olds and up-JJOl Ol ward. Selling. Net value to winner . : second. 850: third. SB. Index Horses AWtPPSt l- "4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 23073 MISS BRUSH w i 10". 8 f. 3"k 4- 3i lh li C Hunt S Hazeltine 8-6 I 2 3-5 1-3 2513S**LAD_ JAMES W 4 102 1 7 4 3h 4 V 2- T Hayes E .1 Ramsey 0.72 "5132 GERDS w 7 110 4 1 M 10 11 7* :"k R Feeney GibsonAiHam ton 12 lo . 3 1 •S_SO*C_0CIL - HMN 2 1- lnk 1J 2- 4l O Gentry H Foaa 4 4 4 8-5 7-10 •"-» 1 if *M KIE COG HILL W7I05 11 4 9 it 0- r,* .-.iik H Shilling F Wallhauser 15 20 20 7 3 *513«*SHAKP KNIGHT wilWI 6 1111 11 lo B 6H C DriacoU I Striker 12 la IS 6 3 _511t *MAR TILGHN WB 7 M 2 9 7nt 0h 7J «» 7! J Mason J 1 Dawson 17*21 *5130 MANDADBRO ws 7 112 I 8 2:J 2 21 41 IlWOrmM L. K Bird 10 10 10 4 2 •5153 *LONB STAR W 7 MI 7 3 d 8? » I !-; W Kichey DA Stevens 12 12 U G 1 ■"• iOoo McAl w wit 7 112 I I 8* !■■ 81 11 Ml M Buxton v B Cotton I I 2 1 *31SS»LADT YOUNG wb 7 106 EM B» 6* 6*__6 11 B CoJIen T Hatfield 3 5 5 2 1 Time. 24. 48, 1:13%, 1:27. Track fast. Winner— Br. iu. by Ren Brush— Proward trained by T. Trenton. W.nt to po-t at 4:19 At poal 2 uiiiiut. s. Start good and slow. Yn on easily: second and third driving MISS BRUSH after racing in striking distance early, took the lead in the stretch and won hard held 1 l .JWlF.s raced prominently and finished gamely. GERDS came broni tiie rear with a great rush hut a tritle t M hit.-. CECIL set a good pace to the last eighth and tired. MARIE FOG II ILL closed a gap. IfANDADBBO quit. The winner was entered for 00: no hid. Overweights— Lady Young. 1 pound. ■» -I Q fc~ SIXTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. IBM — 143% — 3—115. Pome 33. 4 year olds aud up- £ -L O aw ward. Silling. Net value to winner 3323; aecond, $." 0; third. 333, 1,,,1,-x ]j,,r ,.s AWtPPSt % M 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C I S ~5FI4 T. "ANTOINETTE wsr, i 110 5 4 3« 2» I3 PI R Pauley .1 B :isli.q S-G 2 »-S « 2-S , »31S4 = AZFREA WB « Ml 4 7 Ej B*l 3| V C Hwat M Ravel 4 4 4 I .. J-M «S*04 1 EDUC w 7 110 6 3 4 4"k 41 31 B McEvven E Morelield 10 12 12 i 2 .:"Vl i*EE MAHDI WBSM I 1 S ;• S* # E Graves Qj Miller 6 7 4 2 1 •• 1-*» " HEN WAEF.ANK w S 103 7 1 7" S 74 B» H Shilling H Tullett 4 5 0 2 1 £4833 Ill LOTBON w n 4 100 1 G l1 ll 2«t ti- J Morys .J F Clifford I 12 12 4 2 •»5093:1KA1 LIB ODAY w 8 108 S 8 2l 3- 6 7 M Buxton . I Delaney 6 7 1 2 1 35659 ORIGINATOR w I 111 2 2 6" 7" S 8 A Pickens it Y Reese 2i 4 4 7-5 W • -1K;k*K ,4»oe uu stT i-vi- w 7 106 I 8 » !l » 9 E ullen T Hatfield 0 b I o i-j ,n 23% 47J/ 1:13i5. Track fast. Winner— Rik. m. hy Jack Point — Raiment trained by .1. Btahop. Went to post it 4411 r poet 2 minutes. Start go Kl and slow. Y .n easily; second and ,*■•,,• third driv-Ine PHYL1 is ANTOINETTE was carefully placed fiom the beginning t. the head of the Btretch, then came fast and won easing up. AZFBEA closed ■ gap Into ■ fast going second. I.EDt c raced 111 forward contention throughout EL MAHDI began -lowly and finished with a rush. TILLOISON quit alter -rttin- a fast pace to the stretch. The winner was entered f r 00; no_ hid Scratched 24!t7:; Miss Barn Harbor. 103; 23037 Charity Ward. 38; 2- r.W Trospero Son. lOo. erwdght— I.edin-. 2 imiinds; Eastman. :;.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1916022501/drf1916022501_2_9
Local Identifier: drf1916022501_2_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800