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TURF ITEMS FROM FRANCE AND BELGIUM. The February i— lie of "La Sport Beige." published for the time being in Paris, •■ ntain- some interesting Items of continental turf gossip. In the absence of racing on the "other side," ii seems that the utmost that can be done to relieve owners and breeders i- to authorise the export of French horses t England and Italy, and the same pern in -icu will be extended to Spain front May 1, that i- two month- before the Inauguration of the St. Mebostien meeting in July. In this connection it i- announced that with a return to the normal it i- Intended that there shall be meetings in March and October, In addition to the big rammer gathering, and in the meanwhile everything i- progres -in:: swimmingly Stern, the jockey, offered hiui- - i for service la the English army, but was n-Jeeted on account of his stature. M. Boy, the offii ial -tarter at Auteiiil and Nice, will probably till ihe -aim- i o-i at the Bt. Bebastlen meetings. It. Carter, Jr.. for I considerable period associated with M. Bdmond Blanc, for whom he trained three winners of the Grand irix. who recently had charge of Mr. A. Belmonts horses in France, ha- succumbed to diabetes. He was fifty-three years of age and one of the lin-t popular of the French trainers. M. Bibaucourt i- it present safe in England, but ha- had hi- full -hare .f trouble i on- -ipicnt on tin war. Hie residence and racing e-tabli-huieni were reduced to ashes in a recent bombardment, and hi- mare Salome baa been appro prlated by tlve Germans, who have in exchange placed 30,000 francs to hi- credit ""ii paper." M. Bibaucourt i- keeping fatal and Vareca in training. M. M. Matthien hi ilv four. II. Miguel i- golng -n with Wallon, Westicm and Hey Diddl Diddle, and M. lie Bauer with Dig Swan. I.eau and Gunk Ply, reductions which anrgeel leas opposl tioii from Belgian mportsmen than wa- tin ;,-, la-t .year. One can only regret it. Still, the f aniens Urocnendae] stable will be represented at Milne ..f our meeting*, a- Pierre l.ainiio.l. Moulin de Ier. Souvenir dF.xil. Baccara, Ara, Blrios, su, Maiire. Licrre. Black Sea. I.a Vallier and Witch-w rk continue ii training at Newmarket. The -on of M. Dnbos, steward of tin- Bseiete de- Steeplechases, and a frequent visiior to many of our principal race meetings has been three times wnimled in action, ha- received the Cross of the Legion dllonncni. and |. Jeau du lio.v de BUe- 1 1 1 v . youngest -mi of m leinan du Boy. seen tary of the Rociete irKaeouragemenl de Behrique, has been pronwted. "Vigilant" in I/md-.u Spoit--uian.