New Orleans Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1916-03-03


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I * NEW ORLEANS FORM CHART. NEW ORLEANS, LA., THURSDAY, MARCH 2. 1916. —Pair Grounds. Fifty-third day. Business Mens Racing Association. Winter Meeting ol ,7 days. Weather cleai lYosidiuSteward. T. C. Campbell! Pr» sidingTludue. Joseph A. Murphy. Starter, A. P.. Hade. Kac-i:ig Secretary . Joseph .Mcl.ennaii. Racing starts al 2::;o p. in. Chicago time 2:30 p. m.i. Indicates apprentice allowance. O PI O Q • FIRST rack -1-2 Mile. 67868— 47%— 2— 118. Parse 8380. 2-year-olds. 5tUfl Allowances. Net value t . winner QO: Second, 866j third. 5. J ialex Horses AWIPlrSt t j ■_■ ;, Stilin Jockeys Owl icis I 1 1 | • S 251.- 4-.Mi:i lil.l.C, MISS w 117 2 I ?,- 1 V J Ilnnov r F J Pons :, I | 2 1 250!5-IHNCA 1HN W 117 :: 7 4 :: I" T McTagrtC N Darke Q 2] :. 1 1 1 25266,OWAGA w 117 10 i " J". 1 1 L afcAtne T civile s id nl t I 24862 -SA VILLA w 114 7 S •• 4] # J McTagrtP Sheridan 4 7 7 3 3-1 25236 GEO. C. LOVE W 117 r. I S* V V M earner J W Schorr I 7 I I 1 252S8*WAUKSAG w 110 4 : B4 7! ti 1 Metcalf Ottawa Stable M M 7 :: :: I 25236 PIRU IvORE w 107 11 7* fil 7- T Koerner W llurlev ID In s :; | I 25216 CHEMUNG w 114 !♦ 4 I ■. M B" k AmbrooeH McDonald 17 7 3 f-l 25236 DR. TUCK v 114 I 10 !l !i . L CJentry J B Beapess II 21 Lu I 4 COLZA vv 111 G 6 Pulled up. J Dursch T A Cella 40 6U 81 26 16 Time, 11%, 23V5, 35=?. 48y5. Track fast. Winner — Cat, f. by Tony Doncro — Busy Miss trained by W. Brannon. Went to post at 2:31. At post 1 minute. Starrt good and slow. Won easily: second and third !ri -ing. MEDDLING MISS was hard ridden all the way and. moving into the lead in the lasi eighth, increased her advantage and won in a canter. DUNGA DIN suffered from interference and1 tini-lod with a rush. OWAGA set a fast early pace and tired. SA VILLA shewed -peed, but ipnt. GEO. C. LOVE had a rough race. CHBMDNG was forced wide on the turns. COLZA ran out and was polled up, £h pr £ Q Q SBCOND RACK— 3-4 Mile. 18166—1:12—8—108. Purse 00. a-y ear-olds. SlTngT O Smi Q Q Net value to winner .00: second. %K third. $"5. j * "index Horses AWHTSt 4 jj % Str Fin Jockeys Owners H C P S 25173-SOUVENIH W Ml 11 ll ll 1*| 1* "W Obert i Arvin 144 s"r, jZg"# 85172 *MAD. HEPRMAXX wis lit 7 5 5] -" 21 2" E AmbroseC N Darke 5 5 4 8-5 4 5 3517S*ROSE MARIAN w lli E 7 •■ 51 3| J" J McTagrtEl Pahmiar Stb I :: 13-61 1-4 25216*BUSV JOE wb 107 2 4 3h C- 4"k 4?. J Brown W llurlev 10 10 10 4 2 25173 PAX HANDLE w 112 S fi 7* 71 71 B* F RobinsnW Gerst 10 10 10 4 2 25173 MARY H. W 112 ! 2 Lh 3J ."?. g« M Garner J N Huffnian I 1 I :! S-5 25174 PAYMASTER wit 109 :! 3 # 8 •• Ti T Koerner W II Snearlev I 10 7 2| I E 252101*TRIHOLO w f. 112 6 9 Sl 4H 6l 8« J Dodd W Walker 10 10 10 4" S-5 25127 I LAP I. V W 104 4 S !1 9 it ! L McAtee T Clyde 26 -0 2 s 4 Time. 23%. 47%. 1:13%. Track fast. Winner— Ch. f. by Dick Wi lies — Miss Alert trained by W. Seamster. Went to post at 2:56. At post 2 minutes. Start bad and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. SOUVENIR, away fast, showed a high order of spied and won all the amy. MADAME HERRMANN gained steadily through the last eighth. ROSE MARIAN closed a g 1 gap and tired in the stretch drive. RISV JOB WUS taken back on the lirst turn and meed wide on the turns. TR1BOLU was away badly The winner, entered for 6780, was bad up to 1916.sh05 and bought in. Scralcliod— 25207 i Alladir. 112: 25237 Garnet, 101. 2*"» fh Q /f THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. 10155—1 : 12-S— 10S. » Purse 00. ol !s and iio-0 mOtC ward. Sidling Handicap. Nei Vilue to winner 8660; second. j66j tbiiil. 636. Index II orses A Wt PPSt U a •"•« Str Fill Jockeys Owners l 11 C P S 25173 ROYAL TEA wr 7 110 4 6 fi 5 J*1:,I Metcalf G S Kerr B 4 ?, 8-5 3-5 252 68* AH AR A wn 4 110 1 1 B* 8*1 4" 0k F Keogh I Eerz :". 13 S3] 1 1 :51s1! SCARAMOUCH wit 4 WS 5 1 Ill u U zl M Garner A C Pnrretto 8 8 8 I fc-8 25190 WETS AIL w3 »S :t ! 9 ! 6l 4i I* McAtee C N Darke 8 10 7 :! 3-2 86168 TALEBEARER WB 4 118 8 E r.h U :, E» T Koerner M G Thompson 4 5 4 8 5 4 a 25155 RATI NA w 5 106 7 2 ] l1 11 fi2 R McDottK Cook 10 15 15 1. | 25192 I.VA KAY w 4 110 9 : 4H 4"k 7j 7 J McTagrtS Louis 6 S S :: s E 24993 KI.LA BRYSON W S 109 s 7 7t 7l SJ SH E AmbroseR F Carman 10 10 10 4 I 25270 GOODWOOD wn 4 107 2 S 8= SJ 9 9 J Dodd B T Rickett 20 20 15 8 3 Tlase, 23%. 47%. 1:13%. Track fast. Winner — R. h. by Riglit Royal — Tee-Ky-Ti e l trained by V. Haymaker. Went to post at 3:21. At i ost 2 minutes. Start KOod and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. ROYAL TEA, from a slow beginning, came with ■ great rush through the stretch and won going away. AIIARA snlfered from interference ill the early running and came fast in the stretch under hard urging. SCARAMOUCH ran well, but tired in the last eighth, WKTSAII. dosed a big gap and moved up rapidly in the stretch. RATINA set a fast pace to the stretch and ipiit. TALEBEARER and INA KAY retired after running Well for a half mile. The winner was entered for ,200: no bid. Scratched l25127lhil Ungiir. 104. O pr Q Q pT FOURTH RACK— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 24005—1 :42t/-.— 4— 1 13. Purse 00. ::-yea7- fj £ O »J olds and upward. Selling Handicap. Net value to winner 0O; second, 1916.sh5; third. $•.." . Index Horses AWtlPStU j ai Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 25t8»*FATHBR RILEY WS 5 168 1 :; 1- 1- V 1- 1* M Gainer R L Bake* :: 4 I 7:.::.". 25239 COP H i:SI.KY wn 5 115 :; 1 2* ::- l4 2* 2* J Hanover E P. Plkins :: :; :; t; ", 1 _ 25064 BERTODANO w 6 105 4 7 fi1. fi- fi3 4l :;» "W Lilley ii Borkel 8 10 8 1 7 5 25250 REPUBLICAN WB 7 168 0 « ." 4= :;ii 8 I- F RoblnsnG L Peine 4 4 18-68-5 3-o 25257 TRANSPORT w I 168 2 6 7 7 7 7 6* J Dreyer. C F. Pfeiffer 28 10 15 8 2] 25114 BROOM8EDGE wn 5 168 7 4 3| 2 4= 5* «i F Keogh G Phillips 8 3| 1:151 1-2 25257 JESSIE LOUISE wn G 10S •". 2 4 5* 5 fi1. 7 It McDott.I T Loooey 5 7 7 28 1 Time. 24. 47%, 1:13. 1:39%. 1:43%. Track fast. Winner — Ch. g. by Stalwart — Usury trained by E. W. Moore. Went to past at :;:44. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. FATHER ItlI.EV moved into a long lead quickly and. making the pace fast, stayed better than i!~u:il and won in a canter. POP. 1IENSI.EV raced well up for the entire way and held on gamely to : h end. BERTODANO was far back in the early running and closed a big gap in the stretch. REP1 P.l.l-CAN showed s|ieed. but tired in the last eighth. BROOMSEDGE was well beaten after going three-quarters. Tl.e winner was entered for .511: no bid. Scratched 25182 Syrian. 114: 25257::Cuide Post. 110: 25241 Redland. 104. 2p£ 4 J Q £+ FIFTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 18865— 1:44%— 8— 184. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and OOO upward. Selling. Net value to winner IMI; sect, ml. 1916.sh5: third. 835. "index Horses AWHTSt t ■_■ 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners II P S « 4 "" 251 76* MISS FANNIE w 4 168 2 1 1«| 1* 1- 1 | 1* L McAtee w W Woodard 7-6 3-2 7-5 7-101-3 26081 CHILTON KING wn fi 11 4 :; 3*13 -1 2*1 -" T Koerner H McCoolskey 15 15 15 fi :: 25142 W. W. CLARK Wg 8 112 fi 5 S» 5*1 6* 3] :.?. L Gentry F Clarkson 10 10 In 4 2 25170 PLANTAGENET wn 4 113 1 r, ~:1 2» 4" 4 4l J McTagrtR T Wilson 8 lo s :; 8-6 26868*KELSETTA wn 8 113 8 7 7- c1 f.nk ;,nk -,u If Garner A Fataand 1" 3 13 5!t -102-5 26248* •NIGADOO WB 5 MB 8 4 P 41 VM fi fi J Dodd W Walker r, t fi I 4-5 25269 SUBJECT WB 4 MB 6 8 C? 7s 71" 7° ~u W Lilley W II Erev 10 10 S I 7 5 25283* PATRICK F. w 5 Wl I28S8S8J Drown W Hurley M BB 58 20 10 Time. 24. 48%. 1:14%. 1:40%. 1:48%. Track fast. Winner — R. f. by Marathon — Ethel Carr trained by W. Woodard. Went to post at 4:is. At |H st 1 minute. Start rood and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. MISS FANNIE look the lead at once and held sway throughout, winning as her rider phased. CHILTON* KING was always prominent and out: laved W. W. CI. ARK in the Una] drive. The latter closed a gap and finished fast. KEl.SETIA had no mishaps. SUBJECT was eased up when beat.-n. PLANTAGENET ran well to the stretch. The winner was entered for !Mo : no bid. Scratched— 25200 Cerrard. 107: 25027Rey Oak wood. 110; 25255 Col. Ashmeade, 112: 24838 Rustling Prass. 112: 25241 P.est Bib and Tucker. 166; 25240 P.enedii tina. 107: 26209 Toynbee. K 7. 4?h PJ fh Q rT SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 18865 1 : 14 -.".— 104. I Purse 8588 4-year olds and AJOflO I upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00: second. 1916.sh5: third. $:.5. Index Hoi-cs AWtPPStj L- :4 Str Fill Jockeys Owners O II PS 25238 -CAMELLIA W 7 1o7 1, :; J U. 1 1- 1*. F Keogh J J Shannon 3 4 21 1 1- 25 1 39 ■ INTONE wn I MB 2 •", Ik 21 2" 1" 2* V. AmhroseJ T Loooey lo 12 12 5 v. 26241 *LA MODE wn « loi ". 1 :!" 41 ;;• 8« 3* F Judy J W Schorr 4 5 S I 1 25100 COUNTERPART wb fi 110 E 4 72 .°.u 41 P 4 F RnldnsnH Moore fi 10 10 1 2 25211-INJCRY w 10 111 1 S S 8 6* ."- i ] C VanDun.l W Fuller 2 28 1151 2-5 25258 BUSINESS IBXTwn 4 111 S 2 6J. 5?. «?. fi.1. fi1 T Koerner A K Gordon S 10 10 4 2 25175 PLE ASUREVLE wn 4 109 7 V. 8 7- 7- 7:; F Hopkins J Lou.- M M 20 8 3 25176 KNEELET w 4 101 1 7 • 7«* 8 S 8 M Gainer .1 MacManoS 10 12 12 E 2. Time. 24%. 48%. 1:14%. 1:40%. 1:47. Track fast. Winner — B. m. by Stalwart I. a Mujer 1 trained by J. J. Shannon. Went to iiost at 4:31. At post 2 iniiiites. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. CAMELLIA raced in forward contention from the start and. alter alternating in paremaking, outstayed INTONE in the last sixteenth. INTONE set the early pace and took the lead again in the stretch, but tired slightly near the end. LA MOPE suffered from interference and finished gamely. INJURY had scant chance from frequent interference. The winner, entered for 00. was bid up tn tBOf and sold to J. L. Paul. Scratched 25258* Harry Lauder. 100; 25255 Mi-s Waters. Ins. Overweights --Camellia. 1 pound. i

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Local Identifier: drf1916030301_2_10
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