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NEW ORLEANS PILGRIMS REACH NEW YORK. * Trainer Whaien Will Point Buskin for the Kentucky Handicap — New York Gossip. New York. March 7.— A few race-goera are returning from Ne.v Orleans every day mw. l.e rilinan is on.- of the latest. He applauds the meeting la every way aad Intimates that Rome ■ legislative action is probable, before next winter, that wUl perpetuate the sport for a couple of ■ months every winter in New Orleans. Speaking f individual successes among the aporting element. he aaya that only a -mall number of the layers ■ of odda were winners and only the smartest of bene backer- paid expenses. Colonel James retired I n winner, aa did a few other expert bandtcapers. Brynllmahs recent victory enabled one or two t the horsemen to recover previous losses. The two Engll h bookmakers who Hied the American s.vstom retired after ahoat a mouth losers to 1 the extent of at t gao.noo. Quite a number of race-goera who wintered in this 1 city have derided to t.,k. a trip to Hot Springs t . • entov the raciag n vlvaL It. poii- from N. v Orleans suggeat thai West/ flogaa i- the best coll staowa to far lids year. An , offer of .*7.i«»i ha- been refused tor him. John Whaien will point c. II. Bobbins Bnskln 1 for the Kentucky Efandican. "Buskla is going soiindl.v." -aid Mr. Whaien, "and he is just as good I gv aa na ever was as regards health. 1 have just shipped the two f. ttr-year old ini| orted mares. Lady iaiwiua and I!i -s to William Garth at Beaning to be schooled for steeplechasing. They belong to Oscar Lewisohn. who likes to have a jumper or two in hi- String. In reference to the present condition of tin- horse- at Gravesead, Mr. whaien was of the opinion none would be ready for racing at Bowie, iiin moat of the trainers thought they would have a few ready tor Havre de Grace. ••Nothing but shcil work has been done so far.* -aid he. •and the track is knee deep in mud and -hi-!]. Fast year we had horses working February 15, conseqoently we an nearly a month late this year, tie ugh we are all doing a lot of lied work. I have fourteen horses in my string. Including Kittle Nearer, which I am educating to go through the tield with the idea that he might make a suc- II ssful lumper.*" Gilford A. Cochran reports a foal at his Mount Kisko Farm by His Majesty— Pretty Maiden. It is the first foaled ar Mr. Cochrans establishment. John Hastings has a dozen cross-count ry horses i:i training, six belonging to Charles and Morton Schwarta and tin- others the prapert* of various owner-. Judge J lui Graham, who has done so mtioli for borsemea on Long Island, i- back from his south era trip.