Ontario Tracks to be Heavily Taxed, Daily Racing Form, 1916-03-09


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ONTARIO TRACKS TO BE HEAVILY TAXED. Toronto, Oat., March S. — New firms of taxation. t" meet Increased demands upon the public treasury • i Ontario, were announced by Hon. T. W. Me-Garry, provincial treasurer, in his budget speech yesterday. Increased taxes are to be levied on six of the principal Ontario race tracks, namely: Woodbine, Dufferin and HUlerest, all in this city: Hamilton, Winds.; and Port Erie. At present the government receives n.~ n a day from these race tracks. The tax is to be increased to 2380 pet day for every day there U racing. The provincial government now receives 2,600 per annum from this source. With the increased tax the government will receive 05,000 per annum. laXeS ire alSO to be I. -vied Oil BUCh places of amusement as moving picture shows, theaters, clr-, ~,.., baseball and lacrosse parks ami skating rinks. A tax of • lie per cent is to be imposed on each admission and may be increased to twenty-live cuts bj regulation or order in council. It is estimated that the attendance at sues places is about 33,000,000 per year, so that the revenue from thai source with a one-cent tax on each admission ;i!.| be 30,000 a year. Entertainments of philanthropic, religious ami patriotic character are excluded. Uiie provincial treasurers decision in the matter of Increasing the race course license fee in Ontario did not quite reach the trebled amount of the present fee, but is to be Uvi and a half time-, as much. M that the corridor gossip was not so far astiay. The daily fee Imposed on race courses has been steadily rising, g log from nothing to 00. and then to 00.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1916030901/drf1916030901_1_6
Local Identifier: drf1916030901_1_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800