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JUAREZ FORM CHART. JUAREZ. MEX.. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 8. 1916. — Ninety-second day. Jockey Club Juarez. Winter Meeting of 103 day*, ti l"" ks on. Weather clear. Presiding Steward. II. F. Breivogel. Presiding Judge, W. II. Shelley. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Racing Secretary. L. Jasper. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 3:30 p. ni.l. W laaUeatea whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Figure- in parentbesefl following the dtataacc of each race indicate index number, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. fh PJ Q Q "1 FIRM? RACE 1-2 Mile. 34452— 40%— t— US. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Selling. _5 000_ N* value to winner 8225; sen. ml. 383; third. 5. Index II. uses AWtPPSt % hi % sir Fin leekeya owners o H c P S" AN. FREDERICK w 124 - ! 1- l-!l; Q Garn.-r i: A Jones 3-2 Vt 1 1-3 out 25323-,* W 337 I 3 i* H Shilling W McLemore 1 S-5 8-5 1-4 out 21385 RADIANT FLOWER E 102 1 1 L :J -.-l Q Preeee G Preoee 10 10 10 2 out "5033 RIPOSTA w 112 ■" 4 I* P !■ G C«_y I" B 15aird 3 4 4 3-5 out 28388 MEDIATION wa f*: 4 r, ;. •:. :. t Buckles Hall Broa 3 kjo 100 10 2 iiine. 23%. 48%. Track fast. Winner B. f. i.v Rapid Water -Lady Rildreth trained by P. A. Jonea. Went to poet at 2:23. At post 1 ninnte. Start good and fast. Won easily, second and third driving. .11 AM I A FREDERICK, showing the moat apeed, went b the fruit at once and easily won all the way, HiL was trying to run out on the lower tern and bee rider had to use the whip to keep her in. then rio ed up t*«1 under pnnisbment. and noved KADIANT FLOWER out in the last stride. The latter ran well and made a game anisli. RIPOSTA ran poorly. The winner was entered t r Slim; no bid. OKO QO SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 13637 IHJ8%— 3— 150. Purse 8303. 4-year-olds _OuU :l ii.i apward. Belling. Net value to winnet 3225; se. ond. 850; third. 5. Index Boraea AWtPPSt . % StrFla Jockeyi Owaera 0 B 0 I s 24852*SUPERL WB 3 MB - - ,; • 4J •* Tl Shilling Wd-tlnxShields 3 :. 5 7-5 3-5 25345 METROPOLITAN w 3 111 I 1 -- U L -1 M Buxton J McCarthy 4-5 4-S 3-6 oat— -5313 VRGENT xv ! p i t I 1* i G MolesthW S Trevejr 10 12 12 :: 1 28348 ROSEMARY B 8 133 » • " r N SeboniC X 1reeman S 4 4 1 2-5 -5355 REAL WORTH WB 6 118 ■■ ■■ ■" ,lk • •" R Feency C Dietx 6 I 8 2 4-5 2S345*PANHACHAP1 w 5 Ml I I !•- S 8 J Morys Holland Pros 0 7 7 2 7_ Time. 23%. 47%. 1:00%. 1:07. Track fast. Winner -Ch. m. bv The Commoner lie Water trained by M. M. Shields. Weat to post at 2:52 At post 1 minute. Start good and fast. Won driving: second and third Hie ,ni. SCPERL u t- far back and outpaced for the ttrst half, but moved up in the stretch and. romins; with ■ rush got up to win in the Bnal stride. METROPOLITAN raced into the lead oa the last turn, ion coald not withstand tin- winner* rush. ARGENT -et the early paee and raced gamely. ROSEMARY nnished close up. REAL WORTH tired. The winner wa entered for 00; no bid. Overweights - Snporl. 1 pound: Argent. 2: Rosemary. 1: Real Worth. 2. O PC Q Q Q IHIRD RACE- 7-8 Mile. 13412— 1:23%-— 8— 110. Purse 8380. 4-year-olds and up-_0OOO ward. Selling. Net value to winner 25: seeond. 0: third. 5. Index —ones AWtPPSt % % "i Str Tin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 23216s *ZIM vu7H : E 3 1- 1 1- 1= ] o Gentry T s Parker .-.". «.-5 W5 2-5 1-4 25245*STRATHEARN w 5 102 3 2 - P ■ !• 2»| H Shilling J L. Beckham :: t 4 I 1 -:; 28344 = LITTLE ABE w 4 181 4 4 :: -1 2»| 2* : -A Pickens W L Sehaefer 0 i •• 1-o 3-5 25373 I.ISY EDITH wit 4 M8 2 1 43 4T 4* 4 4- .1 Mc«al» V D Weir 4 I 31 1 1-2 28328ORIGINATOR w 8 111 1 ■"• r "• » ■ 7- M Buxton A C Mason 2 4 4 11-3 Time. 23%. 47%. 1:13%. 1:25%. Track fast. Wiener B. g, by Irish Lad aaadalite trained by .1. w. Parker. Went to post at .1:19. .1 post 8 minutes. Start g..od and alow. Won easily: second and third dnv-in" ZIM d.i-le-.l to the front at the start and waa all the way never folly extended. STRATH KARN followed Lrill.i: ABE closely and outgamed him for seeond place. LITTLE ABB raced in closest pnr-v]|j, ,., ||,.. tretrh and tired. P.I sy EDITH oaM an I appear* to hare trained off. ORIGINATOR began pkori] and uev.-r improred his position. The winner waa entered for 00; bo bid. OvtiW eijjhts— Little Abe. 1 pound; Busy Edith, 4. OPTOQ/I FOlRTH RACE— M Mile. 13112— 1:23% 5 110. Pane 8333v 3-year olds and _tlOO a upward. Handicap. Net value to winner 25: second, 0; third, 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P 8 28313 FASCINATING xvb f 11: I 2 1— ll 1 l3 1- H shilling W H Bradford 1 8-81 1-3 out 28188* DUNDREARY wb 4 MS S I 5 i I E 2". o Gentry W A MeKlnney 4 4 3 1 out 28233 JUSTICE GOEBELw 6 1W 1 4 la ga 2« 2" 3J M Buxton C B Johnson 2 3 3 1 out 25206 FLORIN w 5 .H 2 8 VI 4* 4 3* 4» T Buckles R McCoy 10 10 8 3 out 25296 -BONANZA WB 7 110 4 1 43 31 8" 4 . 5 Corev M Quinn 3 4 3 1 out Time. 23%, 47%. 1:12%, 1:25%. Track fast. Winner— Ch. 111. by Peep oDay— Sweet Marjorie trained by J. J. Quinlan. Went to inist at 8:48, At post 1 minute. Start good and fast. Won easily; see. .ml and third driving. FASCINATING was at once sent ant to make the running and won all the way never fullv extended. DUNDREARY trailed to the homestretch, but caaae with a rush in the anal eighth and Damped his way through at the sixteenth poet into a fast going seeond. JUSTICE GOEBEL raced in closest pursuit to the last eighth and tired. BONANZA showed early speed, but quit badly. Overweights — Florin, 1 pound. 1 OpTQQpr FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 13387— 1:38%— 3— 130. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. -tlOOll Selling. Net value to winner 25: second, 0; third, 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners o n 0 P S 25244 LOLA w 110 7 1 1«| ll 1*1 12 G Molesth.I C Ferrisa 4 5 :, 2 1 28312 **BIL. TLBERTSNwn 107 5 3 8] 2" 8*121 H Shillings M Henderson S-5 9-5 8-5 3-5 1-3 282 78* JENNIE SMALL w MS 4 2 3 4l 4-J 3» W Schorn T Hatfield 3 4 4 I -5 1-2 25357 *VHISPEHG HOPE v bl « i 2J 3J 2» 4"- T Hayes IJ W Christian 4 5 I I 1 25278- BARKA xv 110 1 5 .rjb 5- . 5l 5»k M Buxton J H Adams I I 3 1 2-5 25315* LACHES xv 101 3 4 « 6 C G1 T Buckles M Quinn f, 7 7 2 1 28318*—— AL TICKET xvsb 110 2 7 7 7 7 7 J Morys W E Moody 12 15 15 o 3 Time. 23%, 47%. 1:00%, 1:07. Track fast. Winner — Br. f. by Sir Iluon — Binda trained by R. Dickerson. Went to post at 4:12. At post 1 minute. Start good and fast. Won driving: seeond and third the same. LOLA began fast and. rushing into the lead, set a fast paee and staved well in the final drive. BILLY CULBERTSON moved to the outside in the final quarter and finished fast. JENNIK SMALL was always a forward contender and outgamed WHISPERING HOPE. LACHIS met repeated interference. The winner was entered for 00: no bid. Overweights -Jennie Small. 2 pounds. Q pro Qr» SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. 13724— 1:30%— 3— 102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and up-_lOOU ward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second. 0: third. 5. index Horses AWtPPSt % %. % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P S 2537.VCF.OIL B_ 8 MS 3 5 I* I5 I* I* U W Schorn II Foss 6-5 6-5 1 1-3 out 28S68*SENORITA DANA w 6 69 5 1 3"* 40. 4?. 4 23 T Haves Kiee and Clements 7 7 7 3 1 28328*HEL_N JAMES xv4 34 2 I 2*1 2 1 2*1 2 3 T Buckles J Palmer 5 8 S 3 1 25325 I VN LAND xv 6 106 8 I 6° V 8» 3l 4- A Pickens E J Ramsey G ." E 1 3-5 25260 MADELLE xv 6 10S 1 7 41?. 5?. 5- ;,- 5". G Molesth.1 C Ferriss 4 6 G 3 1 25325* BONNIES BICK WB 5 M8 6 S 7 7 7 6- 8* R Willms C E Carter 15 20 20 7 3 28238* SMILING MAG w4 SS 4 2 51 i 3— 7 7-° O Gentry C Morris 4 i- E 3-235 25242 FORT SUMTER W8B H 105 7 4 8 8 S S S M Buxton P A Dwyer 7 10 10 0 2 Time. 24%. 48, 1:14%, 1:40%. Track fast. Winner — Br. g. by Royal Flush III. — Tarpeia II. trained by J. V. Murphy. Went to jKisr at 4:33. At Boat 1 ninnte. Start good and fast. Won driving; nrrond and third the same. CECIL showed the most speed and raced into a big lead, bur tired and was quitting badly at the end. SENORITA DANA raced In forward pursuit and. getting through a small opening at the paddock, finished with a rush. HELEN JAMES raced in closest pursuit to the stretch and outstayed DOWN-l.A.M. The latter made a game effort in the final quarter. The winner was entered for t»0; no bid. Scratched — 25278 Andrew Johnston, 88. Overweights — Senorita Dana. 1 pound: Downland. -3: Smiling Mag. 1.