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WINDSOR MCING DRAWING I BIG ATTENDANCE TO VIEW SOME ENTERTAINING AND CLOSE FINISHES. Rancher Takes the Principal Race of the Day in a Cantor Five Claimants for Pomp and S. Louis Gets Him Big Purses in Future. Detroit. Mie-h.. July 17. G. M. Hendries Rancher aeie.unte-il for toelays feature at Windsor, an allowance raee at o uile anel a sixteenth, which he won in a e-ante-r from Pels. There we-re six starters ami Banchi-r was an oehls-on favorite. Ile was riel-eliii by F. Beibinsoii. raced into an easv lead while rounding the far turn and dre-w awav "to win in a cante-r. Kacing conditions were again perfect anel another I.rge gathering turiie.l out to witness the spent. Ihe best finish of the afternoon marked the running "f the eqie-ning dash, in which Nobleman, le.p o Ih Morning anil Dimitri tinisheel heads apart in the- orele-r named. Copy er the- eeiiulitie.iis for the; book er the next meeting at Win.lse.r was given the printer this .irteniooii. Ihe e-Iub has pursue.1 a liberal policy legaieliiig the purses and no race at the next meeting will have- le-ss than 00 aeleled. There are also several ,000 purse-s in the book. Such liberal purses sh.iiilel attrai-t some or the big stables here ami. it is sale!, that some or the eastern owners !heynt,,nneM,,g:C ""0ir St:"""S "" l"tIoIpat in Five claims were leielgei Ter the- two-vear-ohl Loup arter lie was beaten anel in the elrawing Sam iSMt "" fVr S!a"0- ,,,B "tu"r Haininnts ... i.;. S,"1""",t W" Wi-Hmt. a. K. Chancellor and II. Kose-aeTo. folio Campbell, managing elirecteir eif the Montreal Joe-key Club, whose; Blue Bonnets course is eonsidereel one e.f the- finest racing groiinels in Camilla was a visitor at. AVimlsor this af leinoon. He- will remain over until tomorrow to attend the meeting of the Cnnnilian Kacing Associations. Jockey K. We-athiishy got in from New York his morning. We-ath.-rsby has 1 n signed by e-nry M. I anrel to eTo the lightweight riding for the- I horncliiri Stable. The prospose-el meeting of the; stewards of the aiiaelian Kacing Associations was postpemed until tomorrow. Two claims were lodged for Water War after he was be-aten on Saturday by William Stoimont am! U. I . -Marshall. In the drawing the latter secured the" horse. II. Kiehlle purchnscel from Mrs. L. A. Livin-ston this morning the; plater Stir Ip anil he- ran in his name; ami colors in the third race; this arternooii. 1 he- horse; was tunie-il ove-r tei Jeihn Walker, who will tram him for his new owner. The Carmi-t has been put. to jumping by W. I i-rkins. He was schooled one; turn of the field yeste-rday and teiok the fences like; a veteran. Charhs Beiyle, Jr., who some; vears ago raced that good platir. Lorel Nelson ami either useful ones has three; two-year-olds at the track by the Me-eldler stallion Detective. They are Canadian bred and are the property of his father. Thev are extra geieiel looke rs and will probably be "hearil frenn later on. Vieteir Lemay, Major McP.ride ami A. U. La ran - dean, members of tl xecutive committee of the Dorval Park Jockey Club are hire to attend the meeting or the Canadian Racing Associations tomorrow. Their husine-ss he-re- is to ask tei have a le-pre-se-ntative on that body. The position er cou-ptrolh-r of the; Dorval track was te-iideivil to Capt. V. P. Piesgrave ami he- accepte;el it this afternoon. It is liie- intention of the management to builil up the soe-ial e-nel anel no expense, will be- spareel to make; the e-liilihouse- a strong attraction for the best pe-eiplo in Montreal. An impeutant announcement will be made; after the meeting or the Canadian Kacing Associations tomorrow.