Kentucky Yearlings Sell Well, Daily Racing Form, 1916-08-20


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KENTUCKY YEARLINGS SELL WELL. Saratoga Springs, X. Y August 19. The final sale of yearlings of the Saratoga season was held prior to the racing this afternoon in the paddock and forty-six youngsters, the property of various Kentucky breeders, sold for a total of 8,535, representing the highly satisfactory average of ,057. There was the usual spirited bidding for choice-looking individuals. Messrs. II. K. Knapp. Schuyler L. Parsons. John W. Schorr and J. C. Milam wore extensive buyers. The. summary of the sale follows: Day or brown colt by Ieep oDay Crazyquilt: Oneck Stable ....,500 Ray colt by Plaudit Country Fraud; S. L. Parsons 2,000 Chestnut colt by Peep oDay Summer Night; J. C. Milam 2,900 Rrown colt by Sweep Josie Cohen; S. L. Parsons 2,700 Ray colt by Ieep oDay Prairie Rclle; S. L. Parsons 2,500 Ray or brown lilly, by Peep oDay Evaline; A. G. Rtikely 2,500 Ray or brown colt by Ieen oDay Prinzessin; J. AV. Schorr 2,500 Ray filly by MeOei Claudia; Oneck Stable.. 2,100 Rrown filly by Helmet Bachelor Girl; A. A. Reilly 2,0i Rlack colt, by Sain Fulfill; Rcverwyck Stable 1,700 Ray colt by Plaudit Rlack Rainier; II. C. Hallenbeck 1,000 Ray lilly, by Ieep oDay Anuagh; II. C. Hallenbeck 1,550 Chestnut colt by McGec Fair Empress; J. C. Milam 1,500 Ray or brown colt by Helmet Chattah; A. A. Reilly ; 1,300 Ray colt, by Sweep Radiance; W. It. Midg- ley 1,300 Ray colt by Ossary Orsina; A. K. Macomber. 1,200 Chestnut filly by Trap Rock Renoni; AV. P. AAinifried 1,100 Ray Oily, by Peep oDay Meddlesome She; Ral Parr 1,000 Rrown colt, by Sweep Flycatcher; J. C. Milam 000 Rrown or bay filly, by McGee Interview; R. Parr 900 Chestnut colt by Cunard Arline; J. MaeManus 900 Ray filly by Uncle Glass Slipper; AV. R. Miller 900 Ray colt, by Peep oDay Red Rird II.; J. AV. Schorr 900 Rrown colt by Sweep Ethelberta; Gallaher Rros 875 Rrown filly by Sain Pirate Polly; Oneck Stable , SOO Ray colt, by Ieep oDay Aic Kinney; Rcverwyck Stable 700 Ray filly, by Peep oDay Gloriole; J. AV. Schorr 700 Chestnut colt by Ieep oDay Sena Goodrich; Carolina Stable 700 Chestnut colt, by McGee Royal Una; Galla- er Rros 075 Chestnut colt, by McGee Mirror; J. C. Milam 000 Chestnut colt bv McGee Cheek; Thomas Piatt 575 Ray lilly by Peep oDay Mctzie; R. O. Miller 525 Ray filly by Sweep Miss Anne; Gallaher Rros 500 Ray colt by Sweep Dono Maiuona; G. C AAin- frey 450 Chestnut colt, by McGee Precocius; It. O. Miller 400 Chestnut filly by McGee Ida Harrison; R. O. Miller 400 Chestnut colt, by Reareatcher Loretta Gale; Thomas Piatt 375 Ray filly by Out of Reach Naulahka; S. Ross 350 Ray filly by Sweep Lithia; Gallaher Rros.. 325 Chestnut filly, by Peep oDay Ilattie Walker; Thomas Piatt 275 Ray filly by Sweep Daisy Louise; Herbert Turner 200 Ray filly bv Sweep Precocity; Thomas Piatt. 200 Ray filly by McGee Inlet: Carolina Stable.. 200 Ray colt by McGee Dare Arela; Thomas Piatt 150 Rrown filly, by Magneto Annoyance; M. A Silver 125 Ray filly, by Plaudit Oriole Darian; Herbert Turner 1-5

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Local Identifier: drf1916082001_1_6
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