Saratoga Entries and Past Performances for Monday, August 21, Daily Racing Form, 1916-08-20

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t r : - r . ii - . : t t " t 3 , . . , 1 1 : ; : : : , i ; j i ; ; ; : : 1 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; j J I i : , I, ; f J 2 2 2 2 i Saratoga Entries and Past Performances for Monday, August 21. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Allowances. Aug 1 1914 1-11 3 113 Index Course Dlst TlmeTckOdds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish 21231 ffinl 3-1 l.USfefcEt tl 13 6 6 4 2J 2 R Goose S 7 oifje S!lr.inTtcnIfnt. B?bco 21121 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 13?10 120 3 4 2 S Kotoh T it hI Mn "Jf0, 1 ?Wtll.a n,?iiHY8t1:u?,,t,Mo;?r 4 4 4 8ii KSoSsr SMaSS?Fi.SlS ft 35 5 4 5 5 5 Wct 2ST.17 Saratoga 7-8 l:2nfast 7 321 2 1 1 2 2S !l T jffi ll ftSn Z.pItT1"" p 28I0S Saratoga 1 4i 3L-6 1 2 2 2 2 2" B 7 E T I m-f l w il" , 2S322 Saratoga 1 l:37fast 10 110 3 3 3 7 11 12" E Ca Z 1 ll-. Vf Hank ,k OMhr O ?,e,cl 27340 nduet 1 l-.9 fiit t m 117 1 i i in 11 t n ,, : Day, lernrock. Gainer 2H30naica 1 1-8 liwoo.l 8 "ll" 2 2 3 5 K ft 10 rS Hat tSSviifSrW n i 3 4 4 4.Bfi-3Tirrf . v 2830 Saratoga 1 1-39 r s 75 113 1 1 1 1 n -J n ?JSm nll ?rta,rtI " ,,f Uelnnecy 28261 Sarat g a 3-4 lft 3 - I? 1 ?rm.n on" I 3falacliite, SunGo.l, L.Hillington 27S33 Windsor 1 1 1--Jrat 39st 11 11--0 -0 107 3OT - 1 11 i T 1 ? Gcnfy 5 Iwmniit, Delancey. P. of Como ml to aw l Comonada, AliSmiles. Damrosch lf7.rX-4lW 36-51 7 4 3 3 3B? W. l.9 Saratoga 3-1 landfatt 15 103 6 I ! 13 l Garner l 1 m1" liaeSaS0 S.m-SKPY Ch-A- 5... 121 By Star Shoot Lady Alberta E. J. MackBnil 2840 Saratoga 1 l::s?.fast 45 1 20 5 5 5 3 CStiM Buxton ll-.nk- Wn.t Vf. . ifv 2S211 Hthornc 1 1-16 l:45fast 11-5 125 1 2 2 2 H Byrne : lo, V, ,.,"Llet Dorcas 27S09 Hthornc 3-4 l:13fast 1 118 5 4 4 if l1? G Byrne 5 own 1 Ar.yr 27772 Hthrno 1 1-1G 1:16 fast 3-5 118 5 3 3 3 l"J I- G Byrne 5 Wi 1 ite Ol- Ji7,Wry H 27622 FortErie lm70yl:42fast 9-13 115 5 2 2 2 iS lh G Byrae 5 Thornim f 418,? iVufn By Hamburg-Morningside B. Davis. f - i 1 i , " o 38SaS ifrwt Yr J I--nks.AV.Johnson, Vermont Ml r 17 r r 7 2S141 imnirc Ab"-4 l:llfhvv i R ? 7 f ph,K Ji Tl"at SirWm.Johi.son. Vermont "K A4433?:ioliS I I I ll fi J l Jl-ck 27S14 Umpire Ab3-4 l:09fast 16-5 103J 1 111 ll L Mink 3 Gn-it Sosiui LttonK ItttWfTl I IT E Gra 7 Je"f lT.Hart. F.Riley vZlr J Tifast 23-20 107 2 4 4 4 31 R Goose 4 Julia L., Korfhagc. Skiles Knob ?ryA?D bo f 1 4- 4 ,, - "7 , By Cesarion-Line of Life J. Livingston. 25S96 Lexton 3-4 1 :16mud 19-20 109 1 2 1 2s 2U J Kederis S xSwi" Slorth rno to 25792 Lexton Ci f 1:09 mud 10 101 4 3 3 2 2" J Kederis S Wblosson,, iLCassidy? Chalmers sionnMnn" b fiL.ln ltrJS? , Hippodrome Fleeing Venus W. Viau. SbSoC sioodlis 1 1 - 1 n I i i jo,f 0ros,:h SSSIS " 5!a cErnl 105 5 1 1 1 2 SS5SS 25744 ILdeGce lm70yl :45f ast 9-10 3 OS 5 3 2 2 2 33 J Butwell B Ambrose! FlittcolRcluand KiPH1f J0HNS0N, b. h, 11 121 By Isidor La Tosca II. Beverwyck Stable Saratosa 7-8 l:23fat 40 300 9 9 9 9 S S M Gainer 9 Frizzle 7 Blind -"w i Shiw l flT0G?e slporVfast o Jo5 5r ? ?-i vGaraer 2 Van Mai" KSS faroga IlStfflandi 20 2 2 t vr! 4 JS frifesY.r c-fzo" 22470 Saratoga 13-16 1:59 fast 60 106 Left at the post. I Connelly 8 iloameri Borrow, StromboH FQJGP.!:!:, b. f. 4 112 By Ultimus Flycatcher G. W. J. Bissell, 40 113 2 1 2 IJCj bJUnk 9 IMn i?nltCcL Tower Hauberk liamton wfn ?q Sb J t llr rmK, 7 Kor.Mnrytr. MissPuzzle. Jncoba " 1 27257 4 v or-n am ton o-4 l.Liyandfabt 59 95 6 4 4 CJ 6si AV Mor soy 0 Robert Bradley. Aenetia Pcskv 26,06 BluoBon. 3-4 l:13.4good 95 105 7 5 7 6J 71 AV AVard 9 rriet A N Akin Toifv Wlbi" .V"4 l:Mmud 37 113 6 7 8 7 73 C Jones 9 Anita itrnice Venetia 2449G Havana 5 i l:0Gfast 6 97 3 4 4 6 6iK Lapaillc C IniperKtor, Othello Judoharan SJ,S bAh-f,i i?o8 By?Wrim-Bollo of Bello Mead Cleveland Stable. rh P At!-4 i-iivm :ll-f?ooa a 4 110, i 1 a 4 a 4 51 Gi R Hoffman 0 Stellarina, Little-Dipper. FlagDav 4If vCt S ? J:?2..5nsJ I - MJ 5 S 5 8 10 M Garner 10 Gloaming, Ililiation, fHensley Si iT4: Yand?t V.I3n 5 i! 10A IvderlOTomEIwArd.Highllo ? imii rVi MID181 I.A 3 I 4 4 J McTagrt 9 P.ambi. Puss in Boots, Alfadir -G Laurel 51 f 1:11 hvy 721 103 4 3 5 5i 73 P Lowdcr 0 Tiajan, LordRockValc, SkyPilot 5, 1907 A-i5W5s"f bUt 2 MilS Stcolllccliaso- 4-yoar-olds and upward. Selling Handicap. Aug. wTP" fh ff,,6v. ., 4 ... V ?-4,9 , . . By Fatherless Diamontina L. W. Garth. rE and-initoga Ab 14:22 fast 31-10 VJ 3 1 4 3 2 2 F AVillms G Ar. hdale Racebruk Renent-.nt Sanitosa Ab 2 4:27 fast 7-5 147 5 4 4 1 1 1 F AVillms 5 Arcla le Repci ta t Xor hwood 2S263 Saratoga Ab 2 4:31 fast 9-10144 1 5 5 2 2 2 F Willms I! W C S 26S46 Belmont Ab2J 4:51 mud 11-10 342 2 4 4 2 2 2 M Hcnsn 4 Hibler Rm 2C748 Belmont Ab2J 5:49 mud 3 339 7 G 2 2 Fell. J WilUams 7 Pebcto Ch AI otte FooMiI.f, 26695 Pip.Rk Ab 21 5:12Slow 4 340 3 5 3 FcllJI BoyT 10 S itS" lirLtmi13 2s?s?pnCtS Ah0?!-??- 5r , .By Oxford-Moon-daisy G. E. Tompkins. f in 1- r r pitii 15 117 G G 5 I 5 ! C Imoot 7 MSSle,- Mrik 2C19S Wdbino Ab 2 4:31 good 19 130 3 2 7 G G 6 C Smoot 7 Sun King Hts of Oak FrilolSo 23S39 Pimlico 2 4:01 fast 13-20 142 4 6 2 1 l3 l5 J KermathlO Suwann" Ahcrfehly. Kal"lnla RACEBROOK. b. g. 9 149 By Racine Miss Wandelohr A. J. Davis. 2S545 Saratoga Ab 2 4:2;. fast 6 133 4 2 2 2 4" 41 J Williams G Sandow Al-ircli Ponrf 7 P v,nit slnsK 1 V? I 1 S, 3,3 "T Williams G Arch J8..77 Saratoga Ab A-,b?i:P 2 4:2a fast 8 149 3 Fell. B Havnes 7 G irtor Sinilnu- ivtr- ir, I I HZ f J-?Ht rldCr-H W""8 Ayctmief ReVen "nt S26o Saratoga Ab a-S 2 4:31 fast G 140 G T Lost rider. H Willms G AVcb Carter, Rhomb, Sandow K11,4 ltBy Sir Wilfred-Marjoram Northwood Stable. 2S.i4 Saratoga Ab 2 4:26 f fast . 5 r Iff 1 , 2 o 3 o 4 4 1 3l P Kelloher G Watertown Aeon S iinf 28295 Saratoga Ab 2 4:24 fast 16-5 131J 3 5 5 5 6 r, AV Keatg Rp n:.U i,b f ?, 3 4 C H 4 4J R WaugH G FooUigi.ts. Brotherstone" Vifir S A.fJ S 5 2 S:.7 J118 " 134 4 3 2 2 2J 21 R Waugh 5 B.ofDuluth. Footlights, D. Park jWiin?,1 2 V fuSt ?5 ? 4 2 5 L-riderR Waugh S Blankcnburg, Marccllinus. Vifir 27064 270M B klino Ab 2 4:13 hvy 9-5 or 13a 3 3 2 2 2 W Kohler 3 J. C. Ewalt, Choice BrERJEI;DY ,h; f 5ro, , I? By Charles Edward Penny Ante W. Cordes. SmPlrc 1 1-8 l:58mud 200 101 G 7 7 7 7 7" M Rowan 7 Transit, S. Helen Daingerficld Smp.irc , 11:An nnl 7 5 8 S 849 2" Rowan 8 Bob Henslcy. 3w . Transit Pfi ?mi.lrc4 i:SM5 00 U I 7 7 7 7 M RowM 7 Xcphthys. J. J. Lillis. Sasin Vuc$ Ab i 4:16 fast CO 33d - 7 G 4 4 3 3" S Bush 10 Racehrook. Snndow, Choice 97 2??qiluct4 tlVYi Jast 42 i " 4 4 4 4"w No 7 DixonPark, Repentant. Sorrento 2C716 Belmont Ab 2 4:17 fast 50 133 7 G 6 7 7 7" W Noo 9 Mo, Bison Park, Syossct Tc5F1?T0, s. 5 . 137 By st- Savin Divonne E. B. Ackcrman. andr, ilraiSa AI 4;21 fast 50 317 3 1 1 3 3 3 T Fcnnssy 4 Wcrtown, SncAvood. Xorthwood o,cSi S?ra,t:oBa Ab 2 4:2,5 fast :!f 352 6 5 c ; 5 5" T Fenssy 5 Watertown, Agon, Chivalry !mJco las 132 9 5 7 S 6 6AV Kohler J." Racehrook, Xorthwood. CuBon oo5J im !co 2 4;0 fast fid 342 S 2 3 6 6 6" E Wolkc 10 Emerald Gem. N.Haven. K.Light ,n!lc.J 2 4:S2 fast 323 112 c 2 3 Lost rider.E AVoIko 13 TopIIat, Lmd Gem, March Court 2o630 t Lyn wd 61 f 1:29 good 8 323 5 G 33 3 R Waugh 0 Valentine, Fadoodlc, Culvert iSJPS1111. McKAY, b, g, 6 139 By Magistrate Maccadio J. Whalon. 2,84a Empire Ab3-4 l:10fcfast 100 108 9 9 9 9 9 B Klecger 9 Gloaming, Dervish, T. as Steel THIRD RACE 1 Milo. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Aug. 31, 19101:37533119. BAC. ch. g, 6 116 By Cunard Bandello J. Sanford. 2S2J? Saratoga 1 l:39fast 13-5 315 4 1 1 1 ll 1 j Butwell 8 Blue Thistle. Corsican. Polroma 282 gmP ro 1 ll6 1;49 mud c-5 "3 1 1 1 2 2J 21 J Butwell 4 Hauberk. SkyPilot, Wood.Shoes ?I777 Empire lm70y l:43fast 8 104 2 2 2 2 21 31 L Mink 6 Capra, Ed Crumps Harry Shaw ij AqAiuc 1 7:38as 5 1 2 31 3 J Butwell 7 Fcnmouse, J.J.Lillis, BlieTIstle 7 Aq uct 1 l:38fast 41 118 1 4 5 4 4 41 J Butwell 9 Gillies, Harry Shaw, Holiday 27474 Aqduct 3-4 l:12fast 5 118 2 11 3ns V j Butwell 7 Hauberk, SdmanlL, Fenmouse BONNIE TESS, ch. f. 3 103 By Star Shoot Last Cherry Quincy Stable. S iara,toea J 1;42 iasl J3"5 ,!5 2- I 3 2 31 4s L Lykes 0 Sprint. Miss Puzzle, Kings Oak iaraiKa ir J:?? fast 5, 1 " 5 4 3 31 3i L Lykes 8 Con. Tower, L.Teresa, B.Thlstle Saratoga 3-4 1:14 fast 41 1051 4 3 3 31 21 R Ball G Hidden Star, Favour. Lib. Sands S?S Aq UCIr 7"8 J:2G f,nsIr J?4. 4 7 7 5 41 47 R Bal1 1 Murphy, Feminist, Broomvale 27196 Aqduct 1 1:40 fast 35 1031 2 2 2 2 21 42 R Ball 11 Kil. Boy, Saratoga, Woodward .17018 Jamaica 3-4 l:147mud 11-5,103 6 4 4 ! 35 R BaU 0 Startling, Etruscan, Feminist NEPHTHYS, ch. f, 4 106 By Isidor Maiest J. Shilling. T. 2SI72 Saratoga 1 1-8 1:55 fast 7 110 C G 3 3 3. 35 II Shilling S Cliff Field. G.31.3liller, StarGazc -S 2S3SQ Saratoga 1 1-S l:53-T-Otst. 1 ICS 1 4 1 I J 41 J 3IcCahcy 1 G. 31. 3Iiller, .1 esse Jr.. Transit 2S295 Saratoga 1 l:10fatt 13-10 lot; 6 6 4 f 31 28 U Ball II Shyness. Republican, Jesse Jr. 2S03G Empire lm70y 1: lfi-hslow 4 112 5 4 3 3 o- V l-.l-.yKes tl Gallop. Dolina, Jesse Jr. 20 27924 Empire lmTOy l:44V5fast 15 102 4 3 3 2 2l l2 R Ball 7 J. J. Lillis, Sasin, Republican , 2Cj 27759 Empire 1 l:42iifast 3 10S 3 5 4 3 3s 3s J 3IcCahey 0 Republican, Gallop, Tamerlane 26 SASIN. b. c. 3 108" By The Picket Queen H. Fink. V S.8520 Saratoga 1 l:40?sfast 5 113 C 3 3 3 23 2 31 Buxton 0 Sky Pilot, Old Broom, Vermont "S 8434 Saratoga 1 l:43fast 2 150 3 3 2 2 210 24 J Tucker 5 Dervish, Ahara, Pharaoh 28 28183 Empire 1 l:41good 9 108 1 4 4 4 43 44 F Keogh 5 HarryShaw, Coquette, Aldebaran -Jf 28107 Empire 1 1:43 hvy 13-5 109 2 4 5 3 3s 2a H Shilling Bob Hensley, Gallop, Salon 21 27924 Empire lm70y l:44f.rast 12 109 1 2 2 3 3s 3s F Keogh 7 Nephtliys, J.J.Lillis, Republican 22 27845 Empire Ab3-4 lUOandfast S 114 C C 7 6s 58 L Lykes 9 Gloaming, Dervish, T. as Steel 2- REPUBLICAN. b. g. 7 106 By Stalwart Miss Canale E. Arlington. B! 2S472 Saratoga 1 1-S 1:55 fast 10 100 8 5 5 4 53 C L Lykes S CliffField, G.3I.3Iiller. Nephtliys 2 28330 Saratoga 11-8 1:54 fast 10 1 09 2 2 2 3 51 6T1 J 31cTagt 0 Gold. Boy. CliffField, AVood.Shoes 2.S324 Saratoga 1 1:41 fast 5 115 7 C 3 3 31 35 J 3IcTagt 10 Dervish, Transit, Miss Fannie i; 28295 Saratoga 1 l:40fast 5 11? 4 5 6 3 2l 381 H Woods y Shyness. Nephtliys, Jesse Jr. 2: 27924 Empire lm70y l:44andfast 8 116 3 4 4 4 4 43J J McTagt 7 Xephthys, J. J. Lillis, Sasin 27 GOLDEN GATE. b. g; 3 106 Bv Golden Maxim High Gate Marrone Stable. "- 2S139 Empire lm70y l:50h-j- 3 109 2 2 2 1 22 21 R Ball o Good Counsel, N.Simplex, Aliara 2792G Empire 11:42 fast 11-20 107 0 3 3 3 1 Vh 11 Shilling G 3Iaifou, Dr. Gremer, F. Nought 7 2781C Empire 1 lOfast 5 1P4 5 6 3 5 3l 2 H Shilling 10 Set Square, Andes, Charmcuse j 27037 Aqduct 1 l:41fast 7 104 2 2 3 3 32 la A Schugr G Ahara. 3Iarehena, Raeonteuse 27554 Aqduct 1 l:391andfast 20 110 5 4 4 3 42 44i F Keogh 11 Uae I!., AVcnonah, Jesse Jr. 27174 Jamaica 1 1-S l:56fast 12 108 2 2 2 2 2s 21 E Haynes 6 Monocacy, C. Holloway, Nannar ri JULIET, ch. f, 4 106 By Peter G.uince Avon II. J. T. Ireland. 2S557 Saratoga 3-4 l:13fast 20 110 S 13 9 61 48 T Davies 15 Brizz, CashonDelivery, Plumose " 28449 Saratoga 1 1-4 2:08 fast 1G-5 102 4 4 4 4 33 33 L Lykes 8 Killanna, SamSlick, Daingerfield 28423 Saratoga 1 l:41fast 12 101 7 0 5 3 l3 l10 L Lykes lit Q.of Paradise. Bobs Olga, Andes i 28410 Saratoga 7-8 1:28 fast 20 103 4 3 5 4 6l 51 F Fuerst 13 NinetySimplex, Naushon, S.Gift "2 27551 Latonia 1 1-2 2:32fast 40 101 1 4 4 5 710 712 C VanDun 8 Conflagration. Billows, A.Briizel i 27471 Latonia 1 1-10 l:45fast 24 108 3 3 3 4 4 5" R Goose 8 Yenghee, 31. Fannie, Surpassing L 27307 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46fast 19-5 107 1 3 5 7 7 7" R Goose 7 Billows, Sauterelle, A. Brazel MADAME HERRMANN, br. f. 3 111 By Garry Herrmann Desayuno J. W. McClelland. " 28517 Saratoga 7-S l:254fcfast 00 90 4 10 11 11 11 11" B Wrschrll Capra, Flying Fairy, I ma Frank 2S40S Saratoga 1 l:40fast GO 102 4 0 6 G C1 7 F Hopkins 7 Capra, Flying Fairy, Ida Claire 20455 Belmont 7-8 1:27 fast 50 93 S S S 8 71 912 C Kummer 0 Capra, 3Ialachite, Dad. Choice 26246 Jamaica 1 1-10 1:47 fast 25 9S 4 3 9 10 10 913 J 3IcCaheylO AV.Shoes, B.Tliistle. S.AV.Jnson 25971 Pimlico 7-S l:2Sfast 54 94 7 0 5 7 7J 714 L Lyke S I. Henry, Flittergold, Genwood j 258.05 Pimlico 1 1:41 fast 18 98 C C 0 6 6 513 L Lyke C Slumberll., Ftergold, Phibition RACONTEUSE, blk. f. 3 101 By Ellisdale Anecdote L. Jacob 2S295 Saratoga 1 l:40fast 30 105 3 1 3 2 u2 C J 3IcTagt 0 Shyness, Nephtliys, Republican 2775S Empire 1 l:43fast 10 105 4 3 3 3 5s 5,: A Schugr ! Shyness, Stal.Helen, Charmeuse t 27G37 Aqduct 1 l:41fast 7-20 107 5 4 2 1 15 4i J 3IcTagt C Golden Gate, Ahara, 3Iarchena 27514 Aqduct 1 1:40 fast 4-5 103 3 1 1 1 l2 lJ J 3IcTagt G Tactless, Andes, Q. of Paradise 5! 27421 Aqduct 1 1:42 good 12 105 4 2 2 2 l2 l3 J McTagt .r G.Giinsel, VginiaW., T.-a-Ling " 27373 Aq duct 11:40 fast 4 103 1 2 2 2 2. 210 E Haynes 5 Set Square, Burglar, F. Nought NAPIER, b. g, 7 108 By Sempronius Lillian Fonso I. M. Hedrick. 2S434 Saratoga 1 l:43fast 20 153 5 G a 5 5 0-0 V 3Iather "t Dervish. Sasin, Ahara o 28423 Saratoga 1 l:41fast 30 118 10 12 12 11 10i 10il G Hughes 13 Juliet, Q.of Paradise, BohsOlgn 2J 279G3 Empire 11-8 1:59 mud 15 10S 4 4 4 4 4 315 C Hughes 4 Jesse Jr.. Peacock. First Degree 2 27924 I-hfipIre lm70y 100 107 0 0 0 6 G C23 C Hughes 7 Nephtliys, J. J. Lillis, Sasin 2: 2817 Empire 1 1-S l:53fast CO 115 10 10 10 10 10 10" C Hughes 10 Transit, Stalwartllelen, Jesso.Tr. 27780 Empire 1 1:42 fast 100 114 15 15 15 15 15 1415 J Gartner 15 CarltonG., G. Counsel, N. Simplex FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Albany Handicap. 2-year-olds. Aug. 1, 101-1 1:11 3 113. 2; ULTIMATUM, ch. c. 2 118 By Ultimus Speedmast S. Ross. j; 28407 Saratoga 5i f 1:08 fast 3-5 110 2 2 2 23 l1 R Troxler S Bally, Sedan, Intriguer r, 28107 Saratoga 5i f l:07fast 7 110 1 11 lJ 2 R Troxler 7 Rickety, F. Wand, Koh-i-noor T, 28297 Saratoga 5-8 l:00vfast 7-5 110 7 3 2 -1 C8 R Troxler 13 Columbine, F. Wand, Reprobate " 25845 Pimlico 1-2 . 50 fast 7-10 110 1 1 l10 l2 R Troxler 11 Kingfisher. 15. Star, J5. Jonathan BERLIN, br. c, 2 120 By Jim Gaffney Autolee Weber and Ward. " 28544 Saratoga 51 13-5 120 4 1 2 23 2i F ilurphy 7 Burlesque, Kiildf-e, liiverdale 1 2.slXr. Ilthorne 5i f 1:03 4Afast 11-10 122 Left at the post. F JIurphy r. 3Iay W., Fan G., Bourbon Lass 2: 27918 Hthorne 51 f l:10mud 9-20120 3 1 2 1: 25 F 3Iurpl:y I High Gear. James, January 2; 27584 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 17 121 0 2 2 41 3i G VanDunlO America, HarryKelly, HighGear - 27410 Latonia 51 f l:07fast 10-5 JOS 5 2 1 ll li D Connlly 5 Frigerio, Green Jones, Phoeion 2 272SG Latonia 5-8 l:00Afast 20 121 0 C 3 31 4i F Murphy i GreenJones, HrrylCelly, H.Gear 2 DEER TRAP, b. c, 2 122 By Trap Rosk Delusion A. Belmont. 28505 Saratoga 2-4 12 120 4 2 2 21 22 T McTagtlL Crank. T. 3UTaggart, San Flasli , 28:4 Sanitoga 3-4 l:13fast 12 131 7 7 8 S4 S,w E Haynes !l Campf ire, Rickety. The Knocker 2 28251 Saratoga 3-4 1:14 fast 10 110 5 3 4 l1 l1 E Haynes 11 llollister, Philippic,- Stargazer 2 27778 Empire 51 f 20 112 G 4 4 21 21 E Haynes 7 Harry Kelly, Ticket. Friendless 2 27420 Aqduct 5-8 l:01good 11-5 115 3 4 2 31 2l E Haynes 11 Election, Philippic, Jock Scot 5 27374 Aqduct 5-S 1:01 fast 13-5 109 3 2 2 22 21 E Haynes 0 Leonie, Amalgamator, 3Ierchant 2 CRANK, b. g, 2 111 By Celt Crosspatch S. Ross. 2 28505 Saratoga 3-4 l:13Mifast 10 10-1 3 11 l2 l2 L Mink 12 DeerTrap, T.3rc-Taggart, S.Flash 28334 Saratoga 3-4 l:132iifast 20 110 5 6 6 G2 G" R Troxler J Canipfire, Rickety, The Knocker i 28207 Saratoga 51 f l:07fast 5 110 3 2 1 ll 32 R Troxler 0 JockScot, Star3Iaster, Polonium 2 2C0CG Pimlico 41 f 55 fast 31 114 1 2 1 24 1 31 Buxton 0 SlitForward. Alvord. Dr.Nelsou -20044 Pimlico 5-S l:02fast 5 i091 1 2 1 l4 l3 R Troxler 8 Ophelia W., Riverdale, Fox Trot 2 25982 Pimlico 41 f 560iast 71 112 2 7 5 44i R Troxler 13 Blue Fox. Ophelia W., Dr.Nelsou 2 BASIL, ch.c, 2 102 By Voter Mintcako Wickliffe Stable. i; 28519 Saratoga 51 f l:074,fast 5 110 7 G 4 42 2 31 Buxton ! Sedan. Arnold, Sortie 2S3C5 Saratoga 3-4 l:13fast 25 113 5 3 2 34 3a 31 Buxton 7 Tumbler, T.3IcTgart, 3reteorite 28297 Saratoga 5-8 l:00fast 12 110 12 7 0 01 781 31 Garner 13 Columbine, F. Wand. Reprobate 2 27555 Aqduct 5-S 1:00 fast 5 112 4 3 3 3s 34 31 Garner 0 Wistful, Riverdale, Fairy Wand 2 27194 Aqduct 5-S l:005fai3t 9 112 1 5 5 6 01 31 Garner i Tumbler, llollister, Woodtrap 2 270SG Jamaica 51 f l:07?hgood S 103 1 2 3 3s 22 31 Garner 5 Tumbler, Dunga Din, Koh-i-noor 2 YELLOWSTONE, b. g. 2 103 By Rcckton Onaga Brighton Stable. I 18514 Saratoga 5?. f l:07ifast S 115 7 COO8 01 G Byrne 7 Burlesque, Berlin, Killdee 28173 Saratoga 3-4 1:14 fast 7-5 110 2 11 l" 32 G Byrne !l G. Gus. PassingFnncy, Ilanobala ! 27555 Aqduct 5-S 1:00 fast 13-5 114 3 4 5 51 C"l E Taplin S Wistful. Riverdale, Basil 27422 Aqduct 5-S 1:01 good 3-2 112 3 2 2 2 l2 T 3IcTagt 7 Riverdale, Marie Odile. Lantana 27191 Aqduct 5-S l:00fast 7 112 4 4 3 41 541 E Taplin Tumbler, llollister, Woodtrap FIFTH RACE 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Aug. 31, 1910 1:37 3 11!. ST. ISIDORE, ch. g. 3 100 By Isidor Onaga J. Sanford. ; 25s:i4 Lexton 1 1-10 l:50mud 22-5 102 2 2 1 1 1and 2 L 3Iink 4 3Iilestone. Gip.Goorgo, Sanward . 23331 H.deGce 5-S 1:00 fast 1 112 2 2 2 23 l3 U Fbtlier 7 Murphy. Remembrance, Favour 2 22817 Belmont 51 f st l:05fast 9-10 112 3 3 2 22 21 T JtcTagt 5 Pce of C01110, Fernrock, Sun God 2 22398 Saratoga 3-4 1:14 fast 10 103 4 3 4 21 23 31 Garner 10 Bronio. Fleuro. Bonnie Tess , 21934 Aqueduct C-S 1:01 fast 3-5 107 3 2 1 1- I2 T McTagt 7 BuckShot, Whimsy, 31eadoworth ! 21S43 Aqueduct o-S 1:01 fast 7-10 109 1 11 l1! 11 T 3IcTagt 10 Sir Vivian. Venture, Emily R. ; 21790 Belmont 5-S st 59fast 4J 109 5 2 2 22 2" T McTagt S Recluse. Flag Day. Edith Olga ; STAR GAZE. b.-h. 6 103 By Star Shoot Lyndall H. L. Pratt. 28507 Saratoga 1 1-S l:544andfast 12-5 103 0 1 2 3 41 710 R Ball 10 Ahara, G. Counsel, Q.of Paradise 2S472 Saratoga 1 1-S 1:55 fast 20 101 5 4 6 5 4U 41 11 Ball S CliffField, G.3I.3Iiller, Nephthvs 28449 Saratoga 1 1-4 2:0S fast 11-5 10G S G 5 5 53 C,l R Ball S Killanna, Sam Slick, Juliet 28324 Saratoga 1 1:41 fast 4 115 8 9 9 0 01 C9 J McCaheylO Dervish, Transit Republican , 28293 Saratoga 1 l:397ifast 7 10S 1 7 6 C ol 5t0 J 3IcCahey 8 Bac, Bine Thistle, Corsican 27271 Aqduct 1 l:3Sfast 15 103 7 8 9 8 61 G3 J 3IcCaheylO Bay. Candle, Grumpy, II. Shaw REPUBLICAN, b. g. 7 113 By Stalwart Miss Canale E. Arlington. 28472 Saratoga 1 1-8 1:55 fast 10 100 S 5 5 4 5s 5s L Lykes S CliffField, G.3I.3Iiller. Nephtliys 2X33G Saratoga 1 1-S 1:54 fast 10 109 2 2 2 3 5l G71 J 3IcTagt Gold.Boy, CliffField, Wood.Slioes 28324 Saratoga 1 1:41 fast 5 115 7 0 3 3 31 3 J 31cTagt 10 Dervish, Transit, 3Iiss Fannie 28295 Saratoga 1 l:40fast 5 113 4 5 0 3 2l 3"! H Woods !l Shyness. Nephtliys, Jesse Jr. :7924 Empire lm70y l:44!ifast S 110 3 4 4 4 43 43i J 3IcTagt 7 Nephtliys, J. J. Lillis, Sasin 27759 Empire 1 l:42fast 11-5 113 4 3 1 1 l3 l4 J 3IcTagt 0 Gallop, Nephtliys, Tamerlane DAINGERFIELD, ch. g, 7 US By Ttil-jo Far Niente Cherry Wild Marrone Stable. 2S449 Saratoga 1 1-4 2:08 fast 6 M 1 1 2 3 43 A" .1 Brown 8 Killanna. Sam Slick, Juliet 2S143 Empire 11-16 1:52 hvy 4-5 111 0 5 5 4 31 l1 R Hoffman 7 Fuzzy Wuzzy, 3Ialabar, Jacklet 2S0G0 Empire 1 1-S l:5Smud 0 109 3 5 5 3 33 34 E Campbl 7 Transit, Stal. Helen, Peacock : 27C33 Aqduct 1 1:41 fast 10 110 13 13 G 7 7 3 2l E Campb114 Andes, NinetySimplex, F.Wuzzy 27231 Aqduct 1 1:41 good 7 102 5 7 7 5 3 l 24 E Campbl 7 Al Bloch, Typography, Balgee : FUZZY WUZZY. b. g. 5 111 By Ildrim Skirts Cleveland Stable. 2S143 Empire 1 1-1G 1:52 hvy 13-5 109 7 1 1 1 l2 2l R Ball 7 Daingerfield, 3Ialabar, Jacklet 2S039 Empire 1 l:43andslow 13-5 111 5 3 3 3 32 32J R Ball 10 3Ionocacy, Rey Oakwood, Ahara 27780 Empire 1 1:42 fast 6 111 4 7 5 4 21 51 R Hoffmanl." CarltonG., G. Counsel, N.Simplex 27700 Empire 1 l:41fast 4 111 2 4 5 3 2s 2 R HoffmanlO Hanworth, R.3Ieteor, G.Counsel : 27C: Aqduct 11:41 fast 15 115 2 1 2 2 l1 4ll J 3IcCaheyl4 Andes, Daingerfield, N.Simplex 27149 Jamaica 1 1-10 l:4Sslow 12 110 2 2 2 5 C 0ls R Hoffman 0 Kil.Boy, G.3L3Iillcr, Sringmass ROYAL METEOR, ch. k. 8 118 Bv Star Shoot Queen Regent J. J. Mahon. Jr.. 28207 Saratoga 1 l:414,fast 15 US 4 1 3 4 4l 33i R Troxler 111 Sam Slick. Bel. Trooper. Jacklet 2S0C3 ISmpire 1 1:14 mud 2 115 3 2 2 2 2s 2 L Lykes S N. Simplex, R.3Ieteor. Woodfair 28005 Empire 1 1:40 slop 9-5 110 1 1 1 1 ll l2i E Taplin 10 Task, Good Counsel, Trovato 27700 Empire 1 l:41fast 0 104 3 3 2 4 41 3: L 3Iink 10 Hanworth, F. Wuzzy, G.Counsel 27477 Aqduct 1 l:40fast 0 100 5 4 2 3 21 3i L Lykes ll! Jesse Jr., Sam Slick, Alston 27119 Jamaica 1 1-1G l:48slow 15 110 4 5 6 6 o3 5" B Taplin 0 Kil.Boy, G.3I.3Iiller, Sriiigmass BEETHOVEN, b. g, 6 108 By Broomstick Sans Peur L. Jacob. 28::07 Saratoga 1 l:41fast 40 US 10 15 15 13 11 13" E 3Iartin 1! Sam Slick. B. Trooper, R.3reteor 28253 Saratoga 1 l:40Sfast 30 10S COG 7 54 46 J 3IcTagt 7 Jerry, Goldcrest Boy, Cliff Field 27633 Aqduct 1 1:41 fast 50 110 0 7 7 S 8 7B J 3IcTugtl4 Andes. Daingeriicld. X. Simplex 27412 Aqduct 1 1:41 fast 15 115 4 4 4 5 610 C8i J 3IcTagt 7 Stal. Helen, Sam Slick, Narmar 2t:80G Pimlico 1 1-S 1:55 fast 41 100 7 4 5 G S4 S12 E Haynes 10 B. Around. R.oLight. G.31.3IIller 23S5S Pimlico 11-161:49 fast fid 101 10 10 10 10 92 9t2iE Haynes 10 Alhena. 3Ienlo Park. ISaby Sister 23S15 Pimlico lm40y l:44fast fid 107 9 10 8 8 7t 71 A NicklauslO II.s Brother, Dartworth, S.Bird EDNA KENNA. ch. f. 3 93 By Stalwart Tin Cup T. J. Reanoy. 2841S Saratoga 3-4 l:14fast 20 107 13 10 10 Sl 93 J Hanover 14 Royalist, C.onDvery, Carmeuse 28037 Empire Ab3-4 1:11 slow 12 100 3 7 7 42 5i E Campb110 Plumose, T. as Steel, 3Ir. Shees 27312 Aqduct 1 1:40 fast 12 90 3 4 3 5 52 5" A Collins 7 AlBloch, Iluiliation, G.3I.3Iiller 27270 Aqduct 1 l:414fast 13-5 97 4 4 3 3 41 710 A Gollins 8 3Ionocaey, Transit, Tactless 27170 Jamaica lm70vl:4G fast 11-5 90 3 4 5 5 43 Sl A Collins 0 Repubcan, Q.ofPadise, Rdlaml 27003 Jamaica 3-4" l:15slow 4 105 2 6 7 42 45 A Collins 11 Brooks, Dolina, Grasp BRAVE, ch. g, 7 108 By Stalwart Souffle F. B. Lemaire. 28172 Saratoga 1 1-S 1:55 fast 4X 97 4 3 4 7 S S23 L 31cAtee 8 CliffField, G.3I.3Iiller, Nephtliys 2S410 Saratoga 7-S 1:28 fast 20 110 13 7 4 7 31 431 R Hoffmnl3 Ninety-Simplex. Naushon, S.Gift 28307 Saratoga 1 l:41"fast 10 US 12 12 13 16 17 1724 R HoffmnlO Sam Slick, B. Trooper, R.3Ieteor 7633 Aqduct 1 1:41 fast 6-5 110 7 3 5 5 61 S13 R IIoffmanl4 Andes, Daingerfield, N. Simplex 20533 Douglas 1 l:43mud 7-10 113 6 6 6 6 52 51S W J OBn G TheGrader. Hermuda. Grosvenor 20303 Churchill 1 1-16 l:45fast 43-10 114 S 8 5 3 l1 l1 W J OBn S Bay. Candle. Bonanza, Ilocnir 20229 Churchill 1 1-16 1:47 fast 21 111 S 7 2 1 l1 11 W J OBn S B.Keenon, Thghtreader, Sleeth MISS FANNIE, b. f. i 113 By Marathon Ethel Carr W. V. Walsh. 2S410 Saratoga 7-8 1:28 fast 7 113 6 5 3 2 ol 913 F 3Iurphy 13 Ninety Simplex, Xnushon, S.Gift 2S324 Saratoga 1 1:41 fast 20 110 9 7 7 5 41 4 F Murphy 10 Dervish. Transit Republican 2S030 Hthorne 1 1-S 1:53 fast 5 10S 2 3 3 3 2l 28 F 3Iurphy 5 Grasniere. Injury, High Horse 27879 Hthorne 1 l:42rifast S-5 10S 2 2 2 1 l3 1 F 3Iurphy 7 Rapids. LadyJ.Grey, LouisePaul 27811 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:47rast 6 104 3 1 1 1 31 6? F Murphy 7 Star of Love, Injury, Impression 1.7553 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46fast 7 103 3 2 1 1 lJ 2 K LapaillelO C.Mmorit, A.Larence, Spassing JACKLET, b. g, 4 111 By Jack Point Eyelet F. C. Frisbie. 28367 Saratoga 1 l:414,fast S US IS 11 C 7 62 44J W Doyle 19 Sam Slick. B. Trooper, R.3reteor 2S266 Saratoga 1 l:41fast 6 118 5 3 5 2 23 22 W Doyle 7 Dervish, Q.ofPadise, N.Simplex 2821S Empire lm70y l:47Afast 1S-5 US 1 3 3 2 34 2l J 3IcCaheylO F.Degree, 3Ionocacy, R. Oakwood 8113 Empire 11-16 1:52 hvy 4 ICS 5 4 3 2 4M1 W Doyle 7 Daingerlield. F.Wuzzy, Malabar 2S039 Empire 1 l:43Vslow 6 112 8 4 2 5 51 7J W Doyle 10 3Ionocacy, R.Oakwood, F.Wuzzy 2C774 Bait. AbCl f l:23fast 2 114 6 G Corey 7Castara, Napier. Goodwood 267C4 Bait. Ab61 f landfast 31 117 22 W Doyle 5 L.England, Republican, JesseJr. ROSE WATER, ch. f. 3 95 By The Picket Rosecrest W. B. Mitchell. 28507 Saratoga 1 1-8 l:54andfast 1S-5 1001 3 8 7 7 7 2 4T1 K LapaillelO Ahara, G. Counsel. Q.of Paradise 28123 Saratoga 1 l:41fast 12 103 6 S 8 S S3 C14 IC LapaillelS Juliet. Q.of Paradise. Bobs Olga 28319 Saratoga 7-8 1:27 fast 12 102 17 10 15 14 13 1013 IC Lapaillel7 NinetySimplex, Naushon, Andes 27554 Aqduct 1 l:394fast 0 90113 12 7 7 63 53 L Lykes 14 Rae B., Wenonah, Jesse Jr. 27148 Jamaica lm70y l:46slow 7 100 6 4 4 4 4 3i L Lykes 7 Dolina, Illuminator, Dancer 20901 Belmont 1 l:41fast 12-5 94 4 5 4 4 32 28 L Lykes 5 Old Broom, Flag Day, 3Iaifou 20745 Belmont 3-4 1:15 mud 41 9S 6 6 5 5 31 L Lykes G Armament, Emden, HarryJunior VOLUSPA, br. f. 4 98 By Dr. Leggo Georgia Girl J. Garson. 27173 Jamaica lm70y l:4Gfast CO 96 4 3 2 2 31 41 B Wrschcr i Nephtliys. HarryJnior, Pandean 27151 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:47good 60 90 1 1 2 0 0 fi24 B Wrschr C Gallop, Shyness, Saratoga 20S27 Belmont 1 l:43mud 7 105 4 3 3 3 31 3T B Wrscher 4 Old Broom, Sandow; Woodfair 20503 Belmont 3-4 1:10 fast 41 100 2 2 2 3 3" R Ball 3 Presumption, Dr. Gremer 2C4U Belmont 3-4 1:16 fast 41 105 2 2 2 24 22 L 3Iink 4 Estimable, Springmass, A.True 26248 Jamaica 3-1 l:14fast 7 11112 11 9 12l 12IS J 3IcTagt 13 F.Wtizzy, Dr.Gremer, SfeHome MAIFOU, ch. f. 3 93 . By Hastings Cathay F. A. Herold. 28507 Saratoga 1 1-S 1:54 Jgfast 7 931 5x 7 S 0 6l 6"! L Lykes 10 Aliara, G.Counsel, Q.of Paradise 28123 Saratoga 1 l:4lfast 15 102 9.10 11 7 7l 51S R Ball 13 Juliet. Q.of Paradise, Bobs Olga 283G71 Saratoga 1 l:41fast 40 95 19 1718 17 13 10 31 Rowan 111 Sam Slick. B. Trooper, R.3Ieteor SS319 Saratoga 7-8 1:27 fast 30 102 13 17 13. 13 101 S 31 Rowan 17 NinetySimplex. Naushon. Andes 28nG6 Saratoga 1 l:4Msfast 20 93 7 7 7SG C8 C12 M Rowan 7 Dervish. Jacklet. Q. of Paradise 2S0C3 Empire 11:44 mud 41 102 8 7 7 5 5 34 R Ball S X. Simplex, R;3Ieteor, Woodfair 279C Empire 11:42 fast 10-5101 15 4 1 2 2J J McCahey Gold. Gate, Dr.Grmer, . Nought T. -S 20 2Cj 26 V "S 28 -Jf 21 22 2- B! 2 i; 2: 27 "- 7 j ri " i "2 i L " j t 5! " o 2J 2 2: 2; j; r, T, " " 1 2: 2; - 2 2 , 2 2 2 5 2 2 i 2 2 2 i; 2 2 2 2 I ! ; . 2 2 , ! ; ; , TASK, br. f, 4 106 By Bryn Mawr Tasley J. Farrell. Jr.. 28005 Empire 1 1:IG slop 10 103 S 2 3 3 2l 221 E CampbMKl U.JIeteor, GoodCounsel. Trovato 26KS2 Bait. AbfiJ f l:23fust 2 115 2s C Jackson 7 Scrapper. D.Mack, Col.IIolIoway 26656 Bait. Abfil f 1 :213ifast 6 113 51 C Jackson t! Freda. hiison. Tactless1, rhiiraoh 20509 Mlboro AbSJf l:Ugood 1 112 1- W Obcrt 7 .I.Bascy. XarnocJ. V.Jh, K.Olga 2C562 3Ilboro AbSif 1:10 fast 2 112 22 W Obcrt 0 3Ier.Twinkle, 31eelicka, Douncr 26405 JUlboro AbGlf 1:25 fast S 103 a3! C Jackson b Heartbeat, Chiverock, B.Hibbsr VENTURE, b. f,3 95 By Rock Sand Velocity G, F. Johnson, Jr.. 2S471 Saratoga 5. f lfast 15 107 6 10 10 10s S12 31 Buxton 13 Kens, Burglar, Politician 2S410 Saratoga 7-S 1:2S fast 10 94 10 6 6 S, 71 781 J Brown 13 Xinety Simplex, Xaushon, S.GJft 28319 Saratoga 7-S 1:27 fast 41 97 5 6 9 9 11 ll14 J 3IcCaheyl7 XihetyShnplex, Naushon, Andes 22538 Saratoga 3-4 lUufast 13-20 103 0 5 5 5 412 M Jiuxton 0 Xolli, 3Iad. Hernuann, Tatlana 2225S Saratoga 3-4 l:154igood 3 104 5 0 S 7! 4 31 Buxton 12 South. Star, Sevilllau. E. Ken ha 22009 Saratoga 51 f 1:13 hvy 21 109 4 4 3 31 01 31 Buxton ! S.Knigbti B.oftheKchen, S".Star BIGTOBO, ch. g, 3 95 By Helmet or Cunard Ella Smith F. E. Brown, itf 282C5 Saratoga 3-4 1:14 fast 30 96 5 5 5 5s 54 J Brown 0 Hidden Star, Bon. Tess, FavouriPW 2S249 Saratoga 3-4 l:12f,fast 30 105 13 13 13 122 ll,u 31 Buxton 13 Silica, Ima Frank, Naushon 27207 Latonia 1 1-S 1:53 17 91 4 4 4 4 51 571 J Brown 8 WhiteCrown, W.Last, C.3Idrgan 27228 Latonia 1 1-10 l:46fast 24 102 5 6 9 .8 8 Sla J Brown 11 Anna Brazel, Trappoid, Q. Apple 27170 Latonia 3-4 l:134fast fid 91 5 6 7 6i 7i J Brown 11 Brkfield, Lnghorne, Originator 26S36 Douglas 11-16 1:49 mud 7 95 6 5 6 7 6a 611 J Brown S Eindly, Qiieen Apple, Jawbone SALON, ch. g. 5 111 By Salvation Alondra H; August. 2821S Empire lm70y l:47Vfast 40 US S 2 2 4 7l 910 IC LapaillelO First Degree, Jacklet, 3ionocacy 2S1S1 Empire 1 l:43good 15 114 7 4 4 4 41 5 J Hanover 7 Jesse Jr., 3Ionocacy, S. of Valley 2S107 Empire 1 1:43 hvy 100 1101 6 6 4 4 43 4" J Hanover 6 Bob Hensley, Sasin. Gallop 2S037 Empire Ab3-4 1:11 slow 50 120 5 6 5 6l 68i J HanoverlO Plumosp, T. as Steel, 3Ir. Specs 27964 Empire Ab3-4 l:llmud 12 115 8 5 5 58 581 J Hanoverll R.Iterest, N.Simplex, Hiliatjon 27845 Empire Ab3-4 l:10fast 100 112 8 7 6 61 781 J Hanover 9 Gloaming, Dervish, T. as Steel 27550 Aqduct 3-4 1:14 fast GO 106 S 7 9 S1 1215 E Campb112 Kings Oak, T. as Steel, Brooks NIGEL, b. g, 3 100 By Sempronius Altuda R. F. Carman. 2S3G7 Saratoga 1 lMlifast 7 103 14 13 9 5 51 6i D ConnllylO Sam Slick. B. Trooper. R.3Ieteor 28319 Saratoga 7-S 1:27 fast 10 102.11 11 11 11 41 54 31 Garner 17 NinetySimplex. Naushon. Andes 272S2 Latonia 1 1-16 l:474ifast 8 103 4 10 13 13 72 7" F 3Iurphy 13 3Iargaret E., Santo, P. Connelly 2722S Latonia 1 1-16 l:46fast fid 109 3 3 4 6 10 10ts L Gentry 11 Anna Brazel, Trapp6id. Q.Apple 27039 Latonia 1 1-16 l:50mud 58 107 3 5 5 4 412 412 F Cooper 8 Elkton, 3IargaretE., TheOarmet 26535 Douglas lm70y l:44fast 99 104 7 13 13 11 121 ll10 K LapailleU Traction. Capt.ReeSi Sansyming WOODFAIR, ch. g, 4 108 By Fair Play Woodvine I. M. Hedrick. 28357 Saratoga 3-4 l:13fast 100 102 14 14 15 14 14,s C Hughes 15 Brizz, CashonDelivery, Plumose 2S471 Saratoga 51 f l:07fast 100 116 12 It 11 ll4 ll19 C Hughes 13 Kens. Burglar. Politician 2S41S Saratoga 3-4 l:14fast 100 117 11 14 14 14 14 C Hughes 14 Royalist, C.onDvery, Carmeuse 28303 Saratoga 3-4 lSfast 100 US 11 11 11 11 ll33 C Hughes 11 Gnat. SirW.Johnsbn. Port Light 28215 Empire Ab3-4 l:lQfast 100 110 It 12 12 12 12" B Leaver 12 3Ir. Specs, Estimable, Alb. True 28140 Empire 1 l:44hvy 60 113 3 4 4 4 45 425 J Gartner 5 R.lterest, CrltonG., R.Okwood SIXTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Aug. 10, 1914 1:03 2 114. BELLRINGER, ch. c. 2 118 By Burgomaster Vespers H. P. Whitney. 2S431 Saratoga 51 f 1:07 fast 4-5 UC 2 11 l4 l4 J Xotter 1G Stargazer. Hemlock, Lottery 2S254 Saratoga 5-S 1:01 fast 11-5 113 0 5 0 41 3G1 F Keogh 17 Vague, Now Then. County Court SEDAN, b c. 2 118 By Jim Gaffney Kitty Belle Brooks J. S. Ward. 28519 Saratoga 51 f l:0745fast 11-5110 2 1 1 l4 l4 F 3Iurphy 0 Basil, Arnold, Sortie 2S107 Saratoga 51 f 1:08 fast 31 110 1 11 11 33 F 3Iurphy 8 Ultimatum, Bally, Intriguer 2S175 Hthorne 51 f l:094fast 7-10112 5 1 1 l4 l2 F 3Iurphy S Sleeper, 3Ielia. Jovial 20310 Church 1 5-8 1:00 fast 7-10 102 3 2 2 3 414 E 3Iartin 5 Frigerio, Norumbega, 3Iidvay 2C135 Churchl 41 f 53good41-20 113 1 1 21 2s F 3Iurphy 3 Harry Kelly, Berlin 25797 Lexton 1-2 49mud 9-5 106 1 2 2G 2and F 3Iurphy G WestyHogan, AuutLiz, G. Jonea BALLY, br. c, 2 110 By Ballot Sally K. J. Butler. 284G7 Saratoga 51 f 1:08 fast 41 110 5 5 4 3s 21 H Shilling 8 ritimatuiri, Sedan, Intriguer 28297 Saratoga 5-S l:00fast 10 110 5 5 5 52 45i II Shilling 13 Columbine, F. Wand. Reprobate 28035 Empire 5-S l:01slow 9-5 110 2 2 3 2 24 II Shilling G 3IaricOdile, Geo. C. Love 31atlii 27S43 Empire 51 f l:06fast 4 119 3 1111 21 J Loftus 4 S.Forward, Philippic. E Garrison 27757 Empire 51 f l:09Vf;fast 16-5 106 1 2 3 11 221 II Shilling 4 Philippic. Arnold, D. Longlegs 27374 Aqduct 5-S 1:01 fast 41 115 1 S S 71 68i F Keogh 9 Leonie, DeerTrap, Amalgamator NEBRASKA, b. c. 2 118 By Ballot Star of the West J. E. Madden. 28502 Saratoga 5?. f l:07fast 15 115 3 2 2 22 lb It Iloffmn 14 Vivid, 3Ieteorite, Hemlock BASIL, ch. c, 2 110 By Voter Mintcako Wickliffe Stable. 2S519 Saratoga 51 f l:07fast 5 110 7 6 4 42 2 31 Buxton 9 Sedan, Arnold, Sortie 2S305 Saratoga 3-4 l:13fast 25 113 5 3 2 3 ::" 31 Buxton 7 Tumbler, T.3IcTgart. Meteorite 23297 Saratoga 5-S l:00fast 12 310 12 7 6 01 7s! 31 Garner 13 C.iliinibinc, F. Wand, IJeprobatc 27555 Aqduct 5-S 1:00 fast 5 112 4 3 3 3- 3 4 31 Garner G Wistful, Riverdale, Fairv Wand 27191 Aqduct 5-S l:00fast 9 112 1 5 5 6 0"l 31 Garner G Tumbler, llollister, Woodtrap 27086 Jamaica 51 f l:07vigood S 105 1 2 3 33 22 31 Garner 5 Tumbler, Dunga Din, Koh-i-Noor WOODTRAP ch. c, 2 110 By Trap Rock Woodvine A. Belmont. 28376 Saratoga 51 f 1:07 fast 12 113 1 5 6 6 Csl E Haynes 13 H.Cash. S.3I.ster. Q.of theWater 2S003 Empire Ab3-4 l:12slop 7 112 3 5 5 C C J McTagt 7 T. 3IcTaggart, Ticket, 1liiHpiil - 27817 Empire 5-8 l:00fast 31 112 2 11 2l 21 E Haynes 8 T.JITart, Q.of tlieWr, E Rche 27409 Aqduct 5-8 1:00 fast 41 112 0 S 7 8l 7 31 Garner 9 Canipfire, Ivory Black, Ticket 27194 Aqduct 5-S l:00fast 15 112 2 2 4 3l 323 E Haynes 0 Tumbler, llollister. Ticket 26451 Belmont 41 f st 52fast 9-10 117 5 4 4 4 3J1 E Haynes 5 Felicidad, Ylowstone, Phantom RIVERDALE, br. c, 2 114 By Von Tromp Ruth W. S. McNaughton. 28544 Saratoga 51 f l:07andfast 7 110 6 5 4 42 43 W Kelsay 7 Burlesque, Berlin. Killdee 2S405 Saratoga 3-4 1:15 fast 13-5 124 1 2 1 24 2 W Kelsay 7 Nashville, Old 3Iiss, Ilanobala 27555 Aqduct 5-S 1:00 fast 21 110 1 11 2i 2l J But well G Wistful, Basil, Fairy Wand 27422 Aqduct 5-8 1:01 good 21 112 5 3 3 34 22 W Kelsay 7 Yellowstone, M. Odile, Lantana 26S62 Belmont 5-S st l:00andslow 9-10 112 1 11 l1 11 W Kelsay 7 Ivathryn Gray, Rebel, Mirza 2G73 Belmont 41 f st 53 fast 5 117 4 4 4 48 3i W Kelsay G Dunga Din, Bally, Star Finch 26546 Belmont 5-8 st 59fast 11-5 112 1 1 2 2l 21 W Kelsay G Wistful, Sky, 3Iercharit YERMILA. br. f, 2 107 By Jack Atkin Lady Alicia J. O. and G. H. Keene. 2S505 Saratoga 3-4 1 :13ifast 10 ICG 10 3 4 101 12 8 F 3Iurphy 12 Crank. DeerTrap, T.3IcTaggart 28294 Saratoga 51 f l:07fast 7 113 15 3 5 51 71 F 3Iurphy 17 Yaiu Witch, Koli-i-noor, Tragedy 27123 Latonia 5-S l:05hvy 6 US 7 3 3 3i 7C1 G Garner 9 Auriga. Bourbon Lass, America 260SS Churchl 1-2 48mud 5-4 118 S 6 4l 53 R Goose 8 Rosabel, Jocular, Bel. Me Boys 26021 Lexton 5-S SStsfast IS 115 4 3 3 38 31- R Goose 5 Harry Kelly, W.IIogan, Midway 25SC9 Lexton 41 f 57mud 61 110 7 4 21 Is R Goose 8 Jocular, Believe3IeBoys, Solveig SORTIE, ch. c, 2 110 By Watercress Enterprise M. L. Schwartz. 8519 Saratoga 51 f l:07f,fast 4 110 3 3 6 5s 4" J 3IcTagt ! Sadan. Basil, Arnold 2777S Empire 51 f l:07M;fast S-5 112 3 5 o 63 572 J 3IcTagt 7 Harry Kelly, Deer Trap, Ticket 27670 Aqduct 5-S l:014fast 13-20115 9. 3 1 l2 l5 J 3IcTagt 9 Town Hall, B.Vote, Torchbearer JACK MOUNT, b. c, 2 110 By Amadis Catana W. R. Coo. 28376 Saratoga 51 f 1:07 fast 15 115 4 7 7 7 71 J 3IcTagt 13 H.Cash. S.3Ister, Q.of theWater 27C9S Empire 51 f 1:07 fast 8 109 1 4 4 4 412 J 3IcTagt 4 Wistful, Str. Forward, Genesis 27513 Aqduct 5-8 59"fast 1S-5 107 2 3 3 2 32i J 3IcTagt G 31.31 cGrath, S.Fward, Felicidad 26010 Pip.Rk Ab5-S 58fast 3 118 3 3 35 J 31cTagrt 3 Ilwra. Omar Khayyam 26452 Belmont 5-8 st 59y3fast 41 113 6 G 5 63 632 J 3IcTagt 9 Hourless, IvorjBlack, Julialeou GLANAGINTY, b. c, 2 105 By Desmond Ardent R. T. Wilson. 270S3 Jamaica 5-S 1:02 good 15 115 0 7 S Gl 710 J 3IcTagrt S Sky, Friendless, Mcliora 2C990 Jamaica 5-S l:01good 12 112 4 4 4 4 473 J 3IcTagrt 4 Arnold, Friendless, Comrade FOLKLORE, b. f, 2 102 By Star Shoot Tradition J. Sanford. 28519 Saratoga 5i f l:07fast 30 107 12 10 10 101 1012 L 3Iink 12 3Iadeira, Golden Rod, Julialeon SPARTACUS, br. c, 2 105 By Black Sand Glorita J. Sanford. 28519 Saratoga 51 t l:074,ifast 50 107 9 9 9 9 713 L 3Iink 9 Sadan, Basil, Arnold CORN TASSEL, br. c, 2 105 By Santoi Cornfield R. T. Wilson. 28503 Saratoga 5-8 1:01 fast 20 122 4 3 3 42 44i J 3IcTagt 10 Warsaw, Cudgel, Storm Nymph

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