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MULTIPLICATION OF CANADIAN TRACKS. The government should have no hesitation in refusing permission for the multiplication of race !V courses, not. only in the AVindsor neighborhood, but anywhere else in the province. The original track, !; has been in existence for more than a quarter of a century and was itself quite sufficient for the needs Is of the district. The second, however, is niw near completion, and its proprietors are making it a substantial institution on 137 acres of their own land, . so that there is little local objection to this addition. It is to be operated under the amended charter of tin; Northern Riding and Driving Association, issued to Mr. R. R. Gamcy, M.P.P.. some le years ago, incorporated with a capital of ,500 to. to promote races at Sore Bay on the Manitoulin Isl-. 1-. and. and the name of Mr. Gamey appears as president i- of the meeting to lie opened a week from tomorrow. The third promotion is a bit of a mystery to to AVindsor people, who see some lumber dumped on in leased land just across the road from Mr. Gameys s track. The promoters are understood to be Montreal t- people who have been conducting the syndicate, te. betting ring in connection with the Mount Royal; at track, but announcement was sent out from that it city a few days ago that "Charlie" Henshall, the le manager and founder of that track, was not connected I- with the AVindsor scheme. Efforts were re made recently by promoters, none of whom are re residents of Ontario, or even Canadians, to purchase se a charter held by a AVindsor man. Ed Glassco, o, which further increased the mystery that operations 11s in the building line should be begun without the lie backing of authority to operate. In this connection the Minister of Justice. Hon. n. Mr. Doherty. was quoted the other day by the lie Montreal Star as declaring that there was an essential II- difference .between charters which simply constituted n- a joint stock company and those which carried r- with them also the legal right to operate under er the provisions of the Miller bill and its amendments. 1- Francis Nelson in Toronto Globe.